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Q: Tickets to the Wil Wheaton event are sold out?


A: Are you still talking? Because I can still hit you.

Q: "And soon I shall rule the... Hey! What are you do?! Are you seriously texting on your iPhone while I'm monologuing?!"


A: Take whatever odds a snowball has of surviving the flames of Hell, and then cut them in half.

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Q: What are the chances of Rick Santorum accepting a chance to be Grand Marshal at the Gay Pride Day parade?


A: And that's why God does not play dice with the Universe. The Universe always wins.

Q: What do you mean that we now have a new master for the universe?


A: The Queen in a witch.

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A: Your little girl may be so cute it's scary, but my little girl is so scary it's cute!


Q - Addams, is this your daughter?


A - Twice in the morning, once at lunchtime, and three times before bed.  And if you wake up in the middle of the night, you're on your own.

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A: From the office of the Fifth Assistant to the Deputy Vice President.


Q: Where did this invoice authorizing a million pounds of Spam come from?


A: Sorry, toe cheese is NOT on the list of permitted foods. Nuh-uh.


Q: What do you mean my new Cheese-In-a-Can tastes like feet?


A: This is how it begins, with lots of "ooohs" and "awwwws." But later there will screaming. And Running. Lot's of Running.

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A: This is how it begins, with lots of "ooohs" and "awwwws." But later there will screaming. And Running. Lot's of Running.


Q - These are the newborn pups of Cerberus!  Aren't they cute?


A - There used to be a man with a stick in his hand.

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A: I would say that the math is beyond your ability to comprehend and the concept would escape you, but I find myself in the same boat.

Q: Take a route across the Atlantic that doesn't cause you to collide with icebergs? Are you nuts? How can we become eternally famous if we don't collide with an iceberg?


A: Yes, I know that this plan will result in all 75,000 fans in the stadium meeting a horrible demise, but think of the money we'll get on the insurance!

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A: Yes, I know that this plan will result in all 75,000 fans in the stadium meeting a horrible demise, but think of the money we'll get on the insurance!

Q - If we release live bears into the stadium at halftime, won't that completely destroy our already-diminishing fan base? Wouldn't it be easier just to move the team back to Los Angeles?


A - Sorry, delivery is not available on this order.

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A: Sterilize the ground where that happened.

Q - Did you hear that Kim Kardashian and Snooki made an instructional video about Kepler's laws of planetary motion?


A - Nothing a little molten tin won't fix!

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