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starter villains


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Re: starter villains


Agents with a few powered armor suits sprinkled in is always a nice opener.


Some characters are good at scattering large numbers of lightweight opponents, some are good at facing down one tough opponent.


A bunch of low level grunts with a few tougher leaders is a good introductory fight, it gives everyone a chance to shine.

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Re: starter villains


What's the tone of the game? Are you going for a more serious scenario, or light-hearted? Are these going to be recurring villains, or is this just for a one-shot? And how many players are involved?


Since you mentioned the Ultimates, can I assume you have Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks? If so, I'd suggest GRAB for a more light-hearted run, and the War Machine for serious stuff. They're all built as starting-point-level villains, good against 4-5 opponents.

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Re: starter villains


What's the tone of the game? Are you going for a more serious scenario, or light-hearted?

I was thinking bronze age Marvel, occasionaly going a little Iron.


Are these going to be recurring villains, or is this just for a one-shot?

it's sort of a demo game with the possability to become regular


And how many players are involved?

Don't know yet, think 4 minimum , 6 max. I used to easily handle 6 in D&D.



Since you mentioned the Ultimates, can I assume you have Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks? If so, I'd suggest GRAB for a more light-hearted run, and the War Machine for serious stuff. They're all built as starting-point-level villains, good against 4-5 opponents.

the problem with GRAB is that thier Modis Operandi is to not fight but to run. First time players would want to fight (I would). if I choose 3 of the ultimates, Binder, darkstar and slick and tone them down a little to make it a challange but not a slaughter fest (on either side) add a few agents, it might work. I Hope at least

Thanks :)

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Re: starter villains


The Basic plot...

the bad guys take over a bank. One of the heros is inside on business, but the rest of the group is nearby (funny how that happens so frequantly) instead of going for the cash they break into the safe deposit boxes looking for something. (It's a computer CD with plans for a new weapon.) Then just wing it and see where the story takes us :)

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Re: starter villains


for an interesting but still challenging plan, Why set the characters up against 300 point Bad guys. Build a character that has one primary trick with just a little bit of juice to back it up.


Then just get the bad guys to work together as a team. So the Martial artist bad guy grabs the hard to hit good guy. Super strong BG Joins in on the grab, Then the Energy projecting BG hits the PC. At the same time, the copntroller BG ties up the rest of the battlefield.


Try and force the PC's to realize that teamwork is a great way to compound each other's powers. (An energy projector who gets to use a Haymaker on a held opponent is a happy energy projector)

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Re: starter villains


The Basic plot...

the bad guys take over a bank. One of the heros is inside on business, but the rest of the group is nearby (funny how that happens so frequantly) instead of going for the cash they break into the safe deposit boxes looking for something. (It's a computer CD with plans for a new weapon.) Then just wing it and see where the story takes us :)


That sounds like the sort of mission the War Machine would undertake. The apparent inconsistency of the Warlord's cronies heisting a mere bank could alert the PCs that something more's afoot.


But of course you should use whomever you're comfortable with. :)

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Re: starter villains


That sounds like the sort of mission the War Machine would undertake. The apparent inconsistency of the Warlord's cronies heisting a mere bank could alert the PCs that something more's afoot.


But of course you should use whomever you're comfortable with. :)

good thought, I really hadn't thought that far ahead.

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Re: starter villains


If you have Dark Champions: Predators' date=' the Arsenal team is a good bet, especially if you stat out their equipment and assign points to it. They have a nice, cinematic Iron Age feel to them.[/quote']

Nope, I got concourers killers and crooks, villians vandals and vermin, and evil unleashed. core rule book, champions genre, champions world, Until powers, and gadgets and gear.

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Re: starter villains


Black Paladin, Black Harlequin, Talisman and the Monster


Strike fear into their little PC hearts.


Have the Paladin and the monster guard/ terrorize the prisoners, while harlequin raids the vault. Stick talisman disguised as a hostage in the main room and have her disrupt the heroes attacks with befuddlment, and domination.

Use the monster to cover the others escape.

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Re: starter villains


Aren't those villains a little too tough for starting heroes, especially working together?


I would suggest a small time get together of Storm Front, Lodestone and Menagerie but if you have more then 4 players I would suggest adding Brain Child and Gargantua (Maybe weakening him a bit).


They are all simply greedy villains so can do a bank job with no fuss. But there is one fact about all of these villains you can develop. They are all mutants. Why did they all decide to work together? Is there some third party controlling them, who has the power to control mutants (Like Weapon X), or is it the start of a new movement, similar to Magneto fighting for Mutant supremacy?


Still it's up to the GM and even if he doesn't investigate the plot threads, they are still good starting villains.

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Re: starter villains


Black Paladin, Black Harlequin, Talisman and the Monster


Strike fear into their little PC hearts.


Have the Paladin and the monster guard/ terrorize the prisoners, while harlequin raids the vault. Stick talisman disguised as a hostage in the main room and have her disrupt the heroes attacks with befuddlment, and domination.

Use the monster to cover the others escape.


good Idea, but I'd have the harlequin terrorize the prisoners. Maybe have them do a cheery sing along and slit the throats of the ones not cheery enough. :ugly::help: very iron age but still fun.


the premade characters:

Superfella: flying brick

ZZZip: speedster

Stalker: batman ripoff

technogeek: green goblin ripoff, science and weaponsmith skills.

bigguy: 12 foot tall, 1 ton, brick with a sledge hammer. IQ is a little low

lightbright: (girl) dazzler ripoff

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Re: starter villains


Robots! A bunch of automated menaces (not Mechanon level but destroids are fun!) are a good way to have the heroes cut loose without tripping over Codes vs Killing or such. Seldom do real heroes get an opportunity to shoot to kill in a serial game with action consequences.

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Re: starter villains


I've had a team of villians I've used since I 1st started gming Champions back in the early 80's. The main team is Laser,Blowtorch,Pulsar,Green Dragon,Shrinker,Armadillo & Esper. A few other join every now & then but this is the core.I've had Pulsar & Armadillo go back & forth as team leader(& for a while Rainbow Archer was leader.).Laser & Blowtorch are the Booster Gold & Blue Beetle of this group.Power Crusher was a member for a while too.

Right now they've hired themselfs out to Argent & work with a local "Lab" in the campagin city.

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