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[Character] The Flash


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Re: CHAR: The Flash


Instead of +20 w/ DFC' date=' I'd give him the full set of Speedster Martial Arts, including Flying Dodge. Flying Dodge gives everything you get with DFC except the Interposing option, it doesn't leave you prone, and The Flash has it if anyone does.[/quote']

Ah, I'd forgotten Speedster Martial arts! Thanks OddHat

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


Damn you Enforcer! I have my own HERO stuff to work on tonight! I don't have time to be sucked in by more Flash discussion... must resist... must...damn.. Ego.. of 3...!!!


Wally cannot run on air, but has been demonstrated to have a few tricks up his sleeve to get around that. He frequently forgets these tricks when the plot demands it... For example, he has slowed his fall by running really fast (basically created a thermal updraft by heating the air with friction if I recall). He's also "flown" by whirling his arms around to create mini tornados and then used them to lift himself off the ground. Nither would qualify as actual inches of flight as a standard power and would probably be handeled best by his VPP.


The Flash has several defenses. Mainly, he has a very high DCV, rediculous amounts of Regeneration (but cannot heal limbs) and a "kinetic aura" (PD FF with the protects others adder, but seems to be non resistant). He has a vaguely defined Danger Sense. He can Desolidify quite easily and has used missile deflection now and again. He is able to create a costume out of pure kinetic energy that provides various forms of life support (definitly works against radiation). I'm also fairly certain that he no longer needs to sleep.


His ability to drain speed from things works on just about anything, not just other speedsters. He's used it to stop objects in motion with a touch (bullets, falling girders) and has said that he could use it on Superman with disasterous results.


Once again, by putting his super speed in the EC, you lose the ability to buff it with the VPP. Based on the tight maneuvering he has done in the past and the speeds he has stated he can do it at, I'd say his standard combat movement is roughly the speed of sound. If he goes faster then that, he can still dodge around buildings and such, but would have trouble not running into people on a busy street. Mind you, he has conducted combat with other speedsters at lightspeed on several occasions, but that 's best handeled by EDM.


On the tallents front, he's definitly got Speedreading to an insane degree as well as lightning calculator and Universal Translator (but only for languages he can learn quickly from books).


On the skills front, Wally is an expert mechanic and a half decent detective. He works closely with the police in his super hero ID and works nightshift for the police motor pool in his civilian ID. Also, he knows both Keystone City AND Central City like the back of his hand.


Linda Park-West is his wife. They recently had a twins, a boy and a girl that they named Barry and Iris.


Ok, I need to stop for now but I'll add more tomorow night if you wish.

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


I would say his DCV is fine. Although I would make it that his DCV goes up as he uses his speed more. Just like you have the Speed going up. He has been "Tagged" by normal people before pretty easily.


PS Not normal normal people. But regular Human Super Villains. LOL

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


At one point the Flash was shot in the head. However, he actually felt the bullet pushing on the back of his head and was able to get out of its way.


How would you represent this? Damage Reduction?


I called it Combat Luck. His "Thinks Fast" danger sense told him that he was under attack (fulfilling any Must Be Aware of Attack limit), and the Combat Luck prevented the damage. You could also look at it as the SFX for Danger Sense and DCV levels.

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


I would say his DCV is fine. Although I would make it that his DCV goes up as he uses his speed more. Just like you have the Speed going up. He has been "Tagged" by normal people before pretty easily.


PS Not normal normal people. But regular Human Super Villains. LOL


I wouldn't consider his DCV fine personally. Even in the CU, 8 is very low for such a high level speedster. But based on the other values I've seen for Enforcers writups, 8 is downright pathetic. Wonder Woman, Superman and Aquaman can all get their OCV's up to 16+. The Flash simply will not survive fighting villians that can deal with OCV's like that.


I think OddHat has it right. Link some DCV to Flash's Danger Sense. Then make sure he can pump it up even more in some manner (such +X, DCV costs end).


I'd give Wally a Danger Sense roll in the ballpark of 13-15. Unlike Spider Sense, Wally does not have the Any Danger adder. If Wally can't some how percive it with his normal human senses, he'll get blindsided every time.


Most of the instances where wally get's hit are because he just not paying attention. In Game terms, he can't use his DCV because he doesn't percieve the threat. I don't think that big lug Girder has every layed a hand on him unless Wally was otherwise focused on something else. Other times, he's fighting somone that has abilites he is vulnerable to. Grodd stuns him with a ego blast and then tosses him through a building. Captain Boomerang throws five boomerangs at him, but Wally only notices and dodge four. Tar Pit entangles him. Sometimes, he gets hurt just because his normal human Rogues are actully clever and know how to fight against him.

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Guest Suleyman Rashid

Re: CHAR: The Flash


BTW' date=' can Wally run across the sky? I think I have seen that but I could be wrong. that's why I didn't use the 'needs to touch the ground' limitation.[/quote']



There was one occasion where Wally was in a plane that, for some reason I cannot recall right now, basically broke open and started spilling passengers (including Wally) out into the air. He recited Johnny Quick's speed formula ("3X2(9YZ)4A") and suddenly everything stopped.


Not "slowed down to an amazing degree", but outright stopped, his perception and reactions were moving so quickly. And at that point he was able to run on air.

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


Okay' date=' but I think of a Rivalry as involving someone who's still alive or otherwise able to interact with the character outside of their mind.[/quote']

Okay, so I'll get the DCV up there, and go with the psych lim route for Barry. Probably not tonight, but soon.

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


So far so good E84.


One trick, as mentioned before, is that the Flashes (Speedforce endowed speedsters) can read at really fast speeds. They then often do amazing things with that knowledge like build gigaflop computers or decipher an alien genetic code. Then they lose all that knowledge a short while later. This is best represented by buying skills in the VPP. When the slots shift the 'knowledge' fades. Although Bart Allen "Kid Flash II" does not have this problem, likely as a result of his early development in a computer fast holodeck of sorts.


I think that his movement is too slow, but that is a HEROism that rubs me the wrong way...chronically. I'd adjust his movement in inches to 100" Combat Speed and allow him to NCM the bejesus out of anyone with that VPP!


Also one thing to remember is that you are not modeling Wally's resistance to damage but more his staying power in the spotlight. Higher defenses are him just getting nicked or scratched when a full hit would clobber him. Thus feel free to up his or other JLAers PD and ED to what would be the JLA campaign median levels. With the heavy hitters like Kal and the MM being much, much higher.



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Re: CHAR: The Flash


There was one occasion where Wally was in a plane that' date=' for some reason I cannot recall right now, basically broke open and started spilling passengers (including Wally) out into the air. He recited Johnny Quick's speed formula ("3X2(9YZ)4A") and suddenly everything [i']stopped[/i].


Not "slowed down to an amazing degree", but outright stopped, his perception and reactions were moving so quickly. And at that point he was able to run on air.


Flash #54 has a sceen like that. It's the one I was talking about earlier. But only one passenger get's sucked out. Wally actully jumps out to save her, at which point he comes up with the run on air thing mid fall. I don;'t remember him reciting Johnny Quicks formula, but I don't have the issue in front of me to reference it...

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Re: CHAR: The FlashFixed up a bit. Let me know what else is dragging.The FlashVal Char Cost Roll Notes20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 [2]24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 823 CON 26 14-13 BODY 6 12-18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 518 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d616 COM 3 12-18 PD 14 Total: 18 PD (0 rPD)18 ED 13 Total: 18 ED (0 rED)7 SPD 36 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 1210 REC 250 END 250 STUN 15 Total Characteristic Cost: 193Movement: Running: 6"/12" Flight: 50"/100" Leaping: 4"/8" Swimming: 2"/4"Cost Powers END250 The Speed Force: Variable Power Pool (Cosmic Energy Control), 100 base + 150 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (250 Active Points)0 1) Tap the Speed Force: Aid SPD 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), Can Add Maximum Of 50 Points (53 Active Points) Real Cost: 5332 Hyper Awareness: Rapid ( x10,000) with Sight Group and Danger Sense7 Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (Civilian clothes to Flash Uniform, Reversing the transform) (10 Active Points); Limited Target: Own Clothes Slightly Limited (-1/4), IIF (Flash Ring; -1/4) 140 Missed ME!: +12 with DCV (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 643 Speed Powers: Elemental Control, 86-point powers44 1) Loan Speed: Succor 1/3 to SPD (+1); 2/3 to Movement Power (+20pts) 10d6 (standard effect: 30 points), any Movement power one at a time (This covers the 'any movement' ability. ; +1/4), Limited Range (50"; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (87 Active Points) 3407 2) Supreme Movement: Flight 50", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Variable Advantage (+1 1/2 Advantages; Tricks of the Trade; +3) (450 Active Points)47 3) The Speed Force Giveth; the Flash Taketh Away.: Suppress Speed Force Abilities (Any Superspeed powers) 6d6, all Speedster powers simultaneously (+2) (90 Active Points) 9\tab Notes: This is the ability to cloud his target's link to "the Speed Force". This should work only on Speedsters, not anyone's movement ability.\tabSpeedster Martial Arts Maneuver OCV DCV Notes5 Flying Dodge -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove5 Flying Grab -2 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on; FMove5 Flying Throw -1 -2 Grab Two Limbs; +v/5; Target Falls; FMove5 Passing Disarm -1 -1 Disarm, 30 STR to Disarm roll; FMove5 Passing Strike +1 +0 4d6 +v/5; FMove5 Passing Throw +0 +0 4d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove5 Rapid Punch +1 -2 8d6 StrikePerks3 Well-Connected23 1) Contact: Justice League of America (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (24 Active Points) 12-20 2) Contact: Justice Society of America (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-23 3) Contact: Teen Titans (or just Titans) (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (24 Active Points) 12-23 4) Contact: The Flash "Family" (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (24 Active Points) 12-15 Reputation: Legacy Hero/The Fastest Man Alive (A large group) 14-, +5/+5d65 Inheritence from Aunt Iris: Money: Well Off10 Fringe Benefit: Membership: Justice League of America; Senior MemberTalents3 Counts on his fingers like you wouldn't believe!: Lightning Calculator10 Page turner!: Speed Reading (x10,000)30 Reflexes Supreme: Lightning Reflexes: +20 DEX to act first with All Actions30 Rolled with the Punches: Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED)17 Sense Danger: Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 13-Skills5 +1 with Hand to Hand Combat40 +20 with Dive for Cover9 +3 with "Running" Powers3 Teamwork 14-3 Tactics 13-3 Paramedics 13-3 Breakfall 14-3 Bureaucratics 13-3 High Society 13-3 Interrogation 13-3 Persuasion 13-3 Scholar1 1) KS: Speedsters (2 Active Points) 11-2 2) KS: The Best Places to eat on Earth! (3 Active Points) 13-1 3) KS: The Legacy of the Flash (2 Active Points) 11-1 4) KS: The Speed Force (2 Active Points) 11-1 5) KS: The Superhuman World (2 Active Points) 11-3 Traveler2 1) AK: Africa (3 Active Points) 13-1 2) AK: Antarctica (2 Active Points) 11-2 3) AK: Asia (3 Active Points) 13-7 4) AK: Earth (8 Active Points) 18-2 5) AK: Europe (3 Active Points) 13-7 6) AK: North America (8 Active Points) 18-2 7) AK: South America (3 Active Points) 13-1 8) CK: Keystone City (2 Active Points) 11-17 Master of Speed: Power: Speedster Tricks 20-3 Streetwise 13-Total Powers & Skill Cost: 1251Total Cost: 1444500+ Disadvantages15 DNPC: Linda Park-West (Wife) 8-, Normal, Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID20 Dependent NPC: Barry and Iris (twins) 8- (Incompetent; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)20 Hunted: Flash's Rogues Gallery 11- (Frequently), As Powerful, NCI, Harshly Punish15 Psychological Limitation: Can't Live up to Barry's Memory (Very Common, Moderate)15 Psychological Limitation: Loyalty To Community (Common, Strong)15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Barry's Legacy Common, Strong20 Psychological Limitation: True Hero (Common, Total)10 Reputation: Legacy (Barry would have done it this way...), 11-15 Secret Identity: Wally West: Frequently (11-), Major799 Experience PointsTotal Disadvantage Points: 1444Background/History: From "Those Who Ride the Lightning" a Flash Fansite. http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/.


Junior high school student Wally West, president of Blue Valley, Nebraska’s Flash Fan Club, was visiting his aunt Iris in Central City and her boyfriend Barry Allen. Barry offered to introduce Wally to the Flash—in costume, he explained to Wally the accident which gave him his powers, when suddenly it reoccurred, granting Wally the same abilities! Barry took him into his confidence, and made him his sidekick, Kid Flash. Wally was a founding member of the Teen Titans.


Unfortunately, the accident had a slightly different effect on Wally’s adolescent body. He developed a disease which would kill him if he used his speed. A blast of energy during the Crisis—the same war in which Barry sacrificed his life—cured Wally of this disease, but left him with a top speed roughly that of sound.

[updated Costume - Flash 50]


In honor of his mentor, Wally took the name and costume of the Flash. He went through a difficult period of emotional instability during which he used his powers irresponsibly, developed a reputation as a womanizer, and finally sought psychiatric help, As he matured—much of which he credits to his now-longstanding relationship with reporter Linda Park—and learned to fulfill his responsibility, Wally slowly developed confidence and regained his earlier speed.

[speed Force Costume - Flash 131]


Finally breaking through his mental block of replacing Barry Allen, he achieved full speed, only to find himself changing into energy. In the midst of a battle for Keystone, he sacrificed his life and his humanity to save Linda—and became the only person known to return from the other side of the speed barrier. Wally now has a direct connection to the speed force, and subconscious knowledge of new ways to use it, including the ability to lend speed to other objects and people (Terminal Velocity and aftermath: Flash #95–101, 1994–1995).


Wally now wears a costume made of concentrated speed force energy. Unable to wait for both broken legs to heal and inspired by a then-recent Justice League case, he gained enough control over the speed force to create a costume which would support him and enable him to run despite his injury (Flash #131, 1997).


Wally and Linda finally married, but Linda was kidnapped from the wedding by Abra Kadabra and retroactively erased from history (Flash #142, 1998). Wally’s sacrifice at the end of “Chain Lightning,†entering the Speed Force to defeat Cobalt Blue, appeared final. He was, in fact, drawn back into reality when Linda escaped her prison outside of time. Trapped alongside her in an alternate reality, battling first a blue-eyed version of himself driven over the edge by his own Linda’s death at the hands of Kobra, then Kadabra himself, he and Linda searched endless alternate realities before finally returning to their own and tricking Kadabra into reversing his spell (Flash #153–158, 1999). Restored to their own world at last, they immediately picked up where they left off, holding the wedding that afternoon.


Several months into Linda’s first pregnancy, Zoom attacked Linda to “teach†Wally about tragedy first-hand. Linda survived, but the unborn twins did not. In his grief, Wally made a deal with the Spectre to make the world forget who he was, hoping that Wally and Linda would be safe from the Flash’s enemies. What the Spectre did not tell him was that he and Linda would forget as well.


Wally and Linda have since regained their memories, though it took time for them to pick up the pieces of their their life and marriage. Miraculously, a time-travelling rematch with Zoom created a “fissure in time†that restored Linda’s pregnancy, just in time for her to give birth. The Wests are currently looking forward to raising their new family.Personality/Motivation: Wally is a hero out of his own desire to do good as well as his responsibility to uphold his uncle Barry's good name.Quote: Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: Appearance: Like you could get him to sit still long enough to know!

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Re: CHAR: The Flash


He has high level Regeneration


As I said, his ability to siphon speed works on anyone and anything. It's not just vs other speedsters


And actully, speed reading is built with Rapid, Descriminatory and Analyze, so Rapid alone doesn't cover it.


5thER, p.92 lists it as Analyze+Rapid; Discriminatory is free with Sight Group.

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