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Immunity: Magnetism


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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


To a limited extent, yes it is possible to be immune to a specific group of attacks and special effects. Since you say "it," I presume you mean the armor itself and not the wearer. If that's the case, just note the following on the character sheet:


1) The armor is non-magnetic.


However, if the player wants the armor to make the character immune from the effects of magentic attacks, you're going to have a build issue. Not an insurmountable one, it's just going to take some points.


First idea: 2) 75% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction, only vs. Magnetic attacks (-2), IIF-Armor (-1/4) [AP 45] : 14 points. This won't stop all the damage from a magnetic attack, but it will make it fairly pointless.


Second idea: 3) +30 ED Force Field, 0 END, Persistant (+1), Only vs. Magnetic attacks (-2), IIF-Armor (-1/4) [AP 60] : 18 points. This won't stop all effects either, but it will make the armor-wearer nigh-invulnerable to most magnetic attacks.


Third idea: 4) xd6 Suppress, 0 END, Persistant (+1), Vs. all powers of a magnetic special effect (+2), only vs. those effects directed toward or targeting the wearer of this armor (-1/4), doesn't actually prevent use of powers suppressed (-1/2), IIF-Armor (-1/4) [20 AP per die] : 10 points per d6. This option is hideously expensive, but it will probably do the exact thing the player is looking for, provided he or she is willing to spend a hundred points or so for the privilege.


Hope this helps! :)


Matt "Still-working-the-4th-Edition" Frisbee

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Depending on how far he wants to go with 'immunity,' it may be as simple as an environmental immunity Life Support, ranging up to some of the excellent suggestions Matt's put up above.


If he wants to do it 'realistically,' the only insulator I can think of against magnetism is distance. He'll need to teleport. (Kidding, of course).

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


If he wants to do it 'realistically' date='' the only insulator I can think of against magnetism is distance. He'll need to teleport. (Kidding, of course).[/quote']Mmm...Faraday cage?


(Been a while since I messed with the info on those. Don't know for sure they'd block incoming magnetic fields, but given how well they stop electro-magnetic signals/radiation...)

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Mmm...Faraday cage?


(Been a while since I messed with the info on those. Don't know for sure they'd block incoming magnetic fields, but given how well they stop electro-magnetic signals/radiation...)

Faraday cages block electromagnetic radiation by dumping it to ground (Having once worked in a US Army facility where an entire room, complete with airlock, was built within a Faraday cage to protect delicate scientific instruments). You can't, for instance, stop a laser with a Faraday cage even though a laser is just a focused beam of a type of electromagnetic energy commonly called "light." And I don't think even a Faraday cage will block magnetism; IIRC nothing known will actually stop magnetism. You can distort it or attenuate it, but not stop it.


So unless said character wants to fly around with a Faraday cage around him ("The Amazing Boxman!"), I wouldn't allow this any more than I'd allow a character to buy "Immunity: Lasers." You don't buy Immunity to most attacks in Hero, you buy countering Powers such as Force Field or Missile Deflection.

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Faraday cages block electromagnetic radiation by dumping it to ground (Having once worked in a US Army facility where an entire room' date=' complete with airlock, was built within a Faraday cage to protect delicate scientific instruments). You can't, for instance, stop a laser with a Faraday cage even though a laser is just a focused beam of a type of electromagnetic energy commonly called "light." And I don't think even a Faraday cage will block magnetism; IIRC nothing known will actually [i']stop[/i] magnetism. You can distort it or attenuate it, but not stop it.


So unless said character wants to fly around with a Faraday cage around him ("The Amazing Boxman!"), I wouldn't allow this any more than I'd allow a character to buy "Immunity: Lasers." You don't buy Immunity to most attacks in Hero, you buy countering Powers such as Force Field or Missile Deflection.

Thanks, Treb. :thumbup: As I noted, it's been a while since I read anything about them, and my memory's definitely fuzzy in that area.


"The Amazing Boxman!", eh? ;) I don't suppose you remember a Marvel comics character called "Box", do you? :D

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


I was talking to one of my players and they wanted to line their armor so it would be insulated against magnetic attacks and effects. What would the various minds here at Hero build to make this possible?


I would look at the SFX first. Is the armor not effected by magnetics due to the armor being made out of beryllium or some other antimagnitic material or is do to the fact the armor uses technological means to dampen the magnetic effects. Why worry about SFX at this point? Because it would determine weather it is a force field or just damage resistance.


I would go with a techological dampening,either a written as a force converter (absorbition that feeds the force field, or other defencses ) or standard force field that is a magnitic stabizing field (just a strong magnetic field that is set to repel the attack (N to N pole repel ie)).


Another odd thought is an absorbtion that triggers a heal (body), increased recovery, PD and ED.


That is my two hundredes of dollar.



Just another .02 cents

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Hmm ... the desolidification may work the best. The armor is metal, but the player would like to have it so things like Magnetic TK can't affect it. Rather than just say "It's not a Ferrous Metal", I'd rather see a build that allows him to make a dampening field. I'm not worried too much about the science behind it, it is after all a superhero game and not all the sciences work the way they should ;)

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Is this really that big of a deal? Just say that the Armor is made of synthetics and no ferrous alloys. Powers bought "Only vs Ferrous Metal" automatically wont affect it.


If he means he wants to be able to resist all Powers with the SFX "Electromagnetic" or "Magnetic" that are not limited in that fashion, then thats one or more Powers that he should pay for.


If he means he wants to be able to resist Magnetics that move him around, thats usually built as TK, so a triggered Suppress vs TK w/ a Magnetic SFX affecting the character could do the trick, or even just extra STR to resist Magnetic attacks.


However since that is such a broad SFX, and there are so many Powers that could be built around it, a partially cosmic VPP only for Defenses vs Electromagnetics might be the best way to be sure all the bases are covered.

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Absolutely NOTHING can stop a magnetic line of force*. They can, however, be redirected. Lines of force will travel preferentially through magnetically permeable materials such as soft iron, although there is a limit to how much/many will "fit" into any given piece of metal. A volume enclosed by a shell of permeable metal will be at least partially protected from the influence of magnetic fields.


At least, that's what I remember from my physics classes, oh so many years ago.




* magnetic lines of force don't actually exist, except as a convenient way of organizing one's thoughts about the behavior of magnetism

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


1) Desolidification, 0 End, Persistant (+1), Magnetics only (-2), IIF-Armor (-1/4).


That should make the character completely immune to magnetic attacks. I hope that is what you are looking for.


Actually, this was one I didn't consider, but the build seems fairly solid. I would word and point the above suggestion thusly:


Anti-Magnetic Armor Lining: Desolidification, 0 END, Persistent (+1), Only vs. magnetic attacks and special effects (-2), IIF-Armor (-1/4) [60 AP] : 18 points.


Also, if this is a campaign with point caps for offense, defense, etc., make sure you point out that this power would apply as a defense. :)


Of course, if you really want to be a wisecracker -- send in a villain with a magnetic power which affects desolid...


Matt "Always-learning-something-new-with-this-system" Frisbee

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


Magnetism Resistance: Dispel 5d6, any Magnetic power one at a time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (56 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Doesn't affect powers that indirectly affects the character (-1/2). Total Cost: 22 points.

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Re: Immunity: Magnetism


How about:


DiaMagnetic Insulators: CSL +5 DCV, Persistent (+1/4); Only v direct Magnetic attacks/effects (-1); 15 real points.


It's not complete immunity to magnetics, but much more elusive. Plus, it's scalable between what you can afford to buy at first and what your GM will let you get away with.


Diamagnetics make for good rubber science. IRL, diamagnetics are weakly repelled by a magnetic field, though at a few orders of magnitude less than magnetic attraction. It's the tiny grain of real world science that makes the best comicbook rubber science and scifi technobabble.

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