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[Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game

Snake Gandhi

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


I'm still interested in this one, but having trouble...focusing, really. 600 points is going straight to my head, but even more, the "pick a Marvel villain, or two. No, really!" is giving me way too many options for me to be quick about anything. :) I'll probably have at least a rough idea by the end of the day, though, especially now that the group's starting to kind of take shape.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


So, with a similar understanding to Haven's that obviously people not in the other game have dibs, a char idea:


Count Rafael Nefaria, who heroes under the name Invictus.


There is a certain class of villain who hold themselves as an aristocratic elite. Wealthy, even titled, born and raised in a social class above their lessers, their right to power coming from such lofty heritage. Children are often a problem for such worthies, an exposed jugular vein for their many enemies, or worse yet, a means of falling in heroic debt when those scions end up saved by them. Yet having them raised in ignorance or obscurity with a light touch lead to debacles like Temugin's sense of morality, or Madam Masque's habitual penchant for turning on her father.


A notion was hit upon in the halls of power where such luminaries met and celebrated, to take after kings who had their bastards raised in appropriate noble families, to make sure if their lineage needed to be revealed, they would already have appropriate training and mindset. To foster such children as they might have away, yes, but to carefully prepare such families and education as to have them shaped into proper successors, to begin as the elite, taught to handle power, and made ready to take up the superior legacies that would come to them. To be put in contact with each other to begin familiarity and contact networks for the banners of dominion they would take up in their generation, and ready alliance against heroes that would oppose them.


The principle figures in this arrangement were Andrea von Strucker of Fenris, the Mandarin, Matsuo Tsurabya of the Hand, and Count Luchino Nefaria, though there were a few others who found interest in the idea.


The equivalent of vassal families were created, established in wealth and position, and staffed with such trainers and teachers as each parent found appropriate, making for children who would, say, find it perfectly normal that the fencing instructor had a set of interesting looking scars and a tattoo of a multi-headed snake.


The children lived lives of rigorous, even cruel training contrasted with bouts of lavishly opulent decadence, to shape them in appropriate inclination of privelege and station. They were taught to fight, command, think, scheme and survive, then drowned in decadence, then forced again to rigor, and expected to mentally endure the painfully jarring contrast.


Nefaria's son, Rafael, took far better to the rigor, but he took to it so well, that it was not seen as much of a concern. In hindsight the problem would come from the particular flavouring Nefaria ensured his upbringing posessed. The Count had even at his criminal beginnings held a powerful concern and pride in his family's name and aristocratic heritage, such was the founding basis for his sense of right to total rule, if since twisted and maddened by his own darkness and stacked on ionic instability. To Nefaria, his perfect heir would embody the ideal nobleman in culture and dignity, power and reign. That some warped noblesse oblige would lead his child to see themselves placed by destiny above the world. And of course ensure devotion to their father, who was himself clearly the perfect nobleman.


Having an unfortunately stubborn streak of sanity, Rafael certainly took to the aristocratic ideal he was raised in, but in his heart it was to the better part of it, and without delusion. That station was earned, and recriprocated to those beneath that allowed for it. He could quote Machiavelli, but he internalized the Meditations that he translated from Latin to English. Still, he believed in the right of the elite to reign, and that was meet enough in an education that mingled Classical studies, financial planning, and how to kill a man with one's bare hands, but be cleaned up in time for the ball, and what forks to use for what when there.


Of the other children, Rafael from simple European geography and upper class social circles found himself most in contact with Anastaz, the child of Andrea. The two could comiserate on harsh family experience and help each other get through them, then revel at the same fetes. At times it was almost as if they were raised together, and had the closeness of brothers. Anastaz was even one of the few people that could get Rafael to indulge even slightly at more notable debauchs, and even smile through his aloof bearing.


When they had events for them arranged as a group, Rafael's other bond came with Li Lian, the Mandarin's daughter, who shared his sense of austerity and destiny (and isolation), the two developing a quietly intense romantic entanglement as they talked about their future dreams.


On Rafael's 17th birthday, and when the others were of similar age, they were brought together on arrangement for a weeklong celebration of sheer excess and ornate ritual, where their legacies would be revealed and fulfilled. In some cases, this arrangement was of hands reaching from beyond the grave, as the intervening years and battles had claimed several of the parents that had founded this entire effort (Nefaria for his part, had again exploded in a shower of ionic fury and had not been seen for years). Amidst representatives from the Hand, Hydra, Fenris and various crime families, the children were praised, deferred to, informed and invited to take up their positions of mastery. Anastaz had a lingering supression of mutant powers in excess of Andrea and Andreas combined removed, and he reveled in their fury. Li Lian had chi already awakened in her training further bolstered by the gift of her father's rings. Hiko Tsurabya was initiated into Hand mystic ritual. And in a prepared chamber.. Rafael was bathed in ionic energies to combine with and bring to life his genetic birthright.


In a crashing wave, that act for a moment linked him to the lives of past and current wielders of ionic power alike, and what he saw horrified him. Atlas, an accidental murderer and periodic rampaging barbarian. Wonder Man, who even in his legacy of heroism had bouts of his powers driving him to madness. And worst of all, the man he now knew as his father, a vicious, twisted sadist, mouthing words about a concept he put the lie to in every action, when not simply ranting in megalomania. He believed in an ideal.. and such as these were not it. He wanted to embody an ideal, and yet was having forced on him powers that instead seem to leave a trail of insanity, corpses and treachery. Worst of all, that the people around him wanted and hoped for a man like his father to take a place among them meant they too were in opposition to such ideals as he held dear.


Rafael resisted taking what he could of the power, but he was already flooded with it. Still lingering in horror and shock, he screamed into the sky with explosions in his wake, and ran, and ran, and ran. He stopped long enough to wonder when the power would take him, and yet to also remember enough of his dreams and conviction to vow that he would conquer his power, and not be conquered by it. He wandered the Earth in obscurity seeking focus and control, exploring religions, studying with yogic masters in India, isolating himself in the wilderness, working in Christian monasteries, and eventually finding himself in the mountains of Nepal, living and training with temple monks. He honed himself as a fighter, and in the practice of meditative techniques. In both he steeled his will, and even allowed himself to start to draw on the gifts of his heritage, chaining his abilities to his resolve. In growing calm serenity, he found peace with himself. Content, and managing to forget what had started him down this road in the first place, he might have lived out his life in the quiet repose it now had.


And then Anastaz found him. It seemed that his former friends had never stopped being concerned about him, and inbetween pursuing their new lives, they would take time to seek out Rafael's fate. It was only natural that his "brother" find him first.


Shock at Rafael's state turned to arguing. Arguing turned to fighting. Fighting turned to brutal, flying, land traversing violence that became very messy, very public, exposing and, most importantly, naming Rafael to the world. Anastaz was left with a scar across his face and a raging, vindictive hatred for his childhood friend.


And yet.. Rafael was not saddened, not crushed. He is simply reminded of the events that had brought him to where he now was. He is simply reminded that he believes in an ideal, and that it is a good one. To paraphrase T.H. White, might for right, station held for the benefit of others, might sound silly, but it cannot be said that it does not exist.


He is reminded that once upon a time, despite the sounding of it, the name Nefaria was respected and proud. That in his ideals, he could redeem it, if he tries long enough.


He had faced his past, his powers, his enemies and his legacies, and his resolve remained firm, his person unbent, and unbroken. He would take the sobriquet of Invictus, for in every way he stood proud, and unconquered.


And so Rafael rejoined the world, his vast inheritance still waiting, intent on using his wealth, his education, and his might to purify his family legacy, though the experience to date has been.. difficult.


He donates to charity, and people wonder if he's laundering money. He fights a villain or rescues the imperiled, and the wary watch him for signs of coming into the full power and full madness of his father. And everywhere, /everywhere/ is the damned papparazi, drawn like moths to a flame of his title, money, power and good looks. They twitch his darker urges, sometimes..


Worst of all, beyond even Anastaz's new murderous obsession with him, is Li Lian's well meaning affection for him. In her mind, his powers /are/ affecting his mind, and this whole do gooder fiasco is a sign of it, he just needs to be brought in, given some counseling, and he can then be at her side as the man she knows he should be. Many of the other now grown children, who look to her as a leading figure in an association they call the Neo Upstarts, after the loose confederacy some of their parents were in, agree at least in the sense of wanting Rafael's power serving their causes.


Ah well, cleansing yourself of darkness and embracing the light was never supposed to be easy, after all.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Powers wise.. Rafael is basically a flying martial brick-ish sort of thing (he's more martial than brick, didn't really come all that strongly into the superstrength) who trucks in buff base stats across the board from genetics, intense training and being a partial ionic being. Have an ionic energy EC with the usual EC stuff of force field, a damage power (an hth attack) and a movement power (flight) for when he lets himself be all charged up with the energy. Probably also going to drop German and replace it with a religion KS


Rough looks like this:



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

45 STR 35 18- Lift 12.8tons; 9d6; [2]

30 DEX 60 15- OCV 10 DCV 10

20 CON 20 13-

20 BODY 20 13-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

30 EGO 40 15- ECV: 10

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

20 COM 5 13-


20/40 PD 11 Total: 20/40 PD (10/30 rPD)

20/40 ED 16 Total: 20/40 ED (10/30 rED)

6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

13 REC 0

40 END 0

53 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 257



Movement: Running: 6" / 12"

Swimming: 2" / 4"

Leaping: 9" / 18"

Flight: 20" / 80"


Cost Powers END

Martial Arts:

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Strike +0 +2 16d6 Strike

4 Martial Escape +0 +0 85 STR vs. Grabs

3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 80 STR for holding on

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 14d6 +v/5, Target Falls

5 Passing Strike +1 +0 14d6 +v/5; FMove

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

20 +5 HTH Damage Class(es)

1 Weapon Element: Blades

10 Ionic Integrity: Power Defense (10 points)

19 Ionic Physiology: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Radiation; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)

5 Ionic Eyes: Nightvision

9 Honed Will: Mental Defense (15 points total)

10 Ionic Resilience: Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED)

11 Tireless Physique: +0 STR, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (11 Active Points) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)

25 Nefarious legacy (Ionic Energy Channeling): Elemental Control, 50-point powers

35 1) Imperious Aegis: Force Field (20 PD/20 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)

25 2) Above the Rabble: Flight 20", x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Custom Modifier (easily tracked flight path; -1/4) 2

18 3) Manus Invictus: Hand-To-Hand Attack +7d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (52 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)




15 Money: Filthy Rich




17 Combat Sense (Sense) 13-




3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 PS: Investment banking 13-

3 High Society 15-

3 Tactics 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Linguist

0 1) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

1 2) Language: French (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 3) Language: German (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 4) Language: Greek (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 5) Language: Italian (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 6) Language: Latin (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 7) Language: Nepalese (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 8) Language: Spanish (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

3 Meditation 15-

3 Navigation (Air, Land) 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

20 +2 Overall

6 +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

10 +2 with DCV

3 Scholar

1 1) KS: Art (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) KS: Classical studies (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) KS: History (2 Active Points) 11-

2 4) KS: Literature (3 Active Points) 13-

1 5) KS: Superhuman World (2 Active Points) 11-

3 Oratory 15-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

1 WF: Blades



Total Powers & Skill Cost: 343

Total Cost: 600


450+ Disadvantages

10 Reputation: Son of Count Nefaria, 11-

10 Distinctive Features: Red energy eyes (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Anastaz von Strucker 8- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: The Mandarin and The Neo Upstarts 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Mildly Punish)

15 Hunted: SHIELD 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Minor)

15 Psychological Limitation: Driven to Redeem the Family Name (Common, Strong)

5 Hunted: Papparazi 8- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Uncommon, Strong)

10 Physical Limitation: Ionic Physiology makes medical treatment difficult (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

10 Psychological Limitation: Aristocratic attitude (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong)

0 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 600

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


I don't know why I'm only just noticing this -- but is it just me, or is there little by way of "middle ground" when it comes to Marvel's X-Characters and their foes? They're either completely human/fragile/normal "one trick pony" sorts (Cyclops, Banshee, Pyro), or they're well-nigh unstoppable gods that would take a hojillion points to realistically portay all their tricks (Magneto, Phoenix, Exodus). Anyways, that's kind of off topic, but it's been bugging me while I'm perusing my comics (and Wikipedia) for mutant-villain inspiration.


On topic: some questions for the pro's. ;)


Right now my only idea is an heir to Sebastian Shaw's powers (and to a lesser extent, his fortune). He soaks up incoming attacks without being harmed by them, and just gets faster and (especially) stronger the more you hit him, right up until some ridiculously powerfull attack finally manages to "overflow" his ability to absorb the damage. So, easy enough, I'm thinking -- Absorption time!


I've never seen Absorption in effect in a Champions game, though, and I'm not sure how effective a character it'd make. My basic idea would be for him to have moderately above-human stats (30s-40s for physical stuff) all the time, some Armor (and/or maybe some Damage Reduction), and then Energy and Physical (both) Absorption both dumping into, say, Strength and Dexterity.


To those with a bit more experience with Champions (including the GM, of course), how feasable and effective a character would this be? Also, how acceptable, to have (for instance) like 20d6+ of both Physical and Energy Absorption (Shaw seems to be, well, pretty darned capable of soaking an awful lot of damage)? Would that be too powerful? Not powerful enough? Maybe just about right?

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


On topic: some questions for the pro's. ;)


Right now my only idea is an heir to Sebastian Shaw's powers (and to a lesser extent, his fortune). He soaks up incoming attacks without being harmed by them, and just gets faster and (especially) stronger the more you hit him, right up until some ridiculously powerfull attack finally manages to "overflow" his ability to absorb the damage. So, easy enough, I'm thinking -- Absorption time!


I've never seen Absorption in effect in a Champions game, though, and I'm not sure how effective a character it'd make. My basic idea would be for him to have moderately above-human stats (30s-40s for physical stuff) all the time, some Armor (and/or maybe some Damage Reduction), and then Energy and Physical (both) Absorption both dumping into, say, Strength and Dexterity.


To those with a bit more experience with Champions (including the GM, of course), how feasable and effective a character would this be? Also, how acceptable, to have (for instance) like 20d6+ of both Physical and Energy Absorption (Shaw seems to be, well, pretty darned capable of soaking an awful lot of damage)? Would that be too powerful? Not powerful enough? Maybe just about right?



From my experience (and I don't have much with Absorption), the best way to do this kind of thing would be to buy your two Absoptions (and I don't think you'ed need 20 dice), and then buy a good amount of extra PD and ED with the lim "Only up the the amount absorbed." That way, say you have 10d6 of Absorption, and your hit with an attack that does 50 Stun. You roll your 10d6 and get 34. That means you have 34 PD (or ED) against that attack, so you absorb 34 points and block 34 points, while only taking 16 Stun.


I played with a guy once who had a character similiar to that. Just punching or blasting him didn't accomplish much but to make him stronger and tougher.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


I'd keep in mind there can be significant differences in what he "absorbs" - what doesn't damage him - and what he absorbs - what adds to his power. The first can be reflected by defenses, you only need actual absorption by brand name for the second one - so you probably don't need 20d6 Absorption in order to "soak damage" - high defenses can do that for you. How powerful the Absorption itself needs to be is dependent on how efficient the transfer of force received->power gained needs to be.


For the overload effect, lots of ways to do that. Susc, vulns, or even a limitation on the defenses, like old-school Charger from the Ultimates had. (ED 50, dropped to 20 if attack did over 50 IIRC - so it either bounced or REALLY hurt him)


One thing I'd keep in mind with absorbing characters - make sure you're a reasonable threat even without any absorption. Shaw was really dangerous on his first appearance - when Colossus, etc. didn't know what he did. After that, easier to deal with, and had to make things more contrived to make him effective IIRC. Make sure you can leak a little stun through on villains even unboosted, so they have to devote some attention to you. Or get real good at diving in front of teammates to absorb attacks meant for them, because once villains know what you can do, they'll try to avoid attacking you directly. Or just entangle you, etc.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Okay, a summary of characters so far.


Enforcer84 - Journeyman (brick)

GoldenAge - Echo (Energy Projector)

hooligan x -Dr.Von Doom (unknown)

Haven Walkur - Dancer (Mage)

Pendaran - Invictus (Martial Brick)


Also, these folks have expressed interest, but haven't decided on a character yet.



Agent 13





I'm looking for 7 players, and the deadline for characters is next Saturday.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


One thing? I don't think the Cosmic Awareness had anything to do with the negabands. IIRC' date=' it was granted to MarVell by Eternity when he made Marv the Protector of the Universe; the negabands were created by a scientist on Earth.[/quote']

True, but that was Captain Mar-Vel (who was working with Eon, not Eternity) and Genis-Vell (whose Cosmic Awareness was somehow triggered when Rick Jones put on the Nega Bands)... In fact, Genis did things with the Nega Bands that were unimaginable to his father. Viva la Difference! :thumbup:


I like to think of ECHO as a Protector of the Universe in training. Some powers (those enherited directly from his mother and enhanced by his cosmic lineage) he's very comfortable with (The Cosmic Choir EC). On the other hand, there are still some other powers that he's less familiar with (The Nega Band MP). The Nega Bands are keys that will help him unlock powers as he grows. Eventually... far,far in the future... Echo will transcend the need for Nega Bands as his own powers approach a truly cosmic scale... Like Ion of DC.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


True, but that was Captain Mar-Vel (who was working with Eon, not Eternity) and Genis-Vell (whose Cosmic Awareness was somehow triggered when Rick Jones put on the Nega Bands)... In fact, Genis did things with the Nega Bands that were unimaginable to his father.


I like to think of ECHO as a Protector of the Universe in training. Some powers (those enherited directly from his mother and enhanced by his cosmic lineage) he's very comfortable with (The Cosmic Choir EC). On the other hand, there are still some other powers that he's less familiar with (The Nega Band MP). The Nega Bands are keys that will help him unlock powers as he grows. Eventually... far,far in the future... Echo will transcend the need for Nega Bands as his own powers approach a truly cosmic scale... Like Ion of DC.

Okay s'cool with me.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Cool, looks like there's enough non-"Avengers" interested to make it at least largely a seperate group. :) If I get something completed, I may still toss something up this week. :sneaky:


Neo Upstarts


Pendaran - I like the origin and the glimpses at the behind the scenes master-villain network and infrastructure. And a female Mandarin would make for a good nemesis for Iron Girl too. :thumbup:


But the "Neo Upstarts" name seems kind of odd - these people who were raised in a privileged, aristocratic setting who believe the world is their due would style themselves "upstarts"? I would think they would tend towards names like the Overlords, the Order, the Council, or something else that presumes they are already superior to everyone else. Upstarts seems so...New Warrior-ish. :P

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Some fun villains that Echo might enherit:




















I really like haveing someone as powerful as Journeyman on my team. I can't wait to infuse him with Photonic Energy and increase his STRENGTH!

I look forward to seeing the other heroes!

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game



Carl Creel Jr.


60 STR 50

23 DEX 39

30 CON 40

15 BODY 10

13 INT 3

23 EGO 26

25 PRE 15

18 COM 4


30 PD 18

30 ED 24

5 SPD 17

20 REC 4

60 END 0

60 STUN 0


Running: 6" 0

Swimming: 2" 0

Leaping: 12" 0


Total Characteristic Cost: 250



- 30 PD/ 30 ED Damage Resistance 30

- 28†Leaping 28

- 6d6 HA(-1/2), 0 END (+1/2), OAF (ball-and-chain)(-1) 18

- (Naked Power Advantage) 90 STR, Limited Group Variable Special Effect (substance copied)(+1/4), Limited Power: Only while transformed(-1/4) 18

- 15 PD/ 15 ED Armor, Limited Power: Only while transformed(-1/4), Visible(-1/4) 30

- Total Life Support, Limited Power: Only while transformed(-1/4), Visible(-1/4) 30

- 1 BODY/ Turn Regeneration, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, 0 End(+1/2), Persistent(+1/2), Extra Time: 1Turn(-1 ¼), Self Only(-1/2), Limited Power: Only while transformed(-1/4) 23

V.P.P. "Absorbing Powers" Pool Cost 75

Control Cost 37, Powers can only be changed in a given circumstance (must touch a new substance)(-1/2), Limited class of powers (only powers related to the properties of the substance touched)(-1/2), Cosmic(+2), Side Effects: Character receives a x2 damage Vulnerability to attacks that oppose the substance copied, Occurs whenever power is used(-1/2) 44



Money: Well Off (Secret Trust Fund) 5



+5 Resistance (Stubborn) 5



14- Interrogation 3

11- KS: Boxing 2

14- Streetwise 3

2 CSL with HTH 10

2 CSL with DCV 10

2 CSL with DECV 10

2 CSL with HA (ball-and-chain) 6


Total Powers, Skills, Talents and Perks Cost: 350


Total Cost: 600


450 + Disadvantages

Dependent NPC: Sister "Skeeter" (Less Powerful, 8-) 5

Distinctive Features: 6’5â€, 455 lbs. (Easily Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable) 5

Hunted: Watched by Police (11-, More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, Limited Geographic Area, Watched) 15

Hunted: Watched by Thor (8-, More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, Watched) 15

Hunted: Watched by She-Hulk (8-, More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, Watched) 15

Psychological Limitation: Seeks to redeem his family name (Common, Strong) 15

Psychological Limitation: Stubborn (Uncommon, Strong) 10

Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Uncommon, Strong) 10

Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate) 15

Reputation: Son of The Absorbing Man and Titania (14-) 15

Rivalry: “Plasma†(the daughter of Volcana and the Molecule Man) (Professional) 5

Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major) 15

Social Limitation: Harmful Secret, Secret Trust Fund is from parents “savings†(Occasionally, Minor) 5

Social Limitation: Juvenile Criminal Record (Occasionally, Minor) 5


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/ History

Carl Creel Jr. was born in a prison hospital that his mother was a resident of. He was raised in an orphanage under the false name Rocky Davis, to protect him from the stigma of his parents’ criminal careers. Though he had no idea who his true parents were, he unfortunately inherited some of there more nasty personality traits. Rocky was seemingly destined to follow in their footsteps and lead a life of crime. Bigger and stronger than the other children, he quickly graduated from childhood mischief to petty crimes and soon spent some time in a local juvenile detention center. On his 18th birthday he inherited a trust fun from an unknown benefactor who he later found out was his father, The Absorbing Man. With his new found riches, he attempted to leave his street life behind him, but it eventually caught up with him. Some of his old “friends†wanted a taste of his inheritance, and when he refused, they shot him and left him for dead. Bleeding to death on the pavement, he clawed and grasped for life, and then suddenly his pain was gone. He rose to discover he had become living asphalt. Afterward, he experimented with his new powers and found he could absorb the properties of anything he touched. He was also left with vast superhuman strength and durability even between transformations, which he later found out he inherited from his mother, Titania. It didn’t take long for him to discover his true identity. Despite his joy at finding out who his parent really were, his traumatic experience made him determined not to follow in their footsteps and become a criminal. Carl Jr. chose to call himself “Crusherâ€, a name used by his father during his boxing career. During his father’s latest attempt to lead a peaceful life, Creel Sr. gave Crusher his ball-and-chain to aid him in his pursuit as a hero. He seemed proud that his son had chosen a better life. For a short time he was part of a heroic duo with the heroine “Plasmaâ€, the daughter of Volcana and the Molecule Man, who sought him out due to their common pasts. A failed romance split up their team and has left them rivals in the public spotlight. Crusher recently discovered he has a little sister and he has become very protective of her. He calls her “Skeeterâ€, the name their mother nicknamed her. He is also a fan of boxing and likes to watch matches in his free time.


Personality/ Motivation

Despite the distrust of the authorities and other heroes, Crusher is determined to redeem his parents’ name and lead the life of a hero. Along with their more severe personality defects, he has also inherited their courage and tenacity. Though his experiences on the streets of New York have taught him that criminals often only understand force, he also understands that no one is a “lost causeâ€.


Powers/ Tactics

Crusher can lift/ press roughly 100 tons, placing him just below the “Class 100†Strength Level. In combat he likes to attack with his father’s ball-and-chain and absorb the properties of materials that may allow him to exploit his opponents’ vulnerabilities. Though he is new to the superhero game and has limited experience in combat against other superhumans, he has spent a reasonable amount of time training with his mother, who is one of the few beings in the universe who can boast to being trained by Tryco Slatterus. Though he seems to possess the same absorbing powers of his father, he has not yet mastered the wide arsenal of tricks used by Creel Sr. during his career. His father assures him that this will come with time.


Costume/ Appearance

Crusher’s costume is similar to his mother’s two-tone light and dark purple tights, but without a mask to conceal his face. He also, of course, is always accompanied by his father’s ball-and-chain. Luckily for him, he has inherited more of his mother’s statuesque features, than his father’s “rugged looksâ€.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Cool, looks like there's enough non-"Avengers" interested to make it at least largely a seperate group. :) If I get something completed, I may still toss something up this week. :sneaky:




Pendaran - I like the origin and the glimpses at the behind the scenes master-villain network and infrastructure. And a female Mandarin would make for a good nemesis for Iron Girl too. :thumbup:


But the "Neo Upstarts" name seems kind of odd - these people who were raised in a privileged, aristocratic setting who believe the world is their due would style themselves "upstarts"? I would think they would tend towards names like the Overlords, the Order, the Council, or something else that presumes they are already superior to everyone else. Upstarts seems so...New Warrior-ish. :P


Well.. in their heyday, the old Upstarts did stuff like take over Hydra and the Hand, took over the Weapon X project, revived Omega Red, killed and tortured various members of the Hellfire club, knock Magneto off the map for years, basically dismantled the Yashida clan and had various members of Wolverine's supporting cast killed or comitting suicide.. all while playing some demented game to see who am bestest. And they themselves were young, powerful and of the elite. And then all of that got viciously retconned and tossed to the side/undone/people involve ganked, but it was a neat idea while it was there. There's worse things than invoking the name of a group that had a run like that, especially when several of their parents were members thereof.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


:thumbup: Cool beans man.


Disclaimer: never really liked the original Upstarts. Name fit in the early days, when one of their main purposes was apparently killing off and replacing the old order. But the writers never seemed to really know what they wanted to do with them IMO and they never really gelled for me. As soon as they started to get a little interesting, bam, direction change.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Of the other children' date=' Rafael from simple European geography and upper class social circles found himself most in contact with Anastaz, the child of Andrea. The two could comiserate on harsh family experience and help each other get through them, then revel at the same fetes. At times it was almost as if they were raised together, and had the closeness of brothers. Anastaz was even one of the few people that could get Rafael to indulge even slightly at more notable debauchs, and even smile through his aloof bearing.[/quote']


Me likey, :thumbup: but Cinnabar's background mentions the twin children of Andrea von Strucker pretty prominently already...

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


See, I liked them pre direction change, which yes, made them stupid, and was where most of their steamroller paced bevy of accomplishments were coming in. It was a cool idea that like so many things at the time got eventually handled badly. A society of the young evil powerful elite scarily establishing dominance and in loose competition for esteem and standing had tons of potential. So, I use this as an excuse to revive it some :P

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Me likey, but Cinnabar's background mentions the twin children of Andrea von Strucker pretty prominently already...


The thing of decadent and jaded European sociopaths and having more than one kid stashed somewheres..


Having read her backstory, it doesn't seem like that big a retcon to sub Anastaz in, for what Fenris did for Anthony, but barring that really, Andrea having a third child doesn't really strain things overly. Maybe when not managing his own domain or hunting Rafael, he contests with them for power. Maybe in the style of the group he's sort of in, he ganked them and took their stuff to demonstrate the primacy of his worthiness to the name. Or various other options..

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I need me a piece of that action!


The thing of decadent and jaded European sociopaths and having more than one kid stashed somewheres..


Very true. Those insanely wealthy Eurotrash punks! Always having lots of sex with random beautiful people at wild and decadent parties while plotting to take over the world...


Hmmm... wonder where I can sign up for some of that? :think:

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Oh, Adrian and Adrianne von Strucker are very close friends of the villain Antimony, the Diamagnetic Man, in his secret identity of Anthony Maximoff. Though they don't seem to have powers per se, the twins are affluent and extremely well-connected blackmailers. They might rely on the von Strucker family name to give them social access in some situations, but mostly Adrian and Adrianne are independent of the family, and uninterested in familial responsibilities. They're successful social predators of the highest order, wealthy and beautiful young sociopaths partial to "wicked thrills".


One of their wicked thrills was hitting and killing college student Corrie Griffen with Adrianne's Mercedes. It was done as a "favor" for Anthony; Corrie was a close friend of Anthony's twin sister Barbara, and he felt she was an "unsuitable" friend for his twin.


Barbara Maximoff, aka Cinnabar, is my PC in the New Avengers on-line game.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Anthony and the younger von Strucker twins; friendly conversation.


"We saw your twin again today,†said Adrian von Strucker. "She was with those clods from Minnesota.â€


"And looking like something the cat dragged in,†Adrianne added. "Those people are a bad influence on her. They're so common.â€


Adrian lit a cigarette. "You really ought to do something about it, Anthony.â€


Anthony looked Adrian in the eyes and smiled pleasantly. "Maybe you two could do something about it for me. As a...favor.â€


"Ooh, a favor!†said Adrianne. "Do say yes, Adrian. It'll be delightful.â€


"Just for you, then, Ria,†said Adrian, smiling.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Still figuring out Ms Von Doom. Peep these pics and let me know which one grabs you.


L to R: Eva (daughter of Doom and undisclosed Euro-snob), Claire (daugher of Doom and Emma Frost), Magda (daughter of Doom and Morgali), Lena (mother unknown), DoomBot.

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