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Hero Rokugan.


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So I changed from d20 Oriental Adventures and have converted the characters in to HERO system. My players wanted something more in teh style of Anime.


So far, all we have done is character gen (75/75) with a short introductory fight scene. tomorrow's session will be tweaking and a proper story progressing session.


What has the party got?


A lion Bushi who is being built to be similar to Bayakua. Has low weapon masterl level stats/abilities backed by an activatable 'Shinpo' Multi-pool (Pool contains, extra speed and a short range teleport).


A Scorpion Bushi who has similar stats and abilities to the Lion, but has a Poison Pool and some levels of deadly blow.


A Butterfly Ronin who is a straight Martial artist/Weapon master.


Lion Water Shugenja who has a small EC for non-water based powers. Has a powerful if unstable summon.


Dragon Sorcerer, Has a VPP with only slightly limited change ability and a very small 'Mahu' Blood magic MPP.


What are they going against? well, the first story arc is going to be them dealing with the taint. A couple of party members opted to start with Taint, So I'm going to make them aware that this means their fates are in my hands and are my toys.


The details will be sketchy because my players have a nasty habit of not following set adventures and going off on tangents. So I keep the story loose to follow and twist with them.

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Re: Hero Rokugan.


You might also benefit from some of these free online HERO System resources.


Complete web sourcebook for adventuring in the Sengoku era of feudal Japan:



Numerous characters from a campaign based on the sourcebook above, plus more cultural and historical details and game mechanics:



A more mythic/magical approach to gaming in this setting, including spells, Package Deals and optional rules:


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Re: Hero Rokugan.


Heh, Well, My current resource books are Ninja Hero AND the ultimate martial artist.


The small group recentely investigated a town that was behind on its taxes. After discovering a happy productive community that had only suffered a hill collapses they set about trying to find anything of interest...


One kidnapped sorcerer and a ritual of sacrifice interrupted at the last moment the group destroy their first Taint Relic and have made an enemy of a 250 point shadow ninja.




Edit: Oh, and the entire town was slaughtered while they were away. Now they've got to get away!

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Re: Hero Rokugan.


Feudal Japan Resources

Bushido (role-playing game): produced in 1981 by Fantasy Games Unlimited.






Oriental Adventures: a supplement for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, produced in 1985 by Gary Gygax's TSR, Inc. and later rereleased in 2001 by Wizards of the Coast.



Legend of the Five Rings: a role-playing game and accompanying collectible card game, produced in 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group.



Sengoku: Chanbara Roleplaying in Feudal Japan i



Usagi Yojimbo: The Roleplaying Game:







Bushido - Wikipedia



This is quite good-



Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe -



Hagakure | The Way of the Samurai (Selections) 1716 | Yamamoto Tsunetomo -








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Re: Hero Rokugan.


Feudal Japan Resources

Bushido (role-playing game): produced in 1981 by Fantasy Games Unlimited.






Oriental Adventures: a supplement for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, produced in 1985 by Gary Gygax's TSR, Inc. and later rereleased in 2001 by Wizards of the Coast.



Legend of the Five Rings: a role-playing game and accompanying collectible card game, produced in 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group.



Sengoku: Chanbara Roleplaying in Feudal Japan i



Usagi Yojimbo: The Roleplaying Game:







Bushido - Wikipedia












Okay, Using the Oriental Handbook, And the L5R stuff.

Also using the Shogun Novels for a few ideas and flavour.


(Also, heartily suggest the books.)


One of my new players will be arriving soon as a spanish equivalent to Blackthorne (hopefully).


I try to stay away from GURPS, I dislike it.


I will check out the other links. At worst they'll chew bandwidth, at best, they'll give me ideas.

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Guest Admiral C

Re: Hero Rokugan.



A Scorpion Bushi who has similar stats and abilities to the Lion, but has a Poison Pool and some levels of deadly blow.


Dragon Sorcerer, Has a VPP with only slightly limited change ability and a very small 'Mahu' Blood magic MPP.


I'm curious about how many points are these VVPs and what kind of powers your players put in them.

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Re: Hero Rokugan.


The Scorpion has a 30 Point Pool of Drains all with gradual effect, NND and requires target take a point of body from his 'Scorpion Tail' attack.


The Sorcerer has a 30/15 VPP with the requires skill roll and reduced time.

Can only create magical effects and always subject to GM approval.


Currentely He's using it for Armour and a FF. Relying on his 15 point 'Maho' MPP for its Con, Body, PD, ED and Str drains.


I'm not quite used to such low point characters as this is my first game run below 200 points. Plus with a mostly New player base Alot of teh characters aren't built as efficientely as I'd Like. But We're getting there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hero Rokugan.


Okay, sorry about the lack of updates. But Exams meant I lost 75% of my player base.


I've been amusing myself by helping various players rethink/build characters and planning my storylines.


I also downloaded a bunch of Final Fantasy music to use during my game.


I also contemplated starting to read/watch Bleach... Ya know. Since 2 of my players are playing Bleach-esque characters anyway...

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