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New Avengers?

hooligan x

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Re: New Avengers?


Anyone know of a site with an episode guide of Marvel's New Avengers? I think I'm missing out on jokes on the board but I don't want to buy any back issues.


I'm cheap like that.

There's some pretty informative reviews/synopses at http://www.medinnus.com/winghead/review/index.html


It sounds friggin awful.

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Re: New Avengers?


It's very hit and miss. Mistakes have been made (Jigsaw breaking Spider-Man's arm, later rationalized as 'leverage' :rolleyes: ) in one issue, and Tony Stark and Cap apparently taking Wolverine on to do their dirty work for them?(To which I say WTF?) but the dialogue has been good, there are some funny lines, and I am glad to see Jessica Drew as Spider-Woman again.



Currently, Amazing Spider-Man's story line has me wishing JMS instead of Bendis was writing the New Avengers though.

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Re: New Avengers?


and Tony Stark and Cap apparently taking Wolverine on to do their dirty work for them?(To which I say WTF?)


I like the series, too, but I didn't take that scene the same way. I viewed it more along the lines that this is a different world and Cap's way might not be the best way anymore. Not that I'd pick Wolvie to represent the new mentality, myself, but I think it's their way of saying they might need to get their hands dirty sometimes - Cap won't, Wolvie will. Might be a perception thing on my part, but there ya go.


Either that or they're saying that Wolvie is more of an iconic character than Cap now, and that he sells more books. But that could just be me.


I, too, am happy to see a very cool Jessica Drew back in action, by the way.

Currently, Amazing Spider-Man's story line has me wishing JMS instead of Bendis was writing the New Avengers though.

As much as I actually like Bendis (I know, boo hiss), I agree. JMS is doin' a fantastic job.

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Re: New Avengers?


I like the series, too, but I didn't take that scene the same way. I viewed it more along the lines that this is a different world and Cap's way might not be the best way anymore. Not that I'd pick Wolvie to represent the new mentality, myself, but I think it's their way of saying they might need to get their hands dirty sometimes - Cap won't, Wolvie will. Might be a perception thing on my part, but there ya go.


Either that or they're saying that Wolvie is more of an iconic character than Cap now, and that he sells more books. But that could just be me.


I, too, am happy to see a very cool Jessica Drew back in action, by the way.


As much as I actually like Bendis (I know, boo hiss), I agree. JMS is doin' a fantastic job.


Wolvie is in.. 3 different xmen teams.. and the new avengers all at the same time. I think its just 'wovie is hot we want him on our team to sell comics.....'


I like wolvie don't get me wrong..but I realy DON'T like the personality they are giving him in New Avengers... He's.. well ... a prick.. bigger one then normal. One comic he blasts Cap America for being 'full of it' and suggests he uses his outfit to free load, next he's telling spiderman he doesn't like him??


Love to see Spiderwoman and Luke Cage back in action - its about time someone decided to pick up Spiderman as a team member he's only been swinging around that city for how long?


Hmm.. guess I should own up to being a bit of a spiderman mark... Heh:celebrate

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Re: New Avengers?


The latest issue of ASM actually has a pretty satisfying response from Pete when Logan hassles him about his wife in a scandal rag. :eg:


I missed that one. I can only follow so many comics at one time (budget restrictions), and I miss all of the good Logan bashing. And to think, those are often my favorite moments....

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Re: New Avengers?


I missed that one. I can only follow so many comics at one time (budget restrictions)' date=' and I miss all of the good Logan bashing. And to think, those are often my favorite moments....[/quote']

It's sad, but I agree. If someone made a comic that was nothing but "Spidey pwns Wolverine greatest hits" I would be tempted to buy it :D


BTW, for those who want to be spoiled on the incident I'm talking about, someone scanned a page at superhero hype



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Re: New Avengers?


It's sad, but I agree. If someone made a comic that was nothing but "Spidey pwns Wolverine greatest hits" I would be tempted to buy it :D


BTW, for those who want to be spoiled on the incident I'm talking about, someone scanned a page at superhero hype




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Re: New Avengers?


I miss the "old" Wolverine. Say what you want about Claremont, his conflicted samurai Logan was a decent character before he became a l33t R0XX0r n1nj@!!!1!


Of course, it took TWENTY YEARS for Marvel to remember that Nightcrawlker was devoutly Catholic and not a man-whore, so I'm not sure what I'm really expecting here...

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Re: New Avengers?


I miss the "old" Wolverine. Say what you want about Claremont, his conflicted samurai Logan was a decent character before he became a l33t R0XX0r n1nj@!!!1!

Agreed. I kind of LIKE Samuraii Logan, loved the mini series with Claremont and Miller that showed him as such. Beserker wolverine was okay in his day, but lately it seems he's coming second to batman in needing to read "How to win friends and influence people"


Of course, it took TWENTY YEARS for Marvel to remember that Nightcrawlker was devoutly Catholic and not a man-whore, so I'm not sure what I'm really expecting here...


Makes me glad I haven't read X-Men books since the late 80s.


Though I do hear good things about Astonishing.

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Re: New Avengers?


Agreed. I kind of LIKE Samuraii Logan, loved the mini series with Claremont and Miller that showed him as such. Beserker wolverine was okay in his day, but lately it seems he's coming second to batman in needing to read "How to win friends and influence people"




Makes me glad I haven't read X-Men books since the late 80s.


Though I do hear good things about Astonishing.

Yeah, I dropped X-Men ages ago and have not looked back yet. I still remember him breaking into the Yashida compound and calling for Mariko with the Honor Blade clenched tightly in his hand as he demanded an answer to the end of their bethrothal.


Of course, Silver Samurai was also in that arc, and I loves me some Silver Samurai. :D

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Re: New Avengers?


I liked the Samurai Wolverine too' date=' as much as I have ever liked the character. But since they decided that he's designated Bad *** #1, I haven't exactly overflowed with love for him.[/quote']

Agreed. They also gave him the "Worf complex" from Star Trek.


Rob Leifield: "We need to show everyone how absolutely Bad @$$ this new guy I made up, The Castrator is! I need them to be thinking about how cool he is as opposed to my lousy* art."


Editor at marvel: "Hmmm....we could have him beat up Wolverine?"


Rob Leifield: "YEAH! That would do it!"


Flunky at Marvel who actually reads the comics: "But everyone beats up Wolverine. You guys have every new tough guy do it on like a monthly basis. Then Wolverine runs into them again later and schools them."


Leifield/Editor in unison: "Shut up!"


Editor: "So yeah, we'll run with that! The fans will be floored!"


Rob: "It's so great to work with another visionary genius like you!"


*edited from a much more...evocative...description of Leifield's art.

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Re: New Avengers?


Agreed. They also gave him the "Worf complex" from Star Trek.


Rob Leifield: "We need to show everyone how absolutely Bad @$$ this new guy I made up, The Castrator is! I need them to be thinking about how cool he is as opposed to my lousy* art."


Editor at marvel: "Hmmm....we could have him beat up Wolverine?"


Rob Leifield: "YEAH! That would do it!"


Flunky at Marvel who actually reads the comics: "But everyone beats up Wolverine. You guys have every new tough guy do it on like a monthly basis. Then Wolverine runs into them again later and schools them."


Leifield/Editor in unison: "Shut up!"


Editor: "So yeah, we'll run with that! The fans will be floored!"


Rob: "It's so great to work with another visionary genius like you!"


*edited from a much more...evocative...description of Leifield's art.

Yeah, that's another thing he took Colossus's role from him!

I swear, half the X-Men comics I read in the 80's involved poor ol Pete getting his osmium tuckus handed to him.

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Re: New Avengers?


Yeah, that's another thing he took Colossus's role from him!

I swear, half the X-Men comics I read in the 80's involved poor ol Pete getting his osmium tuckus handed to him.

I can't remember who was drawing him, but for the longest time, Pete had the best "look" of any hero in Marvel. It was evocative of the Captain Marvel/Superman straight back and head held high in pride kind of thing. He just always looked heroic. Then they did the whole Szanji thing and I was confused why it was wrong for him to dump jailbait kitty pride for an alien chick. I mean, the Professor was dating Lilandra, right? He was just learning from his teacher. :D

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Re: New Avengers?


I guess I am the dissenting opinion. I have always hated Wolverine (my best friend's favorite character though). I too enjoyed when Spiderwoman shoved his claws into his throat (almost as much as I enjoyed Magento pulling the adamantium off of his bones). I wish I had a poster of it to give to my best friend--a really big poster!!!

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