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Chimpira's Art Dump


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Re: Chimpira's Art Dump


Hey Chimpira, really like what you are doing.


Just me being a nudge... lets see some color happening on these. They are easy to color in photoshop or painter with your clean line!!!! I can so see an anime two/three tone treatment happening on your art.


And please, keep posting!!!

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Re: Chimpira's Art Dump


Hey Chimpira, really like what you are doing.


Just me being a nudge... lets see some color happening on these. They are easy to color in photoshop or painter with your clean line!!!! I can so see an anime two/three tone treatment happening on your art.


And please, keep posting!!!


No, I totally agree. I was planning on doing some. I am currently practicing on my coloring right now.

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Re: Chimpira's Art Dump


I DO like the pics of Buck Wylde and his friends and foes. They are suitably 1970s and suitably heroic/villainous/thuggish. In short, they're inspired!


Ah, if you can just take the '70s "a little bit seriously", the decade makes wonderful gaming (and gaming art) fodder. The styles, the attitudes, the personas...and Chimpira has really captured the whole groovy, larger-than-life 1970s "feel" with the pics of Buck and his associates.


And those clean lines, of course...ooh!


And speaking of "ooh!" -- Majestic! What a wonderful picture! It's clean-lined, boldly and exactingly detailed, and beautifully framed against the off-center geometric shape. Majestic is definitely a figure in motion, for all those who wanted to see "movement", and a damned handsome hero as well.


However, a problem starts to appear with the pic of the Dragon Slayer, and it's worse with Tempus. In both pictures, the characters look foreshortened, as if they had human height but Dwarf proportions. (I think the Anime term is "super-deformed"?)


The characters may be drawn in proportion, but somehow they still look (to me, anyway), stumpy. Stubby. And this "short 'n' squat" effect turns Tempus into a belligerent Hobbit, and Dragon Slayer into a beautifully-dressed Tengu.


The picture of Bounty verges on the same problem, but doesn't seem to share it, not quite.


Standard disclaimer: I. CAN'T. DRAW. Not at all, not even a little bit.


And I really like Chimpira's work, which I think is skillful and appealing; I'm impressed by and a bit in awe of him. So I'm not offering criticism in order to offend the artist, but to hopefully point out a weakness/problem with a few of the pics, which he may not have noticed...or which may be due entirely to my own warped perceptions (YMMV).

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Re: Chimpira's Art Dump


Whew! It has been a very busy month for me. I moved to a new place and I am in the process of going to england for a few days to see my mother, whom has been living in Quwait for the last year and a half. She has decided to stay for another year, as well. I did some work for Digital hero. (Thanks Dave!) I have been working on my coloring and I have been cranking out more art that is just dying to be inked and colored. ok This is the inks for my cover of Digital Hero #42 and here is another pic that I drew just to work on my coloring.

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Re: Chimpira's Art Dump


Here is something I just inked. Not in love with it and I might give it another crack at a later date and redraw the whole shabam.


I like it (rep).


She looks sad and haunted. A flawed character - very nice.


Oh, and everything else is great too. The bunch of dudes in a circular layout looks great (post before the sad Angel Fae).

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Re: Chimpira's Art Dump


I like it (rep).


She looks sad and haunted. A flawed character - very nice.


Oh, and everything else is great too. The bunch of dudes in a circular layout looks great (post before the sad Angel Fae).


Thanks. The mood is what I was looking for, it is just that I know I could draw the face better and I over rendered the hair, which tends to distract from the piece as a whole. I usually just drop my inks over my pencils but I want to start keeping my pencils so I am working with a new light board and since I have not used a light board in over three years I need to put some more practice in. Thanks for the kind feedback.

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