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Can anyone give me tips on posting?


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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


What type of "superhero gossip" are you referring to? Gossip as in: what plans does HERO Games have in store for a particular superhero; or gossip as in: what superhero was the latest to be arrested in secret ID? The first we could answer (if any news is available). The second has no basis within the official game; you would be better to ask something like "has anyone done anything with [super hero n]".


You can't mention things like curse words and be rude to other people. This is a family available site.

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


If you pop right up to the top of the Champions message board (or any of the others), you'll find a link to the Board's code of conduct. That should cover any no-no's.


This Board gets used for superhero gaming discussions (general and Champions/Hero-specific) and general comic book discussions. It's pretty rare for someone to get flamed for posting off-topic, though a polite suggestion as to the more appropriate board isn't unheard of.


And welcome to the boards, by the way.

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


If you're asking for general "How do I make posts that make sense" advice then the following may be of some help:


Break seperate ideas into seperate paragraphs/sections. It's easier to read lots of small chunks of text than one large chunk.


Quote people if you are several posts away from what you're refering to. Quoting is easy if the poster followed the first guideline as you can simply quote the one piece you are answering.


Be nice. This is a friendly place, its good that way. Keep it that way.


Keep on topic. There are several different sections of the boards for different things, while some of the lines blur ("how to make a power" questions can go in either the Hero Discussion Section of the appropriate Genre Section) they have some semblance of order.

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


Just to be explicit (I wish others had shared this with me when I started!), here is a list of all the things you can't talk about on these boards, 'cause Ben will just blank it out:

























































Well, that pretty much covers it. Hope this helps!

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


Don't feel pressured to seek out a decent subject so you can post about it. My advice? Take your time, when something interests you, join in. If something comes to you and it's not against Ben's posted guidelines, then go for it. The "Be Nice" advice is good advice, and we should all strive to follow it. :)


Other than that, I wouldn't worry too much.

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


Be careful in the realm of NGD (Non-Gaming Discussion). There are some crazies in there (me probably included):rolleyes:



Best advice I can think of is, dont over-worry about it all. As far as I have seen it is a pretty tolerant board. I think they usually warn you if you go too far. In the NGD, politics usually leads to flame wars (but where does it not). But I dont remember anywhere outside of there where things got all that heated.

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


But I dont remember anywhere outside of there where things got all that heated.

There have been a few things outside the NGD that got (or get) pretty heated; things like the "STR is far too efficient / broken / doesn't cost nearly enough" debates.


There are a couple other subjects that have been hashed and re-hashed ad infinitum, but naturally enough now that I've mentioned them, I can't recall them off the top of my head... :rolleyes:

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


Well, yeah, I do seem to remember a thing or 2 getting a little heated in here and there. Just not on the level of some of the things on NGD. Some of those were legendary.:thumbup:



(oops, dont mean to scare the newbie, most of the ones on NGD are informative, and mostly docile. Just a few get a little crazy.:D )

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


There are a couple other subjects that have been hashed and re-hashed ad infinitum' date='[/quote']




I think every board on the net has that problem. I moderate a form for beginning motorcycle riders and I see it every single day there as well.


Sometimes you'll see where three newbies have posted the exact same question or topic _right on top of each other_! And to make it worse, usually somewhere on that very page is a thread with 200 posts answering that very question. Drives ya nuts sometimes....


There is a set of recurring topics like that; we call them 'spectres.'



If it helps, you can do what I did---

I lurked for a month or so, reading as much as I could, to get a feel for the culture of the board and some idea as to what had or had not been discussed recently. (Still doing it, in fact)


But the best advice, you've already been given:

Be nice. Even the most aggregious social error can be forgiven if it was obviously unintentional.

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


There are a couple other subjects that have been hashed and re-hashed ad infinitum' date=' but naturally enough now that I've mentioned them, I can't recall them off the top of my head... :rolleyes:[/quote']

"Who would win in a fight, DC's X or Marvel's Y?" All of them, all of them, the answer is "the one the writer/editor wanted to win."

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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?


There are a couple other subjects that have been hashed and re-hashed ad infinitum' date=' but naturally enough now that I've mentioned them, I can't recall them off the top of my head... :rolleyes:[/quote']


No need to remember them - they'll come back and remind you within a couple of weeks :eek::nonp:


Then we'll be back at it...


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Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting?




Even though Kara and here derail gun are long gone, many posters' derail-fu is strong. Topic drift is part of the fun.


I meant Keep On Topic in reference to not discussing your latest Pulp Hero ideas in the Champions forum ...


no topic is sacred on a thread by thread basis.... derailing is half the fun of message boards!!

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