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Who's run The Savage Earth?

Lord Liaden

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I've never made any secret of my love and admiration for Keith "Insert Phrase Here" Curtis's marvelous Savage Earth campaign, beautifully and generously laid out on his website, http://www.savageearth.net/ , for any interested parties to use. Keith's original, optimistic and downright fun take on post-apoc gaming, the setting's richly detailed and internally consistent background and history, diverse and clearly defined NPC races and characters, innovative applications of HERO rules and mechanics, extensive campaign logs from which countless adventures could be derived, and Keith's numerous and exquisite color maps and illustrations, have long made this my favorite HERO campaign website, one I've referred many people to over the years. :thumbup:


Unfortunately, for various reasons I've never been able to get a group together to run this either as GM or as a player. :( Keith has his regular FTF and PBEM gaming groups, of course, but he's had this material on the Internet for a long time, and many gamers have viewed it and praised it, so I figure someone beyond Keith's immediate circle must have done something with it. If I can't actually adventure in the Savage Earth, I can at least enjoy it vicariously. :sneaky:


So, who has voyaged across this marvelous realm? What sort of PCs did you create? What were your adventures like? Anyone explore beyond the regions that Keith has detailed, and what did you find?


(Keith, I apologise if my posting this topic is presumptuous, but I just couldn't contain my curiosity any longer.) :o

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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


Hello there,


I went to the web site and poked around and read a few spot things...it is a pretty

good read for a campaign setting. Get the creator to submit it to Hero's and try to

get it published as a campaign setting for PAH, it would be a great place to GM and

play within.



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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


Get the creature to submit it to Hero's and try to

get it published as a campaign setting for PAH, it would be a great place to GM and

play within.


Please tell me you meant to say "creator" there. Keith's much too nice a guy to be referred to as a "creature"... ;)

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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


Hello there,


I went to the web site and poked around and read a few spot things...it is a pretty

good read for a campaign setting. Get the creature to submit it to Hero's and try to

get it published as a campaign setting for PAH, it would be a great place to GM and

play within.




That possibility has been mentioned here a number of times (including by me). Unfortunately the response from Hero Games and from Keith Curtis is that neither one has the resources to invest in such a project at this time. :(


This is one of my pet "if I had a stack of cash to give out" wish-projects. ;)

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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


I have played in TSE, but I'm one of the original members of Keith's PBP groups!


We've been on quite a hiatus, but Keith has been talking about getting the game going again and what that would require.


There was talk about other campaigns set on TSE, but it just felt too weird having Keith play in them and the whole 'these are alternate settings' precluded me from doing it.


Besides, animates and adepts were too complicated for me the way they were originally written. I sorta heard that may change in the near future though.


Everyone's favorite 'Coon...



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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


Get the creator to submit it to Hero's and try to get it published as a campaign setting for PAH' date=' it would be a great place to GM and play within.[/quote']I don't think DOJ would be that interested, since they're currently trying to focus on bigger sellers, but maybe Keith could submit it to someone else (like Blackwyrm). I know I'd love to have a Savage Earth book.


PS: I prefer the pre-edit "creature." Maybe Keith could have been inspired to use Tonya Kay as his agent. :D

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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


. . . Multitasking is a wonderful skill. ;)


How is Keith, anyway? I don't think I've seen him around lately.

I'm doing fine, thanks.:)

I stopped coming so often once the updates to the forums made them Safari-unfriendly. It was a pain to switch browsers just for Hero. Then I kind of got out of the habit.


I only discovered this thread by checking the referral logs for savageearth.net. I was curious as to why so many clicks from Herogames.com lately.


Thanks, LL. I know I've said it before, but you've always got a spot at my virtual table. As a matter of fact, I'm planning some revamps to the campaign to increase playability and decrease some of the complexity. There's a thread on my forums called "Savage Earth 2.0", if anyone would like to contribute any ideas.


Keith 'the prodigal" Curtis


PS. What happened while I was gone?

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Re: Who's run The Savage Earth?


I'm doing fine, thanks.:)

I stopped coming so often once the updates to the forums made them Safari-unfriendly. It was a pain to switch browsers just for Hero. Then I kind of got out of the habit.


I've started to use Firefox and Safari. The site works just fine in Firefox.

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