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Endurance Reserves


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Re: Endurance Reserves


Well, in some cases, yes. In some, no. Typically, a character that has an end reserve either has an armored suit or some other device that stores their power in it.


Ergo, unless you cheese out, your end reserve can be destroyed by exceeding the resistant defense of the main object. And then your powers don't work.


So check out the rules on Foci destruction, because there is absolutely no reason why someone should have an END reserve without a focus, device, or special set of circumstances.


People who have powers that don't come from devices should, for the most part, use normal END.

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Re: Endurance Reserves


Regarding 5ER p.158 Powers keep functioning if character is Stunned or Knocked Out.


My question is essentially whether Powers on END Reserves are getting Persistent for free?


I wouldn't say for free. After all, Endurance Reserve is a power in itself, and thus costs points. It isn't like someone didn't pay for it period.

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Re: Endurance Reserves


Powers that draw END from an Endurance Reserve can keep doing so, and thus keep functioning, even if the character is Stunned, Knocked Out, asleep, or the like


This is not identical to Persistent. Persistent is 0 End and hence continues forever.


Drawing END from a reserve would typically drain the reserve to zero (eventually) unless the recovery rate is greater than or equal to the useage rate.


And, this only applies to constant powers. An instant power would obviously not draw END from a reserve while unconscious.


The PC pays for the End Reserve, so he gains the advantages of it. This just happens to be one of the advantages. However, it can also be a disadvantage as well if the End Reserve drains real low.



Think of it like turning on a flashlight. Just because a PC is unconsious does not mean that the flashlight turns off as well.

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Re: Endurance Reserves



People who have powers that don't come from devices should, for the most part, use normal END.


While I agree that the reminder about Focus damage rules is important (more, IMO, for the additional reminder of ways to make the Focus Lim worth the points), I can't disagree with that last statement strongly enough.


End Reserves can model all sorts of different things, not just items with self contained power sources, which can ALSO be modeled in a lot of different ways.

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Re: Endurance Reserves


Yeah, I frequently use END Reserves to model Wizards, Psychics and Blaster types. Character who are relatively "normal" but have vast reserves of power. Mind you, not limitless reserves. For that I will tend to use 0 END.


The way I look at it, just 'cause you can shoot fireballs all day long does not necessarily mean you should be able to run a marathon or recovery from injuries faster.

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Re: Endurance Reserves


Don't have my book, so I'm just going off my own muddled thoughts.


My impression is no, a power drawing off an Endurance Reserve isn't automatically Persistent.


For the points you're paying for an END reserve, you're getting (1) much cheaper END, balanced somewhat by a restricted Recovery, and (2) the fact that the Reserve doesn't drop to 0 (like normal END) if you're KO'd.


Does a Persistent power *have* to be 0 END? I don't think so (though it would be stupid to make a power drawing off your personal END Persistent, since you'd take STUN damage from the END cost of the power). Couldn't a power pulling off an END reserve be Persistent, so it stays on even if not directed by the owner, until the Reserve runs out?

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Re: Endurance Reserves


Yeah, I frequently use END Reserves to model Wizards, Psychics and Blaster types. Character who are relatively "normal" but have vast reserves of power. Mind you, not limitless reserves. For that I will tend to use 0 END.


The way I look at it, just 'cause you can shoot fireballs all day long does not necessarily mean you should be able to run a marathon or recovery from injuries faster.


I'll third this and say I've used similar builds myself.

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Re: Endurance Reserves


Yeah, I frequently use END Reserves to model Wizards, Psychics and Blaster types. Character who are relatively "normal" but have vast reserves of power. Mind you, not limitless reserves. For that I will tend to use 0 END.


The way I look at it, just 'cause you can shoot fireballs all day long does not necessarily mean you should be able to run a marathon or recovery from injuries faster.



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Re: Endurance Reserves


My impression is no' date=' a power drawing off an Endurance Reserve isn't automatically Persistent.[/quote']

Correct. Whatever the power is, Instant/Constant/Persistent, it stays that way even if it draws off of an END Reserve. However, if the power is Constant and draws off of an END Reserve, and the character is knocked out, the power continues until the END Reserve is exhausted or the character revives and stops the power.


For the points you're paying for an END reserve' date=' you're getting (1) much cheaper END, balanced somewhat by a restricted Recovery, and (2) the fact that the Reserve doesn't drop to 0 (like normal END) if you're KO'd.[/quote']



Does a Persistent power *have* to be 0 END?

Actually, per the rules, Yes, a Persistent Power must be Zero END first. It is a requirement for a power to be Persistent.


Couldn't a power pulling off an END reserve be Persistent' date=' so it stays on even if not directed by the owner, until the Reserve runs out?[/quote']

Only Constant is required. This is akin to the rules for Uncontrolled, which work similar. Constant powers continue until the END is used up.


Just A Clarification


- Christopher Mullins

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Re: Endurance Reserves


HOWEVER to use a power in the Reserve requires the users constant attention (being knocked out stops you from using powers in the Reserve.)


I like this. So flight, which requires constant user control, would stop working, because the control isn't there. But Life Support based on an END Reserve would probably keep functioning, since that doesn't normally require attention to maintain.


It's like getting K.O.'d for real. You fall down, but your heart keeps beating.


I'd say it depends on the power, the SFX, and how the GM interpets the two.

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