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Re: Magic Item Aesthetics


Originally posted by Galadorn

I agree. What we need to do I think, Old Man, is have a section for aesthetics (appearance, beauty). But this would take an advertising executive....like me! LOL


Problem is, this takes alot of reflection and time. Creativity doesn't just happen, well not quality creativity anyway.


I am going to post some magic items from a competent normal fantasy game I have if people are interested. I was very concerned about aesthetics.

Are you suggesting others are running an incompetent normal fantasy game? ;)
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Re: Magic Item Aesthetics


Originally posted by Galadorn

I agree. What we need to do I think, Old Man, is have a section for aesthetics (appearance, beauty). But this would take an advertising executive....like me! LOL


... or someone competent at writing descriptions and backgrounds. Like any long-term MU*er.


Problem is, this takes alot of reflection and time. Creativity doesn't just happen, well not quality creativity anyway.


I daresay I can disagree with you there. Most truly creative individuals are constantly creative, and some have a hard time getting everything down. It is after everything's gotten down that they can weed through it and select the best and the brightest...


Besides, I dare say I'm not doing too bad...

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Re: Re: Magic Item Aesthetics


Originally posted by Agent X

Are you suggesting others are running an incompetent normal fantasy game? ;)


You funny Agent X. :P I suggested no such thing. (Notices Agent might be trying to get my in trouble with others... grrrrrrr ) LOL:eek:

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Re: Re: Magic Item Aesthetics


Originally posted by Wyrm Ouroboros

... or someone competent at writing descriptions and backgrounds. Like any long-term MU*er.




I daresay I can disagree with you there. Most truly creative individuals are constantly creative, and some have a hard time getting everything down. It is after everything's gotten down that they can weed through it and select the best and the brightest...


Besides, I dare say I'm not doing too bad...


Neither did I say you were. But it takes alot to satisfy someone whose played roleplaying games as long as I have. Subtlety is key.


I won't get into a discussion here about creativity, having studied it for so long in school and work. Many people can be creative, but do they have quality creativity? I wouldn't say so, that's why I stopped reading fantasy books so long ago, except for a couple a year. Nothing worth my time IMHO.


But maybe this discussion is best left for another forum. Take care. :)

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Sword of Frost





Val Char Cost
0 DEX -30
0 INT -10
0 SPD -10
Characteristics Cost: -50


Cost Power END
11 Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (45 Active Points); Independent (-2), OIF Unbreakable (Focus, Sword; -1/2), No STR Bonus (-1/2)
10 Mobility Retardation: Drain: Running / DEX 1d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Variable Effect Two Powers Simultaneously (+1/2), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Accurate (+0), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Cumulative (x4 max.) (+1) (42 Active Points); Independent (-2), Linked to Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand (-1/2), OIF Unbreakable (-1/2), Beam (-1/4)
14 Fire Resistence: Armor (0 PD/32 ED) (48 Active Points); Independent (-2), OIF (-1/2)
4 Element Hunger: Power Defense (20 points) (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only Works Against Limited Type Of Attack Very Limited Type of Attack (-1), OIF (-1/2)
1 Key: Unknown Astral Asset
1 Oratory (3 Active Points); Independent (-2) 9-
2 Unassailable Self-Interest: Resistance (5 points) Oratory (5 Active Points); Independent (-2)
2 Astral Psychology: Lack Of Weakness, Analyze: Psychology / Personality (-5) for Mental Defense (5 Active Points); Independent (-2)
3 Flash Defense (10 points) (Sight Group) (10 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only Works Against Limited Type Of Attack Limited Type of Attack (-1/2)
5 Dispassionate Mindset: PRE (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), Limited Power Only vrs, PRE attacks (-1)
1 Life Support , Immunity: Common Cold/Flu, Safe in Intense Heat (4 Active Points); Independent (-2), OIF (-1/2)
9 Death by Fire, Inviolate: Healing 1d6 (max. Healed Points: 6) (Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (52 Active Points); Independent (-2), Limited Special Effect Uncommon SFX (-1), Self Only (-1/2), Resurrection Only (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)
16 Body Heat Consumption: Invisibility to Sight Group, Infrared Perception, Uncontrolled: LAsts 5 Minutes (+1/4), Damage Shield (+1/2), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (56 Active Points); Independent (-2), OIF (-1/2)
21 Emotional Combustion Damper: Change Environment: EGO rolls / Skills 2" radius, -5 : OCV, -5 Characteristic Roll and all Skill Rolls based on Characteristic, Long-Lasting: 20 Minutes, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Sight Group, Hearing Group; +3/4) (126 Active Points); Gradual Effect 1 Season (-2 1/2), Independent (-2), OIF (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 100







Total Character Cost: 50


Val Disadvantages
15 Psychological Limitation What is the Cause of fear in Man?: (Common; Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Nigh incapable of Emotional passions (Common; Strong)
5 Psychological Limitation: Requires Heat in Everrything, Food, Shelter, etc. (Uncommon; Moderate)
5 Physical Limitation: Requires 12 Hours Sleep / Day (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)
5 Distinctive Features: Things Touched are chilled slightly: (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)
5 Susceptibility: Contact with Liquids above 32 ' F / 0" C 1d6 damage, per Minute (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 50


Base Points: 0

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Mechanic exceptions:

I wanted the Invisible to IR to be able to be used on others but not restricted by number rather by time.

So I wrote in a custom Uncontolled , limited by time to 5 minutes to mimic that the ody temp comes back slowly

The Drain is 1 Hex, accurate to reflect a "causual" or "touch" attack like to hit. Where just a glancing blow on the target anf the effect goes to work.

The gradual effect on the CE is for each new owner / user. It takes that much time to increment the power to full effect


I like to balance the real points of an item with limitations just like characters.


The effects run from the sublte to the gross, from physical to mental.


This item is one in a campaign I am preparing for where the players are trying to edit it out magic items / effects fromthe affairs of Men, fearing that they have too great a corupting influence.


Any thoughts? love to hear 'em

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are my newest items, moved from the other thread. In answer to some other questions in this thread, these are items from a high magic campaign that I run. In this campaign, there are many magic shops and most high end NPCs and PCs ahve a lot of "mundane" magic created by sorcerers either for themselves or on commission for someone else. These do not represent artifact class items with backgrounds in most cases. When I introduce these into the game, I include a description of th items and the SFX off the cuff so to speak.


I hope you enjoy these, or at least can get inspiration from them.


MerBlade – 1-1/2D6 HKA, 13 Str min, +2 OCV, Free movement under water, breathe underwater, the sword is invisible under water, 8†Swimming (Like flight under water), 24†radius detect water life nondiscriminatory always on, 20†teleport only under water 2/day.


Reflection Necklace – Gives the user normal vision clairsentience only through water. Maximum of 1 mile range. There must be continuous water from starting point to ending point. For example a river or lake. It is as if the user is looking at the reflection of water in a different place. 1 charge per day. Costs 3 end per phase.


AnyWho – Potion (15 GP)

Shape Shift into any humanoid, not individual

Costs 50 End when consume, 2 Charges last 5 days


Watchful Eye – Amulet (25 GP)

Light Sleep, +1 PER cumulative to +2


Quick Hands – Supple Elven Chain Gloves (20 GP)

7 DEF cumulative to 8 on location 6

Gain an extra zero phase action 2/day

+1 Init (cumulative to +3) on H2H attacks (no move)


Gethin – Cloak (30 GP)

Combat Sense +1 or 11-, Defense Maneuver


Cyrus – Bronze Arbalest (45 GP)

2D6+1 RKA, +1 OCV, +2 Rmod, 15 STR min

Has a clip that can hold 4 bolts, 0 phs load bolt from clip


Lens of Farsight – Small Looking Glass (30 GP)

+3 Telescopic Vision, +2 Perception

Can attach to crossbows for an additional +2 OCV


Evade – Earring (30 GP)

Can always abort, even if surprised/already gone

Martial Dodge 1/day

+1 to Dive for cover 1/day


Suunil – Dark Blue Dagger (85 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min, 4D6 Max

Breath Underwater, Free movement underwater

+4†Swimming, 32†noncom

+1 DC vs. water creatures

Water Blast: 2D6 RKA Penetrating, 6†line, no range 1/day


Glow – Fransica (65 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 13 STR min, 4D6 Max

25% DR from Fire attacks, not cumulative

AP vs. Ice and Ice SFX protective spells

Wounds do not bleed


Girdle of Might – Golden Girdle (40 GP)

+5 STR, always on, not cumulative

+1 CON, not cumulative

Does not figure into stats


Unfettered – Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

+10 STR vs. Grabs and Entangles

Can attack physical Entangles without hurting entangled person.


Binder – Large Flail (55 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 16 STR min, 4D6 max, flail maneuver

+2†reach with attack

3D6 Entangle, flail maneuver, +1 OCV (chain detaches and grows a new one), 1/day

Martial Block 2/day


Invisible Mind – Necklace (40 GP)

10 points mental defense, not cumulative

Immunity to Telepathy, Invisibility to Mind Scan


Black Paw – Mummified Panther Paw (40 GP)

+1 Perception, not cumulative

+1 Stealth, +1 Breakfall (or 11-) not cumulative

Combat Sense 11-, Bump of Direction


Lucky Coin – Platinum Coin (7 GP)

3D6 Luck ablative


Star Pendant – Warm piece of crystal (25 GP)

From 0†to 15†of light, cone, line or radius

Normal, UV, blue, green, or red light

2D6 Flash vs. All sight, EX, No range, 2†fade, 1/day


Ring of Displacement – Black leather (15 GP)

12†teleport, 3 charges per day

Defensive Shift – Martial dodge, 1/day


Helm of Insight – Full Helm (15 GP)

8 DEF, loc 3-5, not cumulative, doesn’t impair PER

Telepathy with one willing target

3 Points mental defense, cumulative to 5


Circlet of Fire – ruby circlet (30 GP)

10% DR fire, cumulative to 25%

Fire Bolt: 2D6 Explosion, 2†fade, 1/day


Wild Hornet – Gold and Black Dart (25 GP)

2D6 RKA, AP, +2 OCV, Seeking


Black Burst – Permanent Arrow (5 GP)

2D6 RKA, no range, 12†cone

Bolt bursts into hundreds of small bolts


Blazer – Permanent Arrow (13 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +2 OCV, Lasts extra phase


Dragon Scale Potion – Potion, 2 charges (12 GP)

+2 DEF Armor, cumulative, lasts 3 turns


Salve of Greater Reconstitution – Salve, 1 charge, 1 min to apply (35 GP)

20D6 Major transform (restores all characteristics to maximum, restores charges from spells) Cures critical wounds, cures disease or other illnesses, breaks curses, restores severed limbs. Will not resurrect.


Griffon’s Milk – Potion (2 quaffs) (8 GP)

+1 Perception and 15†Flight for 1 Day.


Wand of Anti-magic – Wand, 2 charges (4 GP)

15D6 of Dispel vs. any fantasy magic


Anti-Magic Charm – crystal (4 GP)

Absorbs the first 10 body worth of magic damage.


Freak – Potion (10 GP)

8D6 END aid and 2D6 Stun AID (can go 10 over max)


Portable Hole – 3†Diameter Black Silk Cloth (10 GP)

Put the circle of cloth on any surface and it becomes a hole. Anything put into the hole is gone forever.


Magician’s Ring – onyx (5 GP)

Stores 60 active point max spell, 4 charges

Has a 2D6 AP, +2 OCV, Ice Shard spell in it


Firestorm – Wand, 6 charges (12 GP)

2D6+1, 12†Cone


Interval – Hour Glass Amulet (35 GP)

Stops time for 9 seconds. The user cannot affect (move alter, destroy, etc.) the real world during this time, but can move and use any sort of detect power, perceive, take aim, etc. Attacks carried out the segment that it wears off are at +2 OCV. 1 charge per day


Cornucopia – 3’ long Horn of Plenty (20 GP)

Creates enough food to feed 100 people per day. The food will not store and must be eaten within 1 day.


Eye of Kathuul – Giant round emerald that replaces your eye, irreversible (80 GP)

1 Point of Flash Defense, cumulative to 2 points

Detect Magic, non-discriminatory, ranged, always on, 11- perception roll

+1 Sight Perception, +2 Telescopic Vision, UV Vision

The emerald is worth 20 GP alone

Beam: 2D6+1 RKA, AP, +4 OCV, +2 vs. range, 1/day


Flux Ring – 3 intertwined platinum rings (10 GP)

15†Teleport, lasts 1 turn, must teleport each phase at least a half phase move. A 1†teleport will not take your half phase action. 1/day


Fast Strike Charm – Leather braded charm (10 GP)

Placed on any weapon, or your wrist/foot etc.; allows you to add +6 to your initiative roll. Attacks made with the fast strike cannot be dodged unless target was already dodging. 1/day


Dynamism– Crystal Wand (50 GP)

3D6 Entangle, +2 OCV, 2/day

2D6 Entangle, 2†Radius, 1/day

10â€, 12 rPD Force Wall, invisible to energy/spells, 1/day

6D6 Physical EB (force), 5 shot Autofire, +2 OCV, 1/day


Bird of Prey – Small hawk amulet (30 GP)

activate 1/day, pay 2 end per phase

Bird has 10 DCV, 2 DEF, 6 Body, 12†flight

Clairsentience, normal/UV sight



Elemental Ward– Ring (40 GP)

10% DR Fire, cumulative to 25%

10% DR Cold, cumulative to 25%

Immunity to intense heat or cold


Instant Pit – Small ball of black clay (3 GP each)

Creates a 1†wide, 10†deep smooth pit with 2D6 RKA, AP spikes at the bottom. Can be thrown under someone.


Phantasm – Francisca (65 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 13 STR min, max 4D6

Affects desolid always on,

-3 to be perceived by desolid undead of the spirit world

Wounds cannot be healed, can only be exorcised.

+1 DC and +1 OCV vs. undead


Psionic Amplifier – Mythril circlet (30 GP)

4D6 Ego Blast, Explosion, no range, per. immune, 1/wk

Telepathy, willing subject, 1/2 DCV throughout, at will


Ilthar’s Enduring Strength – Runed Belt (30 GP)

20 END reserve, 1 recover, can be used by anyone within 10†with consent of wearer


Megaport Bracers – Bronze Bracers (25 GP)

5 DEF cumulative to 7 DEF on location 7

Line of sight teleport, full phase, 1/2 DCV, 2/day

10 Teleport, 3/day


Shark – Long Sword (70 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

Free movement under water, +4†swimming

Breathe under water, immune to intense cold & pressure


Sawtooth – Halberd (60 GP)

2D6+1 HKA, +1 OCV, 18 STR, 2H, 5D6 max

Penetrating on a 7- attack roll

+3 PRE when wielding, cumulative +10


Beast Master – Horse Hair Charm (20 GP)

+1 or 11- Combat riding: Any horse-like animal

½ End and fatigue when riding

+1 or 11- to Animal handling (horse-like only)


Whisper – Long Sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

11- or +1 to Stealth rolls, cumulative to +2

Can conceal incantations 1/day

Can put invisible power effects a spell 1/day


Fire Brand – Long Sword (65 GP + 5 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

+1D6 EB fire, NND always on (requires special scabbard that suppresses fire (comes with sword)

Start normal fires at will

10% DR vs. fire, cumulative to 25%


Potion of Life – blood red potion (12 GP/ch.)

8 points of Regeneration for 2 Turns

1D6 Stun Aid on segment 6 and 12, 2 Turns


Blade Barrier – Charm with 12 swords (15 GP/ch.)

1-1/2D6 Penetrating Damage Shield

½ phase activate (does not end turn), last 1 turn


Dark Shard – Black Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

1D6 (darkness) flash vs. all sight on a 8-

Night vision (1/2 penalties from all darkness)


Bow Ring– ring of bow string (6 GP/each)

Can “store†up to 6 arrows (normal or magical) inside it

takes 1 phase to load each arrow. Fire them in a ½ phase action as if firing a crossbow. Max 2D6+1 normal arrows.




Minmax – mini Arbalest (15 GP)

This crossbow is the size of a small pistol

You can load any Arbalest bolt into it as normal

Willing weapon enchantment (fast draw)


Storm Giant Potion – Smoky Potion (8 GP/ch.)

+25 STR, +10 ED, lasts 1 minute

Call lighting: 2D6+1 RKA, +1 StunX, outside, 2 ch.


Life Saver – Ivory Necklace (25 GP)

1 Point of Flash Defense, not cumulative

+8 DCV vs. Called shots on the head

1 DEF on loc 3-5, cumulative to 8 DEF


Bone Reaver – Long Sword/Hammer (70 GP)

This sword is made out of the spinal chord of a skeleton

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max, OR

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 22 STR, +1 StunX, 4D6 max

+1 DC vs. skeletons of all types


Ice Pick – Ice Stiletto (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, AP AP, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, max 2-1/2D6

Can be thrown, returns to scabbard at end of next phase


Rolling Stone – G. Ball of Crushing (5 GP/each)

2D6 RKA, Penetrating, any 12â€, no range, 1†turn mode


Everlast – Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 13 STR min, 4D6 Max

¼ Aging rate for wielder, Immune to Disease


Slayer – Grand Sword (50 GP)

2-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 25 STR min, 6D6 Max

2 handed unless 3 levels of growth or more

Will not fit in normal scabbard of concealment


Azmod – Small Rod (30 GP)

50 STR TK, grab throw, directly away from attack, no range, +2 OCV, 2/day

Damage is from hitting objects in path.


Unmaker – Main Gouge (35 GP)

1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min, 1-1/2D6 max

Can block to destroy a non-magical weapon

Destroys the weapon on a 8- block roll.

15D6 Dispel, any single fantasy magic, 1/week


The Sky is Falling – Stone Ring (20 GP)

2-1/2D6 RKA, 8†radius, 1/week


Girth – Clay Ring (30 GP)

+2 Body, +1 CON (not affect figured stats)


The Great Wall – Stone Amulet (10 GP)

9 DEF Hardened, 60†long Force Wall, 1/day

The wall is broken down in 10†segments


Mind Grabber – Wand, 3 charges (15 GP)

Ego Entangle, +2 OCV, doesn’t take damage

#D6 = (EGO of target/7)



Nova – Potion Bottle of light (6 GP)

10D6 EB Energy Explosion, Penetrating

linked to a 2D6 Flash all sight explosion, 2†fade


Daze – Permanent Arrow (20 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV

-2 CV and -2 Perception, -2 DEX roll offs

the effects last for 1 turn.


Surprise – Long Sword (65 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +3 OCV, 15 STR min

Completely Invisible, all senses (don’t lose it)

Only +2 OCV if they can see Invisible.

Can get surprise on first attack.

Comes with an Invisible Scabbard also (15 GP)


Weird – Enslaved Water Weird Spirit (70 GP)

Any weapon of 15 or less STR min, Additional +1 OCV

Grab/Squeeze at 30 STR, 3†range

Cannot be destroyed, can let go after Grab Hits

If you hold on, you are at -2 DCV instead of half

If you let go of it, you can command it to Grab on it’s own

18 DEX, 3 SPD, 7 OCV (including grab penalty)


Phase Wand – 1 charges (4 GP)

1D6+1 NND Killing, +2 OCV

Teleports part of target back 1 foot.


Gloves of Asphyxiation – 2 Gloves (20 GP)

4D6 Suppress vs. Recovery, +2 OCV

2/day lasts 2 turns. Must wear both gloves

Need both hands for the initial attack only. Then no action is required.


Stone Potion – Thick gritty brown potion (24 GP)

3 Resistant rPD/rED, 3 charges last 1 minute


Anti-Magic Dust – Glittery Dust, 2 ch. 1 min (16 GP)

10% DR Killing, All Magic, Cumulative, Full Phase


Arrow Guard – Buckler, 3 charges last 1 min (15 GP)

Missile Deflection, normal arrows/bolts only, +2 OCV

No conscious control after activate. You make the deflect rolls, but it doesn’t take your action.


Hurricane Bottle – 1 potion, 1 charge ea (5 GP)

35 STR, grab throw TK random direction and height, AE 6†cone, no range


Penetrator – Javelin (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, Penetrating, +2 OCV, Thrown, +1 vs. range penalties, 10 STR min, Maximum 2D6+1

AP on a 8- attack roll


Aaargh! – Javelin (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, Thrown, 10 STR min, maximum of 2D6+1, +1 StunX,

+2 StunX on attack roll of 5-


Orc Mean Paint – 3, war paint (9 GP total)

+5 Presence, 1 phase to apply, lasts 1 hour

Makes you aggressive (V. Common, Strong)


Orc No Pain Mix – 5, Potion, lasts 5 min (15 GP total)

User feels no pain, +20 CON for Stunning purposes

User doesn’t go unconscious until -10 Stun

GM keeps track of their STUN and BODY damage and END, they can ask only for visual clues only.


Sharpening Wax – 3, Waxy Yellow Stuff (9 GP total)

Adds +2 DC to weapon (max 5DCs of base damage)

1 phase to apply, lasts 1 min


Orc Acid Barb Arrow – 11 Arrows (1.8 GP ea =19.8 )

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, +1 vs. range

1D3 RKA, NND Killing if RKA does body


Burrower – 12, Piece of charcoal (60 GP total)

Creates a 2†radius burrow underground with wooden ladder to get down into it. 1 minute to draw opening.

Lasts for 1 day.


Orc Mythic Breastplate – Plate Mail (40 GP)

8 DEF Hardened locations 9-13, weighs 14 KG

2D6 End aid, over normal maximum, 2/day

2D6 Body aid, 1/day, trigger if Body goes below 5


Ring of Hern – Slim Silver Ring (25 GP)

20 STR TK, fine manipulation, 4 END per phase

Creates a set of mystic ghostly hands

Can activate 2 times per day


Black Fist – Large Obsidian Ring (20 GP)

When activated, it coats your fist with obsidian

+1D6 HA, makes punches penetrating and ranged

2/day, lasts 2 turns


Narsil’s Stride – Bootstrap (10 GP)

Clinging at STR. Can cling a number of inches equal to double your movement the phase before you started clinging. Clinging ends at end of move. So, you can get a running start and cruise right u a castle wall to stop on the top of the wall.


Ooze Flesh – Gelatinous ring (20 GP)

Desolidification, not through airtight spaces.

1 charge per day, affected by all attacks. The effect is that you can turn you and your equipment to ooze, and slip through tight spaces, out of bonds or grabs, etc.


White Fang – Short Sword (35 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min (max 3D6+1)

Does SFX cold damage

IR Vision, only when half phase concentrate, 1 end per phase


Endure – Elegant Long Sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV (4D6 Max)

½ END for normal STR (normal END for push)


Sear – Falchion (60 GP + 20 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV (4D6 Max)

The blade is extremely hot, requires magical scabbard to withstand the heat (Scab of conceal)

Penetrating on 8- attack roll

Start normal fires at will with touch of blade


Frensel’s Metal Binder – Scabbard (25 GP)

For one turn after a weapon is drawn from this scabbard, it will have +2 OCV to block attacks from metal weapons and +1 OCV to hit opponents wearing 6 DEF or more of metal armor. 1 charge per day


Mad hornet – Hornet Broach, 1/day (40 GP)

Activating this broach causes the it to grow into a giant hornet (Summon). The hornet will attack whom it is directed to until destroyed. It moves 8†per phase and can still attack, 8 DCV, 8 OCV, 4 DEF, 10 Body, 4 Speed. It has a 1-1/2D6 AP RKA, no range stinger attack. If it goes below zero body, it turns back into the broach. If it goes below -10 body, it is destroyed forever. After it kills its target, it turns back into a broach.


Anathema – V. Heavy Bow (55 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, 15 STR min arrows

+2 OCV vs. Goblins, +1 OCV vs. Orcs

1D6 NND EB vs. Goblins and Orcs

Creates a Hatred of Orcs (total) in user


Globe of Preservation – Crystal Amulet (30 GP)

Self Contained Breathing,

Survive high heat, cold and pressure

½ normal aging rate (maximum 100 years)

Immunity to Disease


Draco – Great Sword (70 GP + 25 GP)

2D6 HKA, 18 STR min, +2 OCV, 2H, Max 5D6

25% DR vs. Fire (Physical and Energy killing)

Scorch – 2D6 RKA, penetrating, 3â€line, no range, 1/d

Dragon decorated Scabbard of Concealment


Cold Blooded – Pale blue long sword with crystal hilt (65 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 TR min, 4D6 max

1D6 Body Drain and 1D6 Stun Drain on an 8-

Icy Vapors - 2D6 End and 2D6 Stun Drain, 1†AE, 6†range, 2/day


Iron Fist – Large rough hammered gray maul shaped like a fist (65 GP)

2-1/2D6 HKA, Penetrating on a 10-, +2 OCV, 30 STR min, 2 Handed, Max 5D6

Can be thrown, will return at the beginning of the next phase


Black Cross – Throwing Star (35 GP)

1D6 HKA, 10 STR min, +2 OCV

1D6 Body Drain, continuous (4 SPD max), only if HKA does body, only until removed

Takes a full phase or 1/2D6 NND Killing when removed.


Seether – Long Sword (35 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 TR min, 4D6 max

+1 DC vs. things that you hate (psych lim.)


White Blaze – Ivory Wand sculpted like flames (30 GP)

Fire Bolt – 2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, 3/day

Chain Fire – 2D6 RKA, no range, any 8â€, 1/day


Talbot’s Trinket – Diamond Ring (20 GP)

Punch is a 1D6 HKA, +3 OCV, 0 STR min, 3D6+1 max, 2/day

Jeweler skill at 11- or +1


Storm – Wand, 3 charges (12 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, Explosion plus 2D6 Flash Vs normal, UV and IR sight Explosion


Sorcerer’s Knot – Knot of fine red silk, 6 charges (6 GP)

Adds a variable trigger to any spell


Cloak of Mental Occlusion – Silver Cloak (15 GP)

5 points mental defense, cumulative to 10 points

+1 to resist conversation or persuasion


Anchor – Wand, 3 charges (6 GP)

3D6 entangle, only to restrict movement, AE 2†Radius, only within 1†of ground


Water Walkers – Dark Blue tanned leather bootstraps (10 GP)

4 DEF cumulative to 7 DEF on 17-18 locations

Up to 15†of flight up to running movement, only on water (you don’t get wet)


Mark – V. Heavy Crossbow (6 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 vs. Range, 15 STR min, 2 Handed, auto load in half phase.


Bloody Carnage – crude club with gnarly spike (55 GP)

2D6 HKA +1 OCV, 15 STR min, Penetrating

(12.5 STR per DC over, maximum 3D6)

1D6 Body Drain on an 8-


Offender – Battle Flail (60 GP)

2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 19 STR min

flail maneuver

(12.5 STR per DC over, maximum 3-1/2D6)

AE any 3 hexes selective, 2/day


Crash – Medium Shield (35 GP)

+2 DCV, 8 DEF, 10 Body

+2 OCV (total 4) OCV for shield bash

+2 DCV to offset penalty of not getting shield bonus when doing a shield bash.

25% DR (normal physical) only when you move through


Sticky Fingers – Gold Bracelet (25 GP)

SFX, your hand stretches out

Your STR TK (max 20) fine manipulation, 20†range

1 end per phase to run, 0 phase activate, 3/day

+1 to sleight of hand and pick pockets with TK


Stoker – Small Dagger (45 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min (max 3-1/2D6)

SFX fire damage, +1 StunX on 6-, can be thrown


Ring of Destruction – Large metal ring (40 GP)

2 handed weapon, +3 DCV while holding, +3 to block

Binding Rings - 3D6 Entangle, AE 1â€, 2/day

Bladed Rings – 2D6 AP, AE 1â€, lasts Xtra phase, 1/day



Elixir of Freedom – Potion, 2ch. (8 GP)

+20 STR vs. grabs and entangles, lasts 1 hour


Chill – Ice Ring (33 GP)

25% DR vs. cold attacks (normal and killing, energy only)

Immune to intense cold

15D6 Suppress vs. ice entangles, invisible power effects.


Primer – Ornate Scabbard (25 GP)

2D6 End AID and +5 STR lasts 1 turn (not cumulative) when weapon drawn from scabbard

End can go over maximum, 1/day


Gismo – Jumble of metal, wood, pulleys and wires (10 GP)

Can take on the form of any simple machine

Ex. Pulleys, crossbow, lock, jack, etc.

Takes 1 turn to transform


Fiend – Arrow (50 GP)

Summons a Hordling, 1/day

The Hordling will attack the closest person until killed.

On a 8- it summons two, on a 4- it summons three.

On a 17+, it attacks the user first.


Drogo (Ghost Slayer) – Falchion (30 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, max 3-1/2D6

Rumored to harm ghosts and undead


Lior (Light Bringer) – Kite Shield (30 GP)

10 DEF 10 Body Shield

1†to 15†Cone or Radius Golden Light on command

1 Point of Flash Defense, not cumulative

2D6 Flash, Damage Shield if successful block or shield bash, 1/day


Tinkerer’s Pouch – Small Leather Pouch (12 GP)

Same as Pouch of Holding

11- chance of it containing any material components to make gadgets, fix machinery, etc.


Sigrun – Onyx Ring (20 GP)

+1or 11- to Stealth and Concealment (not cumulative)


Iorwerth – Supple Leather Gloves (20 GP)

+1 or 11- to DEX skills that require fine manipulation

Trap Setting and Disarming, Pick Locks, Sleight of Hand, etc. (not cumulative)


Andrastos – Silver Inlayed Burgundy Boots (15 GP)

+4†Running, Max 10â€, Extra full move 1/day


Amulet of Mastery – Golden Amulet (5 GP)

+1 Overall Level for 1 minute, 2 charges


Bracers of Strength – Bronze Bracers (15 GP)

6 DEF on location 7

5 END Reserve for STR, 2 REC


Heart of Samina – Rod (15 GP)

4D6 Heal, Ranged, ½ phase, Doesn’t end phase, 1/day


Wizard Stone – 2†Quartz Amulet (15 GP)

Holds 1 spell up to 60 Active points, 1/day

+1 OCV and +5 Active points to spell cast from Stone

Only spells of the wielder


Poison Dart – 1d6 RKA AP if Bod done 1d2 NNDK lasts extra phase. 3 GP


Great Gunga Charm - 15†Superleap 4 charges Made of leather twine and a bit of silver hare from the great Gunga 2gp


Nettle Pod 1.5d6RKA AP Exp 2.5gp


Dread Vine Seed 1.5d6 RKA 4â€r Selective 1Charge Lasts a turn 6 OCV 3DEF 10Bod 3DCV, razor sharp vines. 6 GP


Vinal – Twisted Wooden Wand (20 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, 3 shot AF, +2 OCV, 1/day

Survival in wooded area, 11- or +1


Defender - Throwing Axe (50 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, 10 STR min, +1 OCV, max 2-1/2D6

Returns to scabbard the next segment after thrown

+1 DCV as off-handed weapon (as buckler) in addition to the +1 DCV vs. one hand to hand attack


Battle Rod – Black studded shaft (45 GP)

+1 OCV magic weapon. Half phase to switch from Long Sword, Large Flail, Large Hammer or Large Pick


True Flight – Runed permanent arrow (12 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, +2 vs. range, +1 offset called shot


Hammer Flight – Runed permanent arrow (10 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +1 OCV


Ring of Storing – silvery mirrored ring (20 GP)

Can store anything you can normally hold in one hand

Takes zero phase to put in, half phase to take out

Stores one item at a time. Command word activate


Bracers of Displacement – Black leather (15 GP)

6 DEF loc 16-18, Cumulative to 7 DEF

12†teleport, 3 charges per day

Defensive Shift – Martial dodge, a/day


Mountain’s Heart – Giant Ruby (35 GP)

The ruby alone is worth 20 GP

10% DR killing and normal from Fire attacks

Immunity to intense heat


Black Burst – Arrow – 3 non-recoverable charges (9 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, no range, 12†cone

Bolt bursts into hundreds of small bolts


Arrow of Agony – Arrow – permanent (15 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 OCV

+ 1D2 RKA NND Killing lasts extra phase

NND is only if normal bolt does body


Golden Ward – Dwarven Great Helm (15 GP)

8 DEF on locations 3-5, no perception penalties

Jeweler Appraiser skill at 10- or +2


Golden Vigilance – Dwarven Medium Shield (35 GP)

+2 DCV, Defense Maneuver, Fast Put Away


Griffon’s Milk – Potion (2 quaffs) (8 GP)

+1 Perception and 15†Flight for 1 Day.


Greater Bowless Arrows – 3 (4.5 GP)

2D6+1 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 vs. Range

non-recoverable charges, -2 DCV


Ghost Medallion – Crystal face (20 GP)

Desolid, can abort, lasts 1 phase, 1/day

Affected by magic, and undead


Glove of Mending – Dark Red Silk Glove (4 charges) (10 GP)

2D6 Heal, living or inanimate, full phase


Boots of Flight – Hawk Feather Boots (25 GP)

+2†Running, Maximum of 11â€

8†Flight, 3/day


Feather Fall Ring – Ivory Feather Shaped Ring (5 GP)

5†Gliding, always on, no conscious control


Tome of Construction – Leather Bound Book (20 GP)

Each page is a diagram of a non-magical object. Speak the magic words and the object becomes real, but the page is destroyed. It takes 1 full turn to create the object. Objects in book: Ballista with 24 bolts, 6 man rowboat, 12’ ladder, small horse cart, wagon wheel, 6 person heavy oak table with chairs, kite shield, long sword, and a 4 man tent.


Skinton’s Skillful Picks – 3†shaft of rubber (15 GP)

10- or +1 to Lock Picking skill


Hair Splitter – Ultra thin Dagger (35 GP)

1D6+1 RKA no range, +2 OCV, AP/AP (1 end)

Special scabbard to keep the blade from touching


Vim and Vigor – Potion, 3 charges (9 GP)

This unstable potion has erratic effects

You get 1D8-3 D6 worth of END Aid


Wand of Anti-magic – Wand, 2 charges (4 GP)

15D6 of Dispel vs. any fantasy magic


Ardent – V. Heavy Bow (40 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 Range, 15 STR min


Anti-Magic Charm – crystal, 3 of them (15 GP)

Absorbs the first 10 body worth of magic damage.


Bloodletter – Long Sword (20 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min


Sharpening Stone – Smooth stone, 1ch (6 GP)

+1 DC to any sword. 1 turn apply, lasts 1 day


Thrasher – Bladed Flail (50 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, 13 STR min, 6.25/DC, +1 OCV, 3D6 max

AE Selective 2 adjacent hexes, no range, 2/day


Orc Arrows of Pain – 6 Acid Arrows (.8 GP each)

2D6 RKA, Penetrating, +2 OCV


Brandwunde – Long Sword (45 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, 3-1/2D6 max

2D6 Flash vs. all sight on a 6-


Ogre Bracers – Thick Leather (15 GP)

+2 HA with punches, 4/day


Salve of Fixing – 2 charges (15 GP)

6D6 Healing and cure poison, 2 phases to apply


Hoowee Potion – 1 charge (10 GP)

8D6 END aid and 2D6 Stun AID (can go 10 over max)


Splitting Oak – 2 Arrows (5 GP each)

2D6 RKA, AE 8†cone, selective, +1 OCV


Pointy Pokey – 2 Arrows (2 GP each)

2D6 RKA AP, +1 OCV


Sunder – Small Runed Baton (30 GP)

3D6N +2 OCV, 5 STR min

Does additional 2D6 RKA, no range, on 8-


Shooting Stars – 4 Darts (10 GP each)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, +1 StunX. +2 vs. range


Wyvern Armor – like soft leather (35 GP)

5 DEF, cumulative to 7 DEF, all over, -1 DCV/DEX


Crystal Wand – 4 charges (12 GP)

1-1/2D6 AP AP or +2 StunX, +2 OCV


Bender – Long Sword (45 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

+2†Reach and +2 OCV, activate 0 phase, 3/day


Circlet of Fire – ruby circlet (25 GP)

10% DR fire, cumulative to 25%

Fire Bolt: 2D6 Explosion, 1/day


Gloves of Spellcraft – Burgundy Leather (25 GP)

+1 to Classic Spells and Magic Theory

+1 to cast one spell (choose)


Potion of Stone – Black potion (8 GP)

25% DR from blades, last 2 turns

+5 STR, +2 PD +2 ED


Siphon – Twisted Bands Ring, 3ch. (7.5 GP)

2D6 Stun and 1D6 Body Transfer

No Range, +2 OCV


Barricade – Bracers (20 GP)

8DEF Hardened Force Wall, 8†Line only

Stone Wall, blocks all sight

3 END per use, 2 charges per day


Filcher – Soft Leather Gloves (20 GP)

4 DEF cumulative to 7 DEF on location 6

5 STR TK, Invisible Power Effects, Fine Manip

12†Range, 1 END per phase, 2 charges per day

8- or +1 to Pick Pockets and Sleight of Hand


Like Minds – 2 Amulets (15 GP each – 30 GP)

Telepathy Surface Thoughts only between amulets

+2 to Coordinate attacks with other amulet wearer


Blazer – Permanent Arrow (10 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +2 OCV, Lasts extra phase


Thumper – Temporary Arrows (2 GP each)

8D6 EB, physical, +1 OCV, does double knockback


Featherweight – Salve, 6 charges (12 GP)

Lowers the STR min of a weapon by 5. Can also be put on other things, be creative. Each charge takes a full phase to apply, but lasts for 24 hours.


Globe of Defense – Scroll (3 GP each)

Missile Deflection, normal projectiles

AE 1â€, Uncontrolled, lasts 1 minute


Improved Globe of Defense – Scroll (12 GP each)

Missile Deflection, all ranged including magic

AE 1â€, Uncontrolled, lasts 1 minute


Empower –Silver Ring, 6 ch (5 SP each, 3 GP)

Adds 10 Active points to a spell, 0 phase activate


Roper – Strand from a Roper (10 GP)

50’ of magical rope

10- or +1 to Climbing when can use rope

The rope climbs and attaches or releases on command.


Translocator – Amulet (7 GP)

15†Teleport, 2 per day


Fire Imp – Wand, 3 charges (3.5 GP each charge)

1-1/2D6, +1 StunX, AE1†Selective, +2 OCV

Lasts for 1 turn (4 speed), 8†movement


Magician’s Ring – onyx (1 GP per charge)

Stores 45 active point max spell, 4 charges

Has a 2D6 AP ice shard spell in it


Scabbard of Power – Red Scabbard (25 GP)

Scabbard of Concealment

Can add Fire SFX and Penetrating to the next attack after it is drawn, 2/day

Web Wand – blank and spiny, 3 charges (6 GP)

3D6 Entangle, sticky, +2 OCV


Pounder – Rock (2 GP each)

6D6 Penetrating EB physical, +1 OCV


War Pellet – Red Pellet (7 GP each)

4D6 Healing + 2D6 END aid


Orcish War Paint – Red, turn to apply (5 GP each) 2 = 10 GP

2D6 STR & 2D6 END AID above max, fade of 5 per hour


Orcish War Paint – Blue, turn to apply (5 GP each) 2 = 10 GP

+10 CON, +10 Stun, lasts 5 hours


Orcish War Paint – Black, turn to apply (5 GP each) 2 = 10 GP

+1 Stealth & Concealment or 11-, lasts 5 hours


Thundar – Orcish Falchion (45 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

Call lightning 1/day: 2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +2 OCV


Craknah – Orcish Battle Axe (55 GP)

2D6 HKA, +0 OCV, 13 STR min (11 2H), 5D6 max

Reroll 1’s on Damage against Humans or Elves


Zipzort – Small crystal amulet (.5 GP each) 4 ch (2 GP)

+1 DC or 5 Active points to any spell

0 phase activate


Quiver of Plenty – Holds 300 Arrows (10 GP)

You automatically draw the arrow you want


Silver Tongue – Stiletto (20 GP) 1D6HKA, AP, 10 STR min, silver weapon, can be thrown


Stout – Ring, (20 GP) +3 CON to determine if stunned and for CON rolls


Moon Cloak – Cloak Clasp (10 GP), creates a dark gray cloak, +1 stealth and concealment, 1/day lasts 1 hour


Violence – Great Sword (55 GP) 2D6HKA, 18 STR min, 2H, +2 OCV, 1/2D6 NNDK on 8-


Crystal Cleaver – Dwarven Great Axe (40 GP) 2D6+1 HKA, 18 STR min, +0 OCV, 5D6 dispel vs. force fields 8-


Tornado Charm – Necklace with a small vial of air,

3 charges (18 GP)

Makes an HKA or HA autofire, 3 adjacent hexes (adjacent to character as well), selective, Max 2D6 HKA (7D6 HA), half phase to activate.


Ring of Identification – Sparkly blue ring, 9 ch. (4.5 GP)

Detect magic, Discriminatory, +4 Perception, no range


Pitfall Ring – Black and Red Granite Ring (5 GP)

75% DR Physical normal and killing, falling damage only.

Calculate full damage to determine if you are stunned.


Blight – Withered black root rod, 3 charges (12 GP)

6D6 Body Drain, +2 COV, roll location, no range, 5 END


Bowless Arrows – 2 recoverable charges (16 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV. +2 vs. range, can prepare arrow fire


Earthen Defender – Med. Shield of Reddish clay (35 GP)

+2 DCV, 4 DEF, 20 BODY, 15 STR min, fast put away

Regen. 1 body per 5 minutes when in contact with earth.

25% DR physical normal and killing vs. Earth golems and elementals.


Scroll of Scrying – Scroll, 1 charge (4 GP)

See invisible, see life force, IR vision lasts 5 hours

Full phase, need light to read by, -2 DCV


1 Energy Vial – 3D6 END aid (15 GP)

3†radius, selective, only use by a Cleric, Ranger, or Druid.

Benpher’s Swapping Pouches – 2 8†silk pouches (20 GP)

Anything you put in either pouch can be removed from either pouch the following round. Range of 5 miles.


Gloves of Pilfering – Thin leather gloves (20 GP)

5 DEF Hardened, cumulative to 7 DEF on location 6

+1 to Lock Picking and Sleight of Hands, or 11-


Greensbarrow Playing Cards – Skillfully marked (1 GP)

-4 perception to see that they are marked

+1 to Gambling rolls with deck


Book of Sorrow – Leather bound Crimson book (30 GP)

3 pages empty. Each page can take on someone’s pain or sorrow, freeing them from pain (mental or physical). Major transform from hurt to well. There are 37 pages full of other peoples sorrows. The first page contains a warning not to read a sorrow once the book has taken it away. Can cure criticals, allow you to get over a lost love, etc. 5 minutes to write your sorrows down. Reading a sorrow will visit it upon the reader.


Lightfoot boots – Thin leather boots (20 GP)

5 DEF cumulative to 7 on locations 16-18

+1 to stealth and acrobatics or 11-, leaves no tracks


Specter Potion – Potion Bottle appears to be empty (16 GP)

Desolidification – affected by spells, 2D6 RKA, no range affects solid

2 charges last 1 turn each.


Gallant – Silver Chain Coif (28 GP)

7 DEF on locations 3-5, cumulative to 8 DEF

1 Point Flash Defense and 5 points mental defense, not cumulative

+2 Comeliness and +3 Presence


Inquisitor’s Hood – Black Leather Hood (18 GP)

5 DEF on locations 3-5, cumulative to 7 DEF

+1 or 10- in Interrogation, +3 to Presence (negative only)


Pyre – Wand, 3 charges (9 GP)

Flame Jet – 1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, 8†line or 3†Cone


Silver Slayer – Very Heavy Bow (70 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 vs. range, +1 OCV

Silver Arrows (6 per day) 2-1/2D6, +1 vs. range, +2 OCV

silver weapon, affects desolid

Willing Bow enchantment (fast draw and fast put up)

Protection from being turned into a Lycanthrope


Salve of Restoration – salve, 1 charge per day (15 GP)

Cure poison & disease, require -2 herbs/paramedic skill roll.


Blackout – Black Leather Sap (25 GP)

3D6 HA, 5 STR min, +1 OCV, +1 Stealth while wielding


Ring of Splinters – wooden ring, 3 charges (12 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, AP, +2 OCV


Batter – Metal Rod, 2 charges per day (20 GP)

2D6 RKA, no range, +2 OCV, zero end

8- roll to hit again (keep attacking if continue to roll 8-)


Power Monger – Big Red Pill, 2 (12 GP)

+10 STR, +2 PD, +2 ED, +20 END, lasts 1 min.


Star Blazer – Wand, 3 charges (6 GP)

Creates dazzling lights in front of the targets eyes, making it hard for them to act. -3 CV lasts for 1 turn. +1 OCV


Ice Cube – Chunk of Ice (3.5 GP)

3D6 Icy Entangle, Sticky, -2 PER to sight and sound.


Invisible Servant Ring – Ring, 2 charges 1 hour (12 GP)

Creates an invisible servant. 10 STR TK, Fine Manipulation

Indirect, can give orders to carry out.


Arrow Hawk – Permanent Arrow (10 GP)

2D6 RKA, no range penalties, returns on zero phase command after being shot. Takes two segments to fly back into scabbard.


Rings of Dexterity – two golden rings (25 GP)

Ambidexterity and +1 DEX skills that require fine manipulation, requires both rings be worn.


Necrodat – Black Headband Circlet (25 GP)

+5 Presence vs. undead, +1D6 mind control over undead


NightSteed Statuette – small statue, 6 charges (12 GP)

Creates a black heavy riding horse that does not tire

Can only exist at night. 15†running, no turn mode.


Treasure Trove – small silver jewelry box (12 GP)

Can hold an amount equal to a pouch of holding


Scarab of Protection – gold & silver scarab, 4 chg (14 GP)

2D6 Heal and 1D6 End aid, trigger when either Stun, or Body goes below 75% of maximum. Max 2 chg per day.


Adventurer’s Belt (can hold 1 potion and 1 wand that teleport to hand on 0 phase command. Holds as much as a pouch of holding otherwise). (30 GP)


Ring of Zericus – Blood Red Ring (35 GP)

+1 Strength, +1 Endurance (not cumulative)

Can push to +10 STR 2/day w/no EGO roll


Globe of Defense – 3†r Crystal Globe (30 GP)

Useable by any magic caster. When activated it hovers in the air around the user for 1 minute. While hovering, it can do the following things from a pool of 4 charges:

Block/Deflect from H2H weapons to arrows +3 OCV (1 ch.)

Deflect any 1 Fantasy Spell, +3 OCV (4 ch.)

Erect a 2â€r Force Wall, 8 DEF Hardened (3 ch.)


Troglodyte Tongue – Preserved Tongue (5 GP)

+1 point of Troglodyte language


Troll Tongue – Preserved Tongue (5 GP)

+1 point of Troll language


Hill Giant Tongue – Preserved Tongue (5 GP)

+1 point of Hill Giant language


Harpy Feather – 2’ long feather (15 GP)

+2†Flight, cumulative, makes all flight 1/2 END


Cobra’s Fang – Mummified Cobra Rod (40 GP)

Useable only by priests and druids

1D6 RKA, AP , 0 END, no range, bite, +2 OCV

+1D6+1 RKA, NND Killing if does body, 2/day


Essence of Wraith – blue smoke potion, 2 ch. (12 GP)

Desolidifcation, costs 4 END per phase, affected by magic and mystical creatures.


Salve of Reattachment – golden salve, 1 ch. (8 GP)

Cure critical wound, even severed limb, 1 hour


Ointment of the Eagle – glittery silver, 12 ch. (3 GP)

Adds no range penalties to any attack for one shot

Works with arrows, bolts, throwing daggers, darts, etc.


Minor Arcanas – Diamond Ring (15 GP)

Can store one 40 AP spell per day

Any spell caster


Talisman of the Blade – braded hilt charm (20 GP)

Re-roll 1 to hit or location roll, 1/week

Works on any kind of sword


Potion of Occlusion – clear potion (6 GP)

Invisibility to normal, IR and UV sight, lasts 1 minute

not within 6†radius, Thieves and Monks only


Pounder – mud brown potion (8 GP)

+2 PD, +2 ED, +5 CON (for stunning only)

2 charges last 1 minute each.


Argute – Glittery White Javelin (45 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, +1 OCV, 10 STR min, 3D6 Max, can be thrown

AP on a 6- attack roll


Prismatic Wand – 1â€x 18†kaleidoscope (10.5 GP)

Roll 2D6 for which color hits each target

3 charges, 3†cone, no range

Blue 2-3: 1D6 CON Drain

Green 4-5: -1 CV for 1 Turn

Yellow 6-8: 6D6N EB heat ray

Orange 9-10: 2D6 Flash vs. all sight

Red 11-12: 3D6 NND Energy


Rod of Might –Rod w/ fist (10 GP)

+20 END, +5 STR (cumulative to +10)

2 charges last 1 minute each, only on self


Rubber Arms – Bracers (9 GP)

3†Stretching, 3 charges last 5 minutes

not a permanent item


Magic Bane – Salve (8 GP)

This salve makes an item very resistant to magic, but only protects the item. 75% DR vs. all damage and 10D6 Suppress vs. all fantasy magic at once, only on the item it is rubbed on. Item can be about the size of a weapon or piece of armor, or shield and non-living. 4 charges last 1 week.


Focus – Mirrored Rod, 3 charges (6 GP)

Automatic coordinate on any spell or spell-like powers cast at the rod and then sent at same time on to target. The holder of the rod must use a half phase to coordinate the attacks.


Tooth of the Banshee – 1†long (6 GP)

Can perform Banshee scream during duration of power

+20 PRE to cause fear, 2 charges last 1 minute


Carrion – Writhing Wormy Black Rod, 3 charges (9 GP)

1/2D6 RKA, NND Killing, +1 OCV

linked to 2D6 CON & 2D6 END Drain, fade per week


Perfect Body – blue potion, 1 charge (7 GP)

Gives user a 20 Body, 20 CON, 20 Dex, 10 PD, 10 ED,

50 End, 50 Stun, 10 Rec, 5 Speed, 17- Acrobatics,

10†Running, and +1 all Combat, for 2 turns

At the end of the duration, the character takes 30 End from current total. Only useable by Monks


Eye of Newt – Jellified Eye (2.4 GP)

3D6 Aid to tight group of 3 Spells

Affects END, Fade rate per minute


Eye of Beholder – Mummified Eye Pieces (6 GP)

20 Active points to tight group of 3 Spells

Affects END, Fade rate per minute

+1 DEF to Force Field


Dolomedes Triton Boots – Spider Hide (10 GP)

Up to 10†flight, only on water (running speed)


Brainer – Blood Red Sap (15 GP)

3D6N, 5 STR min, +1 OCV


Purgatory – Black Helm (10 GP)

8 DEF on loc 3-5

Simulate Death, Invisibility to detect life

and Discriminatory hearing, 1/wk up to1 hour


Dwarven Insight – Small Hammer Charm (7 GP)

Bump of Direction, underground only


Eluvia – Silver Braded Belt (20 GP)

Self contained breathing

+2 DEF on location 13, cumulative to 9 PD

3 Points Power Defense, cumulative to 5


Harvest – Golden Scythe (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 12 STR min, 2H, 4D6 max

1D6 END transfer on 7- attack roll

1D6 Body and 1D6 Stun transfer on 4- attack roll


Defender of Utarin – Elegant Short Sword (45 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, 3D6 max

+1 DCV when wielding as primary weapon

+3 DCV, 0 phase activate, 2/day


Swarm – Temporary Arrows (2 GP each)

2D6 RKA, 5 shot Autofire, +2 OCV

Each one does 1 pip NND K if the RKA does body


Vamp – Permanent Arrow (12 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV

2D6 Body and 2D6 Stun Transfer, above max


Subdue – Permanent Arrow (10 GP)

6D6 N, +1 OCV, +1 Rmod, Invisible Power Effects


Bolster – Strong Alcoholic Potion (2 GP per charge)

+5 PRE defensive, 2D6 END aid above max


Zinger – ½†Runed Slingless Bullet (15 GP)

2D6 RKA, Penetrating, +2 OCV, any 12â€, no range, must hit target to proceed to next. +1 StunX on 7-


Oil of Ricochet – 6 charges (3 GP)

Can add indirect (bounce off objects) to any physical ranged weapon (arrows, daggers, etc.)


Hyper Alert – 3 pills, lasts 5 minutes (15 GP)

+10 Perception, Danger Sense 11-

Must take half phase perceive to keep from being disoriented. If you don’t take a half phase, you get an Ego Save or you are disoriented (-2 CV)


In Motion – Simple Gold Band (20 GP)

+1†Running (max 10â€), +2†Swimming (max 6â€)

15†Teleport, 3 End, 2/day, 6†Flight, costs end, 2/day


Cloak of Protection – Dark Blue, blade edge (25 GP)

Block, uncontrolled, 10 OCV, for 1 turn

1-1/2D6 RKA, Damage shield, lasts 1 turn

Both powers only activate when knocked out, or when incapacitated, with 1 charge per day


Ring of Ready –Platinum Ring, 12 charges (6 GP)

Instant Change, can include readying a weapon/shield


Sanctuary – Ring, 3 charges (9 GP)

Gives user two full phases to take defensive, non-movement actions, only on self, (healing potions, etc.)


Keep Back – Rod, 2 charges (10 GP)

4D6 EB Electricity, NND, No Range, Hole in the middle, explosion


Purse of Plenty – Small Coin Purse (10 GP)

creates 1 Copper per week, only if previous copper is spent. This is real money, not a transformation.


Set the Pace – Potion, 12 charges (12 GP)

½ END and no long term END effects from movement powers, each charge lasts 5 hours.


Ring of Evasion – Ring w/image of buckler (10 GP)

+1 DCV, only when not attacking, Rangers only


Velvet Touch – Rapier (40 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, 3D6 max

Invisible to Touch, Does no Stun


Pin Cushion – 2 Pouches of Pins (10 GP)

1D6 RKA, Penetrating, 10 shot autofire, +8 OCV

AE 6†radius, selective, must attack all targets


Archer’s Bane – Amulet, 3 charges (12 GP)

25% DR from piercing attacks (arrows, spears, etc.)

each charge takes 0 phase activate, lasts 1 minute


Bloodletter – Wand, 3 charges (9 GP)

2D6 Body Drain, return per 5 hours, +2 OCV

Continuous up to 1 Turn, 2 END per phase


Staff of Aldur – Metal banded Staff (45 GP)

4D6 N, +2 OCV, 13 STR min, 2H

Surprise: +1†Reach, 0 phase activate

Lighting Strike: +2 OCV, 0 phase activate, 2/day


Stone Skin Potion – gray and powdery (2 GP each)

+2 DEF, +2PD and +2ED, lasts 1 minute


Eye of Elvie – Diamond Eye Amulet (10 GP)

See invisible, 8†range, 0 phase activate

2 charges per day last 5 minutes


Fortress – Mirrored Tower Shield (40 GP)

+3 DCV Shield, 10 DEF, 10 Body

Create Stone Wall, 6 DEF, 10 Body, 8â€, 1/day

Each hex has to be defeated separately

+2 OCV Deflect/+2 OCV Reflect light based flashes


Enchanted Scrolls – Blank Scrolls (1 GP each)

Can store up to a 60 active point spell


Zephyr– Glass Ring (25 GP)

5†gliding, always on

20% DR from wind based attacks


Athletes Strap – Red Silk Boot Strap (8 GP)

+1†Running, Max 11â€


Slip Stone – Amulet (.5 GP per charge)



Firefly – Very Heavy Bow (60 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, 15 Str min, Fast Draw on bow

Ignite arrows 4/day for +1 DC of fire damage

Flaming arrows create 6†of light

10% DR from fire, cumulative to 30%


Quiver of Plenty – Black Leather Quiver (5 GP)

Holds 200 arrows, pulls each on â€no phase†command


Arrow Amp – Intricate Leather Quiver (18 GP)

Can add each of these powers to any arrow: 1/wk ea.

No Range Mods, Indirect, Invisible to all sight & sound.


Arcus – bowstring finger ring (30 GP)

You are only 3/4 DCV when firing a bow


Deliverer – Bone White Francisca (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, +1 Rng, 13 Str min, 4D6 Max

Thrown, 0 phase recall to hand from within 30â€


Barrage – Mirrored Francisca (40 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 13 Str min, 4D6 Max

Can be autofire (2 shot) when thrown, 1/day


Marathon Shoes – Burgundy Shoes (20 GP)

+4†Running (max 10â€), 2x non-combat speed

Not half DCV when at non-combat speed.


Elzonn’s Blessing – Holy Symbol Amulet (10 GP)

Stores one Elzonn holy spell per day, max 30 active


Master Spellbinder – Mage’s Staff (75 GP)

4D6 N, +2 OCV, 13 Str min, Max 10D6

Store Spell: 1/day up to 150 active

3D6 Magic Spell Aid (tight group) 1 recov. chg./day

Requires 2 GP of components to recharge

+1 to cast tight group of spells

25% DR from own spell SFX

10% DR from chosen “counter†SFX cum. to 25%


Elzonn’s Favor – Necklace (45 GP)

+1 to Cast tight group of spells (3)

+1 Die to any healing spell, 1/day

+2 OCV with one spell, 1/day

Re-roll the effect of a spell, 1/day

5 END, 1 recovery for priest spells


Salutarus – Golden Rod, 1 charge/week (25 GP)

Can stack up to 60 active points of priest spells to be cast at once (full phase). Take the hardest spell roll, subtract 1 for every two additional spells (3=-1, 5=-2)


Covert – Leather Mask (20 GP)

3 DEF on location 3, cumulative to 8 DEF

2 points mental defense, invisible to mind scan

immunity to telepathy


Perfect Sight – Amulet (35 GP)

1 Point flash defense, cumulative to 2 points

See all invisibility as if it has a fringe at 1â€

UV Vision, +1 to Perception cumulative to +3


Resonance – Long Sword (70 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 Str min, 4D6 max

25% DR from sonic attacks, cumulative to 35%

1D6 RKA, Penetrating, no range, continuous

only vs. rigid surfaces, ½ DCV throughout

unless you leave the sword stuck there

2D6+1 RKA, +2 OCV, Penetrating, 16†range, 2/day


Alter Form – Gray Lead Ring, 1/week (20 GP)

Shapeshift into any household/outdoor mundane item of man size. Takes full phase to transform each way.


Setar Elil-Pronin (SEP field) – Amulet, 1/month (20 GP)

Complete invisibility, 0 phase activate, can abort

Dispelled if you move anything but your eyes.

Costs 2 end per phase to run


Fiend – Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 Str min, 4D6 max

Succor: 3D6 Body Drain, 2†radius, personal immunity, no range, 1/day


Automata – Bronze Necklace (33 GP)

Self contained breathing

Immunity to intense heat, cold and pressure

+2 to CON for stunning purposes

Doesn’t need to eat or excrete


Assault – Scroll (3 GP)

40†teleport, 4†radius selective, 10 END


Holocaust Cloak – Long Black Cloak (40 GP)

20% DR Fire, cumulative to 30%

Immunity to intense heat

Pyre: flames engulf wearer, +5 offensive PRE and

1D6 RKA penetrating Damage Shield, 1/day

effects last 1 turn, 1/day, 1/2 phs act., not end phs.


Black Thorn – Throwing Dagger (25 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, +2 vs. range, 10 STR, 2D6+1 max



Blink – Ring (15 GP)

15†teleport, 2/day

Abort to teleport with only -1 penalty for distance 1/day

Can teleport object from point to point within range. The object cannot be held or grabbed, and should be the size of what you could carry in one hand.


Assassin Arrow – temporary arrow (2 GP each)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, invisible power effects


Hammer Flight – Runed permanent arrow (10 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +1 OCV


Set the Pace – Potion, 12 charges (12 GP)

½ END and no long term END effects from movement powers, each charge lasts 5 hours.


Stone Skin Potion – gray and powdery (2 GP each)

+2 DEF, +2PD and +2ED, lasts 1 minute


Ice Cube – Chunk of Ice (3.5 GP each)

3D6 Icy Entangle, Sticky, -2 PER to sight and sound.


Power Monger – Big Red Pill (6 GP each)

+10 STR, +2 PD, +2 ED, +20 END, lasts 1 min.


Hummingbird Boots –Feathered Boots (25 GP)

+2†Running, Maximum of 11â€, & 8†Flight, 3/day


Wand of Anti-magic – Wand, 2 charges (4 GP)

15D6 of Dispel vs. any fantasy magic



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Guest zarglif69

yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah these items obviously from a D&D clone FH game. I mean, Beholder eyes? beholders are from D&D!!! why make your FH world just like another RPG? make it unique!!!

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Originally posted by zarglif69

yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah these items obviously from a D&D clone FH game. I mean, Beholder eyes? beholders are from D&D!!! why make your FH world just like another RPG? make it unique!!!

Grow up, please. If you cant say anything nice, please dont say anything at all.


Source material is source material. One of the primary purposes of using the HERO System is to provide a common environment for interesting material from many source to work & play well together.





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That actually gave me a good laugh. I stopped playing D&D over 15 years ago for all the obvious reasons (game mechanic wise), but there is nothing wrong with the setting, IMO. To each his own.


However, items translated from or directly inspired by D&D probably make up like 5% or less of the list, and by no stretch of the imagination can “characterize†it.


IMO, the only thing more pathetic than an insult, is an inaccurate one.



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Originally posted by zarglif69

well, #1) all these items smack of D&D, and that's enough for me. #2) see #1.


Go. Away. If you don't like the posts, the list, or the reasons, stop reading. Better yet, stop posting; we'll all breathe easier.


A goodly number of interesting items, however; any thoughts as to things that make them special (besides the name, I mean)? Here, here's a suggestion:


Originally posted by Daedalus

Ice Pick / Ice Stiletto (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, AP AP, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, max 2-1/2D6

Can be thrown, returns to scabbard at end of next phase

A little bit of twitching and tweaking and juggling and creative imagination, and ...


The Ice Queen's Tear

-- Thushayaya-nas, 'Lady's Sorrow', Ptarmigen (Arctic Halfling)


For a thousand days she wept

Wept bitter tears for her lost

Her love, her child, her family

Her freedom, her people, her country...

-- From The Lament of Sunaya, a Ptarmigen Legend-Song


The Ice Queen's Tear is not really a very impressive weapon; it most certainly is a halfling-sized blade, a more needle-like dagger than most. Holding it induces chill, however, and unless the wielder wears a heavy leather glove on his or her hand, they will find their hand growing numb with the weapon's cold. The most frequently reported 'look' of the weapon is that of an inverted basket-guard (the 'cup' pointing towards the blade instead of back towards the pommel), while the grip is of some mysterious white hide, the pommel stone a small but clear crystal sphere.


History According to Ptarmigen tales, the Lady Sunaya, a widow and governess for a dozen or so villages, was captured by enemies of these northern halflings. Some say they were a vicious bunch of bandits; others say that the enemy was a tribe of ogruch whom the Ptarmigen had long and bitterly fought. One tale says that it was a nearby clan of humans who had turned upon the Ptarmigen and betrayed them for reasons unfathomable by the diminuative folk. Whatever the reason, the Lady Sunaya refused to surrender her governance to her captors, who tortured her in the worst manner possible -- by bringing to her one by one the mangled bodies of her charges, her family, even her beloved. For over three years they tortured her thus, her tears flowing into the empty dagger scabbard at her side, the only thing they left with her, again to taunt her with her helplessness. When they brought her at last the head of her children and fiancee', she plucked a hair from her own head and one from each of theirs, twisting them together and dropping the thin thread into her scabbard for safekeeping. The spirits of the north took final pity on her, turning her host of tears into a weapon with which she could strike back at her tormentors...


Game Statistics: The Ice Queen's Tear: 22 Points

1d6-1 HKA (Max 2d6-1 HKA at 20 STR, +1 DC/+7 STR), Armor Piercing (+½), Ranged (+½), 0 END (+½) (25 Active Points); OIF (Special, -½); 5 STR Minimum (-¼), Real Weapon (Special, -¼), Range Based on Strength (5" per +5 STR, -¼), Side F/X (wielder loses ½d6 Stun per Phase Held unless wearing a heavy glove/mitten, -¼): 10 Points PLUS +2 OCV, (10 Active Points); OIF (Special, -½), Real Weapon (Special, -¼): 6 Points PLUS Find Weakness, 11- (10 Active Points); OIF (Special, -½), Real Weapon (Special, -¼): 6 Points


The Ice Queen's Tear, as humans call it, is very good at punching through armor. If the individual using the blade takes a few moments to first study their opponent, the blade will help guide itself to the less-well-covered spots. In addition, the stiletto can be thrown, which makes it a most excellent weapon for those trained to do so.


In addition, the real weapon is not the 'Tear', but rather the scabbard; whenever Thushayaya-nas travels more than six feet or so from its scabbard, the bindings the winter spirits wrap the blade in begin to fracture and weaken. After a phase, the weapon returns to what it truly is -- snow wrapped around the base of an icicle, thereafter to melt and shatter. However, from the well of tears within the scabbard a new weapon coalesces, virtually fountaining before one's eyes into a new weapon. Its characteristics are unchanged, its blade whole and new. In fact, any time the stiletto blade is broken, a new one will regrow in instants within the scabbard, there for the drawing.


This is an ice-, cold-, and/or water-based weapon, doing additional damage to any creature vulnerable to such. At the end of each phase, it will steal ½d6 worth of stun from the wielder unless they are wearing heavy gloves. Unlike most weapons, the stiletto Thushayaya-nas never needs sharpening or upkeep -- to the blade. The scabbard, however, which is tooled leather and beautifully trimmed in copper designs, must be kept in pristine condition for the weapon to retain its usefulness. As well, the bearer must learn at least one of the tales of Lady Sunaya and tell it to anyone who asks about the blade or the scabbard.

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Originally posted by Daedalus

Wyrm Ouroboros, I love it. Can you do that for the rest fo the items please? ;)

Bah!! Doing such does take a bit of time. On the other hand, I don't see why I can't pluck one out every day or three, something that I find interesting, and do a writeup for it.


On the other hand, I'm surprised that nobody commented on the Ptarmigen halflings... :D


I should warn you that I do like adding flavor-bits; looking at my past writeups, there's generally a tweak here, a tweak there, and small 'add-on' powers. I also sometimes prefer, errrr, 'powerful' items -- or combined items. Usually singular, named items tend to have a bit more zest, greater depth, and/or a wider expanse of capabilities.



Originally posted by Daedalus

MerBlade – 1-1/2D6 HKA, 13 Str min, +2 OCV, Free movement under water, breathe underwater, the sword is invisible under water, 8†Swimming (Like flight under water), 24†radius detect water life nondiscriminatory always on, 20†teleport only under water 2/day.


Reflection Necklace – Gives the user normal vision clairsentience only through water. Maximum of 1 mile range. There must be continuous water from starting point to ending point. For example a river or lake. It is as if the user is looking at the reflection of water in a different place. 1 charge per day. Costs 3 end per phase.


All right, this pair get combined into a blatantly epic-scale weapon/tool ...


Trident of the Sea-Lords

-- Luooshusssahhanah, 'Water-Drop', Deeping


Only three things survive from the First Days: the first bit of Earth, the first drop of Water, the first tongue of Fire. Earth bore Water; little childling Air was riven from the two by the strike of Fire upon them. Thus always does Fire strive to break Stone and vanish Water; thus do Water and Stone smother Fire and part it from its child Air.

-- From many primitive tribals' legends of creation.


The Trident of the Sea-Lords is a great three-tined polearm in a classic design, three grips (fore, mid-shaft, and near-buttstock) moulded into its making. Depending on the light, the time of day, the feel of the wind, the depth of the water, and the emotions of the wielder, the weapon's appearance can vary from a glinting, glittery sun-off-the-top-of-the-waves blue to a murky deepwater green to a white-flecked near-ebon storm-tossed-wave nigh-black. It is ever-changing, but universally very long -- and, according to some, capable of both appearing and vanishing into thin air.


History: For once, the tales have it right; this really IS the remnant of the first Water. From before all gods but the Creator, this is the first droplet whence came all other water; this is the Water that was assaulted by jealous Fire, to unwillingly birth Air. The Trident has since been in the possession of gods and men, sea-elves and sea-ogres, the humble, the mighty, the profound and the profane. Some scholars (none of whom ever have seen, much less carried, the Trident) say that it has a sentience of its own; if this is true, it is a brutish, primal sentience, expressed not in thoughts, words, or even emotions, but rather in more ... elemental forms.


The Trident is currently in the keeping of the Priest-Duke Kaelan in the coastal city of Mith Koesh. 53-year-old Kaelan is a powerful priest of the shark-god Manno-niuhi, influential in the faith he represents as well as within the country his duchy is a part of. He is not a cruel ruler, but his reign is what one wit described as 'scrupulously ruthless', not unlike the sharks that frequent the Bay of Koesh. His eldest, 17-year-old daughter She'itsha, is being groomed to succeed him, as she is the only one of his six children to fully follow his path as both politico and priestess.


Game Statistics: Trident of the Sea-Lords: 36 Points

MultiPower: the First Water, 61 Active Points, OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2): 20 Points

u) 2d6 HKA, 0 END (+½), +2 Stun Multiplier (+½), (60 Active Points); 18 STR Minimum (-1), Hand-And-A-Half Weapon (-¼), OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2) (1 Point, END for Strength)

u) 2d6 RKA, ½ END (+¼), +1 Stun Multiplier (+¼), No Range Modifier (+½); 18 STR Minimum (-1), Hand-And-A-Half Weapon (-¼), OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2) (1 Point, 3 END)

u) Clairsentience, Sight Group, x16 Range (1,600"), 'Mobile' Viewpoint ('No Range Modifier', +½) (60 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), One Sense Only (Normal Sight, -¼), Only From the Viewpoint of Water/Liquid (-½), Incantations (-¼): (1 Points, 6 END)

u) Clairsentience, Sight Group, Cross-Dimensional (Elemental Plane of Water, 150" Range), 'Mobile' Viewpoint ('No Range Modifier', +½), Megascale (1"=10km) (60 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), One Sense Only (Normal Sight, -¼), Only From the Viewpoint of Water/Liquid (-½), Incantations (-¼): (1 Points, 6 END)

u) Flight, 10", x2 Noncombat (20"), Usable Underwater (+¼), 0 END (+½), Usable Simultaneously by 8 Others (+1¼) (60 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), Concentrate ½ DCV (-¼), Usable Only Underwater (-½): (2 Points)

u) Flight, 10", x8 Noncombat (80"), Usable Underwater (+¼), 0 END (+½) (61 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), Concentrate ½ DCV (-¼), Usable Only Underwater (-½): (2 Points)


'Aquatic Ease': 3 2-Point Penalty Skill Levels (6 Actives); Only Applies in Water to DCV and DC Penalties (-1), IAF Extreme Difficulty (-1½): 2 Points

'Aquatic Survival': Life Support: Expanded Breathing (Water), High Pressure, Intense Cold (8 Actives); 'IIF' Extreme Difficulty (-1¼): 4 Points

'Natural Immunity': Life Support, Immune to Phytotoxins and Zootoxins (10 Active Points); Only Those Produced by Aquatic Beings (-½), 'IIF' Extreme Difficulty (-1¼): 4 Points


Concealment, 20- (25 Actives); IIF Extreme Difficulty (-1¼), Trident Only (-¼): 10 Points


The Trident of the Sea Lords certainly carries even more vast and terrible powers; according to tales from around the world, the First Water can summon or calm hurricanes and tsunamis, break off the bases of islands (especially volcanic ones) and sink them, and destroy whole armies with barely more than a wave of the tri-pronged tip. Less impressive powers may perhaps be that the wielder is immune to any water-based attack (Force Field, 0 END, Persistent, Inherent, Always On, Only vs. Water-Based Attacks), or can redirect the ocean's currents to protect himself and his companions (Force Wall or Missile Deflection). The powers above are, however, the only abilities that the Priest-Duke Kaelan has displayed.


As a cornerstone of the world itself, Luooshusssahhanah can never be truly destroyed; it can, however, be temporarily sundered. It is considered to have a DEF of 24 against such 'weapon-breaker' techniques, but if it is broken, the water of which it consists will simply flow away, naturally. Somewhere else in the world, the Water-Drop will reform.


Certain powers of the Trident are considered 'IIF'; if the trident is somehow taken away from its rightful owner, the new owner must bear the weapon for a full week before the previous owner loses those benefits (i.e. 'Aquatic Survival' and 'Natural Immunity'). Thus, simply pinning the Trident's owner and taking the weapon away won't cause them to suddenly go *squish* due to water pressure.


Special Effects Hints:

RKA: The weapon itself is thrown; hit or miss, it will sink into the target, ground, or vanish into the surrounding water, coalescing out of the air (or water, whatever) within the wielder's hand.

Clairsentience: The wielder must 'pour' the trident into a sizeable bowl, then send her senses out, skipping from liquid surface to liquid surface. The view can be from a wine cup, a bucket of water, out of a bath, under the sea, or even -- with great effort -- from a drop of rain or the face of a cloud.

Flight: Trident in hand, the wielder simply wills the direction she (and her companions) desire to go; the water around her pushes the wielder that way. Companions, provided they are suitably close to the wielder, can be carried along, albeit at a reduction in speed.

Concealment: At the desire of the wielder, the Trident may reform itself; Duke Kaelan carries it around constantly as a sacred charge, 'concealed' within a large waterskin out of which he 'pours' water into his hand, the weapon reforming itself as it emerges.


And, if you like:

Duke Kaelan of Mith Koesh, Priest of Manno-niuhi: 27 Strength, 15 Dex, 20 Con, 20 Body, 17 Int, 18 Ego, 23 Pre, 16 Com. VPP Priest Spells/Blessings/Judgements, 75 Pool Points, primarily focussed on combat, war, judgement, death, and the sea. Highly experienced combat veteran, with the Trident as a favored but by no means only weapon.

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I went through the old boards and found the thread that started this mess and lo and behold I tried to access the other pages (Dadelus had about five pages with others contributing another two).


did the others pages not get saved or what?

I see the links but they dont do anything.





I really want the writeups i had for Golind's Axe and Armor as well as Dysons mask.......... I aint got them anymore (on a defunct hard drive.)

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Originally posted by Daedalus

Fiend – Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 Str min, 4D6 max

Succor: 3D6 Body Drain, 2†radius, personal immunity, no range, 1/day

I sort of like this one; reminds me of an old friend...



'Ware the fiend and his thirst...

-- Old Sou'country saying.


At first glance, the Fiend looks to be a simple black-steel longsword, the crosspiece done in an overly ornate scale-and-claw style. The pommel appears as a horned demon's-head, its repulsively beautiful face spreading its lips in a vile grin; the grip is likewise black and scaly, maybe snakeskin of some sort. Drawing the weapon from its sheath, the blade continues the scale motif, with a deep blood-groove from an inch below the hilt nearly to the tip. Though the edge cuts as expected for a sword, the fine scale metalwork continues right to the cutting part. Any purveyor of fine weapons would mark this as a weapon of very high quality, a true masterwork.


Wielding the Fiend in real combat betrays the truth, however; the Fiend is truly an unholy being, hammered into the sword-shape and bound by powerful forces to remain so. The blade is part of its body, the scales sharper than any lizard's; the blood-groove remains ever-clean as the daemon-sword drinks all that is offered to it.


History: Only a true sage or researcher into the politics of the infernal realms will discover the origin of the Fiend; suffice it to say that the weapons' creation is cruelty on-par with other tales of demons, devils, mephits and Fallen. Since its appearance in the hands of humans and the like, however, it has cut a subtle but bloody swath through the world. While the Fiend's influence has been felt on battlefields and in duels, it has more frequently been felt in back alleyways and royal bedrooms. Though solid numbers are hard to come by, the Fiend is thought to have been instrumental in no fewer than five thousand assassinations and political murders in the six hundred years of its confirmed presence among men.


Game Statistics: The Fiend: SF/X (character automatically begins to gain Psychological Limitations 'Vengeful', 'Megalomaniac', and 'Urge to Betray'. Limitations grow at 5 pts strength (total) per week of possession or per one use of abilities (a use would be a full combat sequence for the HKA, or for the Transfer or Healing one use each) of the weapon, up to 'Very Common, Strong', a total of 60 points: -2): 23 Real Points

a) 1½d6 HKA, +2 Stun Multiplier (+½), 0 END (+½) (50 Active Points); 12 STR Minimum (-½), One-Handed Weapon (-0), OAF (-1), SF/X (above, -2): 11 Points

B)Transfer, ½d6 Body to Healing, +18 Maximum, Ranged (+½), ½ END (+¼), IPF/X (Fully Invisible, Invisible Effects of Power Use, +2) (71 Active Points); IAF (Drawn Sword, -½), Concentrate 0 DCV Unaware (-¾), Full Phase Extra TIme (-½), Soft Incantations (-½), Only Works in Darkness/Deep Shadow (-½), SF/X (As Above, -2): 12 Points

c) Healing, to Body (1d6, +22 Max after full Transfer)


You can see how this, aah, 'Fiend' could very easily corrupt good, honest men ...

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  • 3 years later...

Re: Magic Items go here!!


Menzigil's Monsterhide Message Board


The Wizard Menzigil crafted this item in order to stay appraised of job opportunities, especially when he entered new areas. He was tired of delving into seedy smoke-filled bars in order to see whatever "adventurers wanted" notices might be posted. It made his beard smell funny. Besides, it was unseemly and detracted from the mystique he wanted to cultivate.


The magical piece of the Message Board is a one foot-square piece of a monster's hide. Menzigil's original is from a scarlet drake, but any tough, relatively flexible hide from a potent monster would do. To use the Message Board, attach the hide to a board or similar flat object such as a shingle and hang it on a wall, tree, post, or something similar.


Over time, notices will begin to appear on the board for employment opportunities. The notices appear as well-written notes done in black ink on sheets of parchment. The prospective employers are not aware that their jobs are appearing on the board, allowing for more mysterious arrivals. Jobs generally start appearing that are closer rather than further, though more lucrative distant opportunities might show up quicker than one would expect due to distance. There is no guarantee that in between the job being posted and the job-seeker arriving that the job will still need doing.




There are several ways to run the Message Board.


1) Able to set conditions. This will allow the user to narrow the focus of the jobs offered. This will allow adventurers to avoid getting notices about repairing fences, cleaning out stables and the like, but they might miss out on some interesting if unusual jobs. Canny sorts might use the board to ferret out fiendish types, by setting job-search conditions like "murder", "assassination", "kidnapping" and then trouncing the prospective employers. Canny unsavory types might set things like "guard", "protect", "transport" and then steal whatever needs to be protected.


2) Search automatically based on person setting up Message Board. Whoever sets it up, the jobs are tailored more closely to them - their abilities and inclinations. The Dwarven smith will get more metalworking offers, the mage with lots of illusion spells might get party gigs, etc.


3) Luck of the draw - no filters. Get all kinds of things. While a lot to choose from, a lot to filter out. Very helpful-natured people may soon start to feel overwhelmed.


(if someone feels like statting up, feel free)

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Menzigil's Monsterhide Message Board: Detect Job Opportunities and Capable Of Filtering 17- (Unusual Group), Concealed (-4 with Detect PER Rolls), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Rapid: x10, Sense, Telescopic: +500, Transmit (Employment Opportunities appear as well-written notes done in black ink on sheets of parchment, scrolling across the shingle) (302 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF Bulky (Monster Hide Shingle; -1 1/2); Real Cost: 67 Points

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


I don't think you need Concealed (just let it be a passive sense), or the Transmit (it doesn't advertise the user's job needs), or the Rapid (the description says it works slowly, gradually picking up opportunities based on distance and $). So I'd say lose those adders and add Gradual Effect, or maybe Extra Time.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


I don't think you need Concealed (just let it be a passive sense)' date=' or the Transmit (it doesn't advertise the user's job needs), or the Rapid (the description says it works slowly, gradually picking up opportunities based on distance and $). So I'd say lose those adders and add Gradual Effect, or maybe Extra Time.[/quote']


A) Concealed -- he said the people posting the jobs are unaware of its polling; its conceivably possible that someone could have an anti-scrying alert set up; concealed helps against that possibility


B) Transmit: The device transmits the information its collecting to those able to see it.


C) Rapid: It may "slowly" scroll them but there could presumably be a LOT of potential jobs to sort thru to keep the list queued. Rapid in this case is like a read-ahead buffer. Basically it can detect and sort thru / filter 10 jobs with one Detect roll.


D) Gradual Effect assumes there is a packet of info to be collected once and then parsed out over time. Extra Time would have to elapse for each detect (which is inefficient) unless Only To Activate were applied, and at any rate why make it take longer to work?


E) Your version can do whatever you like. If you dont like my version, feel free to stat your own version and post it.

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