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Fleeing the Supers-Hunters

Michael Hopcroft

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An alteranative style for a Champions campaign that is even grimmer than most Iron Age scenarios:


The first superhumans to emerge were criminals and villains. After their defeat, all the governments of Earth were required, under pressure from the superpowers, to pass a sort of reverse-eugenics legislation: any person who was found to posess the potential to develop superpowers, much less actualy had them, was to be executed instantly. No appeal, no defense, no explanation, and any outside intereference with or criticsim of the process is also punishable by summary execution.


The PCs are supers who have so far managed to avoid detection and destruction. And the campaign to eradicate "the X Potential" is accelerating, to the point that being considered a prodigy in any field of endeavor is a death sentence. The governments of Earth have developed a sort of massive death machine that, unless stopped, might extinguish all hope for the human race.


All the world wants to kill the PCs, but those PCs are Humanity's only chance at redemption and survival. What will they do? What can they do?

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Re: Fleeing the Supers-Hunters


There's a Kurt Vonnegut story that follows this theme, more or less. All exceptional people are systematically crippled to bring everyone down to an arbitrary level. Smart people wear headphones that blast noise so they can't think, strong or graceful people wear weights to limit their freedom of movement, attractive people wear (iirc) masks. The story ends with a young paragon throwing off his chains on national TV, performing with a ballerina, calling for a revolution, and getting shot.


It wasn't a bad story, and it had a certain "The Mediocre People Are Holding Me Back" appeal. I don't think it would make a good campaign. Still, people's tastes vary.

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Re: Fleeing the Supers-Hunters


An alteranative style for a Champions campaign that is even grimmer than most Iron Age scenarios:


The first superhumans to emerge were criminals and villains. After their defeat, all the governments of Earth were required, under pressure from the superpowers, to pass a sort of reverse-eugenics legislation: any person who was found to posess the potential to develop superpowers, much less actualy had them, was to be executed instantly. No appeal, no defense, no explanation, and any outside intereference with or criticsim of the process is also punishable by summary execution.


The PCs are supers who have so far managed to avoid detection and destruction. And the campaign to eradicate "the X Potential" is accelerating, to the point that being considered a prodigy in any field of endeavor is a death sentence. The governments of Earth have developed a sort of massive death machine that, unless stopped, might extinguish all hope for the human race.


All the world wants to kill the PCs, but those PCs are Humanity's only chance at redemption and survival. What will they do? What can they do?


hehe.... Tonight on Champions: If Pol Pot Ruled the Earth!!!

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Re: Fleeing the Supers-Hunters


hehe.... Tonight on Champions: If Pol Pot Ruled the Earth!!!

It sounds vaugely like something White Wolf would put out. This is not automatically a bad thing though. I personally think it could be a quite fun short campaign, filled with all the angst of the post Onslaught X-Men. High risk running man and revolutionary acts. Hell yeah man, that'd kick ***.

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Re: Fleeing the Supers-Hunters


It sounds vaugely like something White Wolf would put out. This is not automatically a bad thing though. I personally think it could be a quite fun short campaign' date=' filled with all the angst of the post Onslaught X-Men. High risk running man and revolutionary acts. Hell yeah man, that'd kick ***.[/quote']

Ooh! It sounds kind of like V for Vendetta, but with powers.

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Re: Fleeing the Supers-Hunters


Um, no. I'd find that colossally unrealistic. Especially the bit about it expanding past the borders of metahumans and into exceptional but otherwise normal humans.


Now, a campaign where all metas were co-opted into registration and government service, or hunted down... that I'd find a bit more believable. Yellow stripes for all registered metas, even, if necessary.

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Re: Fleeing the Supers-Hunters


Agent: "Thanks for developing this deathray, but it proves you're too smart to live. Goodbye, Doctor."




Doctor: "He should have asked me how it works first."


Doctor leaves smoking pile of ash and goes back to designing beneficient devices for the masses.

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