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Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


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I am designing a super villain with the powers of a ram. Basically, all that he does are Move Throughs and Move Bys. He is a battering ram and thats it. However, I have about 50 points to go and I don't know what else to give him. I want him to be a straight forward super villain that just follows orders, but I also want him to have some unique powers too.


What would you suggest for Ram-like powers?

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


2+" Tunneling, requires full move (in a straight line, of course), NCC. "The wall will stop him...*KTHOOM*...or not."


Extra presence for attacks to make your target paralyzed with fear as you charge.


And levels! Don't forget the combat levels. It's hard to hit with those move throughs when you're staring at the ground.

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


Here is an origin: he was once a scientist working for an evil organization, like VIPER, and he found a way to mix a ram's DNA with a human. The evil organization thanked him for his hard work by using him as a lab rat. It worked! Now he is a half ram/half human type person. You get the idea.

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


It sounds like he needs something against flyers. He needs a way to bring them down so he can mow 'em down. I recommend either Growth (maybe very costly with END so he cannot tower long, but he could grab the flier) or maybe a chain attack. Imagine him dragging a hero along with him as he Moves Through that hero's comrades.

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


Major Transform... Exists > Eaten!


Interesting...he can eat anything...I think I will build it as a 2d6 HKA (bite) and a 2d6 major body transform that is linked to the bite. After he kills something, or as he is biting it, he can eat it and transform it into...well, you know...goat s**t...or poop. What do you think?

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


Mountain goats, and rams are noted for being sure footed... (Hooved) KBR or pehaps clinging that costs extra END and works only on limited degree grades. I've seen mountain goats accend a veritical chimney by leaping from one wall to another until they reached the top.


Extra limb- head perhaps he's practiced with using his horns to hold stuff. in a pinch can be handy. (sorry about the pun)


Lots of CON Goats and rams are also known for their stamina.

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


I thought rams were male sheep not goats.


Awe, poop.


Well, they are related, and in many languages are the same word, so...


Ignoring that whole goat vs. sheep thing, LS would work, as well as clinging.

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


A ram is a male sheep, not goat.


Please try to seperate your sheep from your goats.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suggests a martial art for the ram.

Ram Butt (a basic strike)

Ram Dodge (martial dodge - or is it a vehicle?)

Ram Ram (velocity modifiers)

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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


Mountain goats, and rams are noted for being sure footed... (Hooved) KBR or pehaps clinging that costs extra END and works only on limited degree grades. I've seen mountain goats accend a veritical chimney by leaping from one wall to another until they reached the top.


Extra limb- head perhaps he's practiced with using his horns to hold stuff. in a pinch can be handy. (sorry about the pun)


Lots of CON Goats and rams are also known for their stamina.

That was my idea!


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Re: Help with Ram powers for a super villain.


I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. Originally I was just looking for a fill in supervillain that would be taken with one punch or blast, but now I have enough ideas to make him a truly forminable foe. If he can knock you down with his Ram Charge, this bite can really hurt you.

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