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Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


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Cubicle Hero: deal with sadistic bosses, idiot cow-orkers, and horrible traffic, in an environment where the greatest rebellion you can get away with is tacking "Dilbert" cartoons to your cubicle's walls.


And remember, if your character gets fired, you're out of the game!



"Innovation is hard to schedule." -- Dan Fylstra

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Has any one said Satanic Hero yet? :)


I think Nelijal is right this thread has gone out of control. The only way it can get worse is if we start talking about the art in the books :)


P.S As far as I'm concerned you can keep the art if it would reduce the cost.

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Originally posted by Zoth

Has any one said Satanic Hero yet? :)


I think Nelijal is right this thread has gone out of control. The only way it can get worse is if we start talking about the art in the books :)


P.S As far as I'm concerned you can keep the art if it would reduce the cost.

If you take out the pictures, my players won't have any reason to buy the books. :eek:
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Wanna talk about art? Imagine the illustrations in Porn Star HERO! We could start a whole new thread on building Powers and Equipment for that game.


Maybe Steve will put my name down to author that one. I'll dust off the unfinished notes on my previous game expansions: Vixens & Venery for AD&D and Letch Law for RoleMaster.

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Originally posted by Nelijal

Wanna talk about art? Imagine the illustrations in Porn Star HERO! We could start a whole new thread on building Powers and Equipment for that game.

Problem is overtime the book is gone get all sticky and wet and hard to use not to mention odor.

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...I'm one who rarely buys anything without research, so judging the books by their covers doesn't even occur to me. And, I have no empathy for anyone who lets such things determine their purchases. A non-issue--IMHO.


I do have empathy for those people. I think HERO is a good system and I'd like to see all kinds of people encouraged to play it, not just people who think like I (you) do.



Viagra Hero


I don't know about that one, I think most people would find it way too hard. :rolleyes:


As far as Sewer Urchin and his trusty sidekick Gutter Rat, don't forget about their long time friend... Poo Bear

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


Yep' date=' it's the name that gets to me. The pulp era produced some wonderful fiction, and [i']Justice Inc[/i] was an exceptional game book. It's just that Pulp HERO sounds incredibly bland to me; makes me think of some guy working in a lumber mill, which may be a great job but not one I personally would seek to roleplay. ;)

Heh!.. actually, the first thing I think of with that title is what happens when a Martial Artist gets sloppy around an enemy Brick... ;)


John T

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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


Cubicle Hero: deal with sadistic bosses, idiot cow-orkers, and horrible traffic, in an environment where the greatest rebellion you can get away with is tacking "Dilbert" cartoons to your cubicle's walls.


And remember, if your character gets fired, you're out of the game!


I'd play that one (for the record, I am an ardent Dilbert fan).


'Course, one I've heard bandied about is Grade School HERO. Smear around finger paint, brave the horrors of cafeteria food, and find as many opportunities as you can to bug Teacher. Good opportunities for Toon HERO. (Yep, another one guaranteed to make Steve Jackson nuts.)

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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


I don't think that anything has been chisled into stone yet, but the lettering seems to have already been traced on it.


None the less I have to agree with Aroooo and Lord Liaden on this one. I also prefer the title Justice Inc. If it must be tied to the system why not employ a sub-title. Something like For the HERO System or The HERO System game of two-fisted action in the Pulp era.


Just a thought.

Though it's a bit late now, post-6th (yeah, I know...) would be a good opportunity for change. Personally I'd make it something like the flashy title as the main title and a subtitle that's the generic "(genre) HERO" - so for example: Lands of Wonder: Fantasy HERO; Sci-Fi Thrillers!: Star HERO. That sort of thing.

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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


and my favorite:


Villain Hero!


Keith "Who actually holds a degree in Interior Design and has eaten many Hero Sandwiches" Curtis


--oh yeah, Sandwich Hero!


Villain Hero is a thing of beuty! :D


I hope Hero Games starts working on that right now.

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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


Not gonna read through three pages of posts to see if anybody else mentioned it, but, while Star hero won't win anybody on sheer title, Terran Empire and Alien Wars might. Fantasy Hero sounds dull, but Turakian Age doesn't. Plus, they have nice covers. Once people get pulled into those, they'll get the genre books, having realized the flexibility of the system.

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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


They could always give it one of those "or" titles such as were popular in pulp fiction of a bygone era: "Pulp HERO, or Justice, Inc."


And for the list of non-usable X Hero titles:


Non-Fiction HERO - we've got so many genres of fiction to choose from, but what we really need is a genre book to help us play characters from works of non-fiction: documentaries, textbooks, instructional videos, "Complete Idiot's Guide to _", "_ for Dummies", etc.


And we really shouldn't be saying "X HERO." Marvel Comics owns the copyright on the letter 'X'. We don't want to get sued.

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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


"The Jedi Who Made Out With His Sister"? (Okay, so the last one would kill in Tennessee, but still....)


Leave it to an elitist yankee from Ohio to come up with something offensive like that. Maybe at Origins me an all the other boys from Tennessee can tell you what we think of your sense of humor.



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Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?


I'd rather have a great system with a dull name than a dull system with a great name. But, of course, I'm a HERO junkie so I think like that. For a counterpoint, let's take ... THE WORLD OF DARKNESS. Spiffy title. Evocative. Creepy. Forboding. Lets you know right off the bat that this world sucks giant turkey ass and you're stuck right in the middle of it.


Then you discover the rotten game mechanics, total lack of game balance, unpronounceable names for abilities, intensely pigeonholed and stereotypical characters ("You're a (Clan/Tribe/Order) (Vampire/Werewolf/Mage), you have to act like (insert personality type here)!"), and realize that perhaps substance is better than style.


But hey, at least you got to game with a goth hottie in black leather.

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  • 10 months later...

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