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The White Knight defense


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Re: The White Knight defense


White Knight Defense


37 Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points)

60 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%

60 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%

27 Absorption 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (physical, BODY, STUN, END, Absorption Cap), [four powers] simultaneously (+1) (40 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2)

27 Absorption 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (energy, BODY, STUN, END, Absorption Cap), [four powers] simultaneously (+1) (40 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2)


Total: 201 Points


(Borrowed from one of Moody Loner's Posts)

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Re: The White Knight defense


More generally, its the combo of Damage Reduction and Absorbtion, with the Absorbtion feeding into Stun and/or Body.


Its an expensive combo to achieve worthwhile levels of results, unless you limit it in some way.


The benefit?? Unlike large amounts of normal defenses, its extremely difficult to bypass. AP, NND, and AVLD all are of minimal benefit, since they only effect the relatively small amount of actual Defense. Penetrating, likewise, gets beaten by the Absorbtion, making cheap Pen attacks ineffective.

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Re: The White Knight defense


White Knight Defense


37 Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points)

60 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%

60 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%

27 Absorption 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (physical, BODY, STUN, END, Absorption Cap), [four powers] simultaneously (+1) (40 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2)

27 Absorption 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (energy, BODY, STUN, END, Absorption Cap), [four powers] simultaneously (+1) (40 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2)


Total: 201 Points


(Borrowed from one of Moody Loner's Posts)


That's a neat little chunk of change in standard game.

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Re: The White Knight defense


Its not from a standard game. The character that has it, Horus-Re, from my New Sentinels campaign was built on 800 points to begin with.


A similar, albeit more limited, version exists on the canon character Quasar, who is himself 630 points.


You can also slap a -1/2 or more limit on it fairly easilly, but yes, in a 350 point game it's a major chunk of points, and should be.


I would probably ony allow one character in a campaign to have something like this (and his Evil Duplicate), but it's a nice piece of mechanics.

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Re: The White Knight defense


Definitely expensive but fun. One of my Silver Knights, Nova, has relatively low defenses with Damage Reduction 50% (Energy/Physical, Resistant) to simulate someone who can take a beating but keep coming back again and again. I can imagine her getting hurt if a thug surprises her with a solid whack to the back of the head with a blackjack but also able to jump back into the fight if she gets tagged by the enemy brick.


It's kinda wierd but it helps make a character really resilent without being invulnerable.

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Re: The White Knight defense


Autofire attacks tend to swamp that build--take 10d6, hitting five times--that's 30 stun after reduction, minus about 14 stun due to absorption, meaning 16 stun gets past those defense, which cost 100 points per type.

If you go at 150 active points,20d6 AF5,that's 75 stun after reduction, minus 14 stun due to absorption, for 61 stun past defenses. or if you only hit twice, still a respectable 16 stun after defenses and absorption.

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Re: The White Knight defense


Thats assuming you actually hit with most of the AF attacks' date=' though. Unless the attack has a considerable number of levels tagged to it, or the Accurate advantage, I don't think your going to get that that often.[/quote']

we're talking about a brick, right? a "five-team" or "eight-team" of heavy agents armed with said 10d6 or 12d6 or even 14d6 AF blasters could hit several times in one phase. Unless the brick's ranged DCV is 15+ of course.

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Re: The White Knight defense


Yep, a brick.


Yes, Autofire is going to be a problem. Particularly as the brick in question is 350 points, so the DCV sucks.


It's not Invulnerability, but he should be able to go toe-to-toe with surprisingly powerful opponents, which is all I'm looking for, at least until he has a few exp under his belt.


He doesn't have a lot of points to spend on anything else, but that fits the character concept.


Hey, thanks for citing my character :)

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Re: The White Knight defense


The short version is, since Healing is now the /only/ Adjustment power that can restore STUN and BODY to starting values without the 5 pts/turn of "fading", the White Knight Defense ceases being invulnerability so much as it is a way to keep fighting even while you take permanent damage, without showing it, until a few Turns later you fall over dead.


*snaps fingers*


Yup, it's time for a character overhaul. Again.

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Re: The White Knight defense


The short version is, since Healing is now the /only/ Adjustment power that can restore STUN and BODY to starting values without the 5 pts/turn of "fading", the White Knight Defense ceases being invulnerability so much as it is a way to keep fighting even while you take permanent damage, without showing it, until a few Turns later you fall over dead.


*snaps fingers*


Yup, it's time for a character overhaul. Again.

Couldn't the absorption just be changed to only boost END, the Absorption Cap and Healing (+3/4) and then add the power Healing (Simplified Body+Stun) with a Trigger (whenever absorption works?)



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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: The White Knight defense


The short version is, since Healing is now the /only/ Adjustment power that can restore STUN and BODY to starting values without the 5 pts/turn of "fading", the White Knight Defense ceases being invulnerability so much as it is a way to keep fighting even while you take permanent damage, without showing it, until a few Turns later you fall over dead.


*snaps fingers*


Yup, it's time for a character overhaul. Again.


Well, Absorbtion to STUN works. REC should outpace the loss.

As for BODY... if you have regenerative healing that outpaces the fade rate, that's not a problem. (It could even be "only to outpace the fade rate")


More expensive, but not that much more expensive.

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Re: The White Knight defense


As far as I'm concerned, when any adjustment power that is restoring lost points Characteristics, Powers, etc, the points restored do not fade. Absorbtion, Transfer, etc, it doesn't matter -- no fade at all until you exceed the normal level for whatever is having the points put into it.


You can point me to page numbers and FAQ entries and Steve Long quotes until the end of next week, and on this particular question I won't give a flying fig, and I'm not changing my mind. Not only that, I will continue to build any and all characters based on my opinion on this matter.


Simply put, in this case, I am right, and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. :slap:

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