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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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New Topic: Better things to do this weekend than watch the new "Dumb and Dumber" movie. [Difficulty: "Anything", while certainly an understandable sentiment, is not allowed.]

Drink enough cheap sake that you pass out and wake up Monday morning in a puddle in your own puke. A frozen puddle. Naked, on your side, at the base of a cliff. When it's 20 Fahrenheit outside.


NT: Real ... or, uh, not ... reasons the Philae lander bounced off the comet surface twice and wound up on its side at the bottom of a cliff.

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NT: Real ... or, uh, not ... reasons the Philae lander bounced off the comet surface twice and wound up on its side at the bottom of a cliff.

The lander decided that, just to be on the safe side, it should have the congratulatory champagne toast before landing, as opposed to afterwards. Obviously it can't hold its wine.

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NT: Real ... or, uh, not ... reasons the Philae lander bounced off the comet surface twice and wound up on its side at the bottom of a cliff.

In space, velcro isn't nearly as stick as it is at 1G.


NT: Subtle signs that perhaps you shouldn't have shared this particular cat video on Facebook.

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NT: Subtle Signs your blind date was Hitler in his/her past lifetime. Complication, nothing obvious such as Swastikas, Hitler-stache, or Seen Kyle jokes.

"We should develop a weltanscgauung which repudiates the democratic principle of the rule of the masses and aims at giving this world to the best people--that is, to the highest quality of mankind--must also apply that same aristocratic postulate to the individuals within the folk-community."
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Her body was destroyed and her brain lives in a jar.


NT: Subtle signs you'd be better off dating a Brain-in-a-Jar.


You're the world's greatest neurosurgeon, inventor of the "screw-top cranial surgery" technique.


NT:  You're in a horrific accident, and Dr. Hfuhruhurr is going to transplant your brain into a celebrity's body.  Which celebrity are you hoping for, and why?

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NT:  You're in a horrific accident, and Dr. Hfuhruhurr is going to transplant your brain into a celebrity's body.  Which celebrity are you hoping for, and why?

And young singing star, so my back and shoulders wouldn't hurt so much.


NT: World's Worst excuse for not casting a ballot in the recent elections (assume you are actually eligible to vote in your jurisdiction).

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NT: World's Worst excuse for not casting a ballot in the recent elections (assume you are actually eligible to vote in your jurisdiction).


"If Foxbat isn't running, I'm not voting!"




From AP:  Mass murderer Charles Manson plans to marry a 26-year-old woman who left her Midwestern home and spent the past nine years trying to help exonerate him.


NT:  Surprising things to find on Charles Manson's wedding registry.  [Difficulty:  nothing escape-related.]

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