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Champions Clix Mods


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Re: Champions Clix Mods


Whoa! How'd I miss this thread? :no:


Nice job, Red. I think Marksman looks terrif -- the paint job is spot-on. Actually, they all look good, he's just the one that caught my eye. ;) So are you gonna share the secret formulas?


Maybe I should start a thread or write an article about photographing miniatures... :winkgrin:


I'm currently working on the rest of the members of GRAB (my fave villain team). I need to find a good model for Cheshire. I think one of the Reaper monks will do, if I can find a good one. Y'all are gonna love my Black Diamond. :D



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Re: Champions Clix Mods


I'm with Bill on this one, no idea how I missed this, and DAYAM!


The only two I can pick out pretty definitely are Shadowcat for Rose and a SHIELD Agent for Marksman. The pose on Icestar is driving me nuts because I recognize it and cannot place it. Oh wait! Old Daredevil with a head swap? Giant....HYDRA Agent with a Headswap? I got nothin' on Flare though.


Hmmmm....I might just have to pick up the old knife and paints again....

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Re: Champions Clix Mods


I'm with Bill on this one, no idea how I missed this, and DAYAM!


The only two I can pick out pretty definitely are Shadowcat for Rose and a SHIELD Agent for Marksman. The pose on Icestar is driving me nuts because I recognize it and cannot place it. Oh wait! Old Daredevil with a head swap? Giant....HYDRA Agent with a Headswap? I got nothin' on Flare though.


Hmmmm....I might just have to pick up the old knife and paints again....


Icestar looks like a Skrull Commando with a head swap to me...but that's just my guess.

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Re: Champions Clix Mods


Here's one more member of GRAB -- the dreaded Black Diamond!!!


The body is a MarvelClix Boom-Boom (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/heroclix/marvel/figuregallery.asp?unitid=5362). I carefully trimmed the sleeves off her tunic, and the buttons as well. The diamond cut-outs on her bodysuit are just painted on -- no mods at all.


The head is from The Foundry's Street Violence (http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections/SV/3/index.asp) line ("Mistress Medusa's Dominatrix Coven" to be exact).


I know her description says she's got short hair, but the "Foxxxy Cleopatra" look was just too perfect for me to resist. :)


The broken girder she's holding is just a plasticard H-beam that I picked up from my local model train store. I heated it up with a lighter, then when it was soft I bent it into the shape I wanted.


Coming next: Lady Blue and Hummingbird!



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Re: Champions Clix Mods


That Black Diamond is it Bill, to damn cool.


I didn't put the recipes for the Champions as they were kind of quick and dirty mods, repaints really, and I didn't want to over aggrandize.


1.)Marksman, simple repaint of a Marvelclix, Infinity Challenge Shield agent


Looks better than it has any right to.


2.) Icestar, A repainted Marvelclix, Xplosian Daredevil with the DD sanded off and some putty hair. http://www.wizkidsgames.com/heroclix/marvel/figuregallery.asp?unitid=3296This was going to be my Contest entry after I glued it to an Iceman iceslide but it seemed to be more of a repaint than a mod.


3.) Rose, a Marvelclix, explosion, Shadowcat as you can see



4.) Giant, is a DC Clix Hawkman from Hypertime, sans wings and with a Marvelclix, Infinity Challenge Shield agent head, see Marksman.



5.) Flare is a DC clix, Cosmic Justice Cheetah body,


with a DC Hypertime Clayface cloak


and a DC, Unleashed Science police officer head




PS I see the Gallery for the new Mutant Mayhem figs is open on Wizkids site. There is some good stuff there.

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Re: Champions Clix Mods


Thanks, Eyendasky. It wasn't too long ago that I decided I needed to take my figs to the "next" level, and started seriously working on the bases. I think the final results are worth the extra effort. :)


Last one for a while: Hummingbird!


She's a MarvelClix Wasp with the wings cut off, that's it. I hunted high and low for a 15mm figure that looked good, but there is a distinct lack of females with midriffs in the 15mm range. ;) Oh well, this one works pretty well.


The first picture shows her belly-button tattoo; the third one shows the hummingbird tattoo on her arm. I'm particularly proud of those touches.


And... OK, I know it's disgusting and perverted and wrong, she's only 30mm high and made of plastic, but dayum that figure is stacked in the rack and the back. Yow. :shame: :eg:;)



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Re: Champions Clix Mods


Just an amazing piece, as usual.


I'd beentrying to make a Dr. Destoryer (from the Dr. Fate mini) with poor success. Wound up scrapping it.


I've decided to turn my attentions to making the PCs now from my game instead of characters from the book.


I look forward to whatever you do next!

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Re: Champions Clix Mods


Just an amazing piece, as usual.


I'd beentrying to make a Dr. Destoryer (from the Dr. Fate mini) with poor success. Wound up scrapping it.


I've decided to turn my attentions to making the PCs now from my game instead of characters from the book.


I look forward to whatever you do next!

Years back, when I converted to Hero, I gave all my D&D stuff to my cousin. Hundreds of painted and unpainted minis, books...the whole kit and kaboodle (with exception to my dice).


I REALLY enjoyed painting minis. It was very relaxing and a good way to keep my hands busy and my mind distracted. But I never even considered modding them. I've been debating on whether I want to get back involved in it. If I did want to start playing with modding, any suggestions on where to start?



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Re: Champions Clix Mods


Hey, Rapier. You've come to the right place -- there's lots of talented people doing mods on these boards. Not to toot my own horn, but take a look at this article from Digital Hero 14 (helpfully placed in the free sample articles section!):




It'll get you started with the basic tools you'll need, plus gives a few hints on technique. If you can afford it, I recommend buying the magazine -- it's got color pictures of the step-by-step instructions which I think are quite helpful.


HeroClix models are generally very easy to convert, since the plastic is easy to work with, cut pieces off of, glue pieces onto, reshape areas with an X-acto knife, etc.


If you have any specific questions, please ask! :)



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