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Wwycd? #97


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While reading the newspaper one morning, you find something shocking in the comics section: some smartass has created a comic strip featuring an EXTREMELY unflattering characture of you. Disgusted, you toss the comics in the trash. As if you're not incensed/depressed enough already, a certain segment of the population starts publicly mocking you and the offending comic strip soon becomes so popular it's slated to be published as its own comicbook. What do you do?

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Re: Wwycd? #97


Starguard -- feel sad about it.


(What her /teammates/ might do is another matter entirely, but she wouldn't do anything. It's just not her to hit back at someone for calling her a name.)


Dr. Pain -- if the cartoon is genuinely actionable, turn loose his lawyer. If not, get himself booked on Letterman and do a 'self-deprecating humor' routine to turn the joke back on itself and defuse it. (Dr. Pain *is* fairly skilled at working the media and PR, as befits his prior career as WWF champion.)


Edit - oh, it's a /regular/ comic, not just an editorial cartoon?


In that case, these guys are dead. "Dr. Pain" is a registered trademark... it was originally owned by the WWF (as Leon's hero name and costume is just a carryover from his old wrestling persona) but Leon was assigned the rights as part of his public retirement from the WWF upon gaining superpowers.


The short version is, you can't use his name or likeness for profit without his permission unless you *really* enjoy being chewed up by the meanest Hollywood shark lawyers there are. :)


Baron von Darien -- wonder how the hell his existence became publicly known in the first place, seeing as how he's a secret power broker in the Mystic World. :)


Then he hires, indirectly and via shell companies, a professional debunker to prove that he doesn't exist.



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Re: Wwycd? #97


Think I know how Wormhole voted in the WWYCD poll :)


While I won't post any new ones, I will answer this arleady posted one.


Anthem would be deeply hurt. Her whole focus is trying to be a rolemodel because she feels teenage girls don't have proper role models. So likely the cartoon makes fun of her squeaky clean image or of a fight she publicly lost. She'd have no real recourse.


Uncle Slam would turn the other cheek. Besides, no one is sure where he's the model for the Uncle Sam character or the other way around. So he might already have a cartoon character made of him.


Audra Blue would subtley damage the company publishing the cartoon. She's done with taking people to court over ridiculous things. She wouldn't completely ruin anyone, but the company would likely notice a string of bad luck regarding the cartoon.

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Re: Wwycd? #97


Style - He'd be a little surprised, but he has been in the public eye for a while now. He'd do a few divinations to make sure it wasn't a villain's plot. If it wasn't, he'd ignore it. His public image is the least of his worries.


AnimeGai- Wouldn't understand the problem unless someone carefully explained it to him. He'd make his decisions based on that explanation.


Flesh Gordon- All publicity is good publicity, and he is most famous for losing his costume in almost every battle. He'd wear a t-shirt featuring the character while promoting his next apallingly bad film.


Thirteen - No one denigrates the 13 steps. He'd investigate in case there was a deeper plot involved. If there was no involvement by any of his enemies, he'd use his super skills to get the cartoonist fired and the cartoon stopped. If one of his foes was behind it, he'd do his best to see them go down.

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Re: Wwycd? #97


While reading the newspaper one morning' date=' you find something shocking in the comics section: some smartass has created a comic strip featuring an EXTREMELY unflattering characture of you. Disgusted, you toss the comics in the trash. As if you're not incensed/depressed enough already, a certain segment of the population starts publicly mocking you and the offending comic strip soon becomes so popular it's slated to be published as its own comicbook. What do you do?[/quote']


Mask of Justice: Actually, this makes a certain amount of sense in his milieu. The most likely reason for it is a newspaper war; the paper Nick Philips works for gets all the good Mask of Justice scoops (strange how that happens), so the sleazy rag across town is running this comic strip as a circulation-building stunt and a direct slam at the other paper. While the Mask pretends indifference at first, he will come to realize that the strips contain coded messages revealing that the cartoonist is being held against his will and forced to produce this drek. The Mask of Justice rescues the cartoonist, who reveals all, and the opposing paper's publisher swallows his lit cigar in anger.


Rock Bottom: Doesn't have to do anything. Baltimore's GLBT community will be picketing for him in no time flat.


Calculus: Will check carefully to determine if there's any criminal involvement. If not, shrugs and goes back to trying not to get into the papers any other way. (If the strip makes villains underestimate Calculus, so much the better.)


Kira Midori: Seethes, but does nothing beyond making sure there's no criminal involvement. She'll save the world again soon, and her reputation will be back to 'beloved."


Talion: Is only surprised it took this long for people to find this new way of picking on him. Will volunteer to pose for publicity photos with the writer/artist, in the full knowledge of what happens whenever he tries to get publicity.

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Re: Wwycd? #97


Husky would go chat with the artist and odds are Husky's super charm will win over the artist. If that fails after transforming into Kenneth back at the lab. Kenneth will assign the public relation droid to pull some strings and get the strip dumped by the major media outlets and offer Husky interview air time to any news agencies that are willing to take an honest look at how the strip is anathema to the upright role model Husky has always provided for the people of the world.

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Re: Wwycd? #97


While reading the newspaper one morning' date=' you find something shocking in the comics section: some smartass has created a comic strip featuring an EXTREMELY unflattering characture of you. Disgusted, you toss the comics in the trash. As if you're not incensed/depressed enough already, a certain segment of the population starts publicly mocking you and the offending comic strip soon becomes so popular it's slated to be published as its own comicbook. What do you do?[/quote']



Gwen (the Fairy from never Land): Confused and extremely hurt. (I imagine the comic would be making fun of her naive and lack of understanding of the world around her)

She would probably try to track the creator down and try to ask why he would do such a thing. If it was all in the "to make money baby" deal. She would either punch him or cry.... :angst: maybe both...lol..


Anything that hurts someone just for money she does not understand (bear in mind she came from a place where money had no meaning) So it really doesn't make any sense to her expect pure cruelty which makes them a bad guy expect he is human so she has to be careful with him or she'll hurt him... hmmm.. Maybe ask Mystical Cloak Wearing Lady (the group Psychic) what she would do.... ;)



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Re: Wwycd? #97


Nova would assume that the Author(s) of the unflattering comic are quite misinformed and utterly in need of getting a less biased perspective about him. So he would treat them as the lucky (?) winners of the "A Week With Nova" prize: they get to spend a week at Nova's *close* side during his world-saving heroic activities, willing or nilling. If they are still alive and in possession of their mental faculties after said week, it is quite likely they will have gotten a newfound much greater respect for his character ;)

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Re: Wwycd? #97


Cannis: Day 1: Reads the comic section, snarls and then reassures herself, “I don’t care what anyone other than my packmates think of meâ€


Day 2: Reads the comic section and growls, before trying to convince herself, “They are just sheep, their opinions don’t matter.â€


A couple of days later: Reads the comic strip and finds out about the upcoming comic book. And growls, her dogs echoing the sentiment and emotion with snarls of their own. “I’m going to kill them.†That evening she makes a late night visit to the home of the writer/illustrator of the comic. The man quickly finds himself faced by a furious and rather dangerous looking woman surrounded by four large dogs that resemble wolves and holding a staff that she looks more than capable of using. Her smile does not look at all friendly as she asks, “So tell me, have you been enjoying making fun of me? Has the pleasure you’ve gained been worth the risk of baiting a wolf? Did you really think that just because I generally play nicely with others that I wouldn’t bite if provoked.†The staff begins spinning in her hands and her dogs snarl as she awaits his response. “If I were you, I’d cancel that comic strip. I don’t think you’ll like my reaction if you continue to toy with me.†A snarl twists her face for a second, “I don’t think you’d like it at all.†She then vanishes back into the night.


If the comic strip continues, the building the author works at suffers a fairly large amount of property damage, especially his desk and any future strips relating to Cannis.


If it still continues, the author ends up going to the doctor to get a wide array of very painful bruises and bite marks treated.


If that doesn’t work, Cannis talks to Adam and asks if maybe he can handle the problem via business or legal channels.




Mina/Sailor Io sits on her bed looking at the newpaper with a hurt expression. Sensing her emotions, Jade, her parrot animal companion sits on her shoulder and Sebastian her roommates cat animal companion sits on her lap. She points out the strip. “I’ve NEVER said anything like that. I know, it’s a silly thing to get upset over. Compared to everything else that’s happened, its trivial. But it still hurts a bit†She gently pets the animals. “And its not like I can fight back either. I can’t go talk to them or even sue them. The senshi don’t exist after all. And my powers are absolutely useless against something like this. I almost wish I thought it was a Mah-ki or Unselee plot. At least then there would be a good reason for this…instead its just someone trying to make himself look big at our expense.†She sighs and tosses the newspaper in the trash.


A few days later, her friends come in the room and notice Mina looking at the new comic book. Mitzy asks, “Is that the Sailor Weather comic book?†Mina frowns as she tosses it in the trash can. “Yes.†Bunny states, “Dear friend, it is hurting your feelings, we should do something about it.†Mina just shakes her head, “It will all blow over soon enough. Besides we have more important things to worry about. Everyone up for ice cream, my treat?†She heads out with her friends, her mood brightening as her boyfriend Zane places his arm around her shoulders. She glances up at him and grins, “and this time no stealing the bill and holding it above your head so that I can’t reach it. It’s my turn to pay this time.†The conversation drifts to school work and other things and the comic book is forgotten.

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Re: Wwycd? #97


Nova would assume that the Author(s) of the unflattering comic are quite misinformed and utterly in need of getting a less biased perspective about him. So he would treat them as the lucky (?) winners of the "A Week With Nova" prize: they get to spend a week at Nova's *close* side during his world-saving heroic activities' date=' willing or nilling. If they are still alive and in possession of their mental faculties after said week, it is quite likely they will have gotten a newfound much greater respect for his character ;)[/quote']


So, you're character would engage in kiddnapping, illegal detaintment, censorship, assault and endangerment just because someone made fun of him? Is he a hero or is it a villian game?


As for mine...


Menagerie:She's a mutant terrorist. No one maligns the One Race and gets away with it. The author dies, probably tore apart by rats or stung to death by killer bees.


Pinnacle:Would laugh about. Good or Bad, press is press and she's fully aware that sometimes she looks ridiculous ("Attack of the 50 foot woman! in color!"). If the cartoon got truly nasty, she might take issues but its good natured humor, she'd laugh with everyone else.


Stopwatch:Would wonder how the heck this guy found out she's a Special!? She'd instantly suspect one of her "Teammates"....


Gaia:Couldn't care less how the world views her. Her ego might be offended by any truly gross insult. Then she's accelerate the growth of any body flora the author has by several million times...

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