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best way?


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Hello all,


I am wracking my brain trying to figure out how to help one of my players build the type of character he wants to play.


We are playing a superheroic campaign. My friend wants to play a highly skill-based gadgeteer type of character. In his initial design he bought the Money perk at the highest level, thinking that that would allow him to use money to buy gadgets that would help him use his skills. In effect, he wants to play a heroic character in a superheroic campaign.


Some of the skills in question include demolitions, lockpicking, security systems, bugging, etc.


I responded to him with the usual "since we are playing a superheroic campaign, these things need to be bought with CPs" explanation. He then asked me whether his money perk was effectively useless.


I'm not sure what to think. On one hand, being Filthy Rich he should have the ability to acquire this type of equipment. On the other hand, I understand that it could be unbalancing, especially since other characters pay CPs for their abilities. I'm not even sure how to reasonably "prevent" him from acquiring these items once play begins.


So I started thinking some more and thought to ask you wise folks for some input on how he can best build the character he wants to play...


Do you think something along the lines of a variable power pool with the Skills power is the best way to play according to superheroic rules?


Any help you can offer would be most appreciated.

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Re: best way?


If he's Filthy Rich, he can buy the commonplace tools he needs to use many of his Skills (like lockpicks), airline or train tickets when the team needs to travel quietly, cab fare, normal (non-super) cars, admission to whatever events he and/or the team may need to attend, and so forth.


Most of the commonly-used gadgets he has should be purchased with points, however. Most GMs allow certain things like cell phones and PDAs for free, but if he wants a grappling hook and rope he probably should pay points for it -- and if he wants an elephant gun or a kevlar vest he definitely should pay points for it.


The good news is that most of the things he probably wants are relatively inexpensive, if you take a look at the Equipment Guide.

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Re: best way?


Wealth is not really meant to be much more than interesting background flavour for a character, or you'd have to spend a lot more points on it.


The best way to deal with it, IMO, is to simply say that the Wealth Perk covers boasting rights: I've got a huge yacht, a collection of sports cars and a football team. If you want to actually do more than be idolised by those who admire such things, buy a VPP: Expensive Equipment.


How do you stop him just buying a high powered sniper rifle and 20 lbs of C4? I'd use a customs and excise inspector, or some sort of police officer who gets suspicious and impounds the stuff.


When he moans, tell him:


1. I told you so and

2. Buy it with points

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Re: best way?


Money is just an enabling or background perk.


If player of a gadgeteer character without the Money Perk tries to build new equipment the GM should ask where the character is obtaining the raw materials needed. Since he doesn't have the money to buy them where is he instead getting them?


Money is also really good at paying for Lawyers, Accountants and Public Relation campaigns in support of the characters super and/or secret ID (either directly or indirectly).

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Re: best way?


You don't need to be Filthy Rich to shop at Radio shack. No amount of the Money perk will get you access to "rubber science" technology. And it won't get you restricted technologies either - military equipment, etc.


It can be a tremendous social advantage, with the benefits that others have mentioned. It's always good PR for a superhero to rebuild the guy's store/house that got trashed in the super-fight.


It also helps if you want to fight crime full-time, around the world, without having to spend 40+ hours a week at your day job.

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Re: best way?


You don't need to be Filthy Rich to shop at Radio shack. No amount of the Money perk will get you access to "rubber science" technology. And it won't get you restricted technologies either - military equipment, etc.


It can be a tremendous social advantage, with the benefits that others have mentioned. It's always good PR for a superhero to rebuild the guy's store/house that got trashed in the super-fight.


It also helps if you want to fight crime full-time, around the world, without having to spend 40+ hours a week at your day job.


Absolutely. I think that this is the best idea. You can explain to him that in a supers world buying stuff with points allows him whatever gadget his brain can concieve of. His money allows him to buy stuff the same way as anyone else. Money is the special effect of that.


Obviously, he can access advanced technology through certain channels - money does have its uses but the only people probably willing to sell such technology to private individuals will be organisations such as VIPER. Wouldn't make a great press story to see that the local VIPER cell had acquired most of its income from a local superhero...


...and what you can buy from the local ordinance shop - even with the right permits etc - doesn't do much in the way of making you an effective superhero.




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Re: best way?


Hello all,


I am wracking my brain trying to figure out how to help one of my players build the type of character he wants to play.


We are playing a superheroic campaign. My friend wants to play a highly skill-based gadgeteer type of character. In his initial design he bought the Money perk at the highest level, thinking that that would allow him to use money to buy gadgets that would help him use his skills. In effect, he wants to play a heroic character in a superheroic campaign.


Some of the skills in question include demolitions, lockpicking, security systems, bugging, etc.


I responded to him with the usual "since we are playing a superheroic campaign, these things need to be bought with CPs" explanation. He then asked me whether his money perk was effectively useless.


I'm not sure what to think. On one hand, being Filthy Rich he should have the ability to acquire this type of equipment. On the other hand, I understand that it could be unbalancing, especially since other characters pay CPs for their abilities. I'm not even sure how to reasonably "prevent" him from acquiring these items once play begins.


So I started thinking some more and thought to ask you wise folks for some input on how he can best build the character he wants to play...


Do you think something along the lines of a variable power pool with the Skills power is the best way to play according to superheroic rules?


Any help you can offer would be most appreciated.


Gadget Pool with the controll cost requires a Wealth based roll? and extra time, that can be bought down by expending wealth(this limits his ability to buy more till his wealth perq "heals") could be done. Wealth is a Perq. so it Should have value, but it is not a Power in and of it'self...

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Re: best way?


Obviously, he can access advanced technology through certain channels - money does have its uses but the only people probably willing to sell such technology to private individuals will be organisations such as VIPER. Wouldn't make a great press story to see that the local VIPER cell had acquired most of its income from a local superhero...




But that would make a great role-playing twist...

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Re: best way?


Mojo Jojo and Him were arguing who was more powerful. Princess flies up and says, "I have the greatest power of all: cold hard CASH." Mojo Jojo and Him had to agree.


Anything you buy at the store have the limitations OAF, Independent, Fragil, ect... Just use the limitations to their full effect.

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