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Secret Of The Incas

Steve Long

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


Thanx -- have to keep my eye on that auction, though I'm always a little leery of buying tapes/DVDs via eBay.


Also, I went to http://www.tcm.com and voted for SotI as a movie TCM should put into its rotation. If any of you'd like to see it, go add your voice to the chorus! ;)


There are a couple clips from the film available on YouTube that just make me all the more interested in seeing it.

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


I'd never heard of this film, so when I saw the thread title I flashed on a really bizarre theme.


Imagine a group of archaeological PCs exploring an extensive underground Ican ruin, and after considerable work they find an extra-deep, extensively hidden, and highly secure chamber. The room is a very large one, with a high ceiling. Along the longer sides are stone benches, and at one end is a raised platform. On the platform one can find the remains of ancient musical instruments.


And hanging over the center of the room is a large sphere covered with tiny mirrors.


(Okay, that's one of those "thank you for sharing moments....)

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


Thanx -- have to keep my eye on that auction, though I'm always a little leery of buying tapes/DVDs via eBay.


Also, I went to www.tcm.com and voted for SotI as a movie TCM should put into its rotation. If any of you'd like to see it, go add your voice to the chorus! ;)


There are a couple clips from the film available on YouTube that just make me all the more interested in seeing it.

i've bought dvds and videos from ebay and had very good luck and i've signed the petition

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


I have actually seen this one, although I don't own a copy. Chuck's got the Indy Jones look goinng for him with the leather jacket and fedora for most of the film, making me wonder if Mr. Lucas didn't remember seeing it in his youth as well.


Not a bad film. The macguffin is plausible, the action is interesting, and the big throwdown with the bad guys was visually interesting enough that I can still recall most of it after what has to be twenty years.

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


Chuck's got the Indy Jones look goinng for him with the leather jacket and fedora for most of the film, making me wonder if Mr. Lucas didn't remember seeing it in his youth as well.


In fact, according to the Wikipedia page for Indy, the writers/crew watched SECRET repeatedly while working on Raiders -- so much so that someone opined they were surprised it wasn't credited somewhere.

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


Never saw Secret of the Incas, but there is a Heston film, my favorite in fact (although Omega Man... okay, just kidding) which is also set in the South American jungle that I really love: The Naked Jungle, with Elenor Parker and a slimmed down William Conrad. Not that it is great art film or anything, and maybe it qualifies more as a guilty pleasure, but I like it and would recommend watching for light entertainment.


Plus you know, Chuck gets to blow stuff up and fight off ants. Tres cool for a Hestonite like myself.

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Re: Secret Of The Incas


Yep' date=' I remember that one too. Good fun... and now that I think about it, a good idea for a scenario in some form. Maybe force the party to work with some bad guys to ward off the ants, watching out for backstabbing and betrayal all the way....[/quote']


Or you could jam both movies together. And since main NPC in your campaign is the heir to the Inca Sun Kings..



Wait, weren't we already forced to work with the bad guys in the Hidden Valley of the Incas - something about dinosaurs...?

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Secret Of The Incas


I'm a new member of this site ... so hello everyone!

Since the subject is about my all-time favourite movie SECRET OF THE INCAS, I thought I would join in the conversation. To those of you who have never seen/heard of SECRET OF THE INCAS, let me direct you to my site on this wonderful movie: http://www.secretoftheincas.co.uk


I loved this movie the first time I saw it in 1963, it was re-issued at my local flea-pit in Lincoln, England. I wrote to most of the cast, met Charlton Heston a few times and trekked to Peru last year to visit the movies locations at Machu Picchu and Cuzco. I'd love you all to visit my site and are welcome to sign the guestbook. There are hundreds of screen captures from the movie, an interview with Fraser Heston, an account of my trip to Peru, my massive collection of autographed photos, posters, pressbooks, etc. fom around the world, plus a trivia section of fun facts and figures that I've amassed over the years. You will certainly see where Steven Spielberg gained his inspiration for Indiana Jones. All the best to you all.

James Byrne.

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  • 2 years later...

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