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Robotics in the Marvel Universe


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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Say, McCoy---


didn't your players wreck Dr Doom's time machine a while back?

No, NPC's broke into the Baxter Building while the PC's were housesitting, wrecked The Fantastic Four's time machine, then hopped the pond and wrecked Doom's time machine. The players still have not investigated why.


This is a different timeline.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Honorable mentions (don't know if these people are still alive though):




Kang (good luck finding him)

Dr. Octopus (maybe)


Arnim Zola



Wakanda scientists




Good call on Fabian Stankowicz and Roger Bochs.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe




the guy with the telescoping arms and legs was built by a guy named "stackable?"


okay then.


Some days, it's like writer's just don't try. And then you get a reality show.

Hey, whattya want? The guy who invented the brassiere was named "Titslinger". It's a crazy world we live in.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


You know, I don't know how badly Marvel has twisted things since the things I have read, but I have to cast another vote for Arcade.

I was just reading the reprint of Uncanny X-Men #197 in Marvel Essentials, and in that issue Kitty and Collosus are kidnapped by Arcade.

They are told that Dr. Doom is out to kill Arcade, and that they have to save him or their loved ones will be killed.

The plot hinges around the idea that shortly after they get started, Kitty goes back to watch Arcade, while replacing herself with one of Arcade's robots.

Colossus never knows the difference.

And this is a guy who is in the Danger Room every day, knows that Arcade is up to something, and is totally wary of some kind of trap.

Plus, they seem to stress the idea that Arcade built these X-robots himself.

Not to mention Dr. Doom robots, giant transforming train robots that turn into battle monsters, robot hunter-seeker drones, etc.


I also think it would offer a cool 'out' if things go badly.


I can even imagine a scenario where Arcade figures out that someone is kidnapping the greatest robot engineers and manages to take the place of one of the less powerful ones just out of ego.


Then, when the big mind-meld occurs, Ultron will be left with just enough of Arcade's insanity that he won't just snuff the heroes outright, he will want to toy with them for a while.


This sounds pretty good, when does the game start and how do I get there?



Hal Owen.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


This sounds pretty good, when does the game start and how do I get there?



Hal Owen.

Find a time machine my NPC's haven't trashed yet, and set it for Tucson Arizona 10 years ago. This was the story arc I had the most fun with of all the games I've run. Now I'm dusting it off, and complicating the plot, for my NaNoWriMo project.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Please tell me more about Dr. Takiguchi.

Sorry, McCoy, I didn't check back on this thread and see this until now.


About all I can tell you about him is that he's Japanese and that he designed the Red Ronin robot. The Red Ronin is one of those giant, Godzilla-sized "robot to defend Japan!"-types. Given the size of the robot, it may mean that Dr. Takiguchi is outside the range of the sort of people you're looking for, since he doesn't exactly design micro-sized components.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Sorry' date=' McCoy, Bochs had a rough time - went insane, was lobotomized and finally killed, in the first Alpha Flight Series.[/quote']

Did not know that. I remember that he had grown new legs, then something went wrong with them, but I stopped reading Alpha Flight when Northstar became a Fairy.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


But wasn't he... oh never mind...


(yes, I get the joke)


Actually, it isn't a joke. According to Alpha Flight lore, long before the famous coming out issue there were plans on having North Star come out and be suffering from AIDS at the same time. For a variety of reasons that plan got nixed and to explain why North Star was ill they came up with the idea of making him and Aurora decended from the Norse Fae. Which prompted, I believe, Peter David to roll his eyes and say something to the effect of: "OK, North Star isn't gay. He is just a fairy."

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Actually' date=' it isn't a joke. According to Alpha Flight lore, long before the famous coming out issue there were plans on having North Star come out and be suffering from AIDS at the same time. [/quote']


From John Byrne's "mouth" @ www.byrnerobotics.com


Was it your intent when you created NorthStar that he would be a gay man?


JB: When I created Alpha Flight they were basically half a dozen characters who could survive a prolonged battle with the X-Men. They had very little depth -- tho I am a compulsive creator of backstory, so I knew something about their histories even then -- and were not really created with any thought toward them eventually getting their own title.

Unfortunately (?) they proved enormously popular, and so Marvel began pushing me to do an ALPHA FLIGHT book. Eventually I relented, and agreed to do the series -- which meant I had one problem instantly: I had to find ways to make those characters more three dimensional.


One of the things that popped immediately into my head was to make one of them Gay. I had recently read an article in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN on what was then (the early 80s) fairly radical new thinking on just what processes caused a person to be homosexual, and the evidence was pointing increasingly to it being genetic and not environmental factors. So, I thought, it seemed like it was time for a Gay superhero, and since I was being "forced" to make ALPHA FLIGHT a real series, I might as well make one of them Gay.


From there, it was a process of elimination. I didn't want the homosexual character to be one of the girls, since that was something people tended to associate (rightly or wrongly) with Claremont books. Mac Hudson and Heather were happily married and I did not want to mess with that. Michael was widowed with a daughter, and that way lay what I considered too much of a cliche, if he turned out to be Gay. Besides, as a Native Canadian he was already the resident "minority". The new guy, Puck, had his own set of problems. Sasquatach would be just too damn scary!! So I settled on Jean-Paul, and the moment I did I realized it was already there. Somewhere in the back of my mind I must have been considering making him Gay before I "decided" to so so.


Of course, the temper of the times, the Powers That Were and, naturally, the Comics Code would not let me come right out and state that Jean-Paul was homosexual, but I managed to "get the word out" even with those barriers. (8/24/2004)

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


You know, in the back of my mind the Northstar/Aurora are elves thing only lasted a few issues. In reality it lasted about two and a half years, from September of '87 til Feb or March of '90. Time does funny things to our memories when we try to supress them...


no if I can just forget the Draco...

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


I'm a little suprised no one has said Alkhema, aka Wartoy. The android Ultron created using Mockingbird as a template. Not a scientist I know, she has been shown to be able to create orignal droids of her own.

Ultron is the one behind the kidnappings, which is why he will have no interest in Alkhema, he built her, after all, and has nothing new to learn from her after all (or so he thinks).

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


You know, it occured to me that "in an alternate Marvel universe" (as McCoy stipulates at the very outset) all of these guys would be alive and well. It's an alternate universe, after all--heck, take the Ultimate Marvel U. versions.


Just sayin'...

Good point. So if I want to bring some of Alpha Flight into this, Bochs can be alive and well. otherwise, never mentioned.


Writers block is turning out to be a powerful force. I should have started on this 13 hours ago, and I've gotten some projects done that I have been procrastinating on for years.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Bochs made the cut. Forge and Jefferies not. Hadn't considered Pierce. Technically he's an expert in cyborgs' date=' not robots, but some skill sets do belong on both sides of the line.[/quote']

Why not Forge and Jefferies? Both are mutants with powers that allow them to do things with robotics that are off the chart. Kind of baffled by your line of thought here.

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Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


Why not Forge and Jefferies? Both are mutants with powers that allow them to do things with robotics that are off the chart. Kind of baffled by your line of thought here.

Forge and Jefferies tech innovations work for them, but are difficult to duplicate reliably outside the influence of their mutant abilities. Or at least that's how it works in my reality.

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