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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Why do you do it? It seems like you have alot of other ways to release tension.

I was already cranky after having sleeping problems all week. So I'm not quite lucid and somewhat uncoordinated. I'm dropping things and misplacing others. So I misplaced my train ticket. I look all around the room and can't find the damn thing. I get angrier with each passing minute. Soon I'm throwing and kicking stuff around. I kicked a tray full of my stuff in the office too when I dropped yet another item, although I was fortunate nobody else was there. Of course, I had to pick up my crap, but it felt good, for a little while. I'm just glad nobody messed with me today.


Edit: I didn't expect to post this incident today, because until recently I was too cranky to post.

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Re: The cranky thread


There is a speciaL place in HELL reserved for the bastards who dump animals.


That other cat I saw at a distance walked up to our office tonight and sat there mewing.


What, do I have "softie" in pheromones written all over me? SOme students were petting it, it appears to be a young female, very cute, very friendly, very sweet.


I SOOOOOOO don't have room for it.




The one I took home last weekend is still vomiting up food and having diahrea. We thought it was from licking the oil out of its fur, but we gave it a bath (even well behaced for that!!!) and it is still doing it. It may well go to the vet in the morning. Just what we need, more bills. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


There is a speciaL place in HELL reserved for the bastards who dump animals.


That other cat I saw at a distance walked up to our office tonight and sat there mewing.


What, do I have "softie" in pheromones written all over me? SOme students were petting it, it appears to be a young female, very cute, very friendly, very sweet.


I SOOOOOOO don't have room for it.




The one I took home last weekend is still vomiting up food and having diahrea. We thought it was from licking the oil out of its fur, but we gave it a bath (even well behaced for that!!!) and it is still doing it. It may well go to the vet in the morning. Just what we need, more bills. :(

Why haven't you brought it to the shelter yet? You already said you couldn't keep it. I know how you feel; I love animals too. One of the dogs my family has belonged to the neighbors, who were mistreating it. When we moved, they let us take him. He behaved the way an abused child would, but we were able to bring him around. The dog whom we got when he was a puppy has been spoiled rotten since day one.

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Re: The cranky thread


There is a speciaL place in HELL reserved for the bastards who dump animals.


That other cat I saw at a distance walked up to our office tonight and sat there mewing.


What, do I have "softie" in pheromones written all over me? SOme students were petting it, it appears to be a young female, very cute, very friendly, very sweet.


I SOOOOOOO don't have room for it.




The one I took home last weekend is still vomiting up food and having diahrea. We thought it was from licking the oil out of its fur, but we gave it a bath (even well behaced for that!!!) and it is still doing it. It may well go to the vet in the morning. Just what we need, more bills. :(

Sometimes I wish our penal code still included simple beatings or such. It wouldn't likely be a deterrent, I'd just feel better.

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Re: The cranky thread


He'd have three days to live at the shelter. We're trying to find a new home for him. :(


Why haven't you brought itto the shelter yet? You already said you couldn't keep it. I know how you feel; I love animals too. One of the dogs my family has belonged to the neighbors' date=' who were mistreating it. When we moved, they let us take him. He behaved the way an abused child would, but we were able to bring him around. The dog whom we got when he was a puppy has been spoiled rotten since day one.[/quote']
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Re: keyes bill is anti christ


Sorry to hear you're so stressed, TKD, wish there was something I could do to help.


I know how it feels, though. I'm getting tired of my phone ringing with my creditors on the other end, and knowing I can't give them anything because we threw all our additional cash into getting a car fixed that now we can't even drive.


If I had anything I didn't mind beating the crap out of, I'd be venting on it right now. Since I can't do that, I'm waging war on an infidel faction in Medieval: Total War, and assassinating anyone who comes too close to my provinces.





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Re: keyes bill is widely misunderstood


*wanders in*


Just got back from a family visit (grandmother and uncle just moved out here, younger brother is visiting from San Diego), and how does my afternoon with them start off?


With my dad, my brother, and my nana telling me that they're "disappointed" in me for "wasting my talents," and that my burnout after 10 straight years of college was an "excuse for slacking off", etc etc etc.


God, I wanted to SLAP them! And while John trusts me enough to fight my own battles, I really wish he'd said something, especially after the "excuse" thing, since he was around at the tail of my thesis (when I was one step away from relapsing into alcoholism and contemplating suicide on more than one occasion).




It's times like this when I wish I'd just gone ahead and done whatever the hell I'd wanted in my life so my family would just give up on me, instead of seeing me with this "shining future of success." There are few things in the world I hate more than having people tell me how to live my lives just so they can brag about me.


Had my mom been there (and joining in this happy harangue), I would have quite cheerfully pointed out, "You wanted me to use my talents? You wanted me to be successful? You should have let me go to Juilliard when I had the chance, but nooooo... we can't have a *gasp* MUSICIAN in the family... oh sure, Mike can play in a band, but me study music professionally, which was all I ever wanted from the time I was four? Oh, God, no, say it isn't true!"


*groans and rests her head in her hands*





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Re: keyes bill is widely misunderstood


*wanders in*


Just got back from a family visit (grandmother and uncle just moved out here, younger brother is visiting from San Diego), and how does my afternoon with them start off?


With my dad, my brother, and my nana telling me that they're "disappointed" in me for "wasting my talents," and that my burnout after 10 straight years of college was an "excuse for slacking off", etc etc etc.


God, I wanted to SLAP them! And while John trusts me enough to fight my own battles, I really wish he'd said something, especially after the "excuse" thing, since he was around at the tail of my thesis (when I was one step away from relapsing into alcoholism and contemplating suicide on more than one occasion).




It's times like this when I wish I'd just gone ahead and done whatever the hell I'd wanted in my life so my family would just give up on me, instead of seeing me with this "shining future of success." There are few things in the world I hate more than having people tell me how to live my lives just so they can brag about me.


Had my mom been there (and joining in this happy harangue), I would have quite cheerfully pointed out, "You wanted me to use my talents? You wanted me to be successful? You should have let me go to Juilliard when I had the chance, but nooooo... we can't have a *gasp* MUSICIAN in the family... oh sure, Mike can play in a band, but me study music professionally, which was all I ever wanted from the time I was four? Oh, God, no, say it isn't true!"


*groans and rests her head in her hands*







That really sucks. GOod luck.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sorry' date=' Klytus. Do you have a way of rubbing managers the wrong way? I'm not suggesting that would excuse anything, but would smiply be a possible explanation.[/quote']

Almost every manager I have ever worked with has not only liked me, but been pleased with me and my work. One notable exception springs to mind... but this was a man who was so insufferable that after 2.5 years of working for him, *I* was his most senior employee. Everyone else in that company who had not been laid-off when business crashed had left specifically because they were sick and tired of dealing with the boss. He was the one person who said I had been discharded with cause and kept me from getting benefits. As far as my most recent employer goes, they were a contracting company, and I only met them in person once, so I couldn't have irritated them if I had been trying! And until mid December, I had been getting glowing reviews about my work.


But for a more complete update on that...


Yesterday, I got another letter from Unemployment - one it appears I should have gotten before the others. This one said that "No benefits will be paid pending review of your claim because of information that you may no longer be eligible." So long as it is a question of no more benefits going forward and not "we want you to return the money we've just sent you", its all good. Annoying as all get-out, mind you, but not a crisis.


Oh, and my ATR recruiter did respond to my last e-mail, saying that she had never received my first one ::coughbullshitcough:: but that she sent this one to her boss because this was not something she, personally, could handle. To keep things in perspective for the viewing audience, ATR is (at most) a five-man operation some guy runs from his home in Potomac. When I was there to do my initial paperwork last April, I was in a shared room with three people in it... yet my recruiter makes it sound like they have some bloated bureaucracy to deal with here. I remain highly unimpressed with these folks. I intend to fight this thing all the way through, if for no other reason than to give ATR a reality check about what can happen if they don't treat their employees properly.


Maybe I *can* rub them the wrong way after all. We'll see...

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Re: The cranky thread


Rebeccared50 and Samuraiko' date=' thanks for your perspectives. Having friends into the same religion, I'm curious on various perspectives. And of course defensive spells are appropriate anyway.[/quote']

One lady I knew would always perform self-purification rituals first before doing any kind of hex or curse magic to avoid that three-fold backlash. She would make certain that it was not her sending out the negative energy, but that she was calling upon Creation to expidite and ampllfy the delivery of bad karma these folks already had comming.

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Re: keyes bill is widely misunderstood



*groans and rests her head in her hands*


I feel for you, Michelle. The best I can offer is a change in perspective... when parents pull this kind of crap, it is because they see the success or failure of their children as their own success or failure. The mistake they make is in trying to make thier children be "a success" in ways that they -not the kids- percieve to be "worthwhile". You, by not doing things their way... you are simply hoisting the family up by their own petard. So long as they look to have happiness and success through their perceptions of what they would have had you do, they will be unhappy. That is their burden to bear, not yours. Once they accpet you for who and what you are... they will no longer need you to bear the burden of their happiness, and ironically, by doing so, they will find it that much easier to be happy.


Remember, as difficult as they are making things for you, they are only doing the same thing to themselves. Only its that much worse because they are making you responsible for their well being... and you have utterly no obligation for the happiness of anyone else in this world but yourself.


In giving you this burden, they have also given you all the power. Use it as you best see fit... :eg:

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Re: The cranky thread


Right now I am hold with with the Host provider my business partner and I use. (1and1.com... AVOID!) We've had nothing but trouble with them since the outset... both with the site and the e-mail.


Insult to injury: I've been on hold about 15 min. now... the song selection has been (no joke) Puff the Magic Dragon, If I had a Hammer & Tom Dooley.


ARRGGHHH!!!! My thanity, my thanity... :nonp:

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Re: The cranky thread


Found two promising looking jobs, only problem - let's hear it for that old favorite - I'm not certified! UGH!


On the bright side, I might, repeat MIGHT have found a faculty position I qualify for at one of the local community colleges! Oh, God, I hope so... the pay is nice ($38,549 - $63,488), and it looks really good on a resume! Closing date is March 4th, so we'd have to tighten our belts til then (plus a day trip to Tucson for the transcripts, they don't mail unofficial ones, nor do they fax em, so it's down to the Valley for a day).


In the meantime, the job search goes on... a few of the local schools are looking for reading assistants (which was my thing when I student-taught), and I am talking to the Dept of Ed's office about getting certification as a Reading Specialist... if I can ever get these people to call me back!


And why am I grumpy, you might ask? Well, when I went on to the UA's website to find out about my transcript, I learned, after looking at my profile, that I missed getting summa cum laude by 0.02! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I needed a 3.9 and I have a 3.888?!?!?







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Re: The cranky thread


As someone who barely eked out a 3.5, I'd just like to say "Go to hell, Samuraiko". ;)


I say go for the faculty job, especially if there is any chance of tenure. Tenure is like the Holy Grail of job security; you pretty much have to commit a felony to lose your job after that.

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