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Machanon, odd request


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Re: Machanon, odd request


Then there goes the posts for Star Wars ligihtsabers and droids, any write-up of Marvel, DC or any other copyright chracters. And the Trek PDF is out the window since Paramount is VERY fussy about who prints what about their universe. All the pictures should be taken down of girls in catsuits, comics and heck, 3/4 of the Avatars have since they're copyrighted as well (and yes, I know mine is as well).


Ok everyone, generic posts only :)

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Re: Machanon, odd request


Then there goes the posts for Star Wars ligihtsabers and droids, any write-up of Marvel, DC or any other copyright chracters. And the Trek PDF is out the window since Paramount is VERY fussy about who prints what about their universe. All the pictures should be taken down of girls in catsuits, comics and heck, 3/4 of the Avatars have since they're copyrighted as well (and yes, I know mine is as well).


Ok everyone, generic posts only :)


Damn...There goes my Smurf HERO thread! :(


Honestly, I can see your point. However, TPTB have stated that they do not want "the biography, power descriptions, etc" for any of the characters that they are currently using posted in total. To be fair, Urklore asked for the stats from the (very very) old 'Champions' comic book, not the current incarnation, but I suspect that the DOJ Legal Division would consider that to be a little too close to their intillectual property. Steve Long (name used to draw his attention) will have something to say about it, I'm sure.


:tsk: And let's not joke about removing the Cat-Suit thread. The NGD forum would implode on itself if it were removed, and no one wants all that nonsense moving it's way up the boards.

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Re: Machanon, odd request


Word. :D


Damn right.


:thumbup: Hey, I may only be a double digit poster at this point, but I've lurked enough to know that lycra and vinyl holds that basement door shut.


Disclaimer: That isn't meant as a disparaging comment towards the posters in the NGD, but just that it's a right place for the content that is there. Just like 'How Do You Build A Light Saber in HERO?' threads belong on the Star Hero or Hero System Rules forums.

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Re: Machanon, odd request


0 pts regenerate from death

0 pts totally and utterly idestructable, linked ( see above )

0 pts duplication infinite, as required, linked ( see above )

0 pts annoying


5 pt perk , cant be killed

5 pt lim , people always try to kill him

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Re: Machanon, odd request


Somehow the Lovecraftian horror creating a Smurf HERO game sends chills up my spine. :shock::no:


Can't imagine why...


The Tiny Netherworld Horror rises from the depths of the forest glade...its azure skin glistens in the pale moonlight...a bizarre muffled chirping starts from deep within its bowels that quickly spills forth, piercing the night's silence with a terrifying gibbering...


"la LA lala la laa..la lala LA laa"


Smurf your SAN roll, or get smurfy!


:ugly:Ia Ia Smurf Fthagn! :ugly:

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Re: Machanon, odd request


The Tiny Netherworld Horror rises from the depths of the forest glade...its azure skin glistens in the pale moonlight...a bizarre muffled chirping starts from deep within its bowels that quickly spills forth, piercing the night's silence with a terrifying gibbering...


"la LA lala la laa..la lala LA laa"


Smurf your SAN roll, or get smurfy!


:ugly:Ia Ia Smurf Fthagn! :ugly:

The horror...the horror...
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Re: Machanon, odd request


Wow, that's the first time a post of mine ever preceded a posting-storm, however short. I'm normally a thread killer. I'll have to be negative and anal-retentive more often. :eg:


That said, verbatim posting of material without the copyright owner's approval is still a no-no.


I wouldn't dream of threatening the catsuit thread. :hush: Heck, it contains my tribute to Kara.

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Re: Machanon, odd request


0 pts regenerate from death

0 pts totally and utterly idestructable, linked ( see above )

0 pts duplication infinite, as required, linked ( see above )

0 pts annoying


5 pt perk , cant be killed

5 pt lim , people always try to kill him

Don't forget:


800 pt perk, contact: Steve Jobs


This is Machanon we're talking about.


Let the Mechanon/Mac jokes begin.

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Re: Machanon, odd request


Given your avatar' date=' Hawksmoor, I have to ask: [b']which[/b] Brainy?


a) Brainy Smurf


B) Brainy - Brainiac 5 - Querl Dox

They're both annoying putz's so would it make a difference?


If I still had the champion's comic in question I'd have scanned it in and sent the link to him in private. That way the post wouldn't have been made public. There can be ways of helping someone without breaking the rules (bending them, possibly).


And my reply was mainly ment to be sarcasam mixed with the truth. I've said the same thing on Trek-RPG's forums. We have no problem with other people's copyrights, just don't mess with hero's (or whoever owns the board). This is just my opinion but sometimes that seems a lil hypocritical you know? No, I don't want to see some of those threads I mentioned go away, they're a good read. And no offense was ment to the people that post or started them, they merely came to mind as examples when I posted.

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Re: Machanon, odd request


Then there goes the posts for Star Wars ligihtsabers and droids, any write-up of Marvel, DC or any other copyright chracters. And the Trek PDF is out the window since Paramount is VERY fussy about who prints what about their universe. All the pictures should be taken down of girls in catsuits, comics and heck, 3/4 of the Avatars have since they're copyrighted as well (and yes, I know mine is as well).


Ok everyone, generic posts only :)



Not trying to turn this into an argument, but there is somewhat of a difference.


People on a bulletin board that deals with a multi-genre game, might reasonably discuss how to emulate different "bits" from popular culture, without any intent to "steal" someone else's material.


But, for people on DOJ's board to post writeups of characters that belong to DOJ, when the writeup in question might belong to someone who formerly had those rights, might be seen as an attempt by DOJ to distribute material that they do not own and did not purchase.


I don't know exactly what rights DOJ bought, or what rights the people who created the comic had, licensed, etc. So I have no idea if there is the possibility for any impropriety here.


But it could sort of "look bad" if you get the point of this admittedly unclear explanation.


Maybe I can do better with an example.


You create "Captain Hero" and publish your own comic.

Later, you decide you no longer want the headaches of running your own comic, so you sell Marvel the right to publish new issues of "Captain Hero".

Later someone on the internet starts scanning your old back issues, and posting them on a bulletin board at Marvelcomics.com.

Since you didn't sell Marvel those rights, you see this as an underhanded way for Marvel to "publish" your work, without paying you for it.

For all you know, the person "posting" is just a schill for Marvel.


I am not saying anything of the sort is going on, has gone on, or ever would go on here!


I am just saying that people might be more sensitive to the posting of IP that is not "theirs", but that someone could think they are claiming as "theirs" by allowing it to be posted, than material that they obviously have no claim to whatsoever.


DOJ is obviously not going to try to usurp the Star Trek licence from Paramount.


But, someone who is paranoid could accuse them of trying to "usurp" the rights to old Champions material that they didn't expressly purchase.


Again, I am not saying anything like this is remotely possible.


I am just saying that DOJ seems to bend over backwards to avoid getting into this kind of dispute.




By the way, want to see a writeup of Gargoyle I scanned? :D

Just kidding.

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Re: Machanon, odd request


One stupid IRRELEVENT question (IE...It is equaly wrong either way): Does DOJ own that anyways? I'm thinking Heroicpublishing might own the origin...


No, your question is perfectly relevant, and goes to the heart of what I was trying to say.


If DOJ does NOT own the rights to this material, even though it is related to Champions, then the people who DO own it, may see DOJ "allowing" it to be posted on their board as an underhanded attempt to claim it for themselves.


That is one reason DOJ may seem overly sensitive about this sort of thing.


Like I said, Paramount knows that DOJ is not going to try to impinge on the Star Trek license, but a company the size of Heroicpublishing could be worried about DOJ taking what is theirs.


Again, I am NOT implying that DOJ would do anything of the sort, I am just saying I can see why they would want to steer clear of even the appearance of this sort of thing.


Good comment, Dust Raven, you helped me focus my babbling.;)




(Babbling: OIF, No Conscious Control, 0 End)

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