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[Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


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Hey all,


I thought (since I come across a few every now and again) that I would start a thread with news articles that might inspire people to generate some pulp adventures. I'll start off first with an article I'd already posted under another thread...


Archeologists Discover Odysseus' Tomb



:sneaky: Jak

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


Ancient hobbit-sized human species discovered

Find 'rewrites knowledge of human evolution,' scientists say




More bones of hobbit-sized humans discovered

New find adds to controversy over remains on Indonesian island



Jak :nonp:

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I dont remember where I saw it' date=' but the tomb of Genghis Khan was discovered in the last year or so, lots of fodder for nazi archaeologists and eastern mystics[/quote']

Here's a link to some information on the tomb of Ghengis Khan...


Tomb of Ghengis Khan



Jak :king:

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


Ancient hobbit-sized human species discovered

Find 'rewrites knowledge of human evolution,' scientists say




More bones of hobbit-sized humans discovered

New find adds to controversy over remains on Indonesian island



Jak :nonp:


If you want the facts, not sound-bites, distortions, and sensationalism, go to your FLL (Friendly Local Library) and check out the April 2005 National Geographic. They have a good article on this in there. :)

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


Following the links, it looks like the Genghis expedition was inconclusive, but I was tickled by this bit of unfortunate proofchecking:

Histories tell of 1,000 foot soldiers killed at the site of the tomb


There were giants in the earth in those days...

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


Get yourself to your FLL (Friendly Local Library) and check-out a copy of the Nov. 2005 National Geographic. The "Geographica" section at the front has a bunch of useful stuff.


Info on the statues on Easter Island (did you know they were almost all knocked over in wars between tribes in the 17th century?); etc., etc.


I haven't even gotten to the main articles yet, and already have spotted a raft of story bits!


Have fun! :)


EDIT: I didn't have the magazine in front of me when I wrote the above, but I do now. Other gems from "Geographica":


Info on Guinea Worms; a parasite that used to be widespread in equitorial Africa, and south Asia. Real nasty; a little misfortune and Globe-Trotting PCs might come down with it. (cue mean GM laughter)


St. Wenceslas's Crown, the royal symbol of Bohemia/Czech sovereignty.


The last few makers of "Panama" hats. There were, of course, many more in the Pulp Era; the article gives some interesting details on how it's done.


The city of Vrindavan, India, center of Krishna worship. Good stuff for a Globe-Trotting adventure.


Some pictures from a film taken of a tiger attacking a man who was riding an elephant at the time. Luckily the fellow, though the tiger clawed and bit him, suffered nothing more than loss of skin from his hand, some clawing of his forearm, and two broken fingers. Gives a damn good idea why tigers were hunted from elephant-back.


This one isn't Pulp specific: an article on the infrared-sensing "pits" on some types of snakes (pythons, boas, and pit vipers). They can "detect thermal shifts as minute as .003º C." The article quotes an expert who describes the pits as "the single best infrered-detecting system on Earth."

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I was checking out Reptoid pages for this thread, when I came across this gem:


LA Times January 29, 1934: Lizard People's Catacomb City Hunted

Engineer Sinks Shaft Under Fort Moore Hill to Find Maze of Tunnels and Priceless Treasures of Legendary Inhabitants



Do we have any LA Herophiles, by any chance? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I was checking out Reptoid pages for this thread, when I came across this gem:


LA Times January 29, 1934: Lizard People's Catacomb City Hunted

Engineer Sinks Shaft Under Fort Moore Hill to Find Maze of Tunnels and Priceless Treasures of Legendary Inhabitants



Do we have any LA Herophiles, by any chance? :D

They are looking for the Reptoids city ? No good can come of this I tell you ! Call "The Empire Club" at once !
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  • 6 months later...

Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I heard this on CNN Headline News in passing, and had to look it up...


Yale alums snatched Geronimo's skull, letter says

HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- A Yale University historian has uncovered a 1918 letter that seems to lend validity to the lore that Yale University's ultra-secret Skull and Bones society swiped the skull of American Indian leader Geronimo.



A good intro adventure could be that the heroes discover that the Skull & Bones society are collecting the skulls of famous people, perhaps for some ritual...


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  • 5 months later...

Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I don't think this works as an adventure, but possibly at least some interesting info on the myth of Harry Houdini...


Was Houdini a British spy?

2 biographers suggest escape artist spied on anarchists, hunted counterfeiters and was slain by spiritualists




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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I dont remember where I saw it' date=' but the tomb of Genghis Khan was discovered in the last year or so, lots of fodder for nazi archaeologists and eastern mystics[/quote'] But did they find his silver coffin ? If not, where is it , and who is that Asiatic gentleman claiming to be the reincarnation of Ghengis ?;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


I don't know if this has already been posted or not... I got this from a d20 pulp list...


Stalin's half-man, half-ape super-warriors

Super-troopers: Stalin wanted Planet of the Apes-like troops, insensitive to pain and hardship.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


In the hopes that links won't break, I've decided to post some small articles...


For Sale: Rare Dinosaur Fossil


LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- An exceptionally well-preserved 65 million year-old fossilized dinosaur nest with some broken eggs exposing tiny skeletons is up for auction in Los Angeles on Sunday.


The nest of raptors, fierce predatory dinosaurs, is expected to fetch between $180,000-$200,000.


"It is probably one of the finest dinosaur egg nests in the world. For the tiny skeletons still to be inside the eggs, folded up beautifully like this, means that they had to be almost ready to hatch," said Thomas Lindgren, consulting director of Natural History for auctioneers Bonhams and Butterfields.


Lindgren said the 22-egg nest, encased in sandstone and containing 10 complete embryos, originated in China. It had been in the hands of private collectors in Asia for the past 20 years before being sold to an American.


Tens of thousands of dollars have been spent on scientific preparation and studies to determine exactly which of the 6-8 known species of small raptor the nest belonged. That will be revealed in a 2007 academic paper now being prepared.


The auction, which also includes several prehistoric skeletons and dinosaur bones, teeth and partial nests, comes at a time of renewed international interest in dinosaurs, particularly in Asia where several nations are pushing ahead with museum building programs.


"Dinosaurs are hotter than ever. It is a very collectible market especially for higher quality specimens," Lindgren said.


Lindgren said the nest may remain in private hands rather than going to a museum, at least initially.


"Unfortunately, most museums are slow at being able to put together funding at short notice. But that doesn't mean it won't end up going to an institution. Most of the museums in the United States have been founded by private collections that have been donated by individuals," he said.

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Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures


"Dinosaurs are hotter than ever. It is a very collectible market especially for higher quality specimens," Lindgren said.




Yeah. They're not making them anymore you know.


Lucius Alexander


Animal Handler: Palindromedary

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