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Scene Sheets

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Has anyone worked on developing an one page summary sheet for each scene during a session? I find that I am always struggling to remember assorted details I had worked out ahead of time, scene I wanted to introduce during a run. I also find I juggle my scenes quite a lot to keep flow going and include all the players in action regularly. I also find that I struggle when I write up a summary of the action to collect all the notes of the action.


Towards that end, I have put together a sample sheet to fill-in for assorted scenes. What I am missing that I should include? Anything I should think about dropping? Any other suggestions to improve the format of the sheets? Thanks for the input.

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Re: Scene Sheets


Generally I have a 6 line write up of what will happen that evening. I keep notes on general play and then end up with about a paragraph of game history for that evenings play. I don't do anything like the detail you've noted.


However, all my players have small file folders containing thier current character sheets, pretty pictures of costumes old and new, background info on the location and other places they've been, DNPC character sheets and thier old character sheets showing the experience build up. The players themselves write a quick description of what happened on thier character sheet histories. Some of these are over 50 pages not counting the stuff they add for thier own interest. Our games have been sporadically running since 1stEd and there's a lot of history out there, in my case it's about 300 pages worth.

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Re: Scene Sheets


I use something similar for con runs; I don't use the write-in part, but recalling set-up, location, stuff that is expected to happen, etc. in each scene is valuable.


My biggest problem is when I get carried away and forget to look down at it. :)

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Re: Scene Sheets



I have the same problem you do. Hence I created these sheets to keep track of my subplots. I also find that I try to have all the NPC's for each scene collected to avoid a lot of hunting while running. Lastly, I find I also tend to forget scenes which move my subplots along in favor of the main plot of the evening.I'll have to check out the blue book since I don't recall anything for scenes (adventures maybe). I also double check the GM screen booklet for 5th ed since it had a lot of that stuff.

Again do these sheets look like they'll work or am I missing something key?

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Re: Scene Sheets


I often write up notes before running a game. I find I'm much less organized and things don't flow as well when I try to wing it.
It's always fascinating to me how different GMs can be (with absolutely equal success!) 'Cause I'm just the opposite. I may have some crib notes about general plot signposts and adversary motivations' date=' but that's about it. If I have more notes, [b']that's[/b] when I become "much less organized and things don't flow as well." :) For me, games always flow more smoothly if I just have the world react to the things the PCs do (or act in the absence of things the PCs don't do...).


Having said that though, nice work on these sheets, Dead Guy. I'd personally be more likely to use one sheet for a whole game session than for a single scene, but the structure is very good. Detailed enough to be useful, without being so detailed it's cumbersome. :thumbup:

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