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Tell me about your GLC


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My JLA Thread was so succsful I decided to try again with the GLC:


DC Universce had the GLC (Green Lantern Corps)

Champions U has the Star Guard (IIRC)

My world has the Star Knights


They are all entrusted with policing known space


WHat does your world have and how often do they interact with your PC's?

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Re: Tell me about your GLC


The universe that I run is one where Meta-Humans have just recently started to appear (in 2004). Our version of GL is a young man that came upon a metallic sphere which came down from the sky as part of a meteor shower over L.A. When he touched the sphere it liquified, flowed up his arm and faded into his skin. He quickly learned that it was a nanite based battlesuit designed for law enforcement. Now he fights crime as Sentinel and is a founder of our worlds first super team, The Guardians.


As for where the suit comes from (my version of the Corps) - The Confederation is a vast society of thousands of worlds that reaches across an entire galaxy far removed from our own. In the Confed there are select beings that are able to succesfully interface with the nano-tech battlesuits. These beings are Confederation Star Marshals and function as a special branch of Confed. Law Enforcement.


The suit that Sentinel wears was being transported to a prison world to be merged with one of the prisons guards. En Route the ship was attacked by Pirates that wanted to get their hands on the suit. The Pirates damaged the ship so badly that there was an overload in the Singularity drive, which tore a hole in space time. The exit point of this new, stable wormhole was near the Earth's moon. Most of the exiting debris sprayed across the surface of the moon, but some of it managed to pass by and get caught in a degrading Earth orbit. This is what eventually led to the meteor shower over LA (which also resulted in another PC and several Villians developing their powers, due to the radioactivity from the singularity drive.) After a few months, Sentinel detected signals coming from near the moon and upon investigating discovered the wormhole. The Guardians decided to access the info with Sentinels suit and discovered that it was infact the suit sending and receiving info. It had finally managed to reestablish communications with the Confed's Galactic Net. This got the attention of CLE, which sent another Star Marshal, Kalitan Drax, to investigate. Once he met the PC's he explained about the suit, the Confederation, the Star Marshals and what happened to the Prison ship. The PC's asked what was on the Prison ship, to which Drax responded "the greatest threat the Confederation has ever faced, an intelligent computer virus called Mechanon IV".


So there you have it...our universes version of GL, the GLC and a little Mechanon(my players often tell me that they will call in sick the day they have to fight Mechanon).

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Re: Tell me about your GLC


In an odd sort of way, The Order of Saints George and Joan fill this role as well. The Church has been recruiting and training devout Catholic magicians for centuries; every major city has at least one or two priests or nuns trained in the basics of magic to call upon, and more powerful magicians and metahumans will be quickly dispatched in times of need. Asia relies on the Taoists for similar services, with Shintoists acting in Japan and all three in Korea. India has its own Fakirs and monks to stand against occult Evil.


No space travel in this campaign, as far as the players know.

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Re: Tell me about your GLC


Well, the game I've most recently run still uses the 4th ed world for base stock, so that gives us the not overly-powerful Starguard who works with the Cyberknights. One of these days I'll consider working up a more Galactic-threat capable verison, but the need hasn't hit yet. I do like that she apparently commutes between Alpha Centauri and Atlanta, Georgia though.

The one who most fits the GLC mold is appropriately enough, a GL-clone with Captain Britain overtones and mission parameters. The Ebony Knight is my campaign's assigned defender from the nasties of space-time. Naturally, while powerful, he's going to need help, hence this particular EK at the rough level of the supergroup he's currently working with.


Oh, and just in case this guy sounds familiar to anyone who had gamed at New World Comics in Oklahoma, I have already asked his creator if I could adopt his concept for my own campaign since there should logically be more than one of him in the Multiverse. Bryan said it was fine with him.

If he sounds familiar to you for any other reasons, I'd imagine it's a case of parallel homage and leave it at that.

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Re: Tell me about your GLC


My current game is a amalgam of Marvel and DC comics. We are using the DC Green Lantern Corp with the Space Knights in the Manhunter roles. The rings are built as an AI with all powers usable by others (+1/2) and containing an Ego Link (-1/4) Limitation representing that no power can have more active points than 4x the wielder's Ego.


The Ring's powers consist of:

Energy Blast


Force Field

Force Wall



Life Support, ubo x8



Mind Link with GLC

VPP Equal to Ego x2 to cover all the small powers a GL uses such as Enhanced Senses.

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Re: Tell me about your GLC


The idea I had for a campaign had each PC as part of the "Integrity Guard". They undergo genetic engineering (all are humans otherwise) and gain powers. In doing so, they agree to become part of a part military/part explorer corps organization.


Major villains included rogue Guardsmen (who were the first to undergo the Treatment, which hadn't been perfected at the time. The game timeline assumes it's been several years since the Rogues had been dealt with... supposedly).


Those who don't wish to be so obviously superpowered can enlist into IGS (Integrity Guard Support) duty, and are affectionately referred to between services as "Iggies".


I had planned to do up a 'recruitment poster' as the first PC handout... "Tired of watching the fight against evil on your holovid? Want to join in the fight? Then visit your local Integrity Guard recruitment office and sign up for duty!" Also, "Didn't make the genecut for IG duty? Think you're helpless in the grand scheme? THINK AGAIN! Join the Integrity Guard Support Services, and support our troops on the front line!"

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Re: Tell me about your GLC


I used the Star Guard.

The background was somewhat unusual. Way back in the dawn of time, near the ent of the war between the old ones (think Cthuluian stuff, and my Kings of Edom ties into this) , one of the "good gods" realizes that they will come back, and most of his side will be gone.. so he acrifices himself by sending pieces of his essence out into the galaxy to find worthy holders. At the beginning there were 100 of them. Every time one dies, this essence moves to somone else, and not infrequently splits and moves into two others. At the time of the campaign there were thousands (about like the GL corps).


The powers that came along with this were:

Mind link (with other guard)

basic Telepathy

Increased STR and Def

Some reduction


Full LS


Other things were not uncommon and the really good ones had a cosmic pool.


One of the pc's in the game was a member of the guard (although she didn't know it for a while, none had been to Earth so she didn't recognize what it was) - This would be the Marshall (who I mention in the JLA thread)

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Re: Tell me about your GLC




The star knights are a multi leveled org.


The primary level are the knights themselves, each knight is given an area of space to protect.


The knights use a variety of equipment & Resources but the standard follows:


Nanites: Each Knight is injected with various nanites which increase Str, Durability & speed (Increased stats, Regeneration, Some Life support) also allows for instant learning of languages (Linguist modifier and a few points held in reserve)


Armor: The suit of armor provides inherent defences (Various defences), Enhanced Str, Communications, Life Support and a FF and flight, plus a power supply


Sidearm: Essentialy a Lightsaber that can shoot beams of force & Entangle, relies on power from the suit


Steed: A open Vehicle for space travel/planetary travel (The suit has 25" x2 NCM)


Under the Knights are two catagories Squires and Serfs


Squires are similar to knights with less extravegent equipment, and no nanites


Serfs are primarily robots, and are used as servents, mechanics, and other support rolls


Above the knights are crusaders, and the council, all are equiped similarly to knights but with better equipment


The council is the ruling body (think Guardians of Univerce) while the council are the intermideates between the Rank & file and the Council


Knights on far assignments are given more leaway (and usualy an extra vehicle that can cary the steeds and a couple extra serfs)

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Re: Tell me about your GLC



The MLD aka The Mecha-League of Defenders protect the

spaceways from intergalactic threats, as well as protecting

the less technically advanced civilizations from premature

contact with alien species. Humanity has reached the edge

where it is nearly ready for real first contact.


Any aliens/star ships/etc coming to Earth get watched by

the MLD to insure that they 'behave'. The MLD is usually the

first responders to inter-dimensional breaches, but as their

50 foot mechs can only do so much, the inevitably call upon

the local superheros to assist them.


The only two members of the MLD that PCs have encountered

so far have been Major Thomas Roberts of Topeka Kansas, and

Leftenant Rupert Beckford of Exeter, Devonshire, England.

The MLD tries to make sure that members of the same species

are assigned to guard pre-contact civilizations ( which they

recruit through disguised agents ).

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