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Making Asperger's Syndrome A Disad...


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I recently did some research on Asperger's Syndrome (High Level of Function Autism) and thought it would be an interisting (and chalenging) disability to roll play. My problem is two fold: (1) how would I stat that on my character sheet? (would it be a pyhsical or psychological disability, it's a bit of both) and how many points should it be worth and (2) How much of Asperger's Syndrome should I roll play. Asperger's Syndrome has a gamut (sp?) of symptoms as a player which should I focus on? Any feedback is very welcome! :)

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Originally posted by Alibear

Is that the "one" which makes the sufferer constantly use foul language almost all the time? Not a very heroic disadvantage, you must be playing in an adult comic, right?


You're thinking of Turett's.


AS is believed to be a form of autism. Some of the symptoms include a lack of social skills/development, preference for sameness/resistance to change, inability to read body language cues, tendancy to take things very literally, and so on. On the "up" side, AS patients can be highly skilled in certain areas and show a high degree of intelligence, though not all. Typically seen as very naive. Not quite "Rain Man" level, but some people think it may be another form of High Functioning Autism.


Heck, I think a lot of gamers have it. =)


Seriously, on the RP aspects, it does make an interesting basis for a character. I'd play up the literal-minded aspects and naivity, and to a lesser extent the resistance to change/need for a routine (that'd be the most disruptive in a group game). I'm guessing the character will be a savant in some area? I'd take the limitation as a physical one, since there is no EGO roll which will circumvent the limitation.

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Did you see Mark-Linn Baker's guest appearance on Law and Order: Criminal Intent? :D (If not, I highly recommend finding it in reruns; it's a surprising -- and excellent -- departure from the comedic roles we're used to seeing him in.)


Personally, I'd take a cue from the packages already in use for size and density: apply a Physical Limitation (I'd call it Frequently, Greatly) for the negative aspects, and then whatever Skills, Talents, or enhanced Characteristics are appropriate for the positive side.

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The thing to remember is that a Physical Limitation doesn't require a "physical" special effect, and a Psych Lim doesn't require a "psych" special effect. If the character can overcome the disad by making an Ego roll, make it a Psych Lim; if not, make it a Phys Lim.

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Then its probably a Physical Limitation. The Asbergers I have Known couldnt 'make an Ego Roll'... they were quite physically incapable of functioning in front of a crowd... in fact, despite being quite creative and intellectually capable with words (written down, or conversing 1on 1) incapable of enjoying a roleplaying game due to the sheer number of people involved.


Also, I've seen the repetitive motions associated with the stronger forms with Asbergers... something else to keep in mind.

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Well, I've spent many a year learning how to cope with my up to recently undiagnosed Aspergers, and I got a 38.


What that really means, I'm not sure.




In game terms "Unfamiliar with Technology" or "Unfamiliar with Earth Culture" are Physical Limitation, and so, Aspergers would be a Phys Lim too.


Remember that it should be priced out by how much it affects the person, not how often it's there.


It's always on, but not necessarily always a problem. And how often it's a problem is how we determine points.



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Got a 38...


I suspect that Aspergers would be both a psychological and a physical limitation. The physical being the inability to understand social interactions on an intuitive level. The psychological being the shyness and anxiety in social situations and when facing change which can be overcome "with an ego roll".


I'd also allow the character to be able to buy off the inability to understand social situations with experience. You can learn how to overcome it using a more formal understanding of body language and psychology.

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Originally posted by IDblack

A question though: What other serious (as in very disabeling) disads are people playing (or are willing to play?)


My teammates. :D


Most of my PCs don't have disabling disads. The worst recently was that my mentalist was possesed with three other conflicting personalities. One was very angry at men, while another was subserviant. Since the other players didn't know, I got some interesting reactions.

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I've seen a hero with the Psych Limit: Short Attention Span.


It was fun to watch, basicly every post 12 he had to make a EGO roll to continue with the fight or find something else to do :)


I gave it to a low intel brick villian I worked up. It was a riot to watch the looks on the heroes faces when the guy quit destroying the town to go watch the ships in the harbor :D

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