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Lemme tell you a story...


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Hello everyone,


I read somewhere (WOTC forums?) that the forums here are just a bunch of geeks bantering back and forth about game mechanics, can Capt. America beat Batman and pretty much nothing else.


I want to disprove that theory. Take some time and tell us all about your campaign, I know I am interested in what is going on in your gaming world and I know more than a few of us always like to have a resource for new plot ideas and such.


I promise that I will tell you all about my campaign that I am playing in, that is if the GM doesn't beat me to it...





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Re: Lemme tell you a story...


Originally posted by Cool_Manchu

I read somewhere (WOTC forums?) that the forums here are just a bunch of geeks bantering back and forth about game mechanics, can Capt. America beat Batman and pretty much nothing else.

Gaming forums everywhere consist of a "bunch of geeks bantering", it's not just here. And just so you know, we do not just argue about whether Cap can beat Bats, we also argue about whether or not Supes can be Thor. :)

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Re: Re: Lemme tell you a story...


Originally posted by Monolith

Gaming forums everywhere consist of a "bunch of geeks bantering", it's not just here. And just so you know, we do not just argue about whether Cap can beat Bats, we also argue about whether or not Supes can be Thor. :)


Power Man and Iron Fist can take Hawk and Dove anyday of the week! Oh, wrong thread... carry on.

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Cool Manchu,


Browse the other areas of the board, you will see we are more then that.

Yes those conversations do occur, but we also talk about world topics, art,and other things.




Stick around for a while, and I'm sure you will get sucked into an intresting conversation of one type or another.

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Here are some of the running plotlines in my game:


Temporal Cube

The primary purpose for the group’s existence, and what brought them all together, deals with the group’s need to recover the pieces for the Temporal Cube. There are 6 pieces in total and each piece is being held by a different supervillain (Albert Zerstoiten, Alejandro Medina, Danar Nicole, Tempus Carlson, Frederick Foswell, and Gerald Byrne). If the pieces are not recovered before the team’s benefactor dies a temporal paradox will occur that will destroy the entire universe.


True Horror

My primary sub-plot deals with the Monster. I use the Monster as a condemned soul who has been trapped by Takofanes and forced into doing the Undying Lord’s wishes. The Monster must kill 99 people in a specific order for Takofanes to get his freedom; and it is not know if this is a good or bad thing. Each of these people holds a piece of the soul of Sh’ayre Menshyrak, Takofanes’ jailer. Takofanes seeks revenge on Sh’ayre Menshyrak and wishes to recombine the soul and torment it for millennia as he was tormented by his imprisonment.


Mole Mountain

My second sub-plot deals with the IHA and its secret base which manufactures Minuteman robots. One of the players in the game is a mutant, and he is an activist within the mutant community. The character has spent years trying to bring the veiled world of the mutant hunters into the public’s consciousness. The group has slowly been getting clues and pieces as to where the base is.


The Children of Islam

My final sub-plot deals with the players finding and stopping the Children before they can cause any more terrorist acts or take any more American lives. The Children are currently performing one major terrorist act per month in the game; though none as large as the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Fear is the Children’s primary goal overall. This is not a major plot-point in the game, but it does help to underlie the situation in Afghanistan and what is going on with the Government in the Middle East.


There is also plenty of random supervillain violence, thefts, and robberies to keep the game from getting too plot heavy. Each game session adds another piece to the puzzle as the heroes grow in power, waiting for their ultimate confrontation with Dr. Destroyer. :)

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Re: Lemme tell you a story...


Originally posted by Cool_Manchu

I want to disprove that theory. Take some time and tell us all about your campaign, I know I am interested in what is going on in your gaming world and I know more than a few of us always like to have a resource for new plot ideas and such.


My campaign involves the newly-created fourth incarnation of the Northern Guard, Canada's official government-sponsored superteam. I originally expected this game to be a bit more serious in tone, but my players definitely have a silly streak, so we're running with that.


The two big sub-plots that have been developing in the story are:


[*]The Return of Dr. Destroyer. In my campaign, Dr. Destroyer is considered to be dead after the Battle of Detroit. The group is definitely not ready to take him on, but the group is starting to piece together that he's still alive.


[*]The second Northern Guard team. Numerous incidents have made the team aware that the second incarnation of the Northern Guard team completely disappeared around the time the group officially disbanded. Naturally, they're curious about what happened. They've started to make contact with other heroes who know bits of information about the various members.


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Re: Lemme tell you a story...


Originally posted by Cool_Manchu

Hello everyone,


I read somewhere (WOTC forums?) that the forums here are just a bunch of geeks bantering back and forth about game mechanics, can Capt. America beat Batman and pretty much nothing else.


I want to disprove that theory. Take some time and tell us all about your campaign, I know I am interested in what is going on in your gaming world and I know more than a few of us always like to have a resource for new plot ideas and such.




I've posted this info before, but the game I'm running is Mutants and Masterminds. However, it is sent in a Champions/ slowly moving to Hero 5, campaign that has been going for 16 years. We play Champions under RDU Neil, and then my MM game. But both are set in the same campaign.


RDU Neil wrote a synopis of that campaign at this thread on the Green Ronin boards




Its a large thread, but if you are interested, the first ep that I did is there as well as Neil's campaign. Oh yeah, there is some art and some MM characters as well.

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Zencorp, the creators of the Zen Team (from Allies), announces the next step in corporate superheroes: Zen Team America.


Made up of an ever-increasing roster of heroes designated by greek letters and created using a proprietary process of cybernetic and chemical treatments performed on compatible subjects selected through an exhaustive screening process.


Every Zen Team member can transform into a true superhero with a unique superpower. All Zen Team members are highly trained in team tactics and experts in the martial arts. Each Zen Team member is also equipped with a communicator and ceramic-reinforced armor.


Kids! Watch the Zen Team battle evil every Saturday morning in their very own cartoon, and then check out the full line of Zen Team action figures and other fine products! Coming soon: Zen Jet III with Mega-booster sound and rotary rocket launcher! Stay turned after the show for a list of upcoming personal appearances by real live Zen Team members at a ToySaurus near you!


Collect Them All -

Zen Alpha with his metal skin and super strength

Zen Beta with his super running

Zen Eta with his teleport powers

Zen Lambda with his super flight

Zen Iota with her super shrinking

Zen Kappa with his energy fist power

Zen Sigma with her boosting power

Zen Psi with his mind-reading powers

Zen Gamma with her magnetic powers

NEW! Zen Jeeves - the Zen Team's super-powered robot.

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That's the name of our team, we have about 20 members total, but only 6 are active PCs. We recently finnished a pretty cool campagn. I'll start with the roster.


Slider: Team leader: Slider has the ability to create powerful magnetic fields.

Brawl: Do I realy need to elaborate? The Brick

Cannonball: The speedster, and like the name insinuates, he specialises in move-throughs.

Blizzard: powerful Cyrokinetisist. This guy is "cool"

Arc: Lightning bolt anyone? Being able to transform into pure electricity makes for some fas movement

Man-O-War: The Iron man clone(well, not clone)this is my character.


In this campagn, we spent about 6 game sesions fighting what we thought were clones of ourselves. We investigated companies that had the resourses to do such a thing. It wasn't until it was too late that we found out we were actualy comming up against an alternate reality version of Slider. This Slider had been hopping through realities picking up alternates to each of us. By the time we realised this, over half out team had been replaced with alternates(pretty well played by the guys). We were eventually able to get free of the trap that had been laid for us, but by then, Slider had managed to steal Man-O-War's power armor and destroy our base. He eventually escaped into another reality. We have yet to go after Slider, as we're still working on rebuilding the team, the base, and the portion of the city he destroyed.

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Hey everyone,


Thanks so much for the initial posts. I really like to see the ideas churning out there in the Champs-verse.


Our game just started, but I will fill you in on what the characters are like:


Jungle Lord - Kinda like a T'Challa meets Kraven with a healthy dose of Kazar thrown in for good measure.


Stellar - Think Capt. Marvel...no, not that one or that one... you know, the other one...:)


Crucible - Neat concept, if you have read From Beyond by Lovecraft, you will know the basis for this characters origin. He is the mentallist trying to save those from the new dimension that he has found which he is convinced is Hell.


Lifeguard - Transmutes into water, kinda like an energy projector with drains on metal (rust) and stretching and some other really cool powers.


Bushido (mine and the cheese ball of the group) - A cybernetic-samurai with a mystical blade. (sorry, I am on a big Lone Wolf and Cub kick lately...:) )



Once the ball gets rolling in the game, I will fill you in. As I said, we have only had one gaming session so far and most of it was getting the group together.


We haven't come up with a name, a couple have been suggested, but nothing has "clicked" yet...


Well, keep 'em coming and I will keep you all posted on our game as it gets up and going.

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It looks like I will finally get the chance to use a concept I've been working on for a couple of years in my new campaign, incorporating elements from Classic Enemies, San Angelo: City of Heroes, the original and now the new Champions Universe. Since you've asked for a story, allow me to elaborate:


Randal MacFadden was one of the most powerful and least detrimentally affected of the mutates resulting from Project: Sunburst, gaining great light-manipulating powers. After forcing the general in charge of the project to erase all records of MacFadden's participation, and to create a new identity for him, Randal killed the general. He then joined Pharos Industries in his new guise of young hotshot executive Stephen Bow, quickly rising up the ranks to become VP of Acquisitions.


At the same time, Randal adopted another identity and another career: that of Adam, founder of the new-age cult The Light of Truth Ministry. The cultists revere the Sun as the symbol and source of life energy, but Adam's inner circle is aware of his powers and consider him an avatar of the Sun itself. Adam recruits from these fanatically loyal followers for agents of his super-terrorist group, Solar Mass, equiped with technology pirated from Pharos Industries, and which he leads under yet another identity: the supervillain Photon.


Solar Mass can attack rivals of Pharos Industries or those who get too close to the truth about Light of Truth, or steal funds to finance secret projects by Pharos. The Light of Truth can demonstrate against and harass heroes who attack Pharos or Solar Mass, and their donations can support the other two. Pharos Industries lawyers can protect Light of Truth cultists or Solar Mass operatives. In this way, the various branches of Photon's organization can support each other. And I find that I like the way the various sun-light motifs play off each other, giving this villain a strong theme.


Obviously, Photon's background as designed here has plenty of plot hooks to draw in the PCs: they can come into direct conflict with Sunburst and Solar Mass, or investigate questionable activities by Pharos Industries, or a DNPC could be drawn into the Light of Truth Ministry, or the PCs may learn about the tampering with Project: Sunburst records and try to track down Randal MacFadden. My intention is to have the PCs run up against each of these branches of Photon's organization separately, only gradually coming to suspect that they may be connected. I think that it has the makings of a good conspiracy campaign.

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Originally posted by Cool_Manchu

Stellar - Think Capt. Marvel...no, not that one or that one... you know, the other one...:)


You mean the one who yells the magic word Split-ZAM! and his limbs fall off so he can throw them at criminals? KEWL!:D


Oruncrest - Who in his secret identity of Joe T. fights a neverending battle against the forces of Trash, Junk, and stuff you really don't wanna think about!

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Here's the beginning of a story...


Comments welcome.


“Hello, Cass.†The voice came from behind her.

She paused in mid-stroke, dropping her pen in exasperation. “Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?â€

“Yes.†The reply was immediate.

She sighed and sat back in her chair. “What do you want?â€

“Funny, I was going to ask you the same question.â€

“I beg your pardon?â€

“Avenger Davis,†he answered calmly, “Did you honestly think that I wouldn’t be able to ID a PRIMUS tail when I had one?â€

“Does it surprise you,†Silver Avenger Rachel Cassandra Davis returned, “to find out that PRIMUS has an official interest in you?â€

“Official?†He sounded surprised. “You mean that there’s no personal interest?â€

“I’m sure that I don’t know what you are talking about.â€

“I’ve never seen you blush through IR before. It really brings out your cheekbones.†The voice seemed to be coming from just behind her right ear.

She ignored the burning in her face. “Get out!†She whirled to face the voice – and saw no one, just the night breeze blowing the curtain through the open window. “Bastard!†she hissed through clenched teeth.

Her computer beeped. “My parents were happily married prior to both my conception and my birth, thank you,†the message on the screen read.


“You sure that was a good idea, Boss?†Marc deSangreal queried.

“Nope.†Rod Blaine stared at the monitor on his desk, which had just replayed his previous night’s visit to Trinity City’s PRIMUS base. He tapped a button on the remote control in his hand and the recording reversed.

“Then why did you do it?â€

“Because I’m not sure it wasn’t.â€

Marc considered his old friend’s answer for a moment. “So, what did you want?â€

Rod paused the recording, and spoke quietly. “I’m not quite sure of that myself.†He walked away from his desk, and Marc looked at the monitor. Frozen on the screen was an IR image of a very attractive, blushing, female face.


“Your system checks clean, ma’am,†the PRIMUS support tech reported.

“Thanks, Thom,†Avenger Davis replied. She made a point of knowing all of the personnel assigned to her base on sight, because she didn’t want to become isolated from the agents who made up the ‘real PRIMUS’, as she referred to it. The tech left her office, and she leaned back in her chair with a sigh.

“All clear?†Base Commander Nathan Sanchez stuck his head in the doorway.

“Yeah, Nate. I’m fine.†Her temper was more reputation than reality, they both knew, but this morning she had been in top form.

“May I ask what this was all about?†he inquired. She had called an unscheduled security drill, and had every last bit in the base’s computer systems checked for unauthorized access; hers was the last one checked. The security teams maxed their assessment, and the computer systems came up clean.

“Close the door.†When he had complied, and taken the silently-indicated seat, she carefully related the previous night’s incident, leaving out the ‘personal’ comments.

He whistled low. “Blaine? He always was a ballsy one.†Sanchez had been Base Commander during Rod Blaine’s tenure as Trinity City’s Silver Avenger as well.

“I know.†She shook her head.

“So do you want the observer team to pull back, or stay on the job?â€

“Keep them on,†she replied after a moment. “I’m going to act as if this incident never took place, and I’m going to ask you to do the same.â€

“Any breaches of Base security are supposed to be reported,†Commander Sanchez reminded her.

“To the Base Commander and/or the Silver Avenger in residence,†she answered him. “Having reported this incident to you, I have met the requirement. And as the Silver Avenger in residence, I am exercising prerogative and ordering this incident sealed.â€

He leaned back and examined her face. “Rachel, I’ve known you since Intelligence School. There’s more going on here than you’re telling me, and it’s something between you and Aven- I mean, Blaine.†He fell silent at the verbal faux pas, and at Avenger Davis’ frown of disapproval.

“Let it go, Nate. For reasons I can’t go in to, please, just let it go.â€

“OK. We’ve known each other far too long for me not to trust you.â€

“Thanks, Nate. Have everyone stand down if they haven’t already, and let the office staff go home for the day.â€

“Will do.â€

“And you take off yourself. Go home and take your wife out to dinner or something.â€

“Like we’re going to find a babysitter. Agent Miller is on reaction team tonight.†Assault Agent Denise Miller had a natural talent with kids, and regularly volunteered to visit the Trinity City area schools. She also insisted on babysitting for the married agents so that they could spend time with their spouses.

“No she isn’t,†Avenger Davis replied, tapping the keys on her keyboard with a flourish. “The Silver Avenger in residence changed the duty schedule, so Agent Miller is off duty tonight. I’ll let her know that you and Carla have dinner plans.â€

“You know that could be construed as abuse of power,†Nate warned half-seriously.

“If there’s a valid complaint filed I’ll accept full responsibility. Satisfied?â€

“No, but you’re not going to tell me any more about you and Rod Blaine, so I’ll have to accept it at that.â€

“You’re right; I’m not.†The jovial tone had left her voice.

“OK. Out here.â€


Rod was deep in the final stages of his daily regimen when Marc entered the gym. He waited patiently until his employer and friend had finished his workout.

“What’s up?†Rod asked, mopping sweat from the back of his neck with a towel.

“Invitation.†Marc handed him the engraved document.

“Anthony Bonatelli,†Rod read. “I’m not politically active. Why would the good Senatorial candidate want me to attend his party?†He glanced over the invitation. “It doesn’t appear to be a fund-raiser. Aside from his political aspirations, what else do we know about the good candidate?â€

Marc handed Rod a PDA and a stylus. Rod tapped the screen thoughtfully.

“Funny. I thought I knew most of the SF guys in-theatre in Desert Storm. I don’t remember him, though.â€

“That’s because he wasn’t there,†Marc replied. “He was in Colombia.â€

Rod looked at him bemusedly. “And you would know this how?â€

Marc grinned. “First-hand witness.â€

Rod raised an eyebrow. “What were you doing in Colombia?â€

Marc shrugged. “Delta was curious about what Los Lobos were up to, so ‘Funny Platoon’ took a look-see.â€

“That wouldn’t have anything to do with the Black Wolves being disbanded just before the ’92 elections, would it?â€

Marc looked pious. “I’m not at liberty to discuss that matter.â€

Rod shook his head. “That ranks right up there with ‘I did not have sex with that woman’.â€

“Or ‘American father, local national mother’.†Marc shot back.

“Wiseguy,†Rod returned, sheathing the stylus and handing Marc the PDA. “Makes sense that he wouldn’t want the Wolves showing up on his record… but something tells me that there’s more to Tony Bonatelli than meets the eye.â€


“What’s the latest on the guest list?’ Tony Bonatelli asked as his valet tied the bow tie. “Not too tight,†Tony instructed the man, who bowed in acknowledgement.

“Silver Avenger Rachel Cassiopeia Davis, attending.†Tony smiled.

“PRIMUS Base Commander Nathan Michael Sanchez and guest, regrets.â€

Tony nodded. “Someone has to be on call.â€

“Roderick Harold Blaine V, manservant, and guest; attending.â€

“What’s up with this Blaine guy?†The question came from across the room, where Tony’s assistant, Lisa, stood patiently. “He’s not the-“

“-former Silver Avenger,†Tony finished. “And yes, he is. Before that, he was a star operative in the Army’s special operations community, though he had made sufficient enemies that he would never have made high rank.â€

“So, do you know what his deal was with VIPER?†Lisa asked.

“No, and neither does anyone else.†After his ‘medical discharge’ from PRIMUS, Rod Blaine had, it turned out, joined the criminal organization VIPER, and worked his way up through the ranks to the position of VIPER Commander and assistant to the Nest Leader for VIPER Trinity City. When PRIMUS Trinity City, led by Blaine’s successor as Silver Avenger, Rachel Davis, and working in cooperation with the UN’s UNTIL and Trinity City’s own MRS TacTeam, raided the Nest, Blaine was captured. His subsequent claims to have been working undercover for PRIMUS were ‘neither confirmed nor denied’ by the PRIMUS hierarchy, and he somehow didn’t seem to be concerned about possible VIPER retaliation. VIPER’s official announcement was that Blaine was using that claim to avoid prosecution. Tony had his own information sources about that organization, and they told him that a VIPER hit on Blaine would be tantamount to admitting that PRIMUS had gotten an agent in that deep, and that their official stance was a ‘face saving’ move. Tony admired Blaine’s shrewdness at playing each organization against the other, as Tony himself was currently doing similar in the political arena, while at the same time realizing what kind of a fine line Blaine was walking between two powerful (potential) enemies.

“So why did you invite him? Old Army buddy?â€

“No. Rod Blaine is the fifth wealthiest man in Trinity City. His initial wealth was inherited, but it’s grown since he left the Army and took control of it. And I have no idea of his politics, nor of his current activities. He might well prove to be useful, in one fashion or another.â€


It wasn’t often that Avenger Davis appeared in public in anything other than an official capacity of late, thus it had been quite some time since she had worn formal evening wear. In deliberate contrast to her regulation-exempted hairstyle while on duty, where she let her scarlet hair hang to its full calf-length, she had it arranged up, off of her neck, though the mass of it still spilled down her back. Her dress was emerald green, to match her eyes, and fashionably cut.

Her years of modeling had left her experienced in such venues as this evening’s event; those same years, and more, had been spent as an undercover intelligence operative for PRIMUS, which further qualified her to attend. U.S. Senate candidate Anthony Bonatelli appeared to be a normally ambitious politician, but her instincts told her he bore close observation. When the invitation to this party had arrived at her home, instead of her office, her curiosity was piqued.

Tony Bonatelli was a public supporter of the Free City Coalition, a political group organized to support the establishment of Trinity City as a free city, separated from the surrounding states of Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky, and under the jurisdiction of none of the three. Trinity Island, located at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, ostensibly already held such status. As one of the few residents of the Island (most of the island being occupied by businesses and government offices), Tony had applied for (and received) candidacy for the U.S. Senate seats up for election in each of the three states, playing off of each state’s desire to exercise jurisdiction (and tax collection) over the economic powerhouse that was Trinity Island. If any of the three states failed to accept Tony’s candidacy, then there would be legal precedent for that state to lose its claim on a share of the tax revenues of the Island, as the plan currently making its way thought the courts would have it divided. On the other hand, if Tony were to win, as he fully intended and publicly stated, all three Senate seats, he planned to petition to be seated as the Senator from Trinity City, de facto establishing Trinity as a political entity separate from the surrounding states.

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I think I have posted this before too.


My current game is based on the idea of the daughters (somehow I ended up with entirely female players) of several well known (in my game anyways) Heros and Heroines moving to a new city and starting a group there. Its pretty much the new guard replacing the old one type of thing.



UltraGirl : Wonder Woman Clone- Daughter of the original "ultra woman" who is the champions of the amazons in my game.


Lantern : Female green Lantern clone - bearer of one of 4 rings of power (Well there were only 3 rings..but one got split in too..Long story.)


Lady Midnight: Batman wanna be, and the only heroine so far who isn't the daughter of some other better known heroine.


Mongoose : Son of one of the cities fallen heroines.. bit of a pyscho.


To date they have been battling viper to a stand still.

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Reliance Reforged


Hi Gents,


My new campaign involves a startup of one that I ran years ago. I got the genesis for the campaign by asking folks on this very board for ideas. I ended up with something really special. :D If you imagine a world where PC are begrudgingly accepted by the populace and constantly hounded by UNTIL (the new global super control agency) you get the idea. It is up to the PC to convince the world that their return is a good thing. The first plotlines involve the PC meeting and dealing with a strange little girl who is harboring the soul of Hapshetset, an ancient Eqgyptian pharoah.


The PC include...

+ Survivor - One of the only heroes to survive the Apocalypse (i.e. a series of disasterous explosions that occured in 1984 that killed essentially 90% of the supers of the planet). Survivor is an experiment gone awry. He has powers of TK and absorption. He is now jaded and not sure of his role as a superhero.

+ The Smith - Thief caught stealing a strange idol which turned out to be magical. Smith can recreate any electronic or mechanical device that he touches. Nifty character who now has a Robin Hood complex.

+ Rian - Strange mutant/experiment who can assume the shape of other humanoids and project powerful psionic attacks.

+ Chan San Feng - Immortal founder of a Tai Chi style. Martial artists with mystical chi powers.


It should continue to be tons of fun...

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