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What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


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Everyone else has done, What woud your character do before, so I wanted to try this out. In this type, we see what a parralel version of your character would be if he grew up in a different situation.


In this case we imagine what your character would be like if he had been born/created/summoned and bound in a China which had the Tiger Squad!


Would they be indoctrinated into the squad? Would they hide out as democratic rebels? How much would they change from their current self.


In this case, if your character has powers which can not be fit in this location (i.e. the soul of Canada) alter it to fit the idea of China.



Zero Core Becomes the Blue Demon: Born to a dead prostitute, Nao Matsumoto was a crippled begger on the street, his flimsy mutated right arm scring people away until the age of 3 where he was taken in by a local orphanage, and later a local school. There he was very distant from the other students, who all teased him endlessly. His only comfort was the authority of the teachers and adults, and he clung to that like a life line. He wanted to join the army when he grew up, but he knew his mutated arm wouldn't help him.


Then when he was 14 he saw one of his teachers being attacked by some big serpent-man. Angry at this evil beast, Nao ran over and struck it with his right arm. To his amazement as it struck, it glowed blue and had so much strength it put the serpent through a wall.


What the teacher saw amazed her, and she immediately contacted the government about what had happened, and Nao was taken away to be tested an examined by various scientists. Seeing he had greater then human reflexes, and his arm held great strength they enlisted him into the Tiger Squad at the age of 18, which he was incredibly happy with.


He was trained in kung Fu, gunman ship and general fitness. Now a very proud supporter of the Communist government, he serves as one of their poster heroes. He gets incredibly angry at enemy super villains, or those who act improper (like some members of the Tiger Squad). He doesn't understand why some people want Democracy, but he doesn't like the idea of breaking up rallies involving civilians.

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Everyone else has done, What woud your character do before, so I wanted to try this out. In this type, we see what a parralel version of your character would be if he grew up in a different situation.


In this case we imagine what your character would be like if he had been born/created/summoned and bound in a China which had the Tiger Squad!


Would they be indoctrinated into the squad? Would they hide out as democratic rebels? How much would they change from their current self.


In this case, if your character has powers which can not be fit in this location (i.e. the soul of Canada) alter it to fit the idea of China.



Zero Core Becomes the Blue Demon: Born to a dead prostitute, Nao Matsumoto was a crippled begger on the street, his flimsy mutated right arm scring people away until the age of 3 where he was taken in by a local orphanage, and later a local school. There he was very distant from the other students, who all teased him endlessly. His only comfort was the authority of the teachers and adults, and he clung to that like a life line. He wanted to join the army when he grew up, but he knew his mutated arm wouldn't help him.


Then when he was 14 he saw one of his teachers being attacked by some big serpent-man. Angry at this evil beast, Nao ran over and struck it with his right arm. To his amazement as it struck, it glowed blue and had so much strength it put the serpent through a wall.


What the teacher saw amazed her, and she immediately contacted the government about what had happened, and Nao was taken away to be tested an examined by various scientists. Seeing he had greater then human reflexes, and his arm held great strength they enlisted him into the Tiger Squad at the age of 18, which he was incredibly happy with.


He was trained in kung Fu, gunman ship and general fitness. Now a very proud supporter of the Communist government, he serves as one of their poster heroes. He gets incredibly angry at enemy super villains, or those who act improper (like some members of the Tiger Squad). He doesn't understand why some people want Democracy, but he doesn't like the idea of breaking up rallies involving civilians.

odd i have a crippled right arm i ALMOST wish i had a power like that
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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Intriguingly enough, Siberian Tiger was born in China - around 1880. :D His background revolved around being in the three-way battles between Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Se-Tung and the Japanese. When Mao got the upper hand in '49, Siberian Tiger left the country for America - and has been working to undermine the communist regime ever since.


In the world he was played in, it is highly likely the Tiger Squad was formed specifically to fight him...:D

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


The man known as silver samurai wouldn't change very much he'd need a new name but he'd still be the same honor bound traditionalist mystically empowered marital artist he always is. only now in Chinese flavor

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Cosmo Knite is a lawyer and a focus grubber, shamed on national television:

so in China he beomes: Yǔzhòuxiàn Pixiang (cosmic suitcase) and was exiled to Tibet after failing the Party for the next-to-the last time. In Tibet of course he finds his first magic item, fakes up a super-suit, and attempts to be the darling of Beijing by defending the motherland from all enemies foreign and domestic.




White Knite is an empathic police-man with Green-Lantern type VPP;

so in China he becomes: Dàxiào Běifāng (Colonel North)

and he patrols the Mongolian and Siberian lands with his arctic, snow, glacial

and winter effects power pool, granted to him by the Ice-Demons, whom he tricked into a focus gem. The demons pay off their karmic debts by helping him to collar the outlaw. Perhaps the Colonel will say a few words for them in the afterlife if they redeem themselves with actions now?




Sandor the Mystic is an Atlantean Sorceror with an odd power set.

Chinese Version:

Shenchu-Ban (Abyssal Flounder) was born of the daughter

of the Last Emperor, and of a Lemurian Merchant. They met in 1930 in Bali,

and Sandor grew up in various locales in and under the Pacific Rim.

Always hunted by the Communists who fear his reasonably legitimate claim to royalty, he fights crime in China always in various forms or alter egos.

His favorite trick is to assume the form of a sea creature such as a skate

and then eavesdrop on Navy vessels, or chat with important people while in animal disguise, and then no-one will believe their claims.





good thread!:thumbup:

originals are here

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Shadow Hawk: The original was genetically engineered by a unknown group that did a bad job trying to indoctrinate him. The Chinese are good at indoctrination, and he'd probably work for thier spy agency as a assassin/spy rather than with the Tiger Squad.


Stick: Already Oriental, he'd likely be too obnoxious to work with the Tiger Squad and end up with one of the Democracy movements... or dead. Or fled.


Thunder Child is already in a school for superhumans. He'd be in the Chinese version.

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Fore-eyes: Would become 'Seer': Since he knows when (and if) Communism in China will fall, whether it will get better or worse, and how much influence the Tiger squad will have on these events he will use that information to make his decision.


Hardball: 'Forest Demon'. Once his preternatural accuracy was determined he would be trained in (don't have UMA with me, so whatever the name of the Chinese Martial art that is refered to as 'Chinese Ninjitsu' is) and became a member of Tiger squad.


Karma: Appeared in Tianamin Square. Went invisible when people with guns appeared. Was gone before Tiger Squad turned up. Now living in Tokyo. Thinks Communism is a great idea (having come from a world where True Capitalism was the order of the day) and when China actually adopts it she will be all for it, heck she might even join Tiger Squad (O.k. maybe not, they're likely to have a dim view of stuff like theft).

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Fore-eyes: Would become 'Seer': Since he knows when (and if) Communism in China will fall, whether it will get better or worse, and how much influence the Tiger squad will have on these events he will use that information to make his decision.


Hardball: 'Forest Demon'. Once his preternatural accuracy was determined he would be trained in (don't have UMA with me, so whatever the name of the Chinese Martial art that is refered to as 'Chinese Ninjitsu' is) and became a member of Tiger squad.


Karma: Appeared in Tianamin Square. Went invisible when people with guns appeared. Was gone before Tiger Squad turned up. Now living in Tokyo. Thinks Communism is a great idea (having come from a world where True Capitalism was the order of the day) and when China actually adopts it she will be all for it, heck she might even join Tiger Squad (O.k. maybe not, they're likely to have a dim view of stuff like theft).

i read it in ninja HERO the othreday in fey young's write up its ang chi

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Boomtown Brawler wouldn't make it in the Tiger Squad. He's really dumb' date=' and lazy for a superhero. He'd be cut up for spare organs in China.[/quote']


Okay, now that's just crazy exaggeration. If they cut up everyone who was dumb and lazy for spare parts, they'd have no middle management!

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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


El Aguila Azul is a foundling taught wrestling by El Aguila Sagredo, a catholic priest and former luchador who ran the orphanage where he grew up. He has super strength, enhanced durability and a small range of anti-demon and monster abilities.


In the Chinese version, he is raised by the Taoist Holy Man and former monster hunter, Most Beatific Eagle Claw (played by Lam Ching Ying*, 'Magic Cop', 'Mister Vampire') who trains him in Kung Fu. By day, he competes professionally in kung fu tournaments, but by night, he prowls the streets, seeking out the demons who prey on the souls of humanity as Soaring Eagle Claw.

Essentially, he's a modern day version of the titular character from the film, 'Iron Monkey', crossed with the stereotypical Taoist Monster Hunter as seen in films like 'Chinese Ghost Story'.



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Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad


Everyone else has done, What would your character do before, so I wanted to try this out. In this type, we see what a parallel version of your character would be if he grew up in a different situation.


There's been a few "alternate Earth" threads. Most of them have "Alternate Earth" in the header if you'd like to search for them. They're pretty fun.

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