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This week on "Champions"...

hooligan x

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


The League (my friends finally came up with a super hero group name), faced off against the Trickster. Trickster, pretty much the Joker of my world. He is brain draining all the scientists. A robotic scientist is having a book signing at the mall. The heroes get a report about a costume freak attacking the mall. He of course got away and the heroes failed to stop him from brain draining the scientist.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "Lexiconis Dementia" Fresh from their capture of Mayhem and Raging Bill; Artemis, Firehawk, Longbow and Paragon race against time to save a prominent educator from the vengeful clutches of Bay City's newest supervillain! But how can they find him when the only witness to the abduction can only speak in gibberish and the only other clue is four lines of nonsense in a newspaper ad?

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "Shorthanded" With the team's two ladies out of town on matters arcane, and Paragon off to Washington DC to fill in for Captain Freedom while he recovers from his injuries, Firehawk and Longbow are trying to keep a lid on things in Bay City. Between the Southside Vigilante, The Green Avenger, the jailbreak of Frizbee and Gravitar, and helping with security at the sentencing of an old enemy; our heroes have to be in too many places at once!

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "Hometown Politics" Our heroes, still reeling from their battle with the soldiers of Rogue Legion, have to collar the Southside Vigilante before she claims another victim. However, this may prove more difficult than they first thought as a protection gang rallies to her defense! Can our heroes defeat the Vigilante without costing them all of the respect they've earned from Bay City's citizens?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm [Off the air for two weeks due to scheduling conflicts]

Bay City Rollers -- "Virtual Villainy" Our heroes have learned that a group of hackers in a virtual reality superhero game are acting out the same crime over and over! Could it be a real group of supervillains practicing for a real world crime? And back in the real world, the mystery surrounding the strange package Sam Dalton received deepens! (From Heroic Adventures, Volume 1)

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


The League, finds out about someone stealing Memories of Earth's leading scientists. One of the top Robotics scientist in the world just happens to be signing his new book. "Robots and the World" When the Trickster comes in and steals his memory. The league fights any army of ATTACK toy planes and TRICK. Trick is Tricksters Right hand babe. Trickster escapes but Trick is captured. (Shooting explosives and standing behind a bookshelf is not a good idea. Specially when the bookshelves fall over on top of you from the explosion.) Finds out MR. T. (Trick calls Trickster that) is gonna set off a device that will absorb all the peoples Knowledge in a 25 mile radius. Trick escapes but it was planned so everyone follows her. They get to the hideout. A old amusement park. A fight ensues. Trickster barely escapes on his Super Pogo Stick. Although The League's Stealth Fighter ended up in the river.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "Virtual Villainy, Part II" As the characters race to save Bay City from Gravitar's home-built weapon of mass destruction, they keep a watchful eye on cyberspace as the online villains' group The Bandits begin stepping up their activity around the virtual construct of the Bay City Historical Museum. Can our heroes save the city and catch the bad guys, or will this be the end of Bay City and our heroes' careers as crimefighters? And what do sightings of a monster in Stoneshale Bay have to do with it all? Don't miss this exciting episode, true believers, because the worst is yet to come! (From Heroic Adventures, Volume One)

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "Spellbound For Trouble!" She's baaaack! And you better believe that being cast into Limbo because of the actions of our heroes earlier this year hasn't improved her attitude one bit! Plus, there's those rumors that Spellbound has merged with a demon who's locked horns with Artemis before, so be sure to tune in for this one, true believers!

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "The Footsteps of Doom" Our heroes are on the trail of a maniac responsible for a series of steam-powered murders which threatens the delicate balance of power between street gangs in the city. To make matters worse, taking down the maniacal vigilante may endanger more lives than it saves! Is it a no-win scenario, or can our heroes find a way to stop the bloodshed without losing the city?

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Legion-X in Ultimate Conspiracy Pt. 2 There's no turning back now! Galactica has finally snapped out of her trance, but will she be able to keep on fighting when she discovers that half of her teammates fell at her own hand? And what of the students, buried under the rubble of the Legion-X Mansion and UNTIL's own Helicarrier? Will Ironhide be able to keep the surviving team members fighting? What is Nightflight's part in all this? And is Kenix Kil really back from the dead? (Watch the episode "Kil'ing me softly with your guns" to see the death of founding team member Kenix Kil) And who is this helmeted master of magnetism? Find out this week, same X-Time, same X-Place!

Guest Starring Moon Spectre, the Fiery Fenix, and the Red Streak.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "There's No Place Like Home" After being thrown out of their own dimension by the explosion of the Dreadnought battlesuit power source, our heroes' adventures in the "Norse" America dimension continue! But some old enemies have detected their presence and they want the Fire Wyrm Heart! It's an off-beat Christmas episode for sure, but one you won't want to miss!

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Saturday 12:30 PM

The Professionals "In the Vice" Battered! Betrayed! The team splits up in a vain attempt to escape the East Coast Mob's trap. Now each must run the deadly gauntlet of Miami's streets in simultaneous running battles with teams of underworld super mercs.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


GLOBAL DEFENSE INITIATIVE: THE SAPPHIRE SQUAD. "Sapphire and Steel" A paranoid KGB General has authorised the use of the Steel Battalion to search and destroy all "alien threats" within a small Russian town that seems to be the center for a host of "strange happenings".Can the Sapphire Squad stop the Steel Battalion before innocent people are harmed while convincing the General that no Aliens have infiltrated the city.


This scenario is a rough proposal to be included in Origins 2006.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sunday 7:00 pm

Bay City Rollers -- "Daddy's Girl" After preventing agents of Rogue Legion from creating an active culture of the Halloween Virus, the heroes managed to capture Vortex. Now Colonel Fang is coming to get his daughter out of the Bloc Island SuperMax Prison, and he isn't coming alone! This is the Season One Finale, so you know you don't want to miss a single second!

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Wednesday, 7pm


UNITY Prime -- "Number Two Million Sunblock, Part 1": The premiere episodes starts off with a shocker when, during UNTIL's press conference to announce the formation of the team, the sun goes out and the sky turns pitch black for dozens of miles around! Follow UNITY into space and from coast to coast, as they try to track down the mysterious cyberkinetic villainess who's been rebuilding satellites, altering the ozone layer with nanite catalysts, sticking mind-control discs on people, and in general just leaving a horrible mess behind her wherever she goes for other people to clean up.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


The League, found out about Giga Girls Past. She is just a runaway teenager. They thought she was 19. Ravenwood Academy came looking for her. Thinking that these "VILLAINS" had forcable taken her. (Giga Girl, left a ransom letter before she left to throw anyone off track.) A fight ensued. When the fight finally ended and it was all said and done. Flame was offered a job at Ravenwood Academy and he accepted.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...



After an inconclusive battle in the subbasement of the Iron Witch's skyscraper fortress our heroes get called out by Quantum Flux.

Is Metal Lash's apparent change of heart real?

Will the rest of the villians change sides once the Iron Witch's control collars are removed?

Will the Trans-Dimensional Quantum Tunneler take them back to their own reality?

Tune in for answers to these and many other questions.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Just a reminder -- I post the weekly entries for my "UNITY Prime" game in its own thread, not here. (I was posting them both here and there, but then I decided that redundant posting like that was, you know, spamming.)


I also put them up on the campaign website here.





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  • 2 weeks later...

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