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A new Player here


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Hello everyone, it's Luca from Italy.

I used to play 4th ed. Hero System years ago, and recently I've set up a campaign where I'm GM.

I'm reading everywhere to catch info and news, and principally I'm here for two goals:


1) Maybe someone can help me in have a look if the characters made are somehow equilbrated

2) Maybe someone can help me passing me some resources/adventures/and so on

3) Rules question.


While point 1 and 2 are personal (if someone of you would like to me my mentor...) I would like to start with point 3:


I would like to build this power effect:

A character is wearing an armor that, among other powers, has the power to "fear" opposing characters attacking him, reducing their OCV.

I'm not sure if the best way is build it with NegativeCombatSkill level or Environmental change (only OCV, no temperature, movement...)


Actually, this is the version I've made:


Change Environment 2" radius, -2 OCV, Personal Immunity, 0 END (26 active points) Require a Skill roll (PRE roll vs opponent EGO roll, penalty of -1 each 20 AcP) Focus OIF: armor


But I'm not 100% full convinced, since:

1) I would like to have the power always on (forbidden with Focus!) but, if possible, not Persistent (when you're stunned, people don't fear you)

2) I would like the RSR contest like a "Save Roll", each opponent attacking you make the contest. Who fails is scared, who made is safe.


Can some of you help me with suggestion?


By the way, actually I've 5th Edition (not revised), some various stuff and HeroDesigner 2.39

I think it's time to update... :)


Hope to hear of you soon


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Re: A new Player here


Hello everyone, it's Luca from Italy.

I used to play 4th ed. Hero System years ago, and recently I've set up a campaign where I'm GM.

I'm reading everywhere to catch info and news, and principally I'm here for two goals:


1) Maybe someone can help me in have a look if the characters made are somehow equilbrated

2) Maybe someone can help me passing me some resources/adventures/and so on

3) Rules question.


While point 1 and 2 are personal (if someone of you would like to me my mentor...) I would like to start with point 3:


I would like to build this power effect:

A character is wearing an armor that, among other powers, has the power to "fear" opposing characters attacking him, reducing their OCV.

I'm not sure if the best way is build it with NegativeCombatSkill level or Environmental change (only OCV, no temperature, movement...)


Actually, this is the version I've made:


Change Environment 2" radius, -2 OCV, Personal Immunity, 0 END (26 active points) Require a Skill roll (PRE roll vs opponent EGO roll, penalty of -1 each 20 AcP) Focus OIF: armor


But I'm not 100% full convinced, since:

1) I would like to have the power always on (forbidden with Focus!) but, if possible, not Persistent (when you're stunned, people don't fear you)

2) I would like the RSR contest like a "Save Roll", each opponent attacking you make the contest. Who fails is scared, who made is safe.


Can some of you help me with suggestion?


By the way, actually I've 5th Edition (not revised), some various stuff and HeroDesigner 2.39

I think it's time to update... :)


Hope to hear of you soon



Hi there Luca and welcome back.


First a comment on your last statement... Run, don't walk to the online store and get HDv3... it has some great enhancements, with more coming, and at $25.00 you can't beat the price.


As to your 3rd point the armor: As you know in Hero there are a "plethora" of ways to do things, that said here is how I would do it...


Change Environment 2" radius, reduce OCV, Personal Immunity, 0 END points) RSR a PRE Attack roll, OIF: armor, Uncontrolled, plus 40 PRE, Only for making PRE Attack roll, OIF: armor, Uncontrolled.


The reason I would do it this way is that it sounds as if the effect comes from how fiercesome the armor looks, which to me suggests a PRE attack. By giving the Armor its, own PRE stat it can make the attack roll regardless of who is wearing it. If you set the PRE to 40 this will effect most characters/NPCs most of the time (even the really though ones). The uncontrolled limitation transfers control of when this may come into play to the GM. Finally as GM this can allow a scalable effect for example:


PRE success to +10 = -1 OCV

PRE Success from +11 to +20 = -2 OCV

and PRE Success > 20 = -3 OCV


For campaign resources there are several freebies available in the Free Stuff section of this board. Another good resource is the Digital Hero e-zine available in the Digital Hero section. Also check the Links section for some other great Hero sites with loads of great content.


If you would like to have some of your groups characters checked for "equilibrity", I would suggest posting your campaign type/parameters here and then follow up by posting the characters (I recommend 1 character per post), then I am sure that lots of the guru's on the boards will come along and comment/make suggestions.


I hope this helps :)

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Re: A new Player here


Welcome, Luca! It's always nice to have new folks stop by to liven up the place. :) Feel free to ask any questions; we're a pretty friendly and helpful bunch to newcomers.


What sort of resources are you interested in? For starters, I would recommend the links in the blue banner at the top of this page, specifically the ones named "Free Stuff" and "Hero Links." There is a great deal of fine material of all kinds to be found there. You could also try following the link in my signature, below. Anything specific you may need, just ask and we'll see if we can fix you up.


Regarding your specific question, Change Environment is a perfectly valid way to get what you want. Since CE is a Constant Power you can certainly keep it running all the time you're conscious if you want, without having to buy it Persistant. If you buy an Advantagea for it, "Usable On Others - Usable As An Attack" (description of UOO in the Advantages section of the book), you can target CE on yourself and it will move with you as you move, without having to make a new Targeting Roll each Phase, and affecting anyone who steps into its area of effect. In that case you could take the Limitation, "No Range," so that it's always centered on yourself whenever you use it. (Just make sure to also buy the Personal Immunity Advantage so that it doesn't affect you adversely too.)


However, another method to build this that I would suggest is additional Presence with the Limitation, "Fear-Based Presence Attacks Only" (usually presented as -1 in published books). That's much cheaper, will give you a similar effect on anyone you make a Presence Attack on (which takes no time out of your Action Phase), is resisted by the target's Ego or Presence, and is always "running."


Or, you could use Mind Control with Telepathic Command, same Modifiers as for Change Environment above, and the Limitation "One Command - Fear Me!," defining the effect of Fear however you want. As usual, there are several ways to build a given effect in HERO, so you can choose whichever one works best for you.

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Re: A new Player here


However, another method to build this that I would suggest is additional Presence with the Limitation, "Fear-Based Presence Attacks Only" (usually presented as -1 in published books). That's much cheaper, will give you a similar effect on anyone you make a Presence Attack on (which takes no time out of your Action Phase), is resisted by the target's Ego or Presence, and is always "running."


I've just read the book, the chapter regarding presence...

but In this way making a Presence attack, even if 0 phase action, will be intended as an interactive, purposal way to inspire fear; I would like instead something that doesn't need the character "verbal" interaction.

Simply, he inspire fear. Always.

Also, PRE attack normally strikes the Morale and technically the DCV...


I'm somehow still perplessed on how I can make this working, since Hero System has many methods.

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Re: A new Player here


Simply, he inspire fear. Always.

Also, PRE attack normally strikes the Morale and technically the DCV...


It is always more difficult to affect others than yourself. As the mechanics do not differentiate between lowering an opponents DCV versus raising your own (I presume the fear and lowered morale only occur when directly fighting the wearer of the armour).


Thus I would build the effect as +9 DEX (only for combat) versus opponents who fail a PRE vs PRE roll. (Presence does work as a morale measure - braver opponents should not be affected as much as lesser ones). You can make this more complex by requiring higher rolls to get rid of all the DEX advantage.


Effectively this means that those who fear you find you harder to hit and get hit more often by you.




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Re: A new Player here


It is always more difficult to affect others than yourself. As the mechanics do not differentiate between lowering an opponents DCV versus raising your own (I presume the fear and lowered morale only occur when directly fighting the wearer of the armour).


Thus I would build the effect as +9 DEX (only for combat) versus opponents who fail a PRE vs PRE roll. (Presence does work as a morale measure - braver opponents should not be affected as much as lesser ones). You can make this more complex by requiring higher rolls to get rid of all the DEX advantage.


Effectively this means that those who fear you find you harder to hit and get hit more often by you.






Really nice point of view.

How much is worth the limitation: "only for combat"?

And about the PRE vs PRE, I'll use the Skill contest, or I'll apply the Limited Power limitation?

Thanks for your opininon... now I have many ways to make the power.

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Re: A new Player here


Really nice point of view.

How much is worth the limitation: "only for combat"?

And about the PRE vs PRE, I'll use the Skill contest, or I'll apply the Limited Power limitation?

Thanks for your opininon... now I have many ways to make the power.


Personally I'd go for -1/2. I know that it affects DEX rolls and several skill type things but I do think that the main reason players buy DEX is for CV. I could even be persuaded to make it -1/4....


As for the PRE v PRE, that is the Requires a Skill Roll limitation.





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Re: A new Player here


It is always more difficult to affect others than yourself. As the mechanics do not differentiate between lowering an opponents DCV versus raising your own (I presume the fear and lowered morale only occur when directly fighting the wearer of the armour).


Thus I would build the effect as +9 DEX (only for combat) versus opponents who fail a PRE vs PRE roll. (Presence does work as a morale measure - braver opponents should not be affected as much as lesser ones). You can make this more complex by requiring higher rolls to get rid of all the DEX advantage.


Effectively this means that those who fear you find you harder to hit and get hit more often by you.


This is what I assume you are thinking:

(11 Real Cost) +9 DEX (27 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Only for CV Bonus (-1/2), Only if Opponent Fails PRE v PRE Roll by 1+ (-1/2)


I was thinking more of a graduated partially limited power.


(Total: 20 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Only if Opponent Fails PRE v PRE Roll by 1+ (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Only if Opponent Fails PRE v PRE Roll by 2+ (-1) (Real Cost: 2) plus +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Only if Opponent Fails PRE v PRE Roll by 3+ (-1 1/2) (Real Cost: 2) plus +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Only if Opponent Fails PRE v PRE Roll by 1+ (-2) (Real Cost: 2)


So the first time the character goes into combat against an opponent they roll PRE vs PRE. If the villain loses the roll by 2, the hero gets +2 OCV vs this guy. I think the cost comes out pretty much the same, my method is 9 pts while yours is 11. There isn't much difference, really, but for some reason I find the +1 OCV a little cleaner a method and easier to keep track of.

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Re: A new Player here


So it could sound:


+9 Dex, Only for Combat Values, no figured chars/skills (-1/2), Focus (Armor, OIF, -1/2), Skill Roll PRE vs PRE on who is in combat with (- something, don't remmeber)


Since is a characteristic, I don't have to buy constant/persistent/always on... looks, nice.

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Re: A new Player here


Uhm... Rapier nice too...

But the 5 pts HTH skills is, maybe, the skill you can assign either in OCV, DCV or in Damage Class (using 2 of them)?


Yes, it's also the smallest Level that you can use with Limitations.


The 5pters are OCV (or DCV) HtH, OCV (or DCV) Ranged, OCV (or DCV) with a related group (eg Martial Arts) or DCV (vs Ranged and HTH).


Oh, Heroic is 2 CSL for +1 DC. SuperHeroic is 2 CSL for +1 BODY Killing OR +3 STUN on a Normal Attack.

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Re: A new Player here


Two things here. I've already built this power, and it's fairly close to the way you did it. As Liaden mentioned, it's possible to do it as a PRE attack, but that really isn't what you want.


What you want is to build it as:


4" Change Environment (out to point blank range), -4 OCV (making it defensive, instead of offensive) and the big trick is not Personal Immunity - it's making it SELECTIVE (+1/2). This way you only affect the people you want to affect, you retain the focus on yourself (using No Range, -1/2) and you can put the whole thing together with RSR (A Presence Based Skill Here, like Intimidation). In this instance, you're combining the RSR of PRE with the power effect, "Pee Your Pants In Abject Terror."


You can build on this same design later, including a Trigger (anyone who gets within 1" is affected, always on, hole in the middle (your own hex), no range, etc. You can inspire "fear" (-OCV), "panic" (-DCV), madness (-INT), and so on. There's a TON of effects you can build into this, most of which are dead useful, including "SPD -1." Yeah. Deduct 1 SPD from someone and they drop to the next class down.


Dirty! But legal. Absolutely legal.

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Re: A new Player here


Welcome Back!


We will all be happy to mentor you.


please post your charaters as many of us would be happy to comment.


I like the CV method or the dex method both are what you are trying to accomplish. Rapier nail the limitaions.


I do not think that selective is nessacary as you could define the power as negative to attack you so the fear effects woould not matter on the armour own team. (all fear me, not all attack me.)


Lord Ghee

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Re: A new Player here


Welcome, Lord Winter!


In regards to your third request, I'd use the following:


Fearful Aura: +2 with DCV (Active Cost 10); Requires A PRE Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests, No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -3/4) Total Cost 6.



Each character that attacks you must succeed with a PRE vs. PRE roll or suffer a -2 to OCV (actually, you receive a +2 to DCV, but it's effectively the same). You only receive the DCV bonus agains't attackers that fail the roll against you.

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