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Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central

teh bunneh

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


I've got a question.


How did Tony Stark die?


For that matter how did Doom die?


It might be a good idea to write up some kind of history of major events in the Bunnyverse. At least the ones that are known to the general public. Doesn't have to be that deep, just enough to show how you got from 616 to 28669. Basically from where the Bunnyverse diverged from 616 to now.


P.S. working on a character now. Probably have him ready sometime tomorrow.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


You have completely and accurately stated the reasons why I'm not even going to bother with a submission; even though I would kill to be in this game. Well' date=' that and I have absolutely no previous experience with PbP roleplaying. I wouldn't want to be the one hindering the proceedings. :([/quote']


My first entry into play-by-post gaming was the Thunderbolts: TNG game. When it started up, I posted a few times, then all these emails came out to me containing posts that I just couldn't see on the board when I looked at it. Went a few days, before I finally posted about my problem. The response?


I was looking at the "Campaign Messages" board instead of the "Story Board". No, that wasn't at all embarrassing, not at all. I think I went months before I finally stopped screwing up the syntax for the die roller. Everybody's got to start somewhere. Heck, my T-Bolts character was the first character I'd made in a couple years, hadn't been gaming for a while.


So go for it. Maybe your character doesn't get selected, but it's still a fun exercise. Plus, maybe your background gives me ideas I can liberally steal from for plot points for my X-Men game . . .:sneaky:

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


You have completely and accurately stated the reasons why I'm not even going to bother with a submission; even though I would kill to be in this game. Well' date=' that and I have absolutely no previous experience with PbP roleplaying. I wouldn't want to be the one hindering the proceedings. :([/quote']


Bunny! Sounds like you could charge a lot for the franchise rights. We could call it...McBunnyVerse! Over 1 million players served...


Oh Pooh! If I can get in a game and contribute, anyone can!

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


I've got a question.


How did Tony Stark die?


For that matter how did Doom die?


It might be a good idea to write up some kind of history of major events in the Bunnyverse. At least the ones that are known to the general public. Doesn't have to be that deep, just enough to show how you got from 616 to 28669. Basically from where the Bunnyverse diverged from 616 to now.


P.S. working on a character now. Probably have him ready sometime tomorrow.

It was an ugly spring break drinking contest that got out of hand. They both tried to drink Hercules under the table and succumbed to alcohol poisoning.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


My first entry into play-by-post gaming was the Thunderbolts: TNG game. When it started up, I posted a few times, then all these emails came out to me containing posts that I just couldn't see on the board when I looked at it. Went a few days, before I finally posted about my problem. The response?


I was looking at the "Campaign Messages" board instead of the "Story Board". No, that wasn't at all embarrassing, not at all. I think I went months before I finally stopped screwing up the syntax for the die roller. Everybody's got to start somewhere. Heck, my T-Bolts character was the first character I'd made in a couple years, hadn't been gaming for a while.


So go for it. Maybe your character doesn't get selected, but it's still a fun exercise. Plus, maybe your background gives me ideas I can liberally steal from for plot points for my X-Men game . . .:sneaky:


Also, it's not at all unusual to find people in the HC chat. Most will answer simple questions with comprehensible answers... :)

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Also' date=' it's not at all unusual to find people in the HC chat. Most will answer simple questions with comprehensible answers... :)[/quote']

What I would really find useful would be a PbP primer of some kind. Sort of a flow chart showing the steps involved in posting, combat, etc. Maybe it could also cover the use of fonts, bold, italics in the posts (I've noticed that these are used to denote different types of posts). Maybe something on game "etiquette" as well. I realize that all of this will vary for each GM, but a generalized guide would be nice.


I'm really more comfortable when I go into something having a few clues as to what I'm doing.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


What I would really find useful would be a PbP primer of some kind. Sort of a flow chart showing the steps involved in posting, combat, etc. Maybe it could also cover the use of fonts, bold, italics in the posts (I've noticed that these are used to denote different types of posts). Maybe something on game "etiquette" as well. I realize that all of this will vary for each GM, but a generalized guide would be nice.


I'm really more comfortable when I go into something having a few clues as to what I'm doing.

Understandable enough...


FWIW: HC has a FAQ you can reach from the 'tools' menu, and there's a link on the 'reply to post' screen that will bring up a pop up screen which will answer many formatting questions. The die roller utility (also under the tools menu) will show you the syntax for the die rolls to place them in your post...


Individual game conventions will vary by GM and game, though in an established game like the Bunnyverse, you can learn a lot simply by reading the existing posts.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


What I would really find useful would be a PbP primer of some kind. Sort of a flow chart showing the steps involved in posting, combat, etc. Maybe it could also cover the use of fonts, bold, italics in the posts (I've noticed that these are used to denote different types of posts). Maybe something on game "etiquette" as well. I realize that all of this will vary for each GM, but a generalized guide would be nice.


I'm really more comfortable when I go into something having a few clues as to what I'm doing.

That would be the FAQ under the Tools tab on Hero Central.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Yeah, the tags are pretty intuitive. Just use talk, thought, quote, radio, ooc, action, and other as appropriate. If you screw up, well, there's an edit button. No biggie. As for the die roller, not too hard. [hit, ocv 8] for an attack roll, [15d6] for a damage roll. Pretty basic.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


See, this is the dilemma.


World-renowned GM. :king:


Fantastic art. :love:


There's so much incredible competition for these positions, too.


I can't imagine how much pressure your players feel to earn their place at the table with every pose.


It's like the World Poker Tournament of Champions.


We'll see if I can pull together a submission, before the stress twists me into some strange raving madman spouting gibberish.


You have completely and accurately stated the reasons why I'm not even going to bother with a submission; even though I would kill to be in this game. Well' date=' that and I have absolutely no previous experience with PbP roleplaying. I wouldn't want to be the one hindering the proceedings. [/quote']


Geez, you guys will give me a big head! :o


Well... a bigger head. :D


Full confession: Avengers: TNG was my very first PBP game. I had never even played in a PBP, much less run one. Another guy was the GM at first, but he flaked out and disappeared. Despite having no idea what I was doing, I volunteered to pick up where he left off. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but somehow it works. I credit my players, a finer bunch of RPers I couldn't ask for. :thumbup:


Anyway, thanks for the compliments. I am still horribly insecure about it, so when I hear that people like the game, it makes me happy. :)


"World-renowned"? :o

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


How did Tony Stark die?


For that matter how did Doom die?


It might be a good idea to write up some kind of history of major events in the Bunnyverse. At least the ones that are known to the general public. Doesn't have to be that deep, just enough to show how you got from 616 to 28669. Basically from where the Bunnyverse diverged from 616 to now.


Tony Stark died at home, about three years before campaign start. Iron Girl's background is not specific, but my assumption has always been that he died of complications from his bad heart, aggrevated by his alcoholism. He probably would've been in his late 60s or early 70s at the time.


Victor Von Doom's death is even less specific. He left Latveria one day and simply never came back. His sole acknowledged heir Eva assumed control of his country two years or so later.


I'll try to come up with a rough timeline of how/when things happened in the Bunnyverse. Might take me a day or two.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Tony Stark died at home, about three years before campaign start. Iron Girl's background is not specific, but my assumption has always been that he died of complications from his bad heart, aggrevated by his alcoholism. He probably would've been in his late 60s or early 70s at the time.


Victor Von Doom's death is even less specific. He left Latveria one day and simply never came back. His sole acknowledged heir Eva assumed control of his country two years or so later.


I'll try to come up with a rough timeline of how/when things happened in the Bunnyverse. Might take me a day or two.


I thought Doom had died trying to send the accursed Richards and his family of freaks into the Negative Zone. Thought I remember one of Hooligan's posts to that effect . . .

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


I thought Doom had died trying to send the accursed Richards and his family of freaks into the Negative Zone. Thought I remember one of Hooligan's posts to that effect . . .


I don't recall, but it sounds plausible. If you can find the post in question, I'd be much obliged. :)

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Tom, McCoy, E84, MilkmanDan:


Thanks for the info guys. I think most of my questions concern who do I send which posts to, and when. How do I know? There are usually so many threads. How do I know where to post?


I guess I'll just drop in and start reading the storyboards over on HC. Maybe I can figure it out from there.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Just for fun' date=' here's the character that I first submitted for the game, back when I was just hoping to be a player myself. I mentioned him earlier in the thread. He is... Magni the Mighty![/quote']

Sweeet...I'll rep when I reload.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Submissions so far:



Shield Maiden: The "daughter" of Thor, a golem created by Loki, now with free will.



Greenstar: A new Spaceknight from planet Galador.



Phoebe: Daughter of Moondragon, the new Celestial Madonna wannabe.



Centurion: A Kree warrior, newest member of the Nova Corps.


Wyrm Ouroboros

Captain Quantum: A Skrull, weilder of the Quantum Bands.



Carbonite Man: Son of the Mecha-Marauder; brilliant inventor and powered armor wearer.



Vagabond: Son of Eric Masterson, weilder of the Uru knife Skysplitter.


Query Sphinx

Rio: Daughter of the Hydro-Man, with control over every molecule of her liquid body.



Spirit of Freedom: Native American shape-shifter.


Corven Ren

Aquatica: Daughter of Namor, blessed by King Neptune.



Wow. Ten submissions already. Not going to be an easy decision to make, that's for sure. Did I miss anyone?

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Thanks for the info guys. I think most of my questions concern who do I send which posts to, and when. How do I know? There are usually so many threads. How do I know where to post?


I guess I'll just drop in and start reading the storyboards over on HC. Maybe I can figure it out from there.


Well, all posts are visible to the GM automatically, but when you post you can set the visibility to only certain characters if you like (the GM could tell Character A that he senses an invisible person nearby, while Character B remains oblivious).


Sometimes there are multiple threads going on at the same time. The GM will set visibility to either let everyone read and respond to the thread, or only certain characters (like the X-Men solos that Dan's been running). You don't have to respond to every post, just respond when your character would respond to something in the game.


Also, always respond when it's your phase in combat, even if it's just "I hold my action."

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Tom, McCoy, E84, MilkmanDan:


Thanks for the info guys. I think most of my questions concern who do I send which posts to, and when. How do I know? There are usually so many threads. How do I know where to post?


I guess I'll just drop in and start reading the storyboards over on HC. Maybe I can figure it out from there.

Usually there are just one or two threads active at a time. In the X-Men Next Gen there were two threads going because we had split the group, half going in the front door, half sneaking in the back, but we just bumped into each other, so a new thread started.


Unless there is a reason for only the GM or part of the group to see what you're posting, just make the post visible to everyone.

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Well, all posts are visible to the GM automatically, but when you post you can set the visibility to only certain characters if you like (the GM could tell Character A that he senses an invisible person nearby, while Character B remains oblivious).


Sometimes there are multiple threads going on at the same time. The GM will set visibility to either let everyone read and respond to the thread, or only certain characters (like the X-Men solos that Dan's been running). You don't have to respond to every post, just respond when your character would respond to something in the game.


Also, always respond when it's your phase in combat, even if it's just "I hold my action."

Also, the usual default is to hide old content iirc, so posts you've already read are hidden from view (you can open them back up by clicking on the header)...


My trick for keeping track of where I need to post is to use the email notifications. I've set up an automatic rule that sends storyboard posts to a folder I've got set up for the specific campaign. Until I've answered the post, I leave it marked as unread so I know it's still waiting for me to answer.


Note: it is possible to respond to posts from the email notifications. There's a link at the top of the notice. However, I usually prefer to post from the storyboard so I can at least skim through the last couple of previous posts to try and keep the flow of the story smoother...

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Just a question..when will you be making a decision on great and powerful bunneh :hail:


Submissions are due by Wed April 23. Try to get 'em to me before 3:00pm MST so I have time to look over 'em before I make my decision.


Yes Dan, 2008. :rolleyes:

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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


Geez, you guys will give me a big head! :o


Well... a bigger head. :D


Full confession: Avengers: TNG was my very first PBP game. I had never even played in a PBP, much less run one. Another guy was the GM at first, but he flaked out and disappeared. Despite having no idea what I was doing, I volunteered to pick up where he left off. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but somehow it works. I credit my players, a finer bunch of RPers I couldn't ask for. :thumbup:


Anyway, thanks for the compliments. I am still horribly insecure about it, so when I hear that people like the game, it makes me happy. :)


"World-renowned"? :o

Psych Lim: Susceptible to flattery :nya:




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Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


A rough sketch of what I have in mind..




Background/History: Abbie Wilson-LeBeau was a researcher at Project Pegasus who studied the Cosmic Cube. Wilson's DNA 'reminded' the sentience within the Cube of another being it was familiar with, and the Cube mutated her unborn son, Barry, recognizing a sort of kinship with the embroyonic human so much like itself. The child's intellect was vastly enhanced, and he also gained facets of control over kinetic energy -- friction, inertia and momentum... in the fullness of time.


Before Barry's mutate nature emerged, Abbie was divorced, left Project Pegasus, moved to New Orleans, remarried and changed her - and her child's - name. Growing up as Barry LeClare, it was no surprise that the son of two scientists became a scientist himself, and one of the University of Michigan's youngest full professors. Insightful, brilliant, idealistic, Barry did begin to discover his mutate abilities, though he little suspected their origins. The young-looking superhuman sought out the Avengers to help him learn to deal with his burgeoning command of kinesis.


Barry does not appear to age normally -- another gift of the Cosmic Cube -- and has the youthful appearance of a man barely old enough to vote. He approaches the Avengers with trepidation, worried that his powers untrained will be so dangerous it is safer to risk this course of action than to let his unknown condition continue to evolve uncontrolled.


Personality/Motivation: Barry is beyond geekiness when it comes to the sciences, mathematics, literature and the humanities, while retaining a quick, keen, ready and sometimes obscure sense of humor as an obvious defense mechanism. He often appears socially anachronistic, but his latent empathy and subconscious link to the cosmic give him a spirit that is at once compassionate and noble. Still, he is altered from the person he would have grown to be, and often feels like a misfit, out of step with others. He tends to think of the sources others turn to for comfort in times of trouble as mistakes, and can give the impression of elitism or remoteness despite his best intentions.


Quote: "I see what cause moves you to violence; believe me, yours is much smaller than mine."

"Oh, that came out so wrong!"

"True, though."


Powers/Tactics: Redwing's discovered three facets of Kinetic Control: friction, inertia and momentum. These literally take the form of two-dimensional planes whose arrangement of colors match their function. Red, for friction, converts motion to pure heat. Blue, for inertia, slows or stops motion down to the subatomic level, and is also felt as cold approaching absolute zero. White, for momentum, increases the movement of objects and as such magnifies Barry's strength to an incalculable degree. Depending on which color is facing outward, inward or edgeward, Barry can achieve remarkable kinetic effects. He also has several cosmic mutate enhancements which elevate his metabolism and senses beyond ordinary human evolution.

Defending himself physically with a blue inertial barrier, LeClare can fly at fantastic speeds on wings made up of red-faced kinetic facets with white edges. He has modeled these wings after a falcon's for optimal aerodynamic effect. With limited combat training, and a normally pacifistic nature, Redwing usually uses his control of inertia and momentum to stop violence and interrupt aggression from a distance. He can, however, project heat rays and use physical strength at levels that would not shame an Avenger.


Campaign Use: Full-on cosmic level scientific mind in a body that has more raw power than he is trained to handle.


Appearance: Barry is a young, slender man who would fit right in at a robotics seminar. He is tall with dark hair and eyes, and no distinguishing features.


Redwing looks like a winged man surrounded by geometric blue facets with red or white edges. His translucent wings are primarily red with white edges. He wears a gold-colored headset radio that frees his hands while he is in flight. A nimbus of power radiates from his hands and eyes.

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