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Everything posted by Castaigne

  1. Re: HERO Hall of Fame? Reading your initial post it kinda sounds like this thread is about randomly generated Champions PCs. But since I've never randomly generated a Champions character, nor to my knowledge has anyone I've ever gamed with, I'm not sure if I should reply, which might be why the lack of response.
  2. Re: What variation of Champions do you play in? Kitchen sink - Old, new, re-written and resurrected CU characters and history, with 3rd party, stuff from the web, and original creations mixed in. This week features the return of The Legion of 5th Ed. Ret-Con Orphans.
  3. I owned SA:CoH and plan to get the 2nd edition. I don’t use San Angelo as a setting for the sole reason that I like to use real-world cities for supers games. I do use San Angelo as a sourcebook for NPCs, organizations, and quasi-fictional locations. I've found the normal or low-powered super Normals Unbound type characters particularly useful, as well as the featured supers. When The Dragon's Gate comes out I'll use the characters and locales to populate Chinatowns in the cities of my current campaigns.
  4. 1) Are Weapon Elements specific to one martial art, or do they apply to all martial arts a character knows, like Extra Damage Classes? 2) What about 'free' Weapon Elements? Example: Max has KS: Kung Fu and three maneuvers common to both Kung Fu and Kenjutsu. If Max adds WF: Blades and KS: Kenjutsu can he use the Weapon Element: Blades with Kung Fu?
  5. Thank you, penemue. The synergy between GOO and DOJ continues to excite me in unnatural ways. And soon there will be an official conversion vehicle. Oh yeah...Kyuuketsuki [ping!...] and are there stats for Larva?
  6. There are Hero conversion notes for the Fuzion BGC stuff in the back of the BGC: Before and After supplement, which covers the Bubblegum Crash and AD Police OAV (not to be confused with the AD Police TV show or BGC 2040). Boomers with a more reasonable point total can also be found on the last page of the Invasions: Target Earth Champions sourcebook.
  7. If you weren't already inspired by it, check out the Vampire Princess Miyu OAV. The second of the four episodes, "A Banquet of Marionettes" should give you a lot of ideas.
  8. I used Cloud, Deluge and Sirocco in several adventures and have 5th ed. work-ups for them with some slight alterations. I’m hesitant to post them (assuming anyone’s interested) without making sure it’s not going to cause any trouble though. The original author is Wayne Ligon, but the fine print in the magazine says “All material printed in these pages is the exclusive property of White Wolf unless prior arrangements have been made with the author/artist.†In addition to Stormfront there’s an easily converted DC Heroes adventure featuring some Mystery Men (the movie) style characters I also did 5th ed. write-ups for.
  9. It might be interesting if some of the sources of power survive in some form, even if the heroes and villains who use them now don't make it. The Crowns of Krim, the source of Meteor Man's power, and the Elder Worm could all be buried, dormant and forgotten, until discovered again.
  10. Here are just a few of the approaches I've seen used to maximize point-effectiveness: 1) Load all your character's Powers with lots of Limitations, like Charges (12 is good, most combats don't last a Turn anyway), Burnout, Ablative, Gestures, Increased END (END is cheap, and END Reserves even cheaper), Restrainable, Luck Based, and so on. Also search through all the published books and the FAQ for Limitations your GM might not know about. If your GM doesn't impose Active Point caps buy a 30+ DC AOE Attack with one or two charges so you can take out the master villain on the first Phase of a battle. 2) Buy all your character's Characteristics with a Limitation. OIF is good if you don't think your GM will bother to take your Focus away, or OIHID if you think he might. A couple of one-turn Continuing Charges are also good (again, most combats don't last over a Turn). Only For Defense, Only Not To Be CON Stunned, and Only To Do Damage are also good if your GM doesn't say no. 3) Make sure your character has all the possible Defensive Powers in the rulebook at the maximum level allowed by your GM. DEX doesn't matter if no one can hurt you. 4) Go through the rulebook and buy powers with stopsigns and exclamation points. These usually turn out to be the most point-efficient. Desolid and Extra Dimensional Movement are a must. 5) Keep your character's Special Effects as general as possible. An 'Energy' EB is a lot harder to counter than a 'Fire' EB. 6) Put all your character's attack Powers in a Multipower with at least a dozen u-slots with different Advantages, but buy Defensive and Movement Powers outside any Framework. After you write up your character go through the book again and make sure you didn't miss any Powers or Advantages (u-slots are cheap). 7) Don't use any character design software or even a printed character sheet, but write out your character with a blunt pencil on a crumpled piece of paper so the GM can't read it.
  11. Whoa. JohnOSpencer, you are brilliant. I may well have to change my plans and steal your idea lock stock and barrel, even if it turns out to be a clever plan to infiltrate the Hero's organization. "Sparky" indeed. On my last thumb through CKC I also noticed that Lady Blue's Force Projection Powers are uncannily similar to Prof. Muerte's Powers in Classic Enemies. Hmm... And if, inspired by Balok, I have a James Bond novel (not movie) inspired villain take over Terror, Inc. after Muerte's 'death,' I'm set. That's my campaign. I already based Muerte's HQ on Dr. No's guano mine. I always saw Muerte as a villain designed to battle a team that Dr. Destroyer would turn into a thin red paste with little or no effort. And regardless of where anyone thinks Scorpia might belong, she'll never really be a member of anything.
  12. I always liked Muerte. His Soliloquy Bubble forced the PCs to fight his minions and hordes of satisfyingly (for the players at least) incompetent agents while I got to chew scenery. I also re-worked Giganto years ago with environment-absorbing Growth and a changed origin. My plan is to set Muerte up as the Magneto-like foil for the PCs I was always disappointed didn't make it into the original Champions Universe. Ideally he'll be philosophically almost diametrically opposed to the Heroes, but still have enough in common with them that both sides will keep trying to bring each other around. I'm bringing him back as a subtler figure with expanded force powers and permanently fused into the battlesuit. He'll have the Mech Agents DEMON rightly lost and some competent covert agents along the lines of Demonflux instead of an army of sub-average goons. If Demonspawn and Demonflux appear in a future sourcebook I'll make their agents magical and Muerte's technology-based, and if not then Chameleon will make a great addition to Muerte's organization. And thanks for the official word, Mr. Long.
  13. It could be Steve expressed a dislike for Prof. Muerte on the old boards, and the name Terror Inc. is certainly in very bad taste at the present time, but one of the posts on the Cheating Death thread (not the Asesinos thread, which comes up on a search for 'Muerte' because of references to El Muerto Obscuro) mentions Steve saying that Professor Muerte will definitely not be back. It's not vitally important, and Steve did provide the many Champions GMs who've used Terror Inc. with plenty of opportunities to bring him back, but because the circumstances of his death are so obviously negotiable I don't want to make a lot of plans and then have him show up in an upcoming Champions sourcebook or adventure that I wasn't aware of, particularly if he and Giganto get the same excellent treatment that Scorpia and Feuermacher do in CKC. In any case Hernan Cortez will hopefully apparently breathe his last in the arms of one of the PCs (you never can tell what the players are going to do) tomorrow evening.
  14. I'm going to be running a Death of Professor Muerte flashback adventure tomorrow in preparation for having him return much-transformed several months from now. I've checked all the references in Champions and Champions Universe and I searched the boards. One of the posts in the Cheating Death thread said that Steve said Muerte is never officially coming back, but I can't find the original reference. I'd hate to bring back my version of him if he's going to be in a future Champions supplement or adventure, so If anyone could point me to where Steve sealed Muerte's fate, or if anyone has the inside dope on the Prof., my players would certainly appreciate it. One or two of them might know, but I can't ask without giving the adventure away.
  15. My group tends to use limitations as a way to model characters and powers with little regard for point-saving or balance. It's not uncommon for PCs to have limitations on powers that have no effect on real point cost. Even so, we strictly enforce the idea that a limitation that doesn't limit the use of a power in-game isn't a limitation, and any character who buys powers or characteristics OIHID or through a Focus will eventually have to face a villain without them
  16. As a GM, I've always allowed characters to buy Background skills based on Characteristics. Even so, the majority of Background skills the PCs in my gaming group have are at 8- or 11-, and not based on a Characteristic. One of the main uses of Background skills I see is to give characters a chance to be able to do something or know something that doesn't have a lot of in-game impact, but that they should reasonably have on their sheets at the granularity level of the Hero System. A good GM will work Background skill use into the game, but not to the same extent as Characteristic-based skills. If all skills are treated equally in your games, then base all skills on Characteristics and cost them at 3 points. However, I personally have never seen a game where PS: Interior Design or KS: Irish Folklore (both bought at 11- by PCs in a Dark Champions game I'm running) have been used as often and had similar consequences for a failed roll as Breakfall or Stealth.
  17. Zencorp, the creators of the Zen Team (from Allies), announces the next step in corporate superheroes: Zen Team America. Made up of an ever-increasing roster of heroes designated by greek letters and created using a proprietary process of cybernetic and chemical treatments performed on compatible subjects selected through an exhaustive screening process. Every Zen Team member can transform into a true superhero with a unique superpower. All Zen Team members are highly trained in team tactics and experts in the martial arts. Each Zen Team member is also equipped with a communicator and ceramic-reinforced armor. Kids! Watch the Zen Team battle evil every Saturday morning in their very own cartoon, and then check out the full line of Zen Team action figures and other fine products! Coming soon: Zen Jet III with Mega-booster sound and rotary rocket launcher! Stay turned after the show for a list of upcoming personal appearances by real live Zen Team members at a ToySaurus near you! Collect Them All - Zen Alpha with his metal skin and super strength Zen Beta with his super running Zen Eta with his teleport powers Zen Lambda with his super flight Zen Iota with her super shrinking Zen Kappa with his energy fist power Zen Sigma with her boosting power Zen Psi with his mind-reading powers Zen Gamma with her magnetic powers NEW! Zen Jeeves - the Zen Team's super-powered robot.
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