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Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


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Just going over some of the old posts and found that this thread popped up a lot- so in light of Nighthawks updated stats in Champions NOTW could he give Seeker (WOTD version) any trouble now?:)


Also on a seperate point does anyone actually like the Champions: New Millenium Champions as much or more than either 4th or 5th version Champs.

There you go- two threads in one!

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Just going over some of the old posts and found that this thread popped up a lot- so in light of Nighthawks updated stats in Champions NOTW could he give Seeker (WOTD version) any trouble now?:)


Also on a seperate point does anyone actually like the Champions: New Millenium Champions as much or more than either 4th or 5th version Champs.

There you go- two threads in one!


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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Sorry, don't have WOTD any more- wish i did.


And for the record i liked some of the New Millenium Champions. Quantum was a kick-ass leader, we had Team Defender which one of my PC's is currently using the idea for and a shape-changing magical brick-Behemoth!

New Seeker was...interesting but i never really liked the character that much to begin with so maybe he offended others more.

I didn't like the re-done Solitaire though- all in all i think they made the right choice in 5th edition to drop some of the ideas and come up with new ones.:thumbup:

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


I don't know the WotD version of the Champions, but I always liked the 4th ed lineup: (which were, as I recall: Defender, Quantum, Solitaire, Jaguar, Seeker, and Obsidian). In my continuity, this was the original lineup and it eventually evolved into the current 5th ed team:


Quantum was eventually fired after losing her temper one too many times. She was replaced by Sapphire. She still works solo and bears a grudge against Defender (rivalry), but always remained on good terms with Nighthawk.


Solitaire's past caught up to her; she ended up retiring to a monastery where she could find the inner peace she needed. She still serves as a reserve member and a contact when the team needs an ally in East Asia. She was replaced by Witchcraft, whom she has a slight chip on her shoulder for succeeding romantically with Defender where she failed.


Seeker was a casualty against Dr Destroyer. He was replaced by Nighthawk (who left the group and was replaced by Nightwind).


I'm not really an Ironclad fan, so I've kept Obsidian around and never introduced Ironclad. I'm also not a fan of aliens, so I've actually made Obsidian an African prince- kinda like Black Panther, but with density control powers.


Jaguar left the team when Seeker was killed, but works with Nighthawk frequently.


Kinetik is also a fun addiditon to the team, so I have kept him in the lineup as the rookie.


Nighhawk's project Mongoose is more general in my game, serving as a sort of Outsiders-like team that is loosely knit: it is composed of NightHawk, Quantum, Jaguar, Jury-Rig and Scarlet Arrow.

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


I don't know the WotD version of the Champions, but I always liked the 4th ed lineup: (which were, as I recall: Defender, Quantum, Solitaire, Jaguar, Seeker, and Obsidian). In my continuity, this was the original lineup and it eventually evolved into the current 5th ed team:


Quantum was eventually fired after losing her temper one too many times. She was replaced by Sapphire. She still works solo and bears a grudge against Defender (rivalry), but always remained on good terms with Nighthawk.


Solitaire's past caught up to her; she ended up retiring to a monastery where she could find the inner peace she needed. She still serves as a reserve member and a contact when the team needs an ally in East Asia. She was replaced by Witchcraft, whom she has a slight chip on her shoulder for succeeding romantically with Defender where she failed.


Seeker was a casualty against Dr Destroyer. He was replaced by Nighthawk (who left the group and was replaced by Nightwind).


I'm not really an Ironclad fan, so I've kept Obsidian around and never introduced Ironclad. I'm also not a fan of aliens, so I've actually made Obsidian an African prince- kinda like Black Panther, but with density control powers.


Jaguar left the team when Seeker was killed, but works with Nighthawk frequently.


Kinetik is also a fun addiditon to the team, so I have kept him in the lineup as the rookie.


Nighhawk's project Mongoose is more general in my game, serving as a sort of Outsiders-like team that is loosely knit: it is composed of NightHawk, Quantum, Jaguar, Jury-Rig and Scarlet Arrow.



I like that background a lot i have to say.

In my campaign Team Defender (led by the fearless Glen Harmon) joined the Champions after the death of Defender (I'm still keeping it murky as to how he died- use that later.) and has joined a team of Champions where Ironclad and Sapphire are the 'voices of experience' (believe it or not) for the younger heroes. Nighthawk and Witchcraft have left the group entirely to deal with various issues. Although they still keep an eye out to act as reserve members if nessessary.

Now Sapphire has to ride herd on a group of young turk Supers which she has no idea how to do. Makes her much more interesting!


(P.S- I've read Sapphire's background through and in no way does she resemble Britney or Christina. I always thought of her as Shakira or Beyonce- y'know someone who appeals to people other that 16yr old boys and pre-teen girls.):D

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Just going over some of the old posts and found that this thread popped up a lot- so in light of Nighthawks updated stats in Champions NOTW could he give Seeker (WOTD version) any trouble now?:)


Also on a seperate point does anyone actually like the Champions: New Millennium Champions as much or more than either 4th or 5th version Champs.

There you go- two threads in one!

I absolutely LOVED the New Millennium Champions. It is probably my favorite comic book setting.

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


I absolutely LOVED the New Millennium Champions. It is probably my favorite comic book setting.


Yeah. It was hampered by the Fuzion rules and the terribly terrible Image-inspired artwork, but the actual setting material was gold. I'm using a big chunk of it in my current campaign (minus the Champions).

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Hi, I'm Johnny Gomez, and this is Nick Diamond, for Champions Universe Edition Deathmatch!


In the one corner, Fourth Edition Seeker, a cheery Australian Ninja with no shirt, and big poofy pants!


Seeker: G'day Mates! (Poses around the ring, waves to the ladies)


Nick: He sure is a ladies man, isn't he, Johnny?


Johnny: Yeah, or a man's man disguised as a ladies man. Look at those pecs!!! Ninja training, or steroids? You decide!


Nick: Is there something about you I don't know, Johnny?


Johnny: Well, Nick, I've been meaning to tell you, but right now, Nighthawk is entering the ring.


Nighthawk enters the ring, scowls at everyone, and sulks moodily in his corner.


Nick: Wow, this guy's loaded with weapons. They say he was trained by emo martial artists somewhere in the Millennium City Underworld, and everyone's afraid of him.


Johnny (Shudders): Yeah, I sure am. But anyway, it's time to introduce the judge for our match, and you all know him, you all love him...




Judge Mills Lane leaps into the ring. "All right, boys, you know the rules! There aren't any! Now, I want you to come out of your corners and fight! And remember these three words! 'I'll allow it!" Now...





Seeker: Ey, Mate, can I get a beer before we start?


Nighthawk: I've got a beer for you! (Hurls Acid Pellets at Seeker on the surprise phase, Seeker Martial Dodges, completely unsurprised.)


Nick: Whoa, Johnny, Nighthawk didn't even leave his corner, and already Seeker's on the defensive!


Johnny: Well, Judge Lane just said cheating is legal, so that's a big kick in the nads for Seeker, and Nighthawk's just getting started. Uh oh, looks like Nighthawk's getting out some sort of net.


Nighthawk hurls the net at Seeker, who is still Martial Dodging with a DCV of 17, and misses, hitting Judge Mills Lane.


Judge Lane, Struggling in the Net: I'll allow it! Keep fightin, you pansies!


Nick: We'll be right back after this commercial break! Don't worry, you won't miss a minute of the action!


Post 12 recovery...to be continued...

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Nar-cola! Nar-cola! It's always the cola for you! Nar-cola! Nar-cola! It makes the old stuff seem like brand new! Nar-colaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....


Johnny: And we're back with Champions Universe Deathmatch, where Seeker is taking on Nighthawk in the battle to end all battles, the fight to end all fights!


Nick: This reminds me of the matchup between Firewing and Gravitar.


Johnny: Ohh, yeah, that was pretty kicking until Gravitar made Firewing weigh twenty million pounds and his flames went out. Then he imploded. Still one of the grossest deathmatch deaths ever.


Nick: But this just isn't on the same scale. This one isn't just about power. It's about revenge, Johnny. Seeker's never forgiven Nighthawk for replacing him in the Champions.


Johnny: He got a better deal than the Werejaguar.


Nick: Whose fault is that, Johnny? Anyway, back to the action!!!


Phase 2


Seeker: Hah, Nighthawk! Looks like once you're not fighting dirty, I'm faster than you! Hey, Mills! Watch this! (Grabs Judge Mills Lane, Martial Throws Him into Nighthawk)


Judge Mills Lane: I'll allow AWK! (Nighthawk Blocks with his Truncheon, but only barely, Judge Mills Lane takes it in the face!)


Nick: Looks like Mills Lane bit off more than he can chew this time! He's taking the brunt of the whole thing while they duke it out!


Johnny: Ooh, was that his dentures?


Phase 4


The net finally breaks as Mills Lane frees himself. He spits out some broken dentures.


Seeker: Oooh, that was a wicked wicket! Got some dentistry going on while your teeth go walkabout? Oh, right. Nighthawk! (Holds Action, drops into a combat stance.)


Nighthawk: (Throws out a smoke grenade, drops it on Seeker) "Let's see you fight fair when you can't see me!" (Nighthawk chuckles. "Now you will fear the terror of the Nighthawk...")


Judge Lane: Now >I< can't see! But I'll allow it!


(Shadowy forms move about in the smoke, shifting and moving.)


Phase 5 (Seeker uses Held)


Seeker does a graceful acrobatic flip, and tries to kick Nighthawk in the midsection, but Nighthawk dodges.


Seeker: I'm a ninja, mate! The darkness holds no terrors for me. Judge Lane's dentures, on the other hand...


Judge Lane flails around in the darkness, trying to glue his dentures back together.


Phase 6: Nighthawk is still dodging.


Seeker: Do you want to know what your problem is, mate? (Seeker cheerily grins at Nighthawk, and leaps upwards towards the scoreboard) Y' can't get away from large objects!!!!


(Seeker draws his sword and slashes through the wires holding the scoreboard above the ring up, and it plummets downwards towards the winged terror!)


Nighthawk: Oh, !@#$#!!!!!!! (Dives For Cover)


The Scoreboard crashes into the ring, smashing it and Judge Lane, who crawls out from the rubble and the ring a bloody mess.


Judge Lane: I"ll...allow it...(Looks around for his missing arm.)


Nick: Well, that looks like Seeker just cleverly destroyed the ring, Johnny. What a great move. He's forced us to cut to a commercial break while they battle on!


Johnny: Don't worry, folks, we'll be sure to bring you Champions Universe Deathmatch uninterrupted when we get back!!!!

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


As the smoke and rubble clear from the broken ring, Nighthawk can be seen clinging to one of the wires where the scoreboard used to hang from. "You'll...have to do better than that, Seeker!" He hisses as Seeker hangs from another wire.


Phase 8:


Seeker chuckles as he hangs from the wire.


Seeker: "Mate, I even got these here throwing stars!" (Flings throwing stars at Nighthawk's wire, and cuts it!)


Nighthawk: Don't be ridiculous, Seeker, I have a grapple gun! (Aborts to turn on his swinging power, continues to hang there!)


Seeker: Rats!


Nighthawk: That's why me instead of you in the Champions was an improvement! I have a million weapons! I have better moves! And I don't have pants that make me look like I prefer genies!


Seeker: You'll pay for that one!


Nick: Ouch! Nighthawk really laid into him with that taunt, Johnny. And now Seeker looks like he's fighting mad!


(Seeker's face is turning red with rage, his fists clenching tighter and tighter)


Johnny: "I don't think this is going to go the way Nighthawk thinks it is, Nick."


Nick: Don't be ridiculous. Seeker's a washed up has been. What the heck could Seeker do at this point?


Phase 10


Seeker: Come and Get It, you stupid walkabout Kangaroo Lover, I got your Jackaroo Chops right here!!!!!! (Shows Nighthawk his behind! Hold action!)


Nick: Oh, my god, Johnny, you and Seeker? I can't believe it!


Johnny: It's not like that, Nick, I swear!


Nighthawk: Why should I? Now you'll burn in Thermite like the rest of them! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Nighthawk screams out a loud fake battle cry and then casually hurls a thermite pellet at Seeker)


Seeker: Thanks, Mate! Knew I could count on you! (Reflects Thermite bomb back at Nighthawk)


Nighthawk: (Real Scream this time) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Burning sounds, the smell of a utility belt going up in flames.)


Seeker: Ey, Mate, don't blame me. It was your bomb!


Nick: And we'll be right back after this commercial break!

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Johnny: And we're back!


Nighthawk: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! THUD! (Nighthawk is no longer holding onto a wire, and crashes into the rubble below as Judge Mills Lane stands over him.)


Judge Lane: Wow, you sure took a beating, Nighthawk!


Nighthawk: No previous edition reject is going to beat me. I've still got a club!


Seeker: (Still hanging from a wire) "Right. I got more where that came from!"


Judge Lane: I'll allow it!


Seeker Leaps at Nighthawk, sword drawn, and swings at him with a wicked slash.


Nighthawk: Wait, you can't use that! You're a superhero! (Throws up his gauntlets in a cross pattern and blocks Seeker's swing) I guess I should have taken you instead of Defender! But now you're mine!


(Post 12 Recovery)


Phase 2:


Johnny: Nighthawk has the advantage, and Seeker might not be able to withstand the counterattack.


Nick: Yeah, and Nighthawk's pretty vicious. He's swinging right for Seeker's groin! Oh, this is going to be bloody!


(Nighthawk swings his club at Seeker and Seeker blocks Nighthawk's wrist with his knee, batting it aside.)


Seeker: Mate, if that's all you've got, I've got a bad piece of news for you...


Nighthawk: What's that?


Seeker: I've got gladiatorial experience you can't match, Mate...


Phase 4.


Seeker: Grabs the Ring ropes and tries to wrap Nighthawk up in them. Nighthawk easily leaps aside.


Nighthawk: You can't beat me so easily, with a stupid wrestling trick! Give up, Seeker! It's over. Lay down and die! Everyone knows I'm better than some goofy australian faux ninja with a pair of pants that belong in a Christopher Street bar!


Nick: Ouch, Nighthawk just keeps the trash talking up! This is getting even more painful!


JOhnny: Yeah, but my money's still on the guy in the tights...

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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Phase 6


Seeker leaps down and grabs something out of the rubble! It's Mills Lane's arm! He vaults towards Nighthawk and swings it at him, letting him have it with a mighty howl.


Seeker: Kieeeyahhhhhhhh!


Nighthawk: Wha? (Tries to block Mills arm and fails) THUD! The arm connects solidly with Nighthawk's face!


Seeker: That'll teach you to mess with Judge Lane! And now, time to teach you not to mess with ME!


Phase 8:


Seeker winds up with a kick and then does a roll, feinting with the kick and slashing at Nighthawk with the sword.


Nighthawk: We'll make a dirty fighter of you yet, Seeker! (Tries to block with the crossed arms again!)


Johnny: Oh, my god, Nighthawks' making Seeker darker and grittier! Is he going to win by making Seeker into a scumbag?


Nick: I don't know, that swing looks pretty nasty!


There's another loud CLANG as Nighthawk blocks Seeker once again. It looked a lot harder that time, though.


Nighthawk: Now it ends, you steroid hopped Australian Punk. Go back to the outback in pieces!



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Re: Seeker vs. Nighthawk- THE REMATCH!


Phase 8


Nighthawk swings at Seeker, his truncheon lashing out for the face of the Australian who dared to club him with Judge Lane's arm! Judge Lane runs in during the swing and grabs the dismembered limb!!!!!


Judge Lane: Give Me That!


Seeker (Shouting): Ey, Mate, Look OOFFFF! (Nighthawk's truncheon connects solidly, but Seeker remains standing after the savage swing, unable to block with Judge Lane's head in the way.)


Phase 10


Seeker counterattacks, lashing out with his Sword at Nighthawk, with Judge Lane still in the way!!!!!


Seeker: "Now that's fighting dirty! What if you had hit the judge?"


Judge Lane: Oh, !@#$! That thing is SHARP! (Dodges)


Nighthawk: I don't need to guess. You can't hit me, or the judge! (Blocks as the blow sails over the dodging, one-armed Judge Mills Lane)


Phase 12:


Nighthawk chuckles, and kicks the arm up into the air, waving the bloody stump of Mill's Lane's arm into Seeker's eyes! "Let's see you fight now, you overgrown sissy!"


Judge Lane: MY OWN ARM????!!! I'll allow it!


Seeker: AGGGH! (Throws the sword in the way of the truncheon while his eyes are filled with Judge Lane's blood! He barely succeeds, and he wobbles back and forth.) "Can't...see...really this time..."


(Post 12 recovery)


Phase 2:


Seeker leaps over Judge Lane, and brings the sword down on Nighthawk's head, tumbling with a deadly slash as he rips at the Vigilante with his bladed weapon!!!!!


Nighthawk: Don't be silly! You can't see! HLLLK! (The Sword embeds itself in Nighthawk's head with a wet, sticky thud, and Seeker yanks it out as Nighthawk falls to the ground in a bloody mess)


Nick: Did Seeker Just Win!


Johnny: Ohh, yeah, Honey, bring it home!


Nick: Honey?


Johnny: Sorry!


Phase 4


Seeker reverses the sword and picks up Nighthawk. "Mate, you made one mistake! I was trained by a Ninja. We don't need to see to kill you! Heck, we don't even need to be in the same room!" Nighthawk makes horrid gurgling noises as Seeker wraps the sword around some ring ropes and places it against Nighthawks neck, and then pulls back on the ropes, hurling Nighthawk's body skyward into the arena while his head remains gruesomely on the arena floor!


Nick: Wow! That's really amazing! He used the ring ropes and the sword to cut Nighthawk's head off! I've got to give this guy credit! He's imaginative.


Johnny: They didn't have an extra hundred points in 4th edition, Nick. They had to be creative!


Judge Mills Lane walks over and raises Seeker's arm. He hands Seeker the other arm as a trophy. "The Winner! And still the better man! Seeker!"


Nick: Well, that's all for this week! Tune in next week, when Foxbat squares off against Witchcraft for stealing her underwear.


Johnny: I'm Johnny Gomez!


Nick: And I'm Nick Diamond...


Nick and Johnny: Saying Good Fight, and Good Night!!!!!

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