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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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NT: Unexpected consequences of buying the wrong model smartphone.

You also bought the wrong service contract, and you are now obliged to produce a first-born son in the next three years and hand him over for sacrifice.


NT: Functions you want in your phone that aren't available yet.

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NT: Functions you want in your phone that aren't available yet.

Automatic translation of colloquial English into the language of whatever being you happen to be speaking to, and back. Even if you don't know which language is being spoken. Mind you, it might have a tendency to fail to make basic concepts comprehensible and behave like English-Hungairan Phrasebooks intended to cause a Breach of the Peace....


NT: Cows are invading the human world, demanding that people each Chicken instead. What did the Chickens do to them to cause them to seek such vengeance?

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NT: Cows are invading the human world, demanding that people each Chicken instead. What did the Chickens do to them to cause them to seek such vengeance?

Angry Birds is a fictionalization, where the real aggressors' identities have been altered because of their political power. It was cattle who did it, not swine, they got whomped like the French in 1871, and like France in 1914, they seek ... revenge.

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NT: After the uprising of Cows with Guns and Chickens with Choppers, how are the pigs going to revolt?

Crashing Boar will lead the War Pigs on the ground, Wonder War-thog leads the air support of A-10 Warthogs, covert backup from The Man From P.I.G., biowarfare in a virulent new swine flu outbreak, ... The lineup is a little weak in naval power, but it should be enough to turn the humans into Long Pig.


NT: Things that happen when the gophers strike back.

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The next President is Sarah Palin


Brief aside:  Have you seen Iron Sky? 




"President Palin" moments at 0:37, 0:56, and 1:16



NT: Subtle signs we may be better off under the rule of the Elder Worm.


Actually, things weren't all that bad under George Bush senior.  (Or Bill Clinton, for that matter.)


NT:  Unusual things to hand out to trick-or-treaters for Halloween instead of candy.

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