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Protoge Please


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There is a young person who walks casually up to your team's HQ. He does not mean any harm to anyone or anything. In fact he proves after a brief demo that he does possess a power or ability that would be beneficial to the team but is not at a power level that would allow him to survive at the same level that your team normally operates at. The only request that he has is to become a protégé for the team. What would your team do in this case?

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Re: Protoge Please


Train him of course. No obviously he's not going to be going on team missions at first, at least not heavy combat ones. However he could still assist on cases with individual members on a case by case basis. Working on investigations would give him experience and help him develop useful deduction skills.


Naturally he would be recieving training in the danger room with the most combat capable member of the team, with an eye towards bringing him up to the team's level as efficiently as possible.

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Re: Protoge Please


Can't help but agree "Twilight". "St Barbara" MIGHT start by trying to talk him out of it but if (when) that fails I think that your solutioon is a good one.


Yes well I was working under the assumption that we'd tried that already and it hadn't worked. :) Your point is well made however.

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Re: Protoge Please


Anthem's not on a team, and she's likely the same age


Audra Blue would say no in no uncertain terms.


Uncle Slam doesn't use a sidekick. He always thought it was unethical to take kids into combat, no matter their skill. But he would try and get the kid enrolled in training with PRIMUS, because leaving him on his own is an invitation to start using your powers for evil.

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Re: Protoge Please


Uncle Slam doesn't use a sidekick. He always thought it was unethical to take kids into combat, no matter their skill.


Hmm.. I'd love to know what Slam thought about fellow flag suit Captain America going into battle with Bucky.




The Silver Knights would accept the kid in a heartbeat. Depending on his or her powers, he or she could be useful on noncombat mission (rescues, relief missions, etc) which they often go on. More importantly though, it's the right thing to do: help someone develop their gifts to better the world. Using their powers to make the world a better place is pretty much the Knight's foundation.

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: Protoge Please


There is a young person who walks casually up to your team's HQ. He does not mean any harm to anyone or anything. In fact he proves after a brief demo that he does possess a power or ability that would be beneficial to the team but is not at a power level that would allow him to survive at the same level that your team normally operates at. The only request that he has is to become a protégé for the team. What would your team do in this case?
Just how young??? Vital info missing!


Assume 18+. If younger, no team in any game I'm in would accept. No team would be allowed!




Whatever his team does, they don't use him for training! "Practice fighting" he doesn't understand.




Not applicable




She'd be all for taking her/him on, esp. if good looking. ;)


Lana van Hoom:


Much against idea. Not good with the young. Doesn't want team burdened with someone who has to be protected, doesn't think team good at training. Also, wants to save people from clutches of the Feds (would never admit to this reason).

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Re: Protoge Please


Penumbra - Random kid with a Gift wants to be a next-gen Cape? Sure, why not? I've got some useful-if-rather-dull tasks for him/her to work on - I'm not doing that filing if I can help it. Depending on the nature of the kid's powers (and yes, I'd be calling them "Kid" for a long time :D ), I might try to get them hooked up with a better group for training; we are kind of busy around here, you know. And while Virtue is a great role model, I'm not the best at that. Unless you wanted them to be a lecher; or stripper, as the case may be.


EDIT: It occurs to me that the only powers that someone could show up with that we don't already have would be some sort of seer. In that case, we'd nail their feet to the office floor and never ever let them near anything bad. We could use the help in the "advance warning" department.

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Re: Protoge Please


Hmm.. I'd love to know what Slam thought about fellow flag suit Captain America going into battle with Bucky.




Well, actually, depending on which view you take, Bucky wasn't that much younger than Steve. Two years difference or so, more of a Older Brother/Younger brother situation than a father son dynamic.

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Re: Protoge Please


frosty Bob- "Well I could use someone to clean the guns" :D


(Note: Bob, well aint so good with children.:rolleyes: )



Badger- hard to figure how this will go. He would be reluctant to have a sidekick, so it could fall on the rest of the team. Though his training regimens.....well it wouldnt take long to figure how dedicated the brat is, as Badger does have it strenous, he doesnt want to get weak after all. He would definitely avoid any emotional attachment. Seeing as how he had a little sister get killed when little (and one who he was very protective of no less). If he developed an emotional attachment with he/she, Badger would run at decent chance of getting severely and irrationally overprotective, cutting into his own effectiveness.

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Re: Protoge Please


Interesting question. Arac-4105 would most likely take the kid in and train him/her in defensive tactics until it was second nature. No missions for awhile, but plenty of aid and rescue work if the kid wants to participate.


Mythic is pretty much a kid himself, so he'd welcome somebody else his age.

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