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Wold Newton Superhero Campaign Setting


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Re: CU - Wold Newton


Final Planned Revision


Unless I see mistakes, I'm not planning on adding more.




Vampira / Vampirella / Elvira




More on the Fantastic Four


El Santo


El Zorro


The following RTF doc contains the complete timeline, as well as the default legal info. Updates, when they occur, will appear on my website.



So the HK & Japan stuff I gave you wasn't what you were looking for?

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Re: CU - Wold Newton


An amazing character. I've used bits of his story in many pulp games. I'll try to think of a way to work him in. Maybe he contributed to the development of the Boilerplate robot' date=' which in turn became the basis for Hugh Hazzard's Iron Man of WII, which then leads to Tony Stark? Stark's repulsor rays and flight harness are very Tesla-esque. He could also be linked to Dr. Calver's attempted flight to the moon in 1899, which would also link him to every Super who uses anti-gravity.[/quote']


Haven't read the rest of the thread yet, but...


In the Marvel U, Tony Stark's dad (Howard Stark IIRC?) was a WWII scientist, and created the robot Arsenal, basically an American version of the Axis Sleeper robots. Had a few run-ins with the Avengers.

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Re: CU - Wold Newton


Haven't read the rest of the thread yet, but...


In the Marvel U, Tony Stark's dad (Howard Stark IIRC?) was a WWII scientist, and created the robot Arsenal, basically an American version of the Axis Sleeper robots. Had a few run-ins with the Avengers.


This timeline does not follow Marvel or DC continuity.


That said, in real world publishing history Hugh Hazzard and his Iron Man (a seven foot tall robot he piloted from the inside, google for Bozo the Robot) came out in 1939. It's a logical link between earlier characters and the next hero inside a power suit to call himself Iron Man.

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Re: CU - Wold Newton


Dear Mrs. Oddhat,



It has regrettably come to our attention that your husband has been taking time away from the critical task of completing the Wold Newton Timeline for such trivial frivolities as eating, sleeping, making a living, and sex. We trust we can depend on you to correct this deplorable lack of focus on your husband's part.


Thank you for your cooperation.





His Many Fans

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Re: CU - Wold Newton


Final Planned Revision


Unless I see mistakes, I'm not planning on adding more.


Awww, man. I always come to the party late.


No mentions of Kwai Chang Caine (especially with all of the mentions of Shaolin), The Master, the A-Team, the Punisher, or Mack Bolan?


Edit: Also no mention of Sarah Conner?

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Re: CU - Wold Newton


Awww, man. I always come to the party late.


No mentions of Kwai Chang Caine (especially with all of the mentions of Shaolin), The Master, the A-Team, the Punisher, or Mack Bolan?


All are fun characters, and all might fit well. :)


If a GM were to want to include those characters in his version of this kind of timeline, I'd suggest that new Timeline entries be chosen based on their importance to the development of a Superhero world. For example, Professor Roy Hinkley is a minor character by himself; however, by including him, we get multiple alien incursions from Sci-Fi films of the 50s and 60s (each one a potential adventure seed), the Island and potential adventure seeds both comic and serious based on the idea of a mysterious prison for extraordinary people too valuable to kill and too dangerous to set free, and a final link to a gadget based recent superhero. If a GM were for example going to add in the A-Team, I'd suggest looking for ways that having them around might plant adventure seeds or otherwise tie in to the development of his campaign world.

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Re: CU - Wold Newton


All are fun characters, and all might fit well. :)


If a GM were to want to include those characters in his version of this kind of timeline, I'd suggest that new Timeline entries be chosen based on their importance to the development of a Superhero world. For example, Professor Roy Hinkley is a minor character by himself; however, by including him, we get multiple alien incursions from Sci-Fi films of the 50s and 60s (each one a potential adventure seed), the Island and potential adventure seeds both comic and serious based on the idea of a mysterious prison for extraordinary people too valuable to kill and too dangerous to set free, and a final link to a gadget based recent superhero. If a GM were for example going to add in the A-Team, I'd suggest looking for ways that having them around might plant adventure seeds or otherwise tie in to the development of his campaign world.


True all of that.


Caine would just be damn logical. The others aren't particularly necessary.


You may have crossposted with my edit adding Sarah Conner. If she's in there, then so is the Terminator, and a potential future resulting from all of that. (Part of me wants a shoutout to Schwarzenegger: Conan, Capt. Ivan Danko, John Matrix, Jack Slater, Det. John Kimble, Dutch Schaeffer (along with the Predator, which implies a potential future with the Aliens), Harry Tasker, Julius Benedict, U.S. Marshal John Krueger, Dr. Alex Hesse, and the Terminator. Jack Slater being on that list implies the existence of Arnold himself as well...)


(Edit: Mr. Freeze!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: CU - Wold Newton


That's pretty neat. It feels a little brief...which is a good sign that you leave someone wanting more' date=' at least![/quote']


Thanks. :)


At first I intended to write a full paper with propper citations, etc. However, it's dry stuff, and I wasn't sure how many people would want to fight through it. An article abstract seemed like a good compromise.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: CU - Wold Newton


Adding two new players to this campaign this week, and I just sent out this email on character creation for the 2006 OSI team. Thought others might find it interesting:


For a campaign timeline see here:



The timeline is meant as a guide, not a straightjacket. You can assume that anything in the timeline can be discovered by a character with research, but much of it (in-game) is disputed or dismissed in academic circles.


For general flavor look around the site.


Campaign tone is optimistic and often comic, but actions do have consequences and both characters and NPCs can be hurt or killed. The comics that come closest to the campaign are Planetary, Top Ten, Terra Obscura and PS238. The authors that have most strongly influenced it include Farmer, Heinlein, Gemmell, and Pratchett.


All PCs work for the OSI New Statesman program, as government sponsored Super Heroes. Think of them as a cross between an FBI task force and a group of consultants working for a government agency. Your characters should be built on 400 points, 300 base plus 100 in disads. No hunted or DNPC should be above 8-. Resistant defenses are useful. Generally, attacks should run from 8dc-16dc, defenses from 20-40 PD/ED, SPD from 4-6. If a character is higher in one area, he should be lower in others, but I’m not a balance fanatic. Try not to step on another PCs area of specialization.


Current PCs include:

Dragon Jane, a flying brick with fire breath.

Mister Morph, a shape-changing detective with a wide range of power tricks.

Frank, Wuxia Kung Fu master and Chinese doctor.


Associated characters include:

Ilya Mourometz, Russian Brick.

Glamour, illusion projecting mentalist.


After the character is created, add the following:

OSI Training

3 1) Criminology

3 2) Deduction

2 3) PS: OSI Agent

3 4) Streetwise

2 5) KS: Federal Criminal Law And Procedure



3 Fringe Benefit: Federal/National Police Powers

3 Fringe Benefit: Law Enforcement Rank

1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit

15 Contact: OSI (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of its own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (15 Active Points) 8-



20 Hunted: OSI / New Statesmen Program 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Occasionally, Major)


All characters benefit from the Walmart rule. Characters are assumed to have a non-statted 50 active point VPP for real world equipment that could reasonably be purchased with that characters wealth level from a local retail shop. Military grade equipment requires checking against your OSI contact. All such equipment is assumed to be unreliable and subject to catastrophic failure at the GM’s whim. If the player wants more reliable or higher powered equipment, he must pay for it.




I may post more as we go.

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