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Favorite Setting/Background


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I'd like clairification as well.

Do you mean the favorite background setting for Champions?

Or HERO period?


If the first, do you mean a particular city in the world?


I plan to give Millenium City a chance, but we'll see how the gang likes it as it's not out... yet.

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I never use an established setting for superheroes, prefering to adapt existing stuff to my own world. In other genres, though, I like to borrow from novels. I ran a game set in the books of the Keltiad (before it got really weird) and a game set in the Green Lion trilogy. I've run Traveller, and also run historical games. As a Janeite, I figure Georgian England is as established a setting as any. :)



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Could ShelleyCM please tell me what the Green Lion Trilogy and the Keltiad are about as I must confess I have no idea what these are about.


Oh and you like Georgian England. Jolly good show, old stick !

Sorry had to do that.


We have always done the World as is with a few changes adapting some of the Champions stuff that came out. For example none of the Kingdom of Champions characters ever appeared. We were British anyway, we did not need to.

Character background was widely different but I think the Voidwalker's origin was the most interesting. One of a race of people who lived between the stars he was summoned to earth by an alchemist and bonded to him, He then spent centuries looking and failing to find others of his kind. Unsurprising as he was now unique. He then managed to sepearte himself and radically changed again when he absorbed some of the power of the Destroyer. I'll post character designs in the SuperHero Image thread so you can see what I mean.

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Originally posted by death tribble

Could ShelleyCM please tell me what the Green Lion Trilogy and the Keltiad are about as I must confess I have no idea what these are about.


The Keltiad is a series of books that we affectionately call "Celts in Space." They're by Patricia Kenneally-Morrison (or whatever she's calling herself this week) and until they got weird and blatantly about her relationship with Jim Morrison, they were entertaining. I'd really only recommend the first two, maybe three. I don't even blink when she publishes now.


The Green Lion Trilogy is by Teresa Edgerton. High medieval fantasy in a Celtic-British sort of setting, if you can imagine no Romans, Saxons, or Normans invaded. I really love these three books; there was a second trilogy in the same setting, but it was derivative.


- Shelley

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Well, after creating my own world for 4th edition, I'm going to use CU for my 5th. I'm setting it in Chicago and have adapted many of the events listed in the Timeline (for example, DEMON stole the Basilisk Stone from the Field Museum). I too like to do the 'real world superheroics' ala Astro City, but also love the 'modern take on the Silver Age' of Geoff Johns' JLA and Grant Morrison's JLA.

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