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Question about Star Hero


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Re: Question about Star Hero


Welcome to HERO! I got into Hero myself in order to run my sci-fi campaign as a change of pace from D&D. You'll need the following books:

1. Hero System 5th Edition Revised (basic rules for running any Hero campaign)

2. Star Hero (genre specific rules for sci-fi campaigns)


Additionally, if you are planning on running a "space opera" campaign (for example Star Trek or Star Wars like), you might get these too:

1. Terran Empires (campaign setting book)

2. Spacer's Toolkit (extra equipment and ship writeups)

3. Worlds of Empire (isn't out yet but should be very soon, talks about some important planets of Terran Empires in more detail)

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Oh and to go into more detail about 5th revised edition (also known as FRED or the Big Black Book "BBB"), it contains all the basic rules. You'll need it to understand how combat, skills, and equipment work. It also contains a list of combat maneuvers anybody can perform and "martial manuevers" that players can spend character points on to perform.


It's a thick book though! You might consider buying Sidekick instead. It's trimmed down from the BBB significantly but from what I hear contains all the rules needed to play the game. I think the PDF version is only 7 bucks from the online store here. (I couldn't ever find it in print).

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Re: Question about Star Hero


:help: I am considering getting into the Hero System using Star Hero' date=' but I am wondering if I need the Hero System 5th edition to play? Or can I just get Star Hero?[/quote']


Short answer: Yes, you need the Hero System 5th Edition (preferably the revised one) or Sidekick.


Longer answer: Star Hero is the book that you may or may not need. It contains a wealth of information on running/playing science-fiction rpgs and how to do so using the Hero System. As a lazy GM I consider it a "must have" for running science-ficton Hero games as it provides so much good stuff. As a player, it's still useful, but not as much so as it is for a GM.


Keep in mind, neither of these books provides a world or campaign setting. If you plan on creating your own setting this isn't a problem - and Star Hero gives you a lot of info towards doing just that. If you are looking for a pre-written setting, Terran Empire is Hero's big science-fiction campaign setting.


Hero System 5th Edition - Rule Book (Hero System rules).

Star Hero - Genre Book (How to use the Hero System for this genre).

Terran Empire - Campaign Supplement (Campaign setting for Star Hero).

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Oh and to go into more detail about 5th revised edition (also known as FRED or the Big Black Book "BBB")

Sorry, but I need to correct some terminology here.


"BBB" refered to the Big Blue Book, the 4th Edition rules book that also contained the Champions genre setting. The entire reason that 5th was not abbreviated to "BBB" was to avoid confusion with the 4th Ed book.


"FREd" refers to the original printing of the 5th Edition rule book. It's been retconned to stand for "Fifth Rules Edition", but the true origin is that when Steve Long was asked what we should call it, he said "I don't care...you can call it 'Fred' if you want to."


"5ER" is used to refer to the revised 5th Edition rulebook.



Sorry, Erkenfresh, but I didn't want someone new to get confused by terminology they see used around the forums if they weren't using the right definitions.

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Re: Question about Star Hero


As for science fiction settings, Hero also has Alien Wars. This setting takes place the century before Terran Empire begins, and is ideal for a military SF game.


If you're looking to use an existing setting (Star Trek, Traveller, or some such), be sure to check out starherofandom.com; lots of conversion info there.

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Re: Question about Star Hero


As for science fiction settings' date=' Hero also has [i']Alien Wars[/i]. This setting takes place the century before Terran Empire begins, and is ideal for a military SF game.
And tancred gets Rep for noticing that Terran Empire does not have an "s" at the end!


And to answer the original question, to use Star Hero you will need the Hero System 5th Edition rulebook (original or revised).

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Re: Question about Star Hero


:help: I am considering getting into the Hero System using Star Hero' date=' but I am wondering if I need the Hero System 5th edition to play? Or can I just get Star Hero?[/quote']

I would strongly encourage you aquire a copy of Sidekick (Hero System Lite/Cheap ***** Gamers Edition)




Hero System 5th Edition Revised (Is sometimes intimidating, but more than worth it).


Hero Gamers are a really creative bunch and I have collected some of their Campaigns, Settings, etc... into


[Compilation] "to Star HERO Conversions & Adaptations"



If you have any questions requarding Rules ask Steve. Hero Gamers love to help, discuss, debate, and the number of House Rules is endless. There are a large numbers of Veterans who have been gaming for 25+ Years. Lots of experience to draw on.


Welcome to Hero Games



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Re: Question about Star Hero


And tancred gets Rep for noticing that Terran Empire does not have an "s" at the end!


And to answer the original question, to use Star Hero you will need the Hero System 5th Edition rulebook (original or revised).

I REALLY had to bite my tongue not to make a comment to that effect. But I figured it would just sound snippy.

And who needs a snippy goblin? :eg:

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Re: Question about Star Hero


"FREd" refers to the original printing of the 5th Edition rule book. It's been retconned to stand for "Fifth Rules Edition"' date=' but the true origin is that when Steve Long was asked what we [i']should[/i] call it, he said "I don't care...you can call it 'Fred' if you want to."


"As long as you buy a copy."


Didn't want to give the impression that Steve is that snippy. :angel:

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Since you're just starting out with Hero and Star Hero, if you decide to try Alien Wars there's a new licensed .pdf module at the Hero Games Web Store that you might want to look into :)


Shameless Self-Promotion :D


Rescue at Karadonna

It's $4.00


The module is adaptable to any size playing group up to 12 players and 12 pregenerated characters are provided.


It will work with Sidekick or the full 5ER rules set. (There are a few minor items not covered in Sidekick, but their names are fairly self-explanatory for their specific instance and you could wing it for the purpose of the module.)

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Sorry, but I need to correct some terminology here.


"BBB" refered to the Big Blue Book, the 4th Edition rules book that also contained the Champions genre setting. The entire reason that 5th was not abbreviated to "BBB" was to avoid confusion with the 4th Ed book.


"FREd" refers to the original printing of the 5th Edition rule book. It's been retconned to stand for "Fifth Rules Edition", but the true origin is that when Steve Long was asked what we should call it, he said "I don't care...you can call it 'Fred' if you want to."


"5ER" is used to refer to the revised 5th Edition rulebook.



Sorry, Erkenfresh, but I didn't want someone new to get confused by terminology they see used around the forums if they weren't using the right definitions.


So many confusing acronyms! Thanks for telling me what they mean. ;)

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Re: Question about Star Hero


No problem. :) They become less confusing with time.

We're almost as bad as large government organizations... here's a brief rundown of the abbreviations of the Fifth Edition Books:


5ER - Fifth Edition Revised

HSB - HERO System Bestiary

HSVS - HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook

SDK - HERO System Sidekick

EG - HERO System Equipment Guide

HCH - HERO System Combat Handbook


Ultimate Series

UMA - Ultimate Martial Artist

TUV - The Ultimate Vehicle

TUB - The Ultimate Brick

UMY - The Ultimate Mystic

UMM - The Ultimate Metamorph

USP - The Ultimate Speedster


CH - Champions

CU - Champions Universe

CKC - Conquerors, Killers and Crooks

MC - Millennium City

USPD1 - UNTIL Superpowers Database 1

CB - Champions Battlegrounds

VPR - VIPER- Coils Of The Serpent

RS - Reality Storm

UDOF - UNTIL Defenders of Freedom

SST - Sharper Than A Serpents Tooth

G&G - Gadgets And Gear

GC - Galactic Champions

TMW - The Mystic World

DSD - DEMON Servants of Darkness

AA - Arcane Adversaries

VB - Vibora Bay

VAmk - Villainy Amok

HL - Hidden Lands

TC - Teen Champions

USPD2 - UNTIL Superpowers Database 2

CWW - Champions World Wide


SH - Star HERO

TE - Terran Empire

ST - Spacers Toolkit

AW - Alien Wars

WoE - Worlds Of Empire


NH - Ninja HERO


FH - Fantasy HERO

FHG1 - Fantasy HERO Grimoire 1

MMM - Minions, Madman and Marauders

TA - Turakian Age

FHB - Fantasy HERO Battlegrounds

FHG2 - Fantasy HERO Grimoire 2

VA - Valdorian Age

AB1 - Asian Beastiary 1

AB2 - Asian Beastiary 2

NKN - Nobles, Knights and Necromancers


DC - Dark Champions

HC - Hudson City

DCP - Predators

DCTAS - Dark Champions: The Animated Series


PH - Pulp HERO

MM - Masterminds and Madmen


then there are the various Powers....

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Hey dude, welcome to HERO Games. I am NOT your host. That's Steve & Darren. I am, however, Thia Halmades. Don't worry - they never heard of me either before November. I came over here from the Dark Side of WOTC to get my hands dirty as a mechanic and start putting together games that make sense logically, mecahnically and in execution. Because at heart HERO is a toolkit system, you can build whatever you like. You can build things you don't like. You've got options.


I love HERO. I think it's a great system, and I'm using it for everything except my Ravenloft campaign (because that would start an uprising). Hey, my character in Oblivion is half naked. Nice. Where was I? Oh yes.


They've told you what you need, don't need me repeating it. Also check as has been noted starherofandom.com run by arooo, a local poster. There are various threads in the Star Hero board including my own HALO conversion thread (which I might finish this weekend as a Word doc and give it out finally). It's hard to plow through my meanderings, but it gives a lot of solid vehicle & weapon builds. You're welcome to use any or all of it, that's what it's there for.


I've run Sci-fi for over 15 years; it's a key genre to me and sharply influences my thinking. I would be more than happy to assist in any way possible. One of the big reasons I'm here and remain here is that this is the single greatest community on the web that I've ever seen. Bar none. It's the internet equivalent of a bar full of nerds. You don't like everyone all the time, but the common ground makes up for the occassional spat.


Again, welcome aboard, have some n00b rep, and point us in the direction you need, and we'll help you get there from here.

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Since you're just starting out with Hero and Star Hero' date=' if you decide to try [i']Alien Wars[/i] there's a new licensed .pdf module at the Hero Games Web Store that you might want to look into :)


Shameless Self-Promotion :D


Rescue at Karadonna

It's $4.00


The module is adaptable to any size playing group up to 12 players and 12 pregenerated characters are provided.


It will work with Sidekick or the full 5ER rules set. (There are a few minor items not covered in Sidekick, but their names are fairly self-explanatory for their specific instance and you could wing it for the purpose of the module.)


Nice going, gamerz123. Just the sort of fleshing out that the Star HERO line needs. :thumbup:


Maybe more of us should look into creating products like this to bolster our favorite Hero settings or genres.

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Maybe more of us should look into creating products like this to bolster our favorite Hero settings or genres.


We're certainly willing to consider any reasonable proposal for a license to do products along these lines, assuming you can convince us you're serious and not just acting on a whim. (gamerz123, for example, has a business name and business plan; other people have come to us with significant amounts of work already done that they can show us.) Since we've already got the CU developed pretty well, we'd look most favorably on stuff for the Heroic settings -- TE/AW, Hudson City, the Turakian or Valdorian ages, and so on.

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Re: Question about Star Hero


I have picked up pdf's of Star Hero and Hero Sidekick from RPGnow.com, however I think I will need the 5th edition revised. So I am going to pick up the Hardback of it and the Star Hero softbound books. I am also considering Fantasy Hero. I think what the d20 system does for Scifi and modern sucks. The way everyone has a rediculous amount of HP's is stupid. I mean how many times can you declare a beheading before the person actually dies? The new D&D system has a lot of flaws and has fixed a lot that the older systems had but it really still lacks. I do like the new minis for D&D and Star Wars.

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Re: Question about Star Hero


Fantasy Hero is a nice addition to any HERO collection. I've read through it all and it's definitely better than D&D. If you want a character devoted completely to skills but can barely hold himself in combat, that's A-OK in HERO (hard to do in D&D). I mean, why can't a fighter or a cleric track? Is it really that hard to learn? ;)

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