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You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


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You might have an image problem if:

The Leech is your Romantic rival.

...And he's in a Superior position.


Your team shows up, and Dark Seraph wins the Civic Minded Citizen of the Year award.


You show up to fight Doctor Destroyer, and he feels confident enough to take off his mask and show off his boyish good looks.


Crooks would rather hang with the Punisher than with you.


After the fight, Mechanon sues you for injuries sustained while trying to Destroy All... Organics

...And wins, because the jury couldn't believe that a sweet, loveable robot like him could *possibly* have done all the things a ruthless cad like you said he did.

...Despite the fact that the news broadcast his soliloquoy detailing his master plan around the world.

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


You know your PCs have an image problem if...


women and children run screaming from the "handsome" member of the group...


the group spokesman has a permanent case of foot in mouth disease(or hoof in mouth disease as appropriate)


Dark Seraph has a better chance of using a holy sword than anyone in the group


the news reporters want to do a feature story on Dr. Destroyer - and ask if your group has him on speed dial

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


If, in your last public battle, you attempted to throw a giant, flaming zeppelin into a nearby bay, only to miss and hit a quiet suburban neighborhood... Live at 10:00!


Ahem... Corona.


lol, reminds me of the Cmapions of Vancouver game where I was playing Orion, a flying mystical Brick, who had been very seriously hit by Mental Illusions....


I swear I was attacking Scorpio, but the rest of the group saw me do a full move through on a News Helicopter... talk about bad press!!!

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


lol, reminds me of the Cmapions of Vancouver game where I was playing Orion, a flying mystical Brick, who had been very seriously hit by Mental Illusions....


I swear I was attacking Scorpio, but the rest of the group saw me do a full move through on a News Helicopter... talk about bad press!!!


Well, if that was the only news crew in the area...

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


Umm, most of my characters would want to pull a move through on News helicopter (I seem to like playing characters who kind of dont like the media)



Anyhow, how about your PR man is Nappa from DBZ (he, of the let's chase down the vehicle carrying the media members, fame;) )




if you have to get Baghdad Bob to be your PR man.




-A nucklavee is the "pretty boy" of your group.

(Note: I first heard of this creature from Susano's write-ups, so if you dont know what it is, you can probably find it on his website)



-If the general public would rather side with the Mutants than you. (see most X-men themes.:rolleyes: )


-If COM 10 is the COMBINED score of your group

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


Sales of rotten vegetables have tripled since the team formed.


Talion visits your world and feels better about his own situation.


Their DNPCs change their names and move without a forwarding address.


Foxbat refuses to fight them on the grounds that he's got some self-respect.

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


Your last public speaking engagement had worse attendence than Black Harlequin's prop comedy act.


Viper uses the chance to take shots at your team in its recruitment drives.


You are worshipped by the Inner Circle of Demon as harbingers of what the Elder Beings will bring.

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


Leifeld refuses to to do the art for your team's comic book on the grounds you look far to lame for his style


Millnar refuses to write for it on the grounds he has too much respect for the concept of superheroes to stoop so low.

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Re: You know your PCs have an Image Problem if...


... they save the world live on CNN, and the broadcast is pre-empted for a re-run of last weeks bridge scores from a senior's center in a small town in the middle of North Dakota; followed by a special on how to watch paint dry, and the ratings triple.

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