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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I am not gonna make it six weeks with this stupid incision site mess I have. It will NOT stick to my body. It's not protecting anything right now' date=' it can't be. It won't stay sealed, the tape won't stick to me at least in part because of where it is ... it's a part of my body where the skin has to flex a lot just with doing ordinary stuff. It also itches and I desperately want to tear it from my chest.[/quote']

My sympathies, for whatever it's worth.

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Re: The cranky thread


Saturday night I get a call from my aunt telling me my Dad isn't doing well; his blood transfusion didn't work, and I'd better call him soon. So I try calling a few times, and nobody is picking up. So I assume he got rushed to the hospital. I finally call my cousin, who lives near my Dad. He text messages my Dad's wife. He lets me know they're expecting my call. I finally get in contact with my Dad.


The truth of the matter was, his transfusion helped a bit, just not as much as it used to. Could be he put it off too long; he did wait a while. So while he's not doing well, he's not quite yet at death's door. My guess is that when my aunts were calling one another, the story got bigger and bigger like the proverbial fish that got away, and they panicked. The reason I couldn't get through was that the line was busy when I called, and while they have call waiting, they didn't or couldn't pick up my call.


So I'm thankful it wasn't as bad as I heard it was. But what an emotional roller coaster!

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Re: The cranky thread


Saturday night I get a call from my aunt telling me my Dad isn't doing well; his blood transfusion didn't work, and I'd better call him soon. So I try calling a few times, and nobody is picking up. So I assume he got rushed to the hospital. I finally call my cousin, who lives near my Dad. He text messages my Dad's wife. He lets me know they're expecting my call. I finally get in contact with my Dad.


The truth of the matter was, his transfusion helped a bit, just not as much as it used to. Could be he put it off too long; he did wait a while. So while he's not doing well, he's not quite yet at death's door. My guess is that when my aunts were calling one another, the story got bigger and bigger like the proverbial fish that got away, and they panicked. The reason I couldn't get through was that the line was busy when I called, and while they have call waiting, they didn't or couldn't pick up my call.


So I'm thankful it wasn't as bad as I heard it was. But what an emotional roller coaster!


I'm sorry to hear that your dad is not doing well, but I'm happy that it was not as bad as you thought.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am not gonna make it six weeks with this stupid incision site mess I have. It will NOT stick to my body. It's not protecting anything right now' date=' it can't be. It won't stay sealed, the tape won't stick to me at least in part because of where it is ... it's a part of my body where the skin has to flex a lot just with doing ordinary stuff. It also itches and I desperately want to tear it from my chest.[/quote']


Hang in there, when I had my motorcycle accident it took almost a year for the wound where they operated on my leg to heal. Quite a bit longer than expected, but it eventually did heal.


Breaking legs is fun. Not as much fun as breaking ribs, though. :eg:


What? :angel:


I've broken legs before; mostly my own legs were involved (specifically my left leg, which since 1994 has been the recipient os all my breaks, except for the few times when I was a smoker and cracked my own ribs by coughing too vigorously. I disagree. If anything must be broken, legs are less trouble.


Of course, if you're talking about other people's bones, I am not the voice of experience, though I did break some guy's thighbone in H.S. (we backed into each other playing dodgeball while I was ducking. I was stunned, and walked over to the "out" box and didn't know anyone else was hurt until I sat down and noticed that everyone else was crowded around the spot where I had taken a fall. I myself had taken a shot to the head that was probably worth a concussion, and when someone thought no-one was looking gave me an elbow to the crown of my head that had me out of sorts for the rest of the day. The guy with the broken thighbone got a trip to the hospital. Me? I spent the afternoon taking driving lessons from Mom (fortunately without incident).

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, it wasn't a followup so much as an audition. Don't know if I aced anything, but it sounds as though they'll offer me the job pending an internal huddle. Namedropping MisterVimes works!


No bones were broken, which is just as well since it was a phone interview.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, it wasn't a followup so much as an audition. Don't know if I aced anything, but it sounds as though they'll offer me the job pending an internal huddle. Namedropping MisterVimes works!


No bones were broken, which is just as well since it was a phone interview.


I'm glad it went well. See what the power of Vimes has wrought!

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