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WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


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Yet ANOTHER WWYCD thread! These are fun!


Warning: SERIOUSLY melodramatic! I'm in one of those moods!


Anyway, I kinda touched on this before where your characters might have 24 hours to live and what not. After reading Supergirl: Many Happy Returns (an incredible read), I came up with something:


For weeks now, stuff had been happening that's just plain wierd: eclipses come and go in violation of the almanac, strange lights in the sky, and brief flashes of people who are similar to you and people you know... yet not. As the days go on, you find yourself on an Earth like your own yet different and yet utterly familar as if a dream forgotten.


Spells and tech have not shown much progress in resolving the mystery except that things aren't... right. Mystics detect subtle shifts in the earthly plane while techies find their sensors burnt out (if calibrated to detect such stuff) by excessive chronal energy.


As you and your team (or close associates) gather to discuss, the Champions equivalent of the Spectre, Phantom Stranger, or Watcher appears and looks grimmer than usual. As he speaks, you start to remember a universe different from now: perhaps there were two Defenders from two different Earths or Captain Power moved planets. Or something about talking gorillas...


You also remember a great battle against a terrible foe powerful enough to shatter worlds, snuff out stars, and wipe out civilizations. You, your team, and many other supers fought this creature and won.

You played a large part in stopping the enemy, whether it was your strength, an idea, being in the right place at the right time, or rallying the defenders when hope seemed lost.


But it cost you your life.


Moved by your nobility, the Spectre equivalent manipulated the reality that formed after the battle so you would live. This was the fatal flaw in the new order though and the universe itself will unravel into nothingness unless the battle is refought and you take your rightful place among the fallen so that the universe will be recreated as it was.


And you will be forgotten, wiped from history as if you had never existed. To your deepest loves, fastest friends, and most bitter foes you will have been nothing. The final battle happens in 24 hours so what do you do with the time given to you, and how do you feel that you will have never been?


On a more fun note, what kinda whacky stuff existed in the pre-reboot universe?

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Void: Is panicking, for all that his alter-ego, Dominic DuBey, is privately rejoicing that he'll finally be able to get his deathwish... and, in ceasing to exist, probably allow his family to survive in the new world.


Void's personality is entirely too convinced that the world needs him to survive reasonably well, and he'd be spending the entire time trying to find a way out of it. Ultimately, it would be Dominic who forced his superheroic self to actually *be* a hero when the time came, to the point of Dominic being the one who ultimately sacrificed himself, rather than Void.


Darkchild: Would spend the first few minutes of the remaining 24 hours berating Harbinger (her universe's version of the Watcher, Specter, and Pariah all at once) for *waiting* until there was just 24 hours left, and then say some last farewells; she wouldn't be able to forgive herself for not saying good bye, even if they wouldn't know afterwards. Her father and Heat Wave, mostly. Her main concern would be that Heat Wave is probably quietly going crazy as the time draws closer, knowing that she's going to be gone, and she'd want him to be sure that he knew she was as comfortable with this as she could be. They'd probably spend a good chunk of the day together in the Elysian Fields before Armageddon began, and she went willingly, albeit not enthusiastically, to her truly (?) final rest.


Galaxy Girl: Is entirely too convinced of her own immortality to believe this could possibly happen; she's a teenager through and through. She'd go through her last 24 hours with little more than a niggling doubt that, just maybe, Harbinger could be right. At the last minute, she'd probably click that, yes, this is going to be final, and fade from existence an instant before she has a chance to finish her final words.


Brainstorm: Much like Dominic, is actually reasonably comfortable with this. He's endured a lifetime of torture and pain, and he's not even of legal age yet. The only thing that could possibly make him regret it is what could happen to his partner/boyfriend; he'd have to effectively sedate him before going into the final battle, and would do so, making the rest of the team promise to take care of him afterwards. They won't remember him, but hopefully they'll remember the promise. In a lot of ways, meeting his end like this is something he considers fitting. He goes out the same way he came in - not meaning anything to anybody who used to know him.


Yeah... he's got issues. Or would that be had, in this situation?


Outsider: Not only considers it a blessing, but probably was the one who started to remake reality in the first place. He's basically the misbegotten son of a King of Edom; if he was going to unleash his father's power and remake reality in a more fitting image, he fully expects to write himself out of it in the process, simply to make sure that whatever comes after doesn't have to worry about him going rogue. He'd probably just snarl at Harbinger for making him go through this again, point out that there are a lot more deserving people for him to worry about preserving through this, and go through it the same way he did the first time; eyes wide open about what his fate would be.


After all, this happening finally answers the question of how he'd be able to pull off the multi-part vocalizations necessary for the Song of New Aeons. Harmonize with other-dimensional versions of himself.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Blackcat would prepare tactically, say goodbye to loved ones, and be ready to go. In play she was killed saving a teammate (she got better), and would have no qualms about saving the universe even if she was erased from continuity. Memories, accolades, that sort of thing.... that means nothing to her. Doing the right thing does. No hesitation.

Now I'd be sad, she's my favorite character, and I woundn't want to stop playing her.... :)

Ballistic would as well. But his reaction would be maudlin - he's had a hard life, and aside from catching the criminals, almost everything he has done in his life has fallen apart. His first marriage ended in a bitter divorce, his superagency that he build was completely killed during an earth invasion, as was his fiance. He would never admit it, but he woule likely think it a good thing, as it would end his pain; he'd face it with aplomb though "Hey, if this happenes, then I was never married - sign me up. Talk about a real annulment"


Terminal Velocity would be a "why me" kind of mentality, and would rush around and make peace with everyone.


Meeb would try to get around it by mitosising, but that would be erased. His situation would be strange - if he were erased from continuity the deeds he did would not happen, and he is millenia old. Entire world's histories would change. But he would wiegh that against the fate of the universe and go do it.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


All characters: More than willing to fight the battle, again if Mr. Mystic insist, do not accept the inevibility of their death. No such thing as predestination or ordaned fate. Will spend the time they have preparing for the battle, but this time they plan to win and survive.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


BASTION would have to take a moment to digest the situation... There would defiantly be a quick subatomic search to see if the Microverse was suffering from the galactic anomalies as well. When Dr. Castle was satisfied that this wasn't just some intricate trap he would bend his abilities toward the task ahead.


In addition to prepping all of his equipment and augmenting it appropriately (based on his research and any information gleaned from the Spectre entity) he would do as much as he could to distribute back-up gear (2 systems) and replicate his tech for distribution to his fellow Epic Alliance members, effectively doubling their power sets with easy-to-use Quantum Chromodynamic technology (Growth/Shrinking/Density Increase/Quantum Fields that affect Desolid/and more - all on an END Battery). Though they wouldn't be familiar with the Chromo-Belts and Bracers, hopefully the gear would tip the scales when they needed it most.


Then, just before the time came for battle, Dr. Castle would send a message to Dr. Molly Checkett (former assistant/girlfriend who stole his research, dumped him and went on to greatness on the back of his work) expressing his everlasting love regardless of what happened. Then, satisfied that everything was in order, he would swell with pride knowing that he had already saved the universe once, and nothing would stop him from doing it again.



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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


I can't use Wizard in this one. There's no way that Oz Incorporated would play on that level in the first place. Lessee, other characters...


Poet would get high. A nice dose of heroin would help kill 18 hours before it's time to be wiped out. (No, Poet is not a junky but he is something of a social derelict. Actually I supposed it's unlikely he'd play on that level either since he acts only to resolve the unresolved issues of dead people

but he can be very powerful versus an opponent who has killed many people.)


Hellfire would spend the day in prayer and sex with her husband. Due her religious beliefs she'd refuse to believe that she'll entirely cease to have existed, but she can believe that God could and would take her and any memory of her from the world.


T.N. Lung will be unconcerned. He's an alien with a world view modelled on Zen Buddhism so nonexistence holds no fear for him.


Phreak would. He'd spend most of the day whimpering in a puddle, and finally at the last moment step up and finish things, because what else is there to do?

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Reinard's situation would be most unusual here. This would be a precedent for his kind to die, and as such, he is most likely to not beleive it at first. Though if offerred a good enough explanation (like the fact that this guy is ripping apart reality), he'll probably make his preparations, say his farewells, and see if he can make contact with his wife to explain and give his farewells to her as well, even though by now he knows he'll never be rememberred. Then he'll wait out his non-existance, doing what he must, knowing that he will be gone eternally.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Thanks for the responses so far! And especially to Raven for the rep.




Lady Silver: would be stunned but quickly recover. While she doesn't want to die, let alone be removed from continuity, her life has always been about service to others and she could accept it. Being a mystic gives you some idea of your place in the grand scheme of things anyway. Nova would probably take it even harder and threaten the Spectre if not outright attack him.


She'd probably spend about an hour in meditation to steel herself, followed by saying goodbye to old friends, try to get affairs in order, etc. While she knows that these actions will be erased, she'd hope they would still have an effect in some way, just as her place in the battle must happen for the universe to continue. She'd also reveal herself to her uncle, a mean spirited man who owns a large pharmaceutical company and try to bring him to the light one last time.


Besides that, just some quiet times with the Knights and a few other mystics who are her true family before going off to battle. Despite it all, she will fight with her last breath, confident that she will see the ones she loves, in one form or another, when it's over. In this life or the next, one plane or another, even if only as a feeling and memory that slips through your fingers no matter how hard you try to hold onto it.


Tyr: would be unfazed. As the Norse god of war and justice, he can think of no better fate than to die in the cause of protecting the universe while in noble battle. Indeed, in dark humor he would note that it would be strange for him to complain:he has already survived Armageddon twice (once in Ragnorak and coming back from his death in the battle that he must relieve). Surely, the universe is fair to ask that he not continue to avoid his fate.


"Weep not my fellow warriors: no greater epitah is there than 'he died with friends in battle fair for a cause just.' Though these words may only be carried in your hearts though you have forgotten why, they will serve eulogize me far better than I could have ever asked. Let us untap kegs of strong mead as I compose a song that I will carry on my lips into battle. Listen well, for you will only hear it once and soon will forget it."


Ironic that he would find a strange joy in this yet he is a warrior god who has sought rest. If his wife was still alive (background: after Ragnorak, he survived because he was worshipped/idolized due tohis exploits on Earth as a superhero but he was so shattered that he was in mortal guise with no memories until the new wave of heroes. His wife, another hero, knew who he was and married/took care of him since she had fallen in love), he would thank her for her care, love, and devotion. Although not a passionate love, it was a love nevertheless.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


StarKnight: she would be floored and refuse to believe. She loves life, partying, having fun, and being popular. Dead and forgotten do NOT compute. She'd call in the Celestial Order and do the cosmic thing with its mentor/spirit guide. He'd confirm it based on the current revelations albeit with sadness. Her fellow Knights, even the ones who never liked her, would give their sympathies and several would try to warp in to give her some added firepower.


Once collected, she'd decide to go all out for her last night with a whirlwind tour of the world: snowboarding in Colorado, dancing in Brazil, wining and dining in Paris, and a one shot in a million gamble in Monte Carlo with all of her worldly assets. Somewhere in between, she'd use her powers to strip naked a jerk at work and dangle him in front of her co-workers and call in a favor from the Dark Templar to fight by her side. Also, she's gonna look through her black book for the best sex she's ever had and hook up with him (or her) and Titan at the same time.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Sentinel: I'll elaborate a little more later but he'd want to be assured that his son and ex-wife would make it through no matter what. Otherwise, borrowing a line from Supegirl: Many Happy Returns which inspired this thread, "othewise, all reality can to hell." It'd probably be the first time they ever saw Sentinel cry.


Otherwise, he'd just spend the day with his son and ex-wife although not tell them why. Just simple stuff like going to dinner, throw the baseball around, and remember the good old days. It'd probably end with a renewed hope of reconcilation which would be so sad: what he wanted was there all along had he only let go of the anger, bitterness, and arrogance and told his family how much he missed them, loved them, and was sorry.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


I can't use Wizard in this one. There's no way that Oz Incorporated would play on that level in the first place. Lessee, other characters...


Feel free to use Wizard. You don't have to have Pre-Crisis Superman powers to make a difference. It can be the lightest feather that breaks the back of the strong camel.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!



And you will be forgotten, wiped from history as if you had never existed. To your deepest loves, fastest friends, and most bitter foes you will have been nothing. The final battle happens in 24 hours so what do you do with the time given to you, and how do you feel that you will have never been?

'Tis not for glory I do this...


Pyre Archer would sit his DNPC girlfriend down and tell her everything, Secret ID, powers, all save the last battle part. Take her out for one last date, one final happy moment. Then, call the folks, make sure everything's alright. And, with a final bird flipped to the cosmic being that let things come to this point in the first place, stretch the wings and go for the gold. Take that last shot and hope.


Hey, even if there's only a .01% chance of making it through, that's reason enough to go in. With hope and courage, that may be enough...And if not, well, so be it.



On a more fun note, what kinda whacky stuff existed in the pre-reboot universe?

Oh, classic Earth-2 goodness. Running firefights against the Dread Demon Morbane, teaching said DNPC girlfriend how to use the powers she gained in a mystical accident, skipping out on the CoV meetings to hang with the Pitt Meadows Patrol (Teen Champs group he was a member of when he was starting out). Lots of fun, none of this Iron Age Angst and Melodrama.


Oh, and one last message to that cosmic being warning us all of impending erasure?


"No more silly faces." In my best Black Adam voice.



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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Yet ANOTHER WWYCD thread! These are fun!


Warning: SERIOUSLY melodramatic! I'm in one of those moods!


Anyway, I kinda touched on this before where your characters might have 24 hours to live and what not. After reading Supergirl: Many Happy Returns (an incredible read), I came up with something:


For weeks now, stuff had been happening that's just plain wierd: eclipses come and go in violation of the almanac, strange lights in the sky, and brief flashes of people who are similar to you and people you know... yet not. As the days go on, you find yourself on an Earth like your own yet different and yet utterly familar as if a dream forgotten.


Spells and tech have not shown much progress in resolving the mystery except that things aren't... right. Mystics detect subtle shifts in the earthly plane while techies find their sensors burnt out (if calibrated to detect such stuff) by excessive chronal energy.


As you and your team (or close associates) gather to discuss, the Champions equivalent of the Spectre, Phantom Stranger, or Watcher appears and looks grimmer than usual. As he speaks, you start to remember a universe different from now: perhaps there were two Defenders from two different Earths or Captain Power moved planets. Or something about talking gorillas...


You also remember a great battle against a terrible foe powerful enough to shatter worlds, snuff out stars, and wipe out civilizations. You, your team, and many other supers fought this creature and won.

You played a large part in stopping the enemy, whether it was your strength, an idea, being in the right place at the right time, or rallying the defenders when hope seemed lost.


But it cost you your life.


Moved by your nobility, the Spectre equivalent manipulated the reality that formed after the battle so you would live. This was the fatal flaw in the new order though and the universe itself will unravel into nothingness unless the battle is refought and you take your rightful place among the fallen so that the universe will be recreated as it was.


And you will be forgotten, wiped from history as if you had never existed. To your deepest loves, fastest friends, and most bitter foes you will have been nothing. The final battle happens in 24 hours so what do you do with the time given to you, and how do you feel that you will have never been?


On a more fun note, what kinda whacky stuff existed in the pre-reboot universe?


Proteus wouldn't care. The original build was passively suicidal anyway.


Katana-no-shao would accept it as a matter of necessity - and maybe try to leave a message behind for his family.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


And you will be forgotten' date=' wiped from history as if you had never existed. To your deepest loves, fastest friends, and most bitter foes you will have been nothing. The final battle happens in 24 hours so what do you do with the time given to you, and how do you feel that you will have never been?[/quote']


My character gets a boob job and a new costume with a cleavage hole. She also puts a lot of effort into convincing her Evil Twin to repent and come over to the forces of Good.


On a more fun note, what kinda whacky stuff existed in the pre-reboot universe?


Everything. ;)


Actually I am redesigning my "Wonder Boy and the Super Hero Club" timeline at the moment. This is a thoroughly wacky universe.


In "the future", government officials and leaders of the Super Hero Club are chosen by a machine called the "Orbital Probability Device". Google "Planetary Chance Machine" for the origin of this idea...

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Jake the Troll would spend the last hours with his parents and siblings. Other than that? Probably hang around a nearby Catholic church, talking to the priest and praying. He'd probably get really nervous as well, seeing as he's only really started learning how to be a superhero, and really hasn't done much of the 'save the city' thing, much less 'save the universe.'


In the Earth II, he was probably some sort of 'monster occasionally on the side of right', like the Sub-Mariner.


Shinji Miromoto is buddhist, and would consider this the ultimate in kharmic resolution. However, he's not THAT buddhist, and would probably get a bit panicky as the time got closer.


Back in the alternate reality? Silver-Age asian supervillian, most likely. Probably some martial artist's nemesis, complete with fu manchu mustache and lots of rings.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


As to the question of 'what sort of craziness happened in the other worlds....'


Void and Darkchild have seen it; in one alternate Earth of theirs, Heat Wave and Darkchild had both gone bad (Darkchild serving evil deities, Heat Wave embracing The Great Dragon and becoming its avatar on Earth).


Oddly, they'd be fighting right alongside their good-guy counterparts in this fight - The Dragon isn't going to let *any* two-bit dimensional upstart wipe out *his* universes, and Evil!Darkchild is as bound to his will as she is to any powerful being she serves, even if he does officially call her his queen.


Other Voids would probably embarrass the living daylights out of him though. Silver Age Void in particular would be humiliating. ;)


Brainstorm: He would actually be seriously disturbed that none of his alternates have had a life that was any better than his. He's got a tech-head alternate, another psychic alternate, alternates of different species... but they've all gone through the same pain that he has, some of them without the support of his boyfriend to help them through it.


Which, ultimately, would only steel his resolve to go through with this and put them all out of their misery.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


I'm not sure how much silliness I can have for my Pre-Crisis Knights since my Silver Age and Modern Age heroes are pretty well delineated.


Hmm... we'd probably have three Earths:


Earth-1: Home of the Silver Knights (Lady Silver, Nova, Sentinel, Titan, Tyr, Speed Demon, and Star Knight)


Earth-2: Home of the Sentinels of Justice (Doctor Atomic, Athena, Archer, Blue Bolt, Hornet, Stranger, and Glamour), the Silver Age team


Earth-3: Home of the Golden Age Liberty Legion like American Eagle, Fighting Victory, and the Living Comet. They are still active though slowly being supplanted by the new generation of legacy heroes (Black Eagle, Inferno, and the new Silverbolt).


Post Crisis, the Earth-3 heroes mostly retired while some of their descendants go on to join the Sentinels. Strangely, the Earth-1 hero Tyr appears in all three teams, a type of link across the decades to the three teams. Other Golden Age legacy charaters also go on to create a new team, the Legion of Honor.


Can't think of too much silliness still. Hmm..


Lady Silver: spends alot of time trying to find the PERFECT pair of shoes or falls in love with cute boys who are the bad guys (kinda like the Silver Age Supergirl). Also, she's never taken as seriously (and certainly never leads the Knights! Might have something to do with spending all that time in Fairyland.


Nova: was sent to Earth following the destruction of her world. Surprisingly, she'd not all emo about this terrible event. Maybe it's because every time you turn over a rock, yet another survivor pops up!


Starknight: she's more powerful than ever! Not only can she project energy blasts, create forcefields, and fly but she can phase through walls! And travel through time! And wipe minds of memories! Only problem is that her powers don't work on anything that's aluminum... or colored paisley.


Tyr: travels back and forth from Asgard with ease and always has a tall tale to regale his team with, yet always swears they are true! After all, the Norse god of truth can't lie! Fortunately, he is also the god of courage which he needs whenever mischievious Loki shows up to humilate his fellow god (Thor is too stupid to know when he's being made fun of). With Plot Device Magic, he is too powerful to defeat directly as he fills the Library of Congress with comic books or animates the Statue of Liberty or dance a jig while singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy!" Fortunately, the impish god can be defeated if made to laugh so hard by another's joke that he loses concentration and dispells his own magic.


Hey, this is kinda fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


Despair and anger, to start off with. Vitus has already lost his entire home universe (and there is some evidence that he was indirectly responsible). Up to discovering that, his entire life revolved around healing his homeworld, or getting back to it as quickly as possible.


And now he's going to die saving a world he has next to no compassion for?


He'ld look on the bright side eventually - he can be as brutally and bloodily efficient as he likes, as he won't be around afterwards anyway.

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Re: WWYCD: Crisis of Champions!


The Traveler: He is a extra-dimensional/time traveler. He knows that this is more or less possiable, he also knows that it would be impossiable to totally remove him from the omni-verse (all megaverse's). He has an unknown number of temperial, and dimensional counterparts. He would do what he always has done, as he has been thru this before. He is over 10,000 yrs old and has seen and been and done more than many godlings have.


The Traveler would just do what ever he has to do to see that this mega-verse servives. Death, or non-existance, doesn't scare him he'd just soilder on and if this the prime or origional is erased, he knows that somewhere in some mega-verse a version will servive.

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