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Black Ops Mutants: Help!


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Inspired by the new Wolverine origins film, and my group's sudden interest in Marvel Comics, I've decided to run a game based around the idea of a black Ops team working for the government. Very morally grey, but not sure how bad it could get. Let's see how evil my players are before I overshadow them. :eg:


What I need help with his some ideas for package deals all the mutants should have. I have disadvantages more or less dealt with:

Everyman disadvantage

Social Limitation: Mutant hatred (Frequently, Major)

Distinctive Features: Mutant Gene (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)

Hunted: Allied Government 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major)


And a Membership Perk:

7 Black Ops: Fringe Benefit: International Driver's License, Membership(5), Passport


What I need to know is what you recomend as skills and perks all of the group should have? They have alot of points so I don't mind you stating a lot. But I just want the basics of what a trained Black Ops team should have.


Their missions will include handling the Cold war against Deuteronomy (Mutant Nation) and the Russian Chinese alliance (They got along better in this world, and as of 2009 they are still a superpower). They will also have to deal with troubles at home like super drugs on the streets, and threats against the president.


Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.


Also Any of my players who come to these forums, don't read this. I don't want to spoil the surprise.

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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


Minimum 15pts of Martial Arts (usually commando training) (15)

WF:Common melee and small arms (4)

KS:Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11 (2)

PS:Black Operative 11 (2)

Teamwork at base level or base+1 (3/5)

KS:Mutant World at base (3)

Paramedics 11 (2)

Some level of Security Clearance (no more than say 5 or 6) (?)

At least one extra language each at Fluent Conversation (2)


Uh, that's all I can think of off the top of my head- also depends on exactly what you want their role in the world to be and how their agency sees them (trained attack dogs, useful but expendable, an important tool and investment, etc?) Cost of package befores disads: 33+ points

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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


What I need to know is what you recommend as skills and perks all of the group should have? They have alot of points so I don't mind you stating a lot. But I just want the basics of what a trained Black Ops team should have.

Dark Champions: Heroes of Vengeance is an excellent Resource.


Their missions will include handling the Cold war against Deuteronomy (Mutant Nation).

Genosha - Marvel Comics


The Russian Chinese alliance (They got along better in this world' date=' and as of 2009 they are still a superpower). [/quote']

Russian-Chinese Relations



Russian-Chinese Alliance


They will also have to deal with troubles at home like super drugs on the streets' date=' and threats against the president. [/quote']

Brave New World would be a complementary resource.




More later




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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


Are they a covert group or a strike force?


If a covert group they'll want to choose from some of these: Acting, Analyze, Bribery, Bugging, Bureucratics, Computer Programming, Concealment, Conversation, Cramming, Criminology, Cryptography, Deduction, Demolitions, Disguise, Electronics, Gambling, High Society, Languages, Lipreading, Lockpicking, Mechanics, Mimicry, Navigation, Oratory, Persuasion, PS: Covert Agent, Security Systems, Seduction, Shadowing, Stealth, Streetwise, Systems Operation, Tracking, Trading, Transport Familiarity


If a strike force they'll be more interested in: Acrobatics, Autofire Skills, Breakfall, Climbing, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting, Combat Skill Levels, Defense Maneuver, Demolitions, Fast Draw, Interrogation, Martial Arts, Paramedics, Penalty Skill Levels, PS: Strike Force Agent, Rapid Attack, Skill Levels, Survival, Tactics, Teamwork, Transport Familiarity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Familiarity, and Weaponsmith

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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


Thank you guys. This is really helpful.

The group...I'm not sure which to call them. They do jobs that no one else in the government can (or will do). Like Team Weapon X combined with The Boys (See here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boys_(comics) ).


They are secretive, in the case no one knows they exist, but are not subtle (or the players aren't).

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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


250 Base 150 Disadvantage


What DCs are the Attacks? what Def? that sort of thing.


If it's a standard 10d6-12d6 supers game you may find that the PC's won't have many points to spend on those Spiffy skills...


If it's a Super Agents kind of game or one where folk have only one Superpower it will work wonderfully. or even a low powered Supers game.


Though it could be me projecting. I really can't make a 250pt character and have skills esp in a Mutants game where I can't have Powered armor and other Foci to give me more pts to spend on skills.



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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


I hope this doesn't come off as a rant, but . . . :D


I don't know what type of powers you are going with, but depending on what they are, you should include some kind of baseline defenses in the package.


It is possible that some characters might have chosen to ignore defensive training/equipment due to their inborn powers, but other than in those cases, you may want to consider some/all of the following:

Combat Luck

Body Armor of some sort

Depending on tech level Costumes/Clothing that provide some DEF and/or small Force Field projectors.

Some type of genetically engineered Regeneration/Healing



It is probably just one of my pet peeves, but it drives me crazy when I see characters that are supposed to be Mercenaries/Black Ops etc. that live in a comparitively high-tech world and who do not take advantage of any Defensive gear whatsoever.


I know you can watch action heroes in movies stride through battlefields with bullets whizzing everywhere and never get a scratch, but if a real character in a semi-realistic world knew that he:

a) Was Not Bulletproof


B) Was absolutely going to get shot at during the course of his adventures

he would take advantage of any gear/tech that was available.


For that matter, even if I was bulletproof in the sense that a bullet might not kill me in one shot, if I was going in to combat, and there was a bulletproof vest that would prevent the discomfort of having a bullet bounce off my skin, I would use it.

(I know it still hurts in the real world when you are wearing a vest and get shot, but I figure that if you are already bulletproof underneath, the vest might take the sting out of it.)


Anyway, it just makes sense to me that a trained Black Ops team would have some kind of Defensive training/tech as part of the package.




P.S. This may be a flashback brought on by a recent re-reading of European Enemies. They have a couple of characters in there that are basically "Charge in and start fighting against highly armed troops" types that have no resistant PD at all. How these characters made it past their first encounter with someone with a gun is a mystery. :ugly:

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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


Thank you. I will bear this in mind.

Most of my characters however have regeneration as powers, in addition to combat luck. But one of my characters doesn't and this has made me aware, thanks for that.


Now onto the next point. Does anyone have any ideas for plots? The government will send them out to deal with threats to the nation ad the government (not a fascist state...yet).


First mission: New stronger more stable super drugs are hitting the streets. Crooks are using them and causing havock. The government sends the team in to find out where the source of these new drugs are coming from and stop it. (Whether they kill the source, or capture it is up to them).

(Non of my players read this on pain of character/OOC death)



The source of the drug is an aged government super hero. He gets his powers from a refined super drug but it's making his body kill him faster (He's only 39 but he looks more like 89). He wants scientists to help him get rid of his powers, but they want to first extract DNA from him and sell the new drug. How will the players deal with this guy, who may very well be their future?



Any thoughts on new plots, or improvements to this one?

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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!



You may want to go to the first post in this thread and let your players know to avoid the whole thread. Otherwise, unless all the subsequent posters "spoiler" their ideas, your players may accidentally read them.



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Re: Black Ops Mutants: Help!


Here's a meta-guideline for assessing what you are looking for:


A character in any supers campaign needs to have the following areas covered, either by themselves or as a team "perk":


1. Offense

2. Defense

3. Movement

4. Communications

5. Senses


This is the order in which most players think about them. It is usually the last three that get covered by team "perks" (team transport, team communicators, etc.) where the last one, Senses, is covered by more than one character at all.

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