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How To Do This?


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Re: How To Do This?


Multiple attacks at seperate targets can be done using either Sweep (HTH) or Rapid Fire (Ranged).

See the following skills to reduce Sweep/ Rapid Fire penalties when making two attacks: Two-weapon Fighting, Rapid Attack, WF: Off-hand.

Also don't forget to double your END if attacking twice is your standard attack.

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Re: How To Do This?


Tell us more - are they both ranged attacks, both melee or one of each? What is the nature of the attacks - are they both physical (or energy, or one of each) or might one of the attacks be a mental attack, or at least targeted against EGO?


What, in other words, would your actual concept be here?


Can I just say that, whilst one-body-duplication is an accepted concept I personally find it a stylistic and practical nightmare and to be avoided as you would avoid french kissing a plague victim. Just my personal take on it, obviously.

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Re: How To Do This?


The concept is an advanced VIPER combat robot. Whenever it acts, it can make two attacks instead of one, in any directions (HTH-HTH or HTH-Ranged, or Ranged-Ranged), at full effectiveness without any sort of penalty.


Rapid Attack (HTH and Ranged) plus Rapid Fire or Sweep almost do what I want - the issues are (1) not being able to combine HTH and Ranged (although that doesn't bother me so much, I can see it as an easy houserule that if you buy Rapid Attack for both, you can combine them), (2) the 180 degree limitation on Rapid Fire, and (3) if the first attack misses, the second automatically misses. (I can counter the Full Phase requirement with Rapid Attack and 1/2 DCV with Limited DCV Skill Levels.)


At this point I'm leaning towards a Trigger Naked Limitation for any Attack Power (+1/2 can define condition, +1/2 3+ conditions apply simultaneously, +1/2 automatic reset; a total of +1-1/2 Advantage).


For purposes of running the scenario, I'm not worrying about it; "Here's what it does". But I am interested in how to make it rules-legal.

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Re: How To Do This?


Actually, Checkmate, for what Scuba is describing, Duplication would be a good option. Just like the Hydra writeup in the Bestiary, with each head a Duplicate with the Cannot Recombine -0 Limitation. Each Duplicate would have its own weapons/attacks that it can use like an independent character, or coordinate with the main body against a single opponent.


Along similar lines, one could buy a Computer or AI separate from the main consciousness of the robot, and buy it its own weapon systems that it controls. Either approach does essentially the same thing, put two controlling minds in one body.

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Re: How To Do This?


I would go with autofire' date=' because that's so damn easy to use for this. And it's also only +1/4th (points don't matter I suppose).[/quote']

As stated, with autofire you can't combine attacks. You either Autofire Ranged or Autofire HtH, you can't use both in the same phase, which is what he wants. I think Duplication is the only rules legal way of doing this.

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Re: How To Do This?


OK, here's something I do not know the answer to. IF you have a naked power modifier, like this:


Bang, Boom - Naked Advantage: Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset; Immediately before attacking someone , make a PER roll to zero in on a second target; +1/2) for up to 50 Active Points, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points)


And, say, a 3d6+1 RKA (which is 50 active points), could you, for instance, activate the trigger on the RKA, use the RKA then have the trigger activate it again in the same phase? If so, there's your answer above*.


If you have at least two melee atatcks and two ranged attacks you don't even need to ask the question - the trigger allows two seperate attacks on two seperate targets each phase. Arguably the PER roll should eb an INT based RSR limtiation on the naked power modifier, but, frankly, I did not want to include it that way and, if it is it would be -0 anyway.




*Unless you prefer french-kissing plague victims :D

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