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I need some suggestions


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We are about to play a new superhero session, and iM stuck... I need some ideas... Iv run into a roadblock on ideas... we have 5 players... 1 is a brick, 1 blaster, 2 mental guys and myself.... If anyone could post some ideas for a super to maybe jumpstart my brain that would be great.


I know the typical answer of play what you like, but Im very open minded and can play just about anything, I just need some ideas to run with...


Any help would be great...


Thank you in advance...


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Re: I need some suggestions


there is not martial artist or speedster listed


We are about to play a new superhero session, and iM stuck... I need some ideas... Iv run into a roadblock on ideas... we have 5 players... 1 is a brick, 1 blaster, 2 mental guys and myself.... If anyone could post some ideas for a super to maybe jumpstart my brain that would be great.


I know the typical answer of play what you like, but Im very open minded and can play just about anything, I just need some ideas to run with...


Any help would be great...


Thank you in advance...


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Re: I need some suggestions


one of the mental guys is using a skill like mind reading.. his combat value is limited but will sure be useful for gathereing info and such...


the other mental is a mind blast type... the blast typical blaster...


Never done a 400 point toon with 150 disadvantages.. Im thinking I can make a good toon with that many points... Iv thought about a mar. artist type, but Iv never rolled one before... I thinking they also of dex...


someone told me maybe a good hand to hand type, maybe something like a adv. silverback monkey type... thought it was interesting, but again no idea how to start it out...


Also never done a speedster...


Iv always been the brick, but im tring to think outside of the box


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Re: I need some suggestions


Perhaps if you started out with the background and then worked out the powers from that.


Do you want a sneaky character who uses magic?


Perhaps a brooding dark hero like Batman or Spawn.


A plucky wisecracking martial artist.


A grizzled mercenary who uses super-technology.


An all round good guy hero like Superman or Captain America?


Or perhaps some kind of supernatural creature such as Faerie or a Vampire?


Are there any heroes or characters in fiction that appeal to you?

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Re: I need some suggestions


Definitely either a martial artist or a speedster. These are the most obviously open niches.


Martial artist covers a lot of ground, from Batman to Iron Fist, including all kinds of weapons masters and gadgeteers. (Green Arrow/Hawkeye types can be neat).


Alternatively, you could have a character who is basically an MA, but has a "weird" power. How about a teleporter (team transport specialist)? Desolidification? Shrinking?


A teleporter would be useful for most teams. I'd consider that.

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Re: I need some suggestions


How about a shape shifter. Some of my all time favorite characters are shape shifters. They can really mess with a group. Admittedly, my shape shifters were villains, but.... you could fit that right into the toon concept.

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Re: I need some suggestions


If I remember right isnt a battlesuit type of toon hard to make? Are all the points built into the suit? YOu need 2 toons sheets? One for the man the other the man in the suit???


Huh? The simplest way is to just buy all his powers as a Multi-power with OIHID and OIF (power armor).

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Re: I need some suggestions


Huh? The simplest way is to just buy all his powers as a Multi-power with OIHID and OIF (power armor).
By the rules it's illegal to use OIHID and OIF on the same Powers. Let's not confuse the new players by suggesting "GM permission" builds when simpler legal builds exist.
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Re: I need some suggestions


By the rules it's illegal to use OIHID and OIF on the same Powers. Let's not confuse the new players by suggesting "GM permission" builds when simpler legal builds exist.


Sorry, I have been used to just playing Champs for so many years that I simply can't keep track of everything any more. Just drop the OIHID and you're there.

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Re: I need some suggestions


I like the ideas of a powesuit' date=' as well as a MA, Im just not real sure where to start.. I know dex is the starting block for a MA, for the OCV/DCV, but the suit im not real sure on or how to build a MA[/quote']Well, there's no reason you can't have a martial artist who wears a battlesuit. He can use his martial arts to inflict damage, and a battlesuit to provide mobility, defenses, and perhaps extra Strength. Many martial artists in Champions already wear some type of Armor; a battlesuit is just an expansion of what Characteristics and/or Powers are provided by his armor.
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Re: I need some suggestions


Toon is a catch-all term for character. It originates from MMO's I believe.




Either way you build your suit, just purchase characteristics from the suit. write in on your sheet with 2 entries, one without your suit/one with your suit (So, STR 10/40[suit])


This can offset the costs for your high stat cost MA, But your DM may look at it as being a bit cheesy.


OIHID is a more in character way of doing it. It also has the advantage that it can't be taken off you or held from you.

Your OIF based MA gets knocked out and wakes up without his suit. Damn.

Your OIHID based MA get knocked out and wakes up without his stuff on... he thinks for a split second and *bam* he has it back.

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