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Sex and the Single Superhuman


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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Quasar - He has a wife (DNPC). They have one twelve-year-old daughter together, and no plans for more kids. The wife doesn't know about the PC's "night life" (but the daughter does). So while the character could have a fling while in Hero ID, the character is also the team's "Silver Age throwback" and is much too altruistic, heroic and noble to do that. He loves his wife, and they keep each other happy.


Mystica - She has a Public ID, so you'd think that would let her meet people and have a social life. However, she seems to have taken it upon herself to protect the whole world from DEMON, the Crowns, the Circle and Tekofanes all on her little lonesome. This, along with the job as Professor of Paraphysics at Millennium City University AS WELL AS being a Mystical Consultant to PRIMUS and the FBI, not to mention consulting to local police agencies, universities and supers groups, tends to eat up ALL her time. Thus, she HAS no social life. And hasn't for a LONG time. She also doesn't have any family, and lives alone in a big, cold city that is in a forein country (she's a native Russian).


23 INT, 23 EGO, 15 pips of Mental Defense, and she's just a hard sneese away from a nervous breakdown. This girl needs a man.


(Or a woman. After all, isn't it likely that a person living in denial would use their hectic lifestyle and career as an excuse to avoid confronting their sexuality? It makes sense. But I've never played a lesbian PC before, and that isn't how I intended the character to be when I made her, so for now she'll just continue sliding down the razorblade of life into the abyss. Besides, I hate being trite, and guys playing lesbian PCs is just so ADOLECENT.)


Shadowhunter - As a health male twentysomething, Shadowhunter would love to be in a relationship. ANY relationship. However, his boss (the ORIGINAL Shadowhunter) keeps him on a very short leash, and constantly lectures him on the dangers of DNPC relationships. As a result, he is almost as frustrated as Mystica.


Hmm... I never put that together before. Both characters are in the same campaign, and the same city. Maybe I should hook the two of them up?


If a player has two PCs in a sexual relationship with each other, does that count as some kind of psyco-social equivilent to masturbation?




This is why I HATE opening windows to my soul. God only knows what might fly out.


If you sob and cry after a therapy session, it's usually concidered a good session. What does it mean when the therapist is the one sobbing and crying?

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Quasar - He has a wife (DNPC). They have one twelve-year-old daughter together' date=' and no plans for more kids. The wife doesn't know about the PC's "night life" (but the daughter [i']does[/i]).

So, don't leave us in the dark here! Tell us! What supoer powers does his daughter have?

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


So' date=' don't leave us in the dark here! Tell us! What supoer powers [b']does[/b] his daughter have?


Nope, nope, nope.


Quasar has no inate superpowers other than his high INT and a few Talents like Edidec Memory, Speed Reading and Lightning Calculator. All his powers come from a supertech battlesuit he wears.


And the daughter is too young to go "Boosting Dad's ride." Maybe by the time she turns 16 it will become an issue.


Thank God his daughter has been twelve since Champions III!

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


To me, sexuality is critical in defining my characters. But somehow I usually define them in ways that lead to them not having big, bed-hopping sex lives.


Orgone Man (with super sexual energy powers) - a thoroughly straight-laced mentalist and energy projector - just wanted to get married and raise healthy kids, and be a good, faithful husband and father. No female supers were interested in that agenda, so he wooed and won a perfectly normal non-super who was. Everybody kept not getting that he was about healthy, unblocked sexual energy, with conservative notions of "healthy".


Gladiatrix - something like a combative and highly exhibitionistic living vampire - kept picking up male admirers on account of her party-going showoff ways and huge COM and PRE. Mostly this meant nothing to her. The exception was a hero she thought well of and who was smitten with her. She went the full show-and-tell honesty route: "You're not a fellow Devourer. You don't smell like a potential sexual partner. Of course I look good, we all do, all the better to eat you. To me, you're a walking, talking pork chop."


This didn't lead to a deeper friendship but to a crushed ego and severance of all ties.


All other Devourers were villains, hence Gladiatrix had nothing to do but save the day, show off as much as possible, be idolised by crowds (how do you know you're having fun if nobody applauds?), and go home alone.


Chain Lightning - a Billy Batson/Captain Marvel transformation to energy projector - was smitten with sexy female supers. The feeling was only mutual in his super ID. He wound up getting bent out of shape about it, but decided that even though his initial heroic theatrics had only been to get girls he was never going to get, it was worthwhile for him to be willing to die or risk death to defend his "fellow normals" from the full-time superhumans who (in general) regarded normals as a lesser species and cheerfully trampled on their rights. He went from doing the right things for the wrong reasons to doing the right things for good reasons (in the context of the campaign).


Last Hero (who I haven't played but would like to: an androgynous large brick, defender - "the last, best hope" - of an almost-extinct hive race) -wants a boy/girlfriend. Object: sunsets together, beaches, going to movies, massages (requires a really, really strong friend), even a house-mate. But "sex" as to Last Hero means "reproduction" and nothing else, and "reproduction" is about doing whatever will best protect/aid the hive mother.


Though "female" in the same sense that a warrior ant is, Last Hero is the ideal "safe" boyfriend who's happy to be "just like a brother" and never wants to do anything. He would likely wind up as the significant other of a super with major issues she wasn't willing to deal with, or a succession of such troubled individuals.


All these characters would be completely different or outright unthinkable without their sexualities.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Lady Silver: left her fiancee (arranged marriage though they do love each other) to pass through a one-way portal to Earth to defend it from a mystical threat. She's quite beautiful and tends to attract other suitors in both ID's. In her secret ID, she is very attractive (her beauty dulled slightly by a glamour) and wealthy so the suitors just line up but she's not interested. In her super ID, she eventually falls in love with another team mate, Lodestar, but it ends badly. A Slyvestri plot creates a tragedy with her fiancee as well. Toppping off romantic issues, Skarn the Shaper (Mystic World) has issued a proclamation that he intends to marry Lady Silver.


Sentinel: divorced with a daughter in his ex-wife's custody. Hurt from the divorce (their marriage disintegrated due to the pressure of his job as a special ops soldier), he hasn't been interested in a new relationship.


Nova: an alien who lost her home and people to an invading force, she's dealing with too many issues to even think about it. She's slow to adapt to her new world and is scared to make new connections. A major arc of the storyline will be her eventual decision to heal and learn to love again. Only major relationship off the top of my head was an angel-like warrior from another dimension but he died in battle. She avenged him and freed his people though.


Star Knight: very free sexually, she tends to date fairly regularly and doesn't follow the three date rule before having sex. She also is bi sexual though with a marked preference for men. On and off she has a relationship with fellow her teammate Titan. They care for each other very much but neither can seem to settle down.


Titan: billionare inventor and handsome to boot, he's fairly sought after but is more interested in science. Also, he's too aware that many women might want him just for his money. He and Star Knight have an on and off relationship with good money saying that they will be the team's first married couple.


Tyr: the depressing Norse god of justice, he has no time for a relationship nor desire. The lives of mortals are too empheral as well. Despite this and his gloominess, women tend to be drawn to his nobility. Every relationship tends to in badly for the woman.


Speed Demon: B movie actor who might make A-list, he's a party boy and dates/sleeps with every beautiful woman he can.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Depends on the campaign:


Shocker was married to team member Psiren. They had two super kids before the campaign closed.


Spyder was involved briefly with several NPCs one of which turned out to be a villianess (go figure).


Tachyon dated a reporter for a while but the character wasn't around long.


DemonBane was 8' tall, 600 pounds and had fangs, wings, claws and a COM of 2...not much of a dater.


Talos had a technician that had the hots for him but it was a "I just want to sleep with an alien" kinda thing. The fact that he was permanently 1" tall made things kinda tough romantically anyway...

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I never played in games that went too heavily into sex, politics, religion, or graphic violence.


I run a PBEM and these subjects will never be "role-played" as they are not fundamental to the game. This is not to say that they won't be mentioned at all, but very little emphasis.


I always thought the "players" who delved too far into these subjects (especially sex) were sad, pathetic people who needed to go out and meet people instead of sitting around a table "role-playing" them!!!



NOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I never played in games that went too heavily into sex, politics, religion, or graphic violence.


I run a PBEM and these subjects will never be "role-played" as they are not fundamental to the game. This is not to say that they won't be mentioned at all, but very little emphasis.


I always thought the "players" who delved too far into these subjects (especially sex) were sad, pathetic people who needed to go out and meet people instead of sitting around a table "role-playing" them!!!



NOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow. Judgemental much?


You must not read many "Iron Age" comics or hard sci fi stories or Low Fantasy. There's nothing wrong with exploring any of those topics in a mature manner, IMO. There's always overkill but that can be said of anything. Everyone has their personal limits, but I don't try to impose mine on others.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Wow. Judgemental much?


You must not read many "Iron Age" comics or hard sci fi stories or Low Fantasy. There's nothing wrong with exploring any of those topics in a mature manner, IMO. There's always overkill but that can be said of anything. Everyone has their personal limits, but I don't try to impose mine on others.


1) Lord Beavis is actually a nice guy. Ignore his actual words, don't take offense, he wasn't trying to upset you.


2) There is no 2).


3) There is no 3) either.


4) No, 4) is illusory too.


5) I don't read much of any of those. For much this reason.


6) That doesn't mean I object to tasteful references to sex... but I do have a low threshold, which I do impose on others. (As GM, I turned down 'Nervoucs Bladder' as a phys lim because I know I would never even dream of enforcing it. As a player... I would consider leaving.)


7) That said, you should never do more than say 'Then I won't play' about these sorts of things. It's petty.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I'm just really sick and tired of the attitude that if you rp characters that are more than just four color child's cartoon characters with no genitalia, impulses or failings then you're some kind of pervert freak that needs to "get a life". We're all grown people sitting around playing glorified games of "Let's Pretend" so the finger pointing and snickering is silly.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I'm just really sick and tired of the attitude that if you rp characters that more than just four color or child's cartoon characters with no genitalia' date=' impulses or failings then you're some kind of pervert freak that needs to "get a life". We're all grown people sitting around playing glorified games of "Let's Pretend" so the finger pointing and snickering is silly.[/quote']


Agreed, and repped.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I'm just really sick and tired of the attitude that if you rp characters that more than just four color or child's cartoon characters with no genitalia' date=' impulses or failings then you're some kind of pervert freak that needs to "get a life". We're all grown people sitting around playing glorified games of "Let's Pretend" so the finger pointing and snickering is silly.[/quote']


Another thing: LB simply referred to people who go 'too far'. Trust me, that happens.... mind, different people have different ideas on too far.


Me, the PBeM I was watching where gentials got described and "touched" was too far... IRL, I have friends that were peeved at the fantasy character with a cat-suit (admittedly for no good reason, but shrug).


But I'm pretty sure everyone has line somewhere. Even if it's somewhere that can't even be seen from my line.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


If you want to RP the Superfriends, there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to rp The Authority, there's nothing wrong with that. We should be able to discuess our opinions without looking down our noses at each other. If you're uncomfortable with something, just ignore it. That group isn't going to come to your house, hold a gun to your head and make you play in their style.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Another thing: LB simply referred to people who go 'too far'. Trust me, that happens.... mind, different people have different ideas on too far.


Me, the PBeM I was watching where gentials got described and "touched" was too far... IRL, I have friends that were peeved at the fantasy character with a cat-suit (admittedly for no good reason, but shrug).


But I'm pretty sure everyone has line somewhere. Even if it's somewhere that can't even be seen from my line.


Yeah. Having a line is fine, but remember its your line and not nessecarily everyone elses. If you don't like a game or what's happening in it. Leave.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


If you want to RP the Superfriends' date=' there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to rp The Authority, there's nothing wrong with that. We should be able to discuess our opinions without looking down our noses at each other. If you're uncomfortable with something, just ignore it. That group isn't going to come to your house, hold a gun to your head and make you play in their style.[/quote']


...this is where I wish I had a link to the story from RPG.net where some guy was pretty much forced to game with the Brazilian Secret Police...


I agree here, nexus, btw... but I'd give LB the benefit of the doubt, and say maybe he does too.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


...this is where I wish I had a link to the story from RPG.net where some guy was pretty much forced to game with the Brazilian Secret Police...


I agree here, nexus, btw... but I'd give LB the benefit of the doubt, and say maybe he does too.


Yikes, I remember that story. I guess there really IS an exception that proves every rule.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I'm just really sick and tired of the attitude that if you rp characters that are more than just four color child's cartoon characters with no genitalia' date=' impulses or failings then you're some kind of pervert freak that needs to "get a life". We're all grown people sitting around playing glorified games of "Let's Pretend" so the finger pointing and snickering is silly.[/quote']


I must wait before giving nexus rep again. Dangit.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


The campaign I run must be full of perverts.


Lilith: started the campaign with a "fear of intamacy" disad. Briefly flirted with a PC, then was swept off her feet by Angus the reformed *cough!* supervillian who she's now co-habitating with. She is still a bit naive so she never noticed her alternate dementional twin hitting on her.


Palmer: our jailbait delinquent hacker/gadgeteer has had casual relations with tons of folks including...


Wharf: the cosmicly powered cyborg of love, hits on anyone regardless of gender or genus. Had a four year marriage during his blackout period and is now calmed down and caring for his son.


Dr. Benedict/Capt. Mysterion: Golden-age shazam type hasn't dated in a century and is a little dismayed at his teammates' antics. Of course, he just unknowingly slept with his 25pt mystery hunted. The quiet guys are always trouble.


For the record, I find it best to "fade to black" for the actual deed. The OOG conversations are graphic enough (which limits my posts to the "Quote of the week' thread.)


PS: Great thread to find on Valentines Day!

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Another thing on Nova: on her world, love is far more mental/spirtual and less physical. As a result, gender is pretty much a non-issue. She had a male fiancee on her homeworld prior to its destruction but on Earth her first "love" was Lady Silver. Unfortunately Lady Silver couldn't return that love in a romantic way but it did help them to form a deep friendship and event today they are each other's best friend.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Another thing on Nova: on her world' date=' love is far more mental/spirtual and less physical. As a result, gender is pretty much a non-issue. She had a male fiancee on her homeworld prior to its destruction but on Earth her first "love" was Lady Silver. Unfortunately Lady Silver couldn't return that love in a romantic way but it did help them to form a deep friendship and event today they are each other's best friend.[/quote']


My lesbian friends used to get a laugh out of that "love transcends the physical and gender is a non-issue" line. ;)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I never played in games that went too heavily into sex' date=' politics, religion, or graphic violence.[/quote']


So far my players have had the sex, accidentaly helped get a supervillian elected President, fought their way out of Hell, and dismembered a few demons doing it.


I run a PBEM and these subjects will never be "role-played" as they are not fundamental to the game. This is not to say that they won't be mentioned at all, but very little emphasis.


I always thought the "players" who delved too far into these subjects (especially sex) were sad, pathetic people who needed to go out and meet people instead of sitting around a table "role-playing" them!!!



NOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Perhaps it's different in a PBEM, but my players ARE meeting people. at my dining room table. And having fun doing it.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


My lesbian friends used to get a laugh out of that "love transcends the physical and gender is a non-issue" line. ;)


Why, precisely?

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