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Re: Grimoire books content


I've read the main rules cover-to-cover six times.



Got me beat - Cover to cover every word I've done twice, but as you said, rereading sections and reference add a bunch to that. I've got thorugh every ultimate book the same way (except U Skill, working my way through the first time on that one, it's a lot to take in).

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Re: Grimoire books content


Got me beat - Cover to cover every word I've done twice' date=' but as you said, rereading sections and reference add a bunch to that. I've got thorugh every ultimate book the same way (except U Skill, working my way through the first time on that one, it's a lot to take in).[/quote']


TUS was daunting... Fantasy Hero looks much the same. In fact FH is at the bottom of my review list because reading it thoroughly for a review intimidates me just a tad bit. That and I'm hoping that FH,Revised is released by the end of the year so my review can cause a stampede of gamers to go buy it (I can dream!!).

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Re: Grimoire books content


TUS was daunting... Fantasy Hero looks much the same. In fact FH is at the bottom of my review list because reading it thoroughly for a review intimidates me just a tad bit. That and I'm hoping that FH' date='Revised is released by the end of the year so my review can cause a stampede of gamers to go buy it (I can dream!!).[/quote']


I found FH much easier reading, but then US is somewhat dry - where the GH stuff has magic systems, and character packages, mass combat rules. Skills are just... skills. :)

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Re: Grimoire books content


I found TUS fascinating. But, skills are one of my favorite parts of the system.


It's just lots and lots and lots of text. Takes time, and energy to remember all of it, at least long enough to test cohesiveness and overall comprehension of the books intended ideas.


I definitely read books differently for a review than I do just to read the book.

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Re: Grimoire books content


I found TUS fascinating. But, skills are one of my favorite parts of the system.



:) Skills are important, but I've always been more interested in reading Powers, Talents, and other stuff. And Martial arts and Mentalism. So TUS is interesting, and I see some uses for skills, but I have never gone into that detail in any campaign I have ever been in (or will ever run), so it is fairly dry.


I loved the optional stuff like the other Universals and such earlier. :)

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Re: Grimoire books content


I am slightly amazed... did I miss it or something? No one has recomended getting HERO Designer!


I can honestly say, as a relative newbie myself, that it's good for new GM's to have. I know when I finally got it and converted my manually done ones, even though I used a calculator I got tons of errors/different costs :o


This will definitely help you make your setting, as you need to populate it (someday) and with my High Fantasy setting, I've been using it to design the racial packages.


Definitley use KS's site, he has articles on many things, and many kinds of magic systems, you can just ignore the vancian (I.E. DnD style magic) spells and such if you don't want to accidently head toward THAT.


Anyways, as a fellow first time fantasy world builder, GOOD LUCK!

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Re: Grimoire books content


Well, HERO Designer certainly could help.


1/ I don't own a laptop

2/ I can't really imagine roleplaying with being obliged to read a computer screen (even if I had a laptop)

3/ I don't have a printer


So, any work on HERO Designer would end stored in my home computer, away from the place where I am usually gaming, so with no acess to the work.


So... not really handy for my gaming.



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Re: Grimoire books content


Well, HERO Designer certainly could help.


1/ I don't own a laptop

2/ I can't really imagine roleplaying with being obliged to read a computer screen (even if I had a laptop)

3/ I don't have a printer


So, any work on HERO Designer would end stored in my home computer, away from the place where I am usually gaming, so with no acess to the work.


So... not really handy for my gaming.




1. Do you have any access to a machine with a printer?

2. Do you have a USB thumb drive?


If the answer to 1 is yes then it would still be useful since you could store any characters you create on the herodesigner.com vault and then print them from the internet. If you have a thumb drive you could use it to store both the characters and the program (which I believe you can run from the thumb drive) and take it to a machine with a printer.





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Re: Grimoire books content


Yes, you can run it from a thumb drive... well, at least I assume so since I can use it on my portable hard drive on any comp.


I don't have a printer, either, but it would still be useful just for making the characters, even if you then do an export format to a text file and just copy it onto a csheet by hand. It really helps you wrap your head around some of the stuff in the creation as well, and you won't make math mistakes. Plus, it's cheap.

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Re: Grimoire books content


Yes, you DEFINITELY can run it from a flash drive; I do because it's more convenient than installing it on multiple computers.

Plus then the character sheets and prefabs I use are all on the same drive.


It is massively useful at helping you learn the system, and in figuring out how to build whatever combination of powers or abilities you want.

One of the things I like best about HD is how it will not let you build something that isn't legal under the rules, and that it gives you reasons why Advantages or Limitations aren't available.

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Re: Grimoire books content


i have a feeling that we are killing this poor soul with our kindness. he asks for help, and we thrust books into his face and say "love it, for it is GOOD!". lol. better to have a helpful board than a cynical, jaded board, however. long live the community!


as for Ultimate Martial Artist, i have to say that is is useful, in that the martial maneuvers in HERO make combat much more lively, less repetative, and take a lot of strain off of the GM in that they fairly well describe the scene by their nature, instead of just a single attack over and over. this makes my games more fun for everyone (my wife hates combat, unless we are playing HERO, in which case she has a great time).


however, i will also say that, unless you want to actually mimic existing martial arts (or make up new maneuvers) UMA is not that useful, because it doesn't add much other than write ups of martial arts styles (altough the fencing and kendo helped me alot designing the martial art styles of my various fantasy cultures).


otherwise, though, your shelf is nearly identical to mine in HERO content. :) have fun! and don't mind us, we are just fond of breaking the "unhelpful, snotty american" stereotype!

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Re: Grimoire books content


Hello again (after some absence),


About HERO Designer, I can't really say I have a regular and free access to a printer. The only I could use being the one at work and using for that would be somewhat... tricky.

Still, I keep the Designer in mind.


About the UMA, I mainly share this point of view : "unless you want to actually mimic existing martial arts (or make up new maneuvers) UMA is not that useful".

From what I saw, my guessing is the UMA can be a good tool but I don't plan to focus that much on combat detail.

(if I was aiming at a Swashblucker setting or even Star Wars, on the other hand...).



Thanks again you all for suggestions, opinions, clarifications, links and so on.


I'll be lurking on the boards reading various threads until I feel the need to post my own questions :)



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