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Funniest ingame event


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Heh, this has probably been done to death already, but what the hey...


So, what's the funniest event to have ever happened in a game you were in?


With me, it occured a few weeks ago during our Monthly Hackmaster session. We were wandering through a dungeon when we came across the temple for some Chaotic-evil monkey god.


Now before we had the chance t loot the room, Our cleric suddenly began breaking the various religious artefacts and stuf inside. Hearing the noise and cursing of our dear cleric, the priest responsible came to investigate, and stared at us in utter shock and anger.


Cue the Knight Errant.


Knight Errants have this abusive ability you see... it's called 'Greater Appology'... Basically the Knight Errant appologises so well, that the person he's appologising to feels at fault.


Surprisingly, the priest accepted the appology and then demanded payment for all the broken objects...


KE: "Uh, how much would all this cost?"


Priest: "About 12,000 gold pieces."


Nodding, the Knight errant walkes up to the priest, and decks him across the jaw... starting combat. As the fight drags out, the temple guard (Giant ape dude) shows up and uses the knight errant as a club. They only thing going for us against him was the fact that he wasn't profficient in using that paticular character as a weapon. :)


Sad to say the cleric who started the whole mess managed to get away scott-free... having a spell called "Shift Blame" that does it's namesake can be useful that way.

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Re: Funniest ingame event


One of the more humorous recent episodes in our group involved Meeb my man sized amoeba superhero. We were going through a Viper Base, and kept taking down the agents, and some of the other PCs through it a good idea to not leave the weapons behind where they might be used against us. Meeb has Extra Limbs (any) to represent his psuedopods.


Meeb ended up being the armory. He had something like 20+ rifles by the time we got to the nest leader. Then I had the great idea to multiattack blazing away. I emptied all clips of all the rifles at the nest leader.


I hit once.

I completely destroyed the wall behind him.


I then stretched out the pseudopods with all thre rifled right up to the face/body of the nest leader, and one of the other characters says something along the lines of "That was for show, surrender or you're next."



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Re: Funniest ingame event


Recently, in my Champions of Vancouver campaign. The superhero ORION threw a VOICE Agent at another VOICE Agent sending them both through the windows to fal 45 stories (The look on the Players face was priceless). ORION then flys in great haste to save/capture both VOICE Agents before they impact on the Police below.


Gotta love "Battlegrounds"



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Re: Funniest ingame event


I may have posted this a couple of years ago, but what the hey.


In my Dark Champions campaign, my friend Chris had a character called Dawg. He was an 18 year old mutant, very strong and very fast, but only had 5 PD in resistant defenses.


He's having lunch with his girlfriend at a nice restaurant downtown when a gunfight in broad daylight breaks out in the street between rival organized crime gangs. Chaos ensues. Dawg is able to get away from his girlfriend and change into his costume.


He routs the thugs, but there were so many of them that a few were able to get off some shots, and he took a couple points of BODY from leg wounds. Before the police arrive, he hides, ditches the costume, and changes back into his civvies.


When the cops and ambulances show up, Dawg's girlfriend notices the blood seeping through his clothes, and insists that he goes to the hospital. At this point, Dawg realized that he had a huge dilemma: his clothes would have no bullet holes. He was so afraid that his secret ID would be revealed that he was about to get out of the ambulance. As GM, I told him that he could, but that it would look even more suspicious. He finally relented and went to the hospital.


He was treated for his superficial wounds, and then two detectives came to question him. Detective Brogan was the younger of the pair, and told him that they just needed to clear up a few things about the shooting. Lisco, the older cop, told him that if he could straighten it out, they wouldn't have to ask his girlfriend about it. Dawg hesistated, then agreed to answer them.


Brogan: So where were you when the shooting took place?


Dawg: In the restaurant, with my girlfriend.


Brogan: You were in the corner booth?


Dawg: That's right. Just having lunch.


Brogan: And how did you get shot?


Dawg: Some of the stray rounds that came through the window.


At this point, Brogan starts to laugh, tries to hold it in, and fails. He excuses himself and leaves the room. Dawg can still hear him laughing while Lisco takes over.


Lisco: See, here's the problem we're having. You got shot twice, but we can't find any bullet holes in your pants. Can you explain that?


Dawg: Well...


Lisco: So to sum up...you were in the restaurant. In the corner booth. You got shot by stray rounds, your pants didn't get shot...but you were "just having lunch."


By now all the other players are laughing. Chris is half-relieved, half-embarrassed.


Dawg: Uh...


Lisco: Look, kid. I was young once too. I remember what a thrill it could be, getting it in public places and all. But take it from me: In the future, take her to a nice hotel. It just shows more class. Know what I mean?


Dawg: Uh, yes sir.


And so the secret identity of Hudson City's mutant vigilante was preserved, costing him only his dignity.

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Re: Funniest ingame event


This is one I posted in the "Quote of the Week" thread:


We were playing Star Wars and had been caught by an Imperial officer. We were almost bluffing our way through when the I.O. asked one player (who was caught with explosives on him) where he was at during this time. His response:


"Well, Sir, if you must know, I was masturbating."


We busted out laughing and couldn't play for at least 30 minutes.



Probably the other funniest one dealt with Star Wars also (again, from the "Quote of the Week" thread):


Scene: Planet at the edge of known systems. Our team is infiltrating an Imperial secret base.


GM: (paraphrasing here, in a low, ominous voice) A shadow covers everything you see. From above, a giant object eclipses the sun. A feeling of immenent doom -should you fail- comes over you. Looking up, you see an ominous sight in the shape of a spearhead. You recognize the vessel as... (cueing music)

MUSIC: (Intending Imperial March) Star Wars Cantina Theme.

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Re: Funniest ingame event


In a Vampire LARP - the Prince was standing up, making what was presumably a very important speech. I'd been wandering around via Astral Projection, peeking over people's shoulders, giving them bunny ears and the like. Turns out the Prince was one of about three people there capable of seeing my antics. He turned and very seriously declared "Astral Projection is not a toy!" I grinned, "It is if I play with it!".


There was a pause as several people had to remind themselves that they didn't hear that...


(Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that most of the people there had never read "A Flower Pot Is Not A Hat": http://www.anybook4less.com/detail/0525299203.html )

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Re: Funniest ingame event


My funniest moment was in a D&D campaign, all ages, back when I was in high school.


Four mid level characters, ignoring all the signs, walk into a portal and summon the evil dragon god Tiamat.


Oh boy.


Characters look at each other and resign themselves to their fate.


Fighter: "I pull out my sword and charge the dragon."


Mage: "I start casting Fireball."


Cleric: "I cast Continual Light at her eyes."


Thief: "I pull out my Wand of Cannot Be Hurt By Tiamat!"

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Re: Funniest ingame event


My funniest moment was in a D&D campaign, all ages, back when I was in high school.


Four mid level characters, ignoring all the signs, walk into a portal and summon the evil dragon god Tiamat.

I remember these well. :)


I ran all the D&D games for our high school group and decided to "test" the PCs in their overzealousness and sent them to a plane that Tiamat was temporarily inhabiting with a Maxed HP male Blue Dragon (mating, and all that).


Well, the three PCs manage to come out victorious. It was at that point I truly realized how weak 1st Ed Dragons were and how overpowered I had allowed the PCs to become (what we today would call something like premunchkinism*). :straight:


In 2E, the PCs never came close to such a victory. (Or power level.)


*We didn't min/max our characters per se, but we did get tons of treasure and I just let everyone buy what they wanted out of the DM's Guide, including Artifacts and Relics. These were the days before we new better.

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Re: Funniest ingame event


This was in the Champs campaign Irving was played in.


At some point, I can't remember what, our group had gotten hold of a rather fragile artifact that was nonetheless dangerous in the wrong hands, so we were transporting it back to our base.


This session was also the debut of our new player, whose character was an MIB type with Desolid (among other things, but that's the only power I remember now).


He decided he would wait at the entry to our base, in the doorway, looking all cool and stuff, and showing off his desolid power to make an impression.


So here's Irving, leading the other heroes who are carrying that artifact, and he meets the MIB at the door.


"Greetings, I am _____, and..."


"It's good to meet you, but we have to bring a rather fragile item inside. If you would please step aside... [At this point Irving puts his paw on the MIB's chest and finds it goes through.] Oh! You're intangible! Er, beg my pardon, but we really, REALLY have to get this someplace safe...


At which point Irving, and the rest of the group, simply walked THROUGH the new PC, leaving him standing in the doorway.


His ego never really recovered.

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Re: Funniest ingame event


The GM was 45, the Fighter was 40something, the Cleric was early thirties, and the mage and thief were in high school.


It wasn't stupid GM testing (I did get pitted at 3rd level against the Turask - LAME), there were some low level acolytes trying to summon her, and we kept doing the wrong thing, and instead of stopping them, helped them. Time and time again, until the GM decided it was time for us to get eaten.

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Re: Funniest ingame event


Hmm. Are we talking in-character or out-of-character?


Out of character, there was an old 4E game that took place right around Christmas (both in RL and the game world), and one of the PCs busted out an Area Cone Penetrating Kill (which she did FAR too often ...), and in addition to dealing a bit of damage to the foes, she torched some Christmas decorations. At this point, I started singing ...


"Jack Frost roasting on an open fire ..."


I just sing that one line, but the person sitting next to me, on some kind of cranial autopilot mechanism, sings the counterpart line, "Chestnuts nipping at your nose ..." in a completely normal singing voice ... then he looks at me, and emits a high-pitched "What?!", with an expression that said 'What did you just make me say'?

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Re: Funniest ingame event


Hmm I guess it's the time Team Zenith 3 went to Japan and we had a villain murdered in front of our eyes but were unable to do anything about it without creating a MAJOR international incident. "St Barbara" was just about to create the incident anyway when the team's "brick", an 8ft Gargoyle named "Nightwing" picked her up bodily under one arm and he and the rest of the team left, with "St B" hissing and spitting like an enraged kitten ! It had everyone, especially me, who was playing "St Barbara" laughing !

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Re: Funniest ingame event


At last week's D&D game, we ran into a tendriculos -- if you haven't seen them, think a huge blobby monster with tentacles and a mouth/stomach capable of swallowing two Large creatures or equivalent. As it happened, three PCs got swallowed alive in short order. One of them, a druid-like custom class, decided she wasn't going to get anywhere punching the stomach wall in her normal elven form and shapechanged into a gorilla. That now meant the stomach was overcrowded (with one Large and two Medium occupants), and the GM ruled that the bard was belched out of the monster ("Last in, first out"). I hadn't realized a table of adults could run so many barf/belch jokes ... we were all channeling our Inner Teenager for about 15 minutes.

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