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Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Somewhere in Argent there needs to be a Mad Tinkerer... a lab master whose every waking daydream creates new technology...



Hmm... okay, so Argent began when the Mad Technologist and Taskmaster-Clone-Man met in a bar and decided to pool their talents as a "supervillain resource" company...

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Somewhere in Argent there needs to be a Mad Tinkerer... a lab master whose every waking daydream creates new technology...



Hmm... okay, so Argent began when the Mad Technologist and Taskmaster-Clone-Man met in a bar and decided to pool their talents as a "supervillain resource" company...


Mm, I'd add at least one evil finacial genius to the founding fathers. Whlie Taskmaster has come a long way I don't think he quite qualifies on that side.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Mm' date=' I'd add at least one evil finacial genius to the founding fathers. Whlie Taskmaster has come a long way I don't think he quite qualifies on that side.[/quote']



Cool. So... the Mad Tinkerer, Taskmaster, and Lex Luther form an organization.... :D



EDIT: Even better.

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Disclaimer: due to my unemployment I haven't been able to purchase VIPER 5th yet. Emphasis on "yet" -- one more paycheck from my new job and I can knock out the final "must pay" expense, and then I can start making gaming purchases again!




Personally, I made the decision to handle ARGENT-VIPER-IHA using the StarCraft triangle. There is no DEMON in the NeoChampions Universe.


VIPER represents the Zerg -- large numbers of very specialized troops.


ARGENT represents the Terrans -- they're a kind of middle ground, with special abilities that can hurt you in ways you wouldn't expect.


IHA represents the Protoss -- small numbers of powerful units and a killer app mentality (waiting until you can *really* apply the beatdown).

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The Cult of the Red Banner (long post)


To depart for a moment from the ARGENT/ IHA debate: I've been working on fleshing out the Cult of the Red Banner for an upcoming CU-based campaign. I wanted to use the Red Banner as the "super-ninjas" of this campaign, sort of like The Hand from Marvel Comics, but to expand on their role as the premier cult of the Dragon in the Orient. Here is a summary of what I've worked out so far; note that I'm putting these ideas in the public domain for any interested parties to use, including Hero Games:


The current public face of the Red Banner cult is not that of worshippers of a malevolent deity, but of devotees of a mystic philosophical movement reminiscent of the real-world Falun Gong. The characters on the eponymous red banner spell out not only the name of the Cult's patron deity, Lung Wang the "Dragon King," but also represent a series of movement forms which are used as physical exercise rituals. By performing these exercises while meditating upon the Dragon King's pictographic name, the practitioner is supposed to achieve greater harmony and clarity by attuning himself to the spirit of the Dragon King. In this form the Red Banner cult has gathered tens of thousands of members in China and elsewhere in the world with large Chinese communities, and is beginning to attract the attention of Westerners as well. The Chinese government considers the practice seditious and has banned it, but it remains popular as an underground movement.


The rituals attuning people to the Dragon King actually work, although not quite as advertised. Each session of meditation and exercise allows the Dragon to siphon off and absorb a tiny spark of the cultist's chi. With thousands performing the rituals every day, the Dragon is building up an ever-growing reserve of chi which adds to its power, until the day comes when it will have the strength to burst the chains which restrain it.


The cultists' connection with the Dragon is not necessarily one-way only, however. A small percentage of the Red Banner members, the most dedicated practitioners, can eventually achieve greater communion with the mind and spirit of the Dragon within themselves. Unfortunately, that mind and spirit are the primordial source of all evil among mankind, and communion with the Dragon promotes a person's basest, most destructive instincts. Among a very few those instincts are expressed as uncontrollable bursts of rape, murder and similar atrocities; but the discipline of meditation and exercise allows most of these people to control and channel their instincts.


When those who have achieved this "higher consciousness" are discovered by the higher-ups in the Cult, they are taught the true nature and purpose of the Red Banner and inducted into its largest rank of real membership, the Scales of the Dragon King. Members of the Scales have infiltrated all levels and institutions of Chinese society, and the Chinese diaspora worldwide. They have a particularly strong (though secret) influence over Chinese organized crime, the Triads, and the Tongs of North America.


Some of the Scales display such a strong attunement to the Dragon that they are able to reverse the direction of chi transfer, and draw upon small amounts of the Dragon's vast "dark chi" to enhance their physical abilities and wield other minor chi powers. Some of these individuals are rewarded with promotion to positions of authority over the Cult's many activities, and are commonly referred to as the "Resplendent Scales." However, those who are most physically capable are intensively trained in the unique "dragon style" martial art of the Cult, and equipped to become part of the Red Banner's combat and assassination arm, the Claws of the Dragon King. The arms and equipment of the Claws are styled after traditional archaic Oriental weaponry, but are actually made of space-age materials and use cutting-edge technology, through contracts with criminal arms manufacturers such as ARGENT. (This gives them something of a "techno-ninja" style.)


Even more formidable than the Claws are the Fangs of the Dragon King, the cult's "supervillain" cadre. Some of the Fangs wield fearsome mystic weapons and artifacts that they have been chosen to bear by the leaders of the Cult. A few of the Fangs have drawn so close to the Dragon that they can use its chi to boost their own physical abilities to truly superhuman levels, and/or project chi in various powerful and deadly ways.


Both the Claws and the Fangs are used by the Red Banner to protect its leaders, possessions and plans, and to destroy its enemies. They may also be "hired" to assist the Triads and Tongs which unknowingly serve the Cult. In some cases they may be contracted out to other master villains and villainous agencies. This is so that the Red Banner can make alliances with useful groups such as ARGENT, or spy on other villains who may be turned to the service of the Dragon, or who will likely oppose the freeing of the Dragon and have to be neutralized. It also helps to raise the overall level of suffering and chaos in the world, which pleases the Cult's dark god.


The Claws and the Fangs have no known connection to the practitioners of the Red Banner philosophical movement, and no one outside of the Cult knows that they are connected to each other or part of a larger organization.


Supervising the entire Cult are the elders of the organization, known as the Eyes of the Dragon King. Long-standing members of the Red Banner, the Eyes have retained vitality belying their years through the tremendous chi power they draw from the Dragon. They are steeped in the lore and mysteries of the Dragon, and each Eye wields great personal power including the ability to assume dragon form. The Eyes are so deeply one with their master's will that they are practically extensions of its consciousness, its literal eyes and ears in the physical world. As corollary to that, they are also among the cruelest, most corrupt human beings on the face of the Earth.


The primary goal of the Cult of the Red Banner is, of course, the freeing of their master to wreak havoc on the Earth and beyond. The lower ranks do not fully comprehend what this would do to the collective psyches of humanity, while the leaders of the Cult are so debased and enslaved to the Dragon's will that they actually relish the prospect.


The Cult's secondary goals are to promote chaos and destruction, decadence and corruption, according to their master's desire. Wherever the Red Banner has influence it will attempt to foment conflict between different nations, religions, ethnic groups, social classes or political parties. It particularly promotes organized crime and the media, viewing them as the most effective mass purveyors of vice. The Cult is also very interested in capitalism and the financial world, seeking to elevate greed as an ideal to aspire to. Ironically, the Red Banner in China supports the pro-democracy movement and liberalisation of Chinese society, reasoning that loosening traditional morality while allowing people greater freedom of choice will increase the odds that they will choose evil.


Interestingly, the Cult of the Red Banner does not normally cooperate with other servants of the Dragon, such as the Silvestri clan and the Ouroboros cult, although they don't oppose the activities of those groups as long as they keep out of the Red Banner's territory. Their relationship is not unlike that of the major splinter groups within the world's great religions: while they recognize that they essentially serve the same deity and hold many of the same beliefs, each group has a "one true way" mentality which promotes rivalry between them. In the case of the Red Banner, they are also influenced by the ancient traditional Chinese belief in China's cultural superiority.

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


LL - Cool stuff on the Cult of the Red Banner. Thanks for sharing.


If I didn't already have about 17 subplots going on in my campaign at the moment, I would probably co-opt aspects of that. As is, it's a very worthy concept one could easily do a lot with.

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


I see the IHA as being a research center into how to cure humanity of the evil of mutation (the view of the public being it is a rehab clinic of sorts for those inflicted) that is also a political lobbyist body. IHA is getting donations from paranoid people who are worried the "muties" are taking over the world. The IHA's biggest followings are from the Midwest and southern states. The IHA has huge political pull from all the lobbying it does as well as numerous politicians in its employ within the various branches of government. I see them even having a cable television program similar to the various religious stations constantly spreading their ideologies about pure human advancement. Of course underneath it all is Project: Genocide - working to rid humanity of genetic mutation for all time.

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Personally, my take on the IHA/Genocide thing isn't too far from Mitch's ... if anyone's playing in my campaign that's also reading this, avoid the spoilers ;)











After being defeated time and time again, Genocide (which in my Campaign was funded by the US government) decided to go underground and created a cover story that a hero called the Golden Centurion defeated them. The IHA was then formed through a backdoor in Homeland Security and continues to "police" metahumans, as well as assist in quelling the media when it comes to the States' metahuman populace (even mutants). In reality, the Golden Centurion (who's still active today) is something called a Centuriuon Series Minitueman who acts as the IHA "figurehead" or token hero. With the success of Operation Centurion, the IHA has also created Mymiridon Series Minutemen (read Boomer for all those BGC fans). These agents look and act like normal humans until activated (usually a self activation) ... they then shed their facade and look more like humanoid robots. Both the Centurion and Mymridon series have a variable assualt engine that allows them to use the nemesis of their opponents powers. In addition to the Minutemen, there is an Operation: Genocide protocol that keeps trained soldiers and equipment available in the instance that they're needed. The main IHA/Genocide training facility is located on a pacific island that's under the guise of an IHA Retreat. There are rumors of more being built in other areas.


More later perhaps ;)

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Personally, my take on the IHA/Genocide thing isn't too far from Mitch's ... if anyone's playing in my campaign that's also reading this, avoid the spoilers ;)











After being defeated time and time again, Genocide (which in my Campaign was funded by the US government) decided to go underground and created a cover story that a hero called the Golden Centurion defeated them. The IHA was then formed through a backdoor in Homeland Security and [snip]


I call GM's pet political soapbox masquerading as a game.

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


I call GM's pet political soapbox masquerading as a game.


Yes, but that always happens. :)


One of my favorite Evil Organizations was the Berkeley City Council, with their secret plot to force all Americans to become vegetarian: You see, Berkeley's Alien masters don't like the way we taste when we eat meat ...

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


I call GM's pet political soapbox masquerading as a game.

Then you'd be calling it wrong Chuck ;) Just saw an interesting angle and decided to use it to add more flavor to the group ... plus, I've always used Genocide as an homage to Project: Wideawake ;) It's more GM fanboy-ness than anything political ...

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Re: The Cult of the Red Banner (long post)


To depart for a moment from the ARGENT/ IHA debate: I've been working on fleshing out the Cult of the Red Banner for an upcoming CU-based campaign. I wanted to use the Red Banner as the "super-ninjas" of this campaign, sort of like The Hand from Marvel Comics, but to expand on their role as the premier cult of the Dragon in the Orient. Here is a summary of what I've worked out so far; note that I'm putting these ideas in the public domain for any interested parties to use, including Hero Games:



The horror flick “Double Vision†might give you some useful ideas.



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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


That's an interesting take on it ChuckG.

I actually like the idea of them being repeatedly beat by the super heroes in the combat area.

I do picture the IHA as a growing powerhouse in one area...

Politics and influence. Just like you said, they should have extensive NCI.


Humm...why is eveyone ignoring another lane for IHA power...religion? I mean, if you can get some big wig southern baptus leader to basicly state that eveybody who wears there underwear on the outside of there clothing are demons, or humans makeing deals with demons at least, then you got a powerful force to recon with...the Religous American who beleves if thay don't opose superheros, that thay are going to hell, because Revern Striker said so.

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Humm...why is eveyone ignoring another lane for IHA power...religion? I mean' date=' if you can get some big wig southern baptus leader to basicly state that eveybody who wears there underwear on the outside of there clothing are demons, or humans makeing deals with demons at least, then you got a powerful force to recon with...the Religous American who beleves if thay don't opose superheros, that thay are going to hell, because Revern Striker said so.[/quote'] I call GM's pet political soapbox masquerading as a game. :sneaky:;)


Seriously, it could be done well. It might be a cool thing to use elements of both and keep the players guessing who is really behind IHA.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Humm...why is eveyone ignoring another lane for IHA power...religion? I mean' date=' if you can get some big wig southern baptus leader to basicly state that eveybody who wears there underwear on the outside of there clothing are demons, or humans makeing deals with demons at least, then you got a powerful force to recon with...the Religous American who beleves if thay don't opose superheros, that thay are going to hell, because Revern Striker said so.[/quote']


This is so very much taken!

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Humm...why is eveyone ignoring another lane for IHA power...religion? I mean' date=' if you can get some big wig southern baptus leader to basicly state that eveybody who wears there underwear on the outside of there clothing are demons, or humans makeing deals with demons at least, then you got a powerful force to recon with...the Religous American who beleves if thay don't opose superheros, that thay are going to hell, because Revern Striker said so.[/quote']


Well, this can be very tricky because many people (including Champions GMs and players) take religious matters seriously. And it's easy to do poorly, especially if you don't do the research and misrepresent the religion you're working with.


For example, the story God Loves, Man Kills (which featured Rev Stryker) had many good points, and was a very strong story. However, I read an interesting analysis of it in a fanzine (long since buried, I fear.) A fundamentalist Christian looked at Stryker's arguments as presented in the story, compared them with actual doctrine and "what the Bible says" and came to the conclusion that Stryker was either not a fundamentalist Christian (as claimed) or was in error hideous enough that he wouldn't have gotten support from other fundamentalists, let alone mainstream Christians.


You might have one Southern Baptist minister speaking out against the "Satan-inspired metahumans," but another just as fervently speaking in favor of "those who use their God-given talents in defense of America and the Baptist Church." (Son of Satan gets no love from the latter minister, of course.)

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Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


Alright...we covered IHA and Argant to death. Are there other orginzations in the Champions Universe which hasen't been covered yet (but has been named)?


Yes, we KNOW Prinus will get there turn. Any others?

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